41 research outputs found

    The Application of Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Gene Therapy to the Treatment of Fragile X Syndrome

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    Viral vector-mediated gene therapy has grown by leaps and bounds over the past several years. Although the reasons for this progress are varied, a deeper understanding of the basic biology of the viruses, the identification of new and improved versions of viral vectors, and simply the vast experience gained by extensive testing in both animal models of disease and in clinical trials, have been key factors. Several studies have investigated the efficacy of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors in the mouse model of fragile X syndrome where AAVs have been used to express fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), which is missing or highly reduced in the disorder. These studies have demonstrated a range of efficacies in different tests from full correction, to partial rescue, to no effect. Here we provide a backdrop of recent advances in AAV gene therapy as applied to central nervous system disorders, outline the salient features of the fragile X studies, and discuss several key issues for moving forward. Collectively, the findings to date from the mouse studies on fragile X syndrome, and data from clinical trials testing AAVs in other neurological conditions, indicate that AAV-mediated gene therapy could be a viable strategy for treating fragile X syndrome

    Mammalian susceptibility to a neonicotinoid insecticide after fetal and early postnatal esxposure

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    Neonicotinoids have become the most widely used class of insecticides world-wide. Although numerous studies have documented neonicotinoid toxicity in bees and other insects, the effects of exposure during early development in mammals remain largely unexplored. We assessed the effects of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid (IMI) in adult male and female mice after in utero and early postnatal exposure. Pregnant mice were infused with IMI (0.5 mg/kg/day) from gestational day 4 to the end of nursing at postnatal day 21. The young adult offspring were studied in a series of biochemical and behavioral tests. To assess reproducibility, the behavioral analyses were conducted in three separate studies using multiple exposed litters. Exposure to IMI reduced fecundity, and in adult offspring, decreased body weight in male but not female pups. Offspring from IMI-treated mothers displayed lower triglycerides, elevated motor activity, enhanced social dominance, reduced depressive-like behavior, and a diminution in social aggression compared to vehicle treated controls. Low levels of IMI were detected in the brains and livers of the treated mothers, while trace levels were detected in some offspring. Our results demonstrate that transient exposure to a neonicotinoid over the early developmental period induces long-lasting changes in behavior and brain function in mice.This study was supported by funds from the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.Peer Reviewe

    The aPKC-CBP Pathway Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in an Age-Dependent Manner

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    While epigenetic modifications have emerged as attractive substrates to integrate environmental changes into the determination of cell identity and function, specific signals that directly activate these epigenetic modifications remain unknown. Here, we examine the role of atypical protein kinase C (aPKC)-mediated Ser436 phosphorylation of CBP, a histone acetyltransferase, in adult hippocampal neurogenesis and memory. Using a knockin mouse strain (CbpS436A) in which the aPKC-CBP pathway is deficient, we observe impaired hippocampal neuronal differentiation, maturation, and memory and diminished binding of CBP to CREB in 6-month-old CbpS436A mice, but not at 3 months of age. Importantly, elevation of CREB activity rescues these deficits, and CREB activity is reduced whereas aPKC activity is increased in the murine hippocampus as they age from 3 to 6 months regardless of genotype. Thus, the aPKC-CBP pathway is a homeostatic compensatory mechanism that modulates hippocampal neurogenesis and memory in an age-dependent manner in response to reduced CREB activity

    Data from: Hippocampal neurogenesis regulates forgetting during adulthood and infancy

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    Throughout life, new neurons are continuously added to the dentate gyrus. As this continuous addition remodels hippocampal circuits, computational models predict that neurogenesis leads to degradation or forgetting of established memories. Consistent with this, increasing neurogenesis after the formation of a memory was sufficient to induce forgetting in adult mice. By contrast, during infancy, when hippocampal neurogenesis levels are high and freshly-generated memories tend to be rapidly forgotten (infantile amnesia), decreasing neurogenesis after memory formation mitigated forgetting. In precocial species, including guinea pigs and degus, the majority of granule cells are generated prenatally. Consistent with reduced levels of postnatal hippocampal neurogenesis, infant guinea pigs and degus did not exhibit forgetting. However, increasing neurogenesis after memory formation induced infantile amnesia in these species