5 research outputs found

    Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en niños y niñas escolarizados entre 8 y 12 años. Resultados provisionales de una población no clínica

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    Se indagó el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas legales e ilegales en niños y niñas escolarizados entre 8 y 12 años de edad. Asimismo, se relevaron las actitudes, valores y creencias acerca del consumo de dichas sustancias. Metodología: Muestra: niños que concurren a una escuela situada en un partido del sur del conurbano, durante 2010. n = 63, varones =19, mujeres = 44. Se administró el CORIN (Conductas de Riesgo en Niños) y un protocolo de datos sociodemográficos. Resultados y conclusiones: Se observa en el 21% de la muestra el consumo ocasional de bebidas alcohólicas. Se registra mayor tolerancia por parte de los niños al consumo de sustancias legales, frente a las ilega- les. El consumo ocasional de alcohol en los niños parece estar asociado a situaciones de pérdida en el contexto familiar. Las primeras experiencias de consumo se han realizado en el ámbito familiar. Se concluye que el consumo ocasional de alcohol ya está presente en niños a partir de los 8 años de edad. Dichos resultados deben ser considerados provisionales y sugieren la necesidad de continuar indagando esta problemática en niños de dicha franja etárea

    Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en niños y niñas escolarizados entre 8 y 12 años. Resultados provisionales de una población No-Clínica

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    Se indagó el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas legales e ilegales en niños y niñas escolarizados entre 8 y 12 años de edad. Asimismo, se relevaron las actitudes, valores y creencias acerca del consumo de dichas sustancias. Metodología: Muestra: niños que concurren a una escuela situada en un partido del sur del conurbano, durante 2010. n= 63, varones=19, mujeres= 44. Se administró el CORIN (Conductas de Riesgo en Niños) y un protocolo de datos sociodemográficos. Resultados y conclusiones: Se observa en el 21% de la muestra el consumo ocasional de bebidas alcohólicas. Se registra mayor tolerancia por parte de los niños al consumo de sustancias legales, frente a las ilegales. El consumo ocasional de alcohol en los niños parece estar asociado a situaciones de pérdida en el contexto familiar. Las primeras experiencias de consumo se han realizado en el ámbito familiar. Se concluye que el consumo ocasional de alcohol ya está presente en niños a partir de los 8 años de edad. Dichos resultados deben ser considerados provisionales y sugieren la necesidad de continuar indagando esta problemática en niños de dicha franja etárea. The study explores the use of legal and illegal psychoactive substances in school children between 8 and 12 years of age. Also surveyed the attitudes, values and beliefs about the use of those substances. Methodology: Sample: children attending a school located in a southern suburbs party, in 2010. n= 63, males= 19, female= 44. CORIN was administered (Risk Behavior in Children) and a sociodemographic data protocol. Results and conclusions: It is observed in 21% of the sample the occasional consumption of alcoholic beverages. Recording increased tolerance of children to the consumption of legal substances, against to illegal. Occasional use of alcohol among children seems to be associated with situations of loss in the family context. The first consumer experiences have been made in the family. We conclude that the occasional consumption of alcohol is already present in children as young as 8 years old. These results should be considered provisional and suggest the need to continue investigating this problem in children of that age range.Finanaciación: Universidad de Buenos Aires. Programación UBACYT 2010/12

    Family Context and Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in Children between 8 and 12 Years Old

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    The paper presents the results of an investigation Project UBACYT (Programming 2010/12) “Consumption of psychoactive substances and expectancies towards alcohol in school children between 8 and 12 years old”. The paper studies a clinical sample that receives psychological assistance in a Child Clinical Psychology Unit that depends on Segunda Cátedra de Psicoanálisis: Escuela Inglesa, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. It investigates the consumption of these substances in children and their responsible adults. The samples are composed of 55 children (17 girls and 38 boys) and 55 responsible adults (47 women and 8 men). The CORIN (Children Risk Behavior) was administrated to the children, it evaluates risk situations regarding to the use of psychoactive substances in school children, a questionnaire that inquires consumption habits was administrated to parents or responsible adults of these children. Also, a protocol of sociodemographic information was used in order to gather and systematize the information of the medical history. Results and conclusions: the presence of occasional alcohol consumption in the 33% of the children sample was recorded. The existence of alcohol consumption in previous ages than the ones studied by governmental agencies. It must be mentioned that the children have consumed alcohol in festive situations and in company of their responsible adults. Regarding to the responsible adults of these children, important proportions of lifetime, year and month prevalence of occasional alcohol and tobacco consumption were recorded, also the abusive consumption of these substances. The registered proportions of the consumption of illegal substances are much lower. The study shows an increase in the occasional consumption of alcohol in children when the responsible adult made an abusive use of alcohol and tobacco during the last year and in less extent when the adult used more than one illegal substance (cocaine and marihuana). The consumption of alcohol in children increased significantly when the responsible adults had made abusive use of alcohol in the last month. It is inferred that the occasional consumption of alcohol in children of the age range studied, is associated with the characteristics of their family background and the consumption habits of the responsible adults

    Contexto familiar y consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en niños entre 8 y 12 años

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    Se presentan resultados de una investigación que indaga el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en una población clínica de niños entre 8 y 12 años que recibe asistencia psicológica en un servicio comunitario, dependiente de la Segunda Cátedra de Psicoanálisis: Escuela Inglesa de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Asimismo se indaga el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en los adultos responsables que acompañan a los niños a la consulta. Las muestras están conformadas por 55 niños (17 niñas y 38 niños) y 55 adultos responsables (47 mujeres y 8 varones). Se administró el cuestionario CORIN (Conductas de riesgo en niños), un cuestionario para padres o adultos responsables y un protocolo de datos sociodemográficos. Resultados: se registró la presencia del consumo ocasional de alcohol en el 33% de los niños y una alta proporción de prevalencia de consumo de alcohol en la vida, año y mes por parte de los adultos. A su vez, entre los adultos se registraron situaciones de consumo abusivo. Se infiere que el consumo ocasional de alcohol por parte de niños se asocia a las características de su contexto familiar y a los hábitos de consumo de sus adultos responsables

    Access to CPAP treatment in patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea in a Latin American City

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    Introduction: The most effective treatment for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) but adherence may be a limiting factor. Most compliance studies often only include patients under CPAP treatment, neglecting the importance of access to treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate CPAP access and compliance in OSA patients, after CPAP indication and titration. Methods: We included moderate to severe OSA patients, diagnosed by in-lab polysomnography (PSG), with CPAP indication and effective pressure titration. Between 12 to 18 months after treatment was indicated a telephone questionnaire was administered including questions about access to CPAP, reasons of no access, reported adherence and symptoms improvement. Results: A total of 213 patients responded to the survey (171 males, mean age 53.4±13.5 and BMI 34.02±8.8 kg/m2). Almost a third of the patients (28.2%) did not initiate CPAP treatment. Out of 213, 153 patients (71.8%) started treatment with CPAP and 120 (56.3%) reported still being under treatment a year after indication, additionally, 85.8% reported that they were using it =4hs/night. Those who accessed to CPAP were on average, older age, had full coverage of treatment by their medical insurance, required lower effective pressure and experienced more severe sleepiness compared to those individuals who did not accessed to CPAP. Discussion: A significant proportion of OSA patients with CPAP indication did not initiate and/or eventually abandoned CPAP. Approximately only 50% of the patients were still under treatment, with acceptable selfreported adherence rate and clinical response, one year after the initial treatment indication. Additional measures are necessary to increase access to CPAP and improve long-term compliance