63 research outputs found

    A Substrate-Independent Benthic Sampler (SIBS) for Hard and Mixed-Bottom Marine Habitats: A Proof-of-Concept Study

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    Sea cage fish farms are increasingly situated over hard and mixed substrate habitats for production and waste-dispersion reasons; yet in many cases, these installations are not being effectively managed with respect to benthic impacts due to the lack of a practical sampling method. This study presents the first set of results from a newly developed Substrate Independent Benthic Sampler (SIBS) device that captures the unconsolidated organic and inorganic matter that overlies almost all substrates. The contents of the samples were analyzed using extracted environmental DNA (eDNA) followed by metabarcoding of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. SIBS microbial assemblages reliably changed with proximity to farm and concurred with visual assessments of impact. Moreover, the approach appeared to be very sensitive with respect to the enrichment gradient, being able to discern influences at distances of 500–1500 m from the impact source. Other spatial differences, due to region and farm, were small in comparison, and the effect of the underlying substrate type was minor. The samples contained sufficient previously described bacterial bioindicator taxa from enriched sediments, such that a meaningful biotic index could be calculated, thereby placing them on a well-established benthic enrichment spectrum with established environmental thresholds. SIBS-derived bacterial data provide a powerful new approach for mapping spatial boundaries of farm effects irrespective of substrate type and topography. More importantly, the tool should also permit quantitative assessment of benthic enrichment levels irrespective of substrate type from depths of at least 100 m. It therefore has the potential to solve the hard-bottom problem that has until now prohibited effective environmental monitoring at mixed and hard-bottom locations.publishedVersio

    Epifaunal habitat associations on mixed and hard bottom substrates in coastal waters of Northern Norway

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    Hard and mixed seafloor substrates are an important benthic habitat in coastal northern Norway and they are known to be colonized by relatively diverse communities of sessile epifauna. These assemblages are highly susceptible to physical damage and stresses imposed by organic material from industrial and municipal sources. However, despite increasing prevalence of stressors, the diversity and distribution of benthic substrates and biological communities in coastal Arctic and sub-Arctic regions remain poorly documented. In response, this study has characterized the composition of mixed and hard bottom substrates and associated sessile epifauna in fjords in Finnmark, northern Norway, using remote sensing and an innovation low-cost towed camera method. The study fjords supported a dense covering (0.1 to 0.68 individuals m–2) of sponge taxa common to deep-water ostur sponge habitats (Geodia sp., Mycale lingua, Polymastia sp., Phakellia ventilabrum, and Axinella infundibuliformis). In addition, aggregations of the soft coral (Duva florida), the tunicate (Ascidia sp.), the seastar (Ceramaster granularis) and anemone (Hormathia digitata) were prominent fauna. The small-scale spatial patterns of the epifaunal communities in this study were primarily influenced by the local hydrodynamic regime, depth, the topographical slope and the presence of hard bedrock substrates. This description of the composition, distribution and the identification of environmental drivers of epibenthic communities is valuable for the development of predictive habitat models to manage the benthic impact of multiple stressor on these ecological valuable and vulnerable Arctic habitats.publishedVersio

    Beyond taxonomy: Validating functional inference approaches in the context of fish-farm impact assessments

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    Characterization of microbial assemblages via environmental DNA metabarcoding is increasingly being used in routine monitoring programs due to its sensitivity and cost-effectiveness. Several programs have recently been developed which infer functional profiles from 16S rRNA gene data using hidden-state prediction (HSP) algorithms. These might offer an economic and scalable alternative to shotgun metagenomics. To date, HSP-based methods have seen limited use for benthic marine surveys and their performance in these environments remains unevaluated. In this study, 16S rRNA metabarcoding was applied to sediment samples collected at 0 and ≥1,200 m from Norwegian salmon farms, and three metabolic inference approaches (Paprica, Picrust2 and Tax4Fun2) evaluated against metagenomics and environmental data. While metabarcoding and metagenomics recovered a comparable functional diversity, the taxonomic composition differed between approaches, with genera richness up to 20× higher for metabarcoding. Comparisons between the sensitivity (highest true positive rates) and specificity (lowest true negative rates) of HSP-based programs in detecting functions found in metagenomic data ranged from 0.52 and 0.60 to 0.76 and 0.79, respectively. However, little correlation was observed between the relative abundance of their specific functions. Functional beta-diversity of HSP-based data was strongly associated with that of metagenomics (r ≥ 0.86 for Paprica and Tax4Fun2) and responded similarly to the impact of fish farm activities. Our results demonstrate that although HSP-based metabarcoding approaches provide a slightly different functional profile than metagenomics, partly due to recovering a distinct community, they represent a cost-effective and valuable tool for characterizing and assessing the effects of fish farming on benthic ecosystems.publishedVersio

    SuspensionFeeding Benthic Species’ Physiological and Microbiome Response to Salmon Farming and Associated Environmental Changes

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    Caged salmon farming is increasingly undertaken in water bodies with strong hydrodynamics where hard and mixed substrate habitats are more prevalent. Yet, these structurally complex and heterogeneous habitats support diverse benthic communities including several cnidarians and sponges that remain poorly characterized. This study used a combination of respirometry measurements, gas chromatography and 16S rRNA metabarcoding to define the respiration rate, stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen isotopes (δ15N), fatty acid (FA) and microbial profiles, and assess the impact of salmon farming on four important epibenthic suspension-feeders along the western Norwegian coast: the sponges Craniella and Weberella, the soft coral Duva florida and the anemone Hormathia digitata. Our results showed striking differences in fatty acid profiles and host microbiome communities in terms of identity, functional capabilities and genetic properties across the suspension-feeders. We found evidence of increased mortality rate in specimens located near fish farm activities and of a species-specific effect on respiration rate, with D. florida showing increased activity under the farm. Effects of fish farming on the suspension feeders were also species-specific and particularly evidenced by functional microbial turnover and by alteration of overall FA profiles in the soft coral and sea anemone. In particular, D. florida showed reduced level of FAs close to the farm (0-350 m), with significant difference in composition along a distance gradient. Only H. digitata showed evidence of incorporation of organic material from the fish farm waste via fatty acids trophic markers (FATM) and stable isotope analysis. Overall, our study demonstrates that suspension feeders have taxon-specific sensitivity towards the effect of salmon farming, and identified several potential molecular indicators that could be used as surrogate of impact gradient upon further research and validation. It also provides a wealth of ecological and physiological information on some of the most common sessile epibenthic organisms within Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, enabling us to better understand their response and evaluate their resilience to environmental changes.publishedVersio

    Spatial response of hard- and mixed-bottom benthic epifauna to organic enrichment from salmon aquaculture in northern Norway

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    Norwegian Atlantic salmon aquaculture is continuing to expand in northern regions dominated by hard- and mixed-bottom substrates. Such habitats contain rich benthic epifaunal communities, including sponges and other sessile invertebrates susceptible to the impacts of particulate material released from finfish farms. Here, conventional soft-sediment sampling techniques are unable to discern the impacts of farm waste, and new monitoring methods and indicator taxa must be identified. This study improves understanding of the impacts of particulate waste released from salmon farms on the density and structure of benthic epifaunal communities on mixed- and hard-bottom substrates. The diversity, density, and composition of epifaunal communities and visually conspicuous benthic infauna were recorded in towed camera transects along the enrichment gradient (~50-800 m) of 3 salmon farms in northern Norway. Elevated fluxes of particulate material in the vicinity of all farms significantly affected epifaunal community composition, as did the coverage of some key substrate types. The defecated mounds of lugworms and the seastar Asterias rubens were notably more abundant near the farms where fluxes were elevated. The sponges Polymastia spp. and Phakellia spp. and the soft coral Duva florida showed significant declines in density with increasing sedimentation and were principal taxa in communities at natural sedimentation levels. Results identify taxa with both positive and negative spatial associations to particulate waste released from finfish farms and the potential for the development of an epifauna indicator-based index for monitoring the environmental impacts of aquaculture in hard- and mixed-bottom dominated substrates.publishedVersio

    Effects of fish farm activities on the sponge Weberella bursa, and its associated microbiota

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    Sustained growth of world-wide sea farming and the search of optimal growing conditions have driven several countries, including Norway, to establish new finfish sites in more exposed, high current locations. Characterized by a range of gravel, broken rock and/or bedrock, these complex environments and the associated diverse range of epifauna species are not easily monitored via traditional methodologies (e.g. morpho-taxonomic identification and enumeration, and compound analyses of sediment grabs). Consequently, little is known about many of the benthic inhabitants, or how they may respond to fish farming. In this study, we aimed to initiate addressing this knowledge gap by assessing the response of the sponge Weberella bursa (Polymastidea) to salmon aquaculture. Fourteen specimens were translocated along a distance gradient from a salmon farm located along the mid-west coast of Norway. Following 7 months of exposure, their epithelial tissue were analysed for gene expression analysis (mRNA), fatty acid (FA), stable isotope and taxonomic and functional microbiome characterization. Among all datasets, only fatty acid profiles showed significant changes associated with fish farm activities, with higher proportion of terrestrial FAs and long saturated and monounsaturated FAs near the farm. These results suggest that W. bursa sponges may be more resistant to organic enrichment than previously thought. Nonetheless, several putative indicators of non-lethal response could be identified. Specifically, W. bursa specimens located underneath the farm tended to have reduced ribosomal activity while having increased expression of genes controlling cell apoptosis (e.g. caspase-3, cytochrome c oxidase and death domain proteins). Based on predictive functional analysis, specimens near to the farm were also found to be particularly enriched in sulfur and nitrogen cycling bacteria, and in microbial taxa with anti-toxin and xenobiotic biodegradation capability, notably of benzyl benzoate compounds used in sea lice treatments. These results indicate that potentially harmful elements such as sulfite, nitrite and pesticides may be neutralized and degraded by a particularly enriched set of bacteria in W. bursa microbiome. While additional research is needed to validate these putative indicators, our study provides a first glimpse as to how sessile organisms may respond and adapt to environmental changes induced by fin fish farming, and pave the way to the development of novel monitoring tools adapted to mix and hard bottom habitats.publishedVersio

    Habitat associations of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) and sympatric demersal fish communities within shallow inshore nursery grounds

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    Resolving the relationship between demersal fish and sublittoral biotic habitats and substrates is a key element in the protection of important nursery grounds for strengthening fish recruitment. In Norway, coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is a commercially and culturally important demersal fish for Norwegian coastal communities, and in recent decades the stock has declined to such an extent that a plan to rebuild the stock to biologically safe limits has been implemented. Yet, little is known about the specific biotic and abiotic habitat associations of the early-life stages of coastal cod, which is important for the management and protection of the species. The same shallow, sublittoral zones are inhabited by juveniles and adults of other commercial demersal gadoids and wrasses. This study presents novel findings on associations between juvenile coastal cod and other demersal fish species with seafloor substrates and biological habitats, inferred from five years of extensive fyke net surveys. Newly settled 0-group cod were typically associated with eel grass and red algae biotic habitats on sand and shell sand substrates. However, there was an ontogenic habitat shift amongst one year old (1-group) individuals that became more ubiquitous with their biotic habitat or substrate type choices. The juvenile gadoids saithe (Pollachius virens) and pollack (Pollachius pollachius), were most associated with hard bottom dominated sites with saithe being more abundant at exposed sites, compared to pollack. Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) and corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) appeared to favor sugar kelp forests and red algae. Overall, the study identifies the specific sublittoral biotic habitats and substrates important to different early life stages of juvenile coastal cod and other commercially important demersal fish, providing critical information needed for identifying candidate coastal habitats for protection.publishedVersio

    Global Trends of Benthic Bacterial Diversity and Community Composition Along Organic Enrichment Gradients of Salmon Farms

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    The analysis of benthic bacterial community structure has emerged as a powerful alternative to traditional microscopy-based taxonomic approaches to monitor aquaculture disturbance in coastal environments. However, local bacterial diversity and community composition vary with season, biogeographic region, hydrology, sediment texture, and aquafarm-specific parameters. Therefore, without an understanding of the inherent variation contained within community complexes, bacterial diversity surveys conducted at individual farms, countries, or specific seasons may not be able to infer global universal pictures of bacterial community diversity and composition at different degrees of aquaculture disturbance. We have analyzed environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcodes (V3–V4 region of the hypervariable SSU rRNA gene) of 138 samples of different farms located in different major salmon-producing countries. For these samples, we identified universal bacterial core taxa that indicate high, moderate, and low aquaculture impact, regardless of sampling season, sampled country, seafloor substrate type, or local farming and environmental conditions. We also discuss bacterial taxon groups that are specific for individual local conditions. We then link the metabolic properties of the identified bacterial taxon groups to benthic processes, which provides a better understanding of universal benthic ecosystem function(ing) of coastal aquaculture sites. Our results may further guide the continuing development of a practical and generic bacterial eDNA-based environmental monitoring approach.publishedVersio
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