26 research outputs found

    Integration of Educational and Research Activity of the Federal University Students, Studying in the Approach "Spe-cial (Speech Pathology) Education"

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    В современных условиях актуальна необходимость разработки технологии, позволяющей интегрировать образовательную и исследовательскую деятельность студентов федерального университета в целях повышения конкурентоспособности и востребованности на рынке труда с учетом требований международного рынка. Процесс интеграции определяется двумя направлениями: содержательным и организационно-технологическим. Содержательное направление включает междисциплинарную интеграцию; создание интегрированных курсов, программ и проектов; интеграцию содержательных составляющих различных образовательных сфер (интеграция общего и профессионального образования); построение интегрированного содержания образовательных сфер. Организационно-технологическое направление связано с развитием интегративных форм обучения и образования, интегративных технологий. Специфика реализации обучения студентов дефектологического направления осуществляется с учетом базового дидактического принципа ? интеграции различных видов деятел

    Speech-communicative sphere as a factor of forming preparedness for prediction in junior schoolchildren with speech disorders

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    The relevance of the problem of studying the features of speech prediction of junior schoolchildren with speech disorders is due to an increased attention of researchers to the issues of successful socialization of children with disabilities. The Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020 emphasizes the need to make special attention to the situation related to ensuring the accessibility of quality education and creating conditions for the successful socialization of persons with disabilities. Knowledge of speech prediction skills is one of the most important conditions for the successful socialization of a child with a developmental disability and is of paramount importance for the adaptation of such a child to the situation of school education. This forms the purpose of this study: to study the features of speech prediction in children of primary school age with speech disorders, the insufficient development of which can lead to unsuccessful socialization

    Correction of school disadaptation of teenagers by art therapy methods

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    Relevance of research is caused by growth of number of pupils with school disadaptation that is expressed in problems of development of the school program, socialization problems, and the general trouble. In this regard, this article is directed to identification or disclosure of opportunities of assistance to teenagers with this problem, to take them in a difficult educational situation, to help to overcome vital difficulties. The leading method in research of this problem is the art therapy method. It allows pupils to create the atmosphere of emotional wellbeing in the course of mobilization of creative potential, to find experience of new kinds of activity, to develop creative abilities, to promote internal self-control of feelings and behavior. On the basis of the provision of the humanistic focused art therapy about self-expression and self-realization in creativity products, opportunities art and therapeutic the technician in work with the teenagers in the diagnostic,correctiona

    Lifelong learning as an actual strategy of higher professional education modernization in Russia (in case of speech therapy teachers' training)

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    This article describes the main lines of implementation of the new strategy of development of the higher professional education - "lifelong learning" - within the framework of formation and development of the contemporary model of a higher education institution, the primary task of which is integration of education into science and production, and its orientation to the globalizing international labor market. Stating that in Russia, like in the leading European countries, the paradigm of lifelong learning is a strategic line of the education policy, the authors provide a constructive analysis of the educational activity of the Institute of Pedagogy and Education of the Kazan (Privolzhski) Federal University, which is an innovative center of technological development of the region implementing the primary task of integration of education, self-education, and research activity of students based on the analysis of the social order and requirements of the international education market within the framework of competent specialists training

    Features Of Verbal Communication Of Primary School Students With Visual Impairment

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    Problems of socialization are especially acute at primary school age when leading activity changes, and children are establishing their position in society by transforming principles of interaction with those surround them. Theoretical analysis of modern researches enabled to conclude that, on the one hand, primary school age is a sensitive period of predictive competence formation, and, on the other hand, this competence formation is impossible without communicative abilities development. The fundamental method of the research is experiment based on results of theoretical analysis of researches, diagnostics of verbal communication in the structure of predictive competence of primary school students with visual impairment and standard development. Theoretical analysis shows that the problem of studying communicative abilities of primary school students with visual impairment has been investigated insufficiently

    Features of correctional development work in the sensory room with children with disabilities

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    The article describes possibilities for psycho-pedagogical support of children with disabilities; discloses the potentialities of interaction of various specialists of psychological and pedagogical support in sensory room conditions; the role of parentchild relationships in the development of children with disabilities has beensubstantiated

    Economic Evaluation of the Efficiency of Supply Chain Management in Agricultural Production Based on Multidimensional Research Methods

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    The article studies the system of indicators characterizing the efficiency of supply chain management in agricultural production. The hierarchical classification of the subjects of the Russian Federation according to the indicators characterizing the results of the activity of the agricultural sector has been carried out. Clusters with high, medium and low levels of supply chains management’s efficiency have been identified. Regions for selected clusters are set. A comparative analysis of the regions on the performance of the agricultural sector has been carried out. Regularities are revealed, prospects for further development are defined. For each cluster promising areas of effective development of agriculture were identified

    Comprehensive Peripheral Blood Immunoprofiling Reveals Five Immunotypes With Immunotherapy Response Characteristics in Patients With Cancer

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    The lack of comprehensive diagnostics and consensus analytical models for evaluating the status of a patient\u27s immune system has hindered a wider adoption of immunoprofiling for treatment monitoring and response prediction in cancer patients. To address this unmet need, we developed an immunoprofiling platform that uses multiparameter flow cytometry to characterize immune cell heterogeneity in the peripheral blood of healthy donors and patients with advanced cancers. Using unsupervised clustering, we identified five immunotypes with unique distributions of different cell types and gene expression profiles. An independent analysis of 17,800 open-source transcriptomes with the same approach corroborated these findings. Continuous immunotype-based signature scores were developed to correlate systemic immunity with patient responses to different cancer treatments, including immunotherapy, prognostically and predictively. Our approach and findings illustrate the potential utility of a simple blood test as a flexible tool for stratifying cancer patients into therapy response groups based on systemic immunoprofiling

    Children with Autism in the 21st Century: Problems with Socialization at a Preschool Age

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    The issues that modern researches on autism currently explore are quite diverse: starting with studying the features of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children with autism spectrum disorders and ending with the development of new models of timely comprehensive correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of people who belong to this category. The purpose of the study is to contour special educational needs of children with autism which impede their successful socialization. The study involved content analysis of modern researches conducted by leading experts in the field of autism devoted to the study of autism phenomenon, identification and refinement of diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders, and  determination of the effectiveness of integrated models of support for children with autism. The analysis helped to reveal polymorphism of views and directions in the study of the features of autism manifestations. The analysis allowed to clarify the existing knowledge concerning the three-component model of autism which includes disorders in communication and speech, behavior and socialization, as well as knowledge concerning the peculiarities of mental development of children with autism. The study explored the main tools of modern diagnostic examinations and described the variable models of education and upbringing of children with ASD. The data presented in the article make it possible to determine psychological and pedagogical conditions of socialization of children with autism

    Speech-communicative sphere as a factor of forming preparedness for prediction in junior schoolchildren with speech disorders

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    The relevance of the problem of studying the features of speech prediction of junior schoolchildren with speech disorders is due to an increased attention of researchers to the issues of successful socialization of children with disabilities. The Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020 emphasizes the need to make special attention to the situation related to ensuring the accessibility of quality education and creating conditions for the successful socialization of persons with disabilities. Knowledge of speech prediction skills is one of the most important conditions for the successful socialization of a child with a developmental disability and is of paramount importance for the adaptation of such a child to the situation of school education. This forms the purpose of this study: to study the features of speech prediction in children of primary school age with speech disorders, the insufficient development of which can lead to unsuccessful socialization