32 research outputs found

    Skema Lokalisasi Node pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Berbasis Algoritma Hibrid Bat-PSO

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    Jaringan sensor nirkabel terdiri dari ratusan hingga ribuan nodes. Metode konvensional yang digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi node sensor yang tersebar pada lokasi pengamatan adalah pemasangan GPS pada setiap node. Namun, hal ini sangat tidak efektif dan membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu metode lokalisasi yang akurat untuk dapat mengestimasi posisi dari setiap node sensor. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah menggunakan algoritma metaheuristik. Pada penelitian ini, diusulkan sebuah algoritma metaheuristik yang menggabungkan keunggulan dari algoritma Bat dan algoritma particle swarm optimization (PSO) untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan lokalisasi pada jaringan sensor nirkabel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, algoritma hibrid Bat-PSO mampu digunakan untuk mengestimasi seluruh posisi node dalam berbagai variasi kepadatan node. Algoritma hibrid Bat-PSO juga dapat mengestimasi posisi node dengan lebih akurat jika dibandingkan dengan algoritma orisinil Bat

    Interference Management in Heterogeneous Network With Particle Swarm Optimization

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    In heterogeneous network, femtocell is deployedinside macrocell coverage. Femtocell and macrocell use thesame  frequency as the resource. Thus, if the resources are notproperly allocated, the interference will arise. The higher levelof interference results in decreasing signal quality. Therefore,interference management is needed to increase networkcapacity and system performance. This research implementsparticle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to minimizeinterference on the heterogeneous network. Based on thesimulation results, it is shown that PSO algorithm worksefficiently to increase the throughput value of femto userequipment (femto UE) up to 62,2 Mbps by minimizing theinterference


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    Zodia Park is one of the city park located in South Jakarta. As a green open space, Zodia Park have some great benefits for community. At now, Zodia Park conditions do not have lighting system that complies with safety standards. The lighting system in this park is still provided by residents independently. Moreover, during heavy rain, the park will be inundated between 20-30 cm. It is because the Zodia Park is located at near inspection river. Thus, in this community service, the team proposes the drainage and lighting system design as a contribution to Forestry Office who maintains the Zodia Park to overcome this problem


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    The use of electrical equipment that is not in accordance with the standards established by SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) and the installation of electrical equipment that is not in accordance with the provisions are still often found in people's homes, so that the threat of electric fire hazards will be possible. Data from the recapitulation of fire incidents in DKI Jakarta Province in 2018 revealed that the biggest cause of fire was due to electrical short circuit, as many as 494 fire incidents occurred in a total of 1667 residences. This is quite alarming because many of the fires are caused by the low quality and installation of cables in most people's homes and residents do not understand the dangers of using inappropriate electrical energy. To participate in assisting the government inconducting socialization about the right electricity usage to prevent fires, the PPM activities in the form of socialization and direct assistance to residents' homes. The purpose of this activity is so that in the future residents of the Tugu Selatan Village of North Jakarta are more concerned about the electrical installations andthe electrical equipment they use by following with specified standards. This activity is very useful for the residents, proven by their enthusiasm in participating in the extension program with questions about the correct use of electrical energy and people's curiosity in knowing how to save electricity usage at home and calculate the cost of using electricity in their homes

    Sistem Akses Kontrol Kunci Elektrik untuk Keamanan Rumah dengan E-KTP Berbasis RFID

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    Pada saat ini, selain hanya untuk tanda pengenal seseorang, e-KTP masih jarang dimanfaatkan sebagai kartu pintar. Salah satu pemanfaatan e-KTP adalah sebagai sistem kunci elektrik berbasis RFID (radio frequency identification) maupun NFC (near field communication). Pada penelitian ini, dirancang sebuah sistem akses kontrol kunci elektrik untuk keamanan rumah dengan e-KTP berbasis RFID yang dilengkapi dengan keypad untuk memasukkan password.  Sensor hall effect digunakan untuk mengaktifkan dan mengnonaktifkan solenoid yang bekerja untuk membuka dan menutup pintu. Proses kerja sistem adalah dengan mencocokkan nomor unik pada ID e-KTP dan memasukkan password yang sudah tersimpan pada database mikrokontroler. Hasil dari proses tersebut akan menampilkan nama, UID (unique identification) e-KTP dan waktu akses pada LCD. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sensor RFID memiliki batas pembacaan maksimal yakni 2 cm untuk membaca sebuah e-KTP dengan jeda waktu pembacaan e-KTP selanjutnya dalam selang waktu 1 deti


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    ABSTRAKEnergi baru dan terbarukan merupakan solusi dari persediaan energi konvensional yang semakin menipis. Salah satu hal utama yang diperlukan dalam pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan adalah kesiapan sumber daya manusia. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan mengenai energi baru dan terbarukan dan cara kerja solar home system sebagai salah satu jenis sistem energi baru dan terbarukan. Mitra dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah warga RT 01, RW 08, Puri Kartika, Kecamatan Ciledug, Kota Tangerang. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan sosialisasi energi baru dan terbarukan, sebanyak 90% peserta telah memahami tentang energi alternatif dan cara kerja solar home system. Kata kunci: energi baru dan terbarukan; solar home system; sosialisasi; pengabdian kepada masyarakat ABSTRACTRenewable energy is a solution to the depleting conventional energy supply. One of the main things needed in the utilization of renewable energy is the readiness of human resources. Therefore, the purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge about renewable energy and how the solar home system works. Partners of this community service activity are residents of RT 01, RW 08, Puri Kartika, Ciledug District, Tangerang City. After participating in the socialization of renewable energy, as many as 90% of participants have understood about alternative energy and how the solar home system works. Keywords: renewable energy; solar home system; socialization; community servic


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    ABSTRAKKelompok Swadaya Masyarakat Nyiur merupakan pusat kreasi dan inovasi daur ulang yang berada di Kelurahan Petukangan Utara, Kecamatan Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan. Beberapa program yang diadakan oleh KSM Nyiur adalah rumah belajar Nyiur, klinik daur ulang Nyiur, rumah pupuk Nyiur, dan pertanian Nyiur. Ketrampilan dalam bidang elektronika belum menjadi salah satu program dari Kelompok Swadaya Nyiur. Padahal, skill dalam pembuatan rangkaian elektronika sederhana, jika dipelajari lebih lanjut, dapat menjadi modal untuk membuka usaha dalam bidang elektronika yang bermanfaat. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya suatu kegiatan yang dapat membangun serta mengembangkan ketrampilan ke arah peningkatan wawasan dan kreatifitas dalam bidang elektronika. Kegiatan workshop pembuatan rangkaian elektronika sederhana pada KSM Nyiur telah dilakukan dengan metode pemaparan materi dan praktek secara langsung merangkai lampu senter sederhana. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah warga RT 010 / RW 02 Kelurahan Petukangan Utara, Kecamatan Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan, khususnya warga usia sekolah. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi di akhir agenda workshop, warga telah dapat memahami beberapa dasar komponen elektronika serta dapat merakit sendiri lampu senter sederhana dengan alat dan bahan yang mudah didapatkan. Kata kunci: rangkaian elektronika sederhana; workshop; kreatifitas. ABSTRACT“Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) Nyiur” is a recycling creation and innovation center located in Petukangan Utara Village, Pesanggrahan District, South Jakarta. Some of the programs held by the Nyiur KSM are the learning house, recycling clinic, fertilizer house, and farming. However, electronics skills have not been part of the KSM Nyiur programs. In fact, skills on making simple electronic circuits, if studied further, can be an asset to open a business in the field of electronics that is useful. Therefore, it is necessary to have an activity that can build and develop skills towards increasing insight and creativity in the field of electronics. A workshop on making simple electronic circuits at KSM Nyiur was held with the method of presenting the material and practicing directly assembling a simple flashlight. The target of this activity is school-age residents in RT 010 / RW 02. Based on the results of the evaluation at the end of the workshop agenda, residents have been able to understand some basic electronic components and can assemble a simple flashlight by themselves with easily available tools and materials. Keywords: electronic circuit; workshop; creativity style

    Implementasi Bat Algorithm dalam Optimasi Penempatan Femtocell

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    Femtocell has been considered as an important technology to increase the cellular system capacity by bringing the base station closer to the user and shrinking the cell dimension. Basically, femtocell networks are deployed in indoor environment such as an office. Thus, femtocell placement problems are one of the important issues in planning the wireless networks, since the manual planning processes are not efficient. In this paper, the solution of femtocell placement problem in an indoor environment is solved by bat algorithm. Selecting the best position of the femtocell is the main objective so the capacity can be maximized. In a 100 trial study, the SNR can be optimized up to 34.89 dB. In conclusion, the bat algorithm is able to improve the SNR efficiently and effectively


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    Dense settlements in urban areas are one of the problems in DKI Jakarta. RT.03 / RW.01 Kel. Petukangan Utara, Kec. Pesanggrahan Jakarta Selatan is one of the densest settlements in DKI Jakarta which is located side by side with Universitas Budi Luhur. Based on SNI 03-1733-2004, the level of population density in the region is included in the category of High Density. This can be seen from the houses lined up along the road with little provision of Green Open Space. The community develops the need for building area by maximizing the area of land for building. This impacts the lack of air circulation in accordance with SNI-14-1993-03 about the thermal comfort area of buildings which are conditioned for Indonesians, as well as the lack of lighting in accordance with SNI 03-6575-2001 regarding illumination standards for the light of a room.With thermal comfort and illumination that is not in according to standards in the region, a Community Service activity was held by the Faculty of Engineering of the Universitas Budi Luhur to add community knowledge about how to make thermal comfort and illumination in homes using energy efficient. Thermal comfort can be fulfilled by making vertical greening on limited land, While the comfort of illumination can be fulfilled by using LED lights. The activity uses community empowerment methods, so that the community can independently make vertical greening in their respective homes and know the benefits for thermal comfort and can use LED lights in their respective homes and know the benefits to save electricity. The results of the Community Empowerment Towards Energy Saving Settlements at RT.03 / RW.01 Kel Petukangan Utara Kec. Pesanggrahan Jakarta Selatan, is that the region has vertical greening as a natural air conditioning system and uses an LED lighting system as an energy efficient lighting