2 research outputs found

    Knowledge Construction in Multicultural Reading Projects

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    This paper researches the theoretical background needed for the implementation of literary texts with multicultural themes for use in EFL courses in Sweden and it offers several concrete didactical solutions for multicultural reading. The theory of multicultural education by J. A. Banks is presented with focus on the dimension of knowledge construction. The processes that are examined are the learning processes in the zone of proximal development by Vygotsky (1986), the concept of scaffolding by Woods, Bruner & Ross (1976) and the process of perspective-taking by Thein & Sloan (2013). These processes each employ a three-step sequence that moves students from their existing knowledge to new knowledge and revised personal opinions. The teacher’s role is to provide support during the learning process. The second part of the paper suggests different activities for the multicultural reading of a novel, used to make the process of multicultural knowledge construction and scaffolding visible. Teacher support includes text reduction, book discussion and language analysis. Discussion points found in Love Medicine start with revising the stereotypical images, discovering how personal experience influences knowledge or how ethnicity influences professional career choices. When teachers and students read literary texts with multicultural themes, students’ racial prejudice can be reduced (Banks 2004) and their ethical attitudes become more open (Thein & Sloan 2013). The literary work chosen for framing in the theory is Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich. The paper ends with a reflection over the limitations of multicultural reading projects

    Reading homework in subject Swedish language for multilingual pupils

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    Den hĂ€r uppsatsen Ă€r en del av pilotprojektet ”LĂ€slĂ€xa i Ă€mnet svenska för flersprĂ„kiga elever”. Projektet tar avstamp i forskning om lĂ€sning pĂ„ ett andrasprĂ„k, inkluderande och flerkulturell undervisning samt samverkan mellan hem och skola kring lĂ€slĂ€xor. Syftet med studien Ă€r att erhĂ„lla ny kunskap om hur lĂ€slĂ€xor i Ă€mnet svenska fungerar för flersprĂ„kiga elever i Ă„rskurs 3 i grundskolan. Ett av de viktiga intresseomrĂ„dena Ă€r lĂ€rarnas, elevernas och förĂ€ldrarnas erfarenheter, uppfattningar och frĂ„gor kring lĂ€slĂ€xor och deras utformning. Sammanlagt genomfördes sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lĂ€rarna Ă€r medvetna om flersprĂ„kighet och att de arbetar med lĂ€slĂ€xor pĂ„ ett strukturerat sĂ€tt och stĂ€ndigt utvĂ€rderar sitt arbete. De Ă€r engagerade i sitt arbete och försöker att ge rĂ€tt verktyg till de flersprĂ„kiga eleverna sĂ„ att de ska kunna utveckla lĂ€sstrategier och förbĂ€ttra sin lĂ€sförstĂ„else. Som det framgĂ„r frĂ„n intervjuerna Ă€r eleverna medvetna om syftet med lĂ€slĂ€xor och upplever att den största svĂ„righeten Ă€r att förstĂ„ svĂ„ra ord i texten. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller förĂ€ldrarna Ă€r de positivt instĂ€llda till skolan, lĂ€rarna och lĂ€slĂ€xorna och trots sin korta skolbakgrund försöker att stötta sina barn enligt förmĂ„ga. DĂ„ lĂ€slĂ€xorna enbart ges pĂ„ svenska Ă€r det samtidigt tydligt att den ensprĂ„kiga normen dominerar.This is a part of a project called ”Reading Homeworks for Multilingual Pupils” that aims at monitoring the practices, behaviour, notions and current discourses in elementary classes in Sweden where multilingual pupils from migrant families are included. Six different interviews have been conducted with Swedish teachers, multilingual pupils and their parents in order to map the factors that influence the activity of reading homeworks both at home and at school. Both the construction of interview questions and the discussion of data gathered in participants’ answers have been influenced by nexus analysis where reading homework constitutes the social interaction platform on which all three parts, teachers, pupils and parents, meet. The results have been discussed through the lens of theories by J. Cummins, P. Gibbons and O. GarcĂ­a. There has been a significant change in schools in Sweden with larger number of multilingual pupils that have Swedish as their second language, in the classrooms. That is why new requirements are laid regarding teachers’ competencies and practices. Interaction between teachers and parents and positive opinions about homework can influence pupils’ reading comprehension. Homework design and individual support of pupils in need are some of the issues observed in the paper.LĂ€slĂ€xa i Ă€mnet svenska för flersprĂ„kiga eleve