1,121 research outputs found

    A discrete time Markov chain model for a periodic inventory system with one-way substitution.

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    This paper studies the optimal design of an inventory system with “one-way substitution”, in which a high-quality (and hence, more expensive) item fulfills its own demand and simultaneously acts as backup safety stock for the (cheaper) low-quality item. Through the use of a discrete time Markov model we analyze the effect of one-way substitution in a periodic inventory system with an (R,s,S) or (R,S) order policy, assuming backorders, zero replenishment leadtime and correlated demand. In more detail, the optimal inventory control parameters (S and s) are determined in view of minimizing the expected total cost per period (i.e. sum of inventory holding costs, purchasing costs, backorder costs and adjustment costs). Numerical results show that the one-way substitution strategy can outperform both the “no pooling” (only product-specific stock is held, and demand can never be rerouted to stock of a different item) and “full pooling” strategies (implying that demand for a particular product type is always rerouted to the stock of the flexible product, and no product-specific stock is held) − provided the mix of dedicated and flexible inputs is chosen adequately − even when the cost premium for flexibility is significant. Furthermore, we can observe that decreasing the demand correlation results in rerouting more demand to the flexible product and because of the risk-pooling effect reduces the optimal expected total cost.Inventory management; One-way substitution;

    A lost sales inventory model with a compound poisson demand pattern.

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    Sales; Inventory; Model; Demand; University; Research;

    Controlling excessive waiting times in emergency departments: an extension of the ISA algorithm.

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    In an emergency department (ED), the demand for service is not constant over time. This cannot be accounted for by means of waiting lists or appointment systems, so capacity decisions are the most important tool to influence patient waiting times. Additional complexities result from the relatively small system size that characterizes an ED (i.e. a small number of physicians or nurses) and the presence of customer impatience. Assuming a single-stage multiserver M(t)/G/s(t) + G queueing system with general abandonment and service times and time-varying demand for service, we suggest a method inspired by the simulation-based Iterative Staffing Algorithm (ISA) proposed by Feldman and others (2008) as a method to set staffing levels throughout the day. The main advantage of our extension is that it enables the use of performance measures based on the probability of experiencing an excessive waiting time, instead of the common focus on delay probability as a performance metric.Emergency department; Personnel planning; Time-varying arrival rate;

    Optimizing campaign sizing policies: an application to a real-life setting.

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    This paper presents an integrated production inventory model that enables to capture the tradeoffs between average inventory, production capacity and customer service level in a semiprocess industry setting. The model includes different features that are specific for such a setting, such as differences in reactor yield and quality requirements across products, the need for cleaning reactors when switching between product types, and the requirement to produce products in campaign sizes that are an integer multiple of the reactor’s batch size. The model can be used to support midterm planning procedures. In this paper, we illustrate the application of the model to real-life data of two product families at a large specialty chemicals company, which for reasons of confidentiality is further referred to as Company C.Queueing; Campaign sizing; (Semi)process industries;

    In the shahrizor : reassessing the Halaf ceramic traditions of iraqi Kurdistan

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    El artículo discute la cerámica pintada Halaf de Shahrizor, Kurdistán Iraquí. Este material se adscribe bien a la amplia tradición cultural Halaf del Norte de Mesopotamia, pero también muestra elementos distintos a escala regional. El artículo también aborda la ausencia, hasta el momento, del Early Halaf en el Norte de Mesopotamia y el papel de la cerámica pintada policroma del Halaf-Ubaid Transicional.The paper discusses the painted pottery from the Halaf period in the Shahrizor, Iraqi Kurdistan. This material generally fits well with the wider Halaf cultural tradition as known from Upper Mesopotamia but it also shows regionally distinctive elements. The paper discusses the absence so far of any trace of the Upper Mesopotamian Early Halaf and the role of the Halaf-Ubaid Transitional polychrome-painted pottery