24 research outputs found

    Duality at Classical Electrodynamics and its Interpretation through Machine Learning Algorithms

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the hypothetical duality of classical electrodynamics and quantum mechanics through the usage of Machine Learning principles. Thus, the Mitchell’s criteria are used. Essentially this paper is focused on the radiated energy by a free electron inside an intense laser. The usage of mathematical strategies might be correct to some extent so that one expects that classical equation would contain a dual meaning. The concrete case of Compton scattering is analyzed. While at some quantum field theories might not be scrutinized by computer algorithms, contrary to this Quantum Electrodynamics would constitute a robust example

    Estimation of social distancing through the probabilistic Weiss equation: It is the wind velocity a relevant factor?

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    ABSTRACT From the probabilistic Weiss equation, various relations involving the distance, wind velocity and number of people both healthy and infected, the critic distances that might be critic to transmit any virus strain, are calculated. The present approach considers as main criterion that the outdoor infection is a random event that depends of a plethora of variables and free parameters. We project the present theoretical proposal to the current Corona Virus Disease 2019 pandemic by which is established that people must keep a social distance ranging between 1.5m and 2.0m in order to avoid contact with aerosol. In this paper stochastic and deterministic equations are proposed as well as hybrid relationships that would explain facts in the action of outdoor infection. In this manner virus can be transmited in a radius of 2m for a wind velocity of 10m/s

    Computational Study of Quantum Coherence from Classical Nonlinear Compton Scattering with Strong Fields

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    From the covariant formulation of radiation intensity of Hartemann-Kerman model entirely constructed in the classical electrodynamics scenario, a formulation of coherent states has been obtained in an explicit manner represented by the infinite sum of integer-order Bessel functions. Both linear and nonlinear Compton scattering are included, suggesting that Compton processes can be perceived as coherent states of lightmatter interaction

    Convolution-based machine learning to attenuate Covid-19's infections in large cities

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    ABSTRACT In this paper a nonlinear mathematical model based at convolution theory and translated in terms of Machine Learning philosophy is presented. In essence, peaks functions are assumed as the pattern of rate of infections at large cities. In this manner, once the free parameters of theses patterns are identified then one proceeds to engage to the well-known Mitchell's criteria in order to construct the algorithm that would yield the best estimates as to carry out social intervention as well as to predict dates about the main characteristics of infection's distributions. The distributions are modeled by the Dirac-Delta function whose spike property is used to make the numerical convolutions. In this manner the parameters of Dirac-Delta function's argument are interpreted as the model parameters that determine the dates of social regulation such as quarantine as well as the possible date of end of first wave and potential periods of the beginning of a second one. The theoretical and computational approach is illustrated with a case of outbreak depending on free parameters simulating the implementation of new rules to detain the infections

    Aplicabilidad prospectiva de los servicios de salud en línea: una visión general de las ventajas de la telemedicina y la telenfermería

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    In this paper, we review the prospects of applicability of the expected services of E-Health in large cities, in order to assess the possible advantages and notable virtues which might be consistent with the ongoing intrinsic economic and social factors. We have paid attention to the mechanisms of the E-Health and how it can be crucial or also, be still premature to be implemented since it depends of logistic, budges, specialized professionals, and high level equipment. To illustrate all that, a scenario where E-Health target to improve the quality of life of diabetic patients, which are already starting with irreversible complication because the uncontrollable evolution of glucose and others diabetic indicators, is presented. From this review, one can find that there is notable featuring the implementation of E-Health services which can be implemented in large cities. However, restrictions of the applicability might degrade the quality of service of the E-Health service.En este paper, revisamos los prospectos de aplicación de los futuros servicios de salud electrónica en las grandes ciudades. Hacemos esto con el fin de tener una idea clara de las posibles ventajas. Además de las consistencias con los aspectos sociales y económicos. Así nos hemos enfocado en los mecanismos de la salud electrónica y como esto puede ser crucial o quizás aún prematuro con respecto a su implementación en sus diferentes aspectos: logística, presupuestos reales, búsqueda de profesionales idóneos, y un alto nivel de equipos. Todo esto se ilustra con un ejemplo de aplicación de los sistemas de salud electrónica para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. En particular con aquellos que podrían estar iniciando serias complicaciones como a causa de la pérdida de control de los valores esperados de glucosa. A partir de aquí proponemos la implementación de los servicios de salud electrónica en las grandes ciudades, considerando también las posibles restricciones de su uso, que podrían degradar las principales virtudes de los servicios

    Estudio de leptones escalares en el colisionador de fotones de TESLA

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    Descargue el texto completo en el repositorio institucional de la Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: https://doi.org/10.18452/15831El proyecto TESLA está enmarcado en el colisionador linear internacional como sucesor del LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Bajo este argumento se han simulado la producción, detección y reconstrucción de los observables físicos de partículas supersimétricas. Esto nos aproxima a lo que uno esperaría en el experimento real. Las simulaciones Montecarlo han asumido un haz de electrones polarizados de 250 GeV (Giga electrón Voltios) y para los positrones también con la misma energía. Un láser de alta intensidad ha sido considerado. Con esto se ha simulado Compton backscattering, el cual tiene como objetivo la producción de fotones altamente energéticos con capacidad de crear partículas elementales con masas del order de 200 GeV. La tesis se ha centrado en la reconstrucción de la energía de los muones en el estado final. De esta forma se ha diseñado una cadena de cortes que reduce sustancialmente el ruido. Una vez aplicado el flujo de cortes, se ha medido el error siendo del orden 3.97% lo que apoya el argumento que un prospectivo colisionador de fotones puede ser una máquina ideal para la producción de partículas que han sido teoréticamente propuestas en teorías más allá del modelo estándar de las interacciones cuánticas de partículas elementales

    Is Drug Delivery System a Deterministic or Probabilistic Approach? A Theoretical Model Based on the Sequence: Electrodynamics–Diffusion–Bayes

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    Commonly, it is accepted that oncology treatment would yield outcomes with a certain determinism without any quantitative support or mathematical model that establishes such deter minations. Nowadays, with the advent of nanomedicine, the targeting drug delivery scheme has emerged, whose central objective is the uptake of nanoparticles by tumors. Once they are injected into the bloodstream, it is unclear as to which process governs the directing of nanoparticles towards the desired target, deterministic or stochastic. In any scenario, an optimal outcome, small toxicity and minimal dispersion of drugs is expected. Commonly, it is expected that an important fraction of them can be internalized into tumor. In this manner, due to the fraction of nanoparticles that have failed to uptake, the success of the drug delivery scheme might be at risk. In this paper, a theory based on the sequence electrodynamics–diffusion–Bayes theorem is presented. The Bayesian probability that emerges at the end of the sequence might be telling us that dynamical processes based on the injection of electrically charged nanoparticles might be dictated by stochastic formalism. Thus, rather than expecting a deterministic process, the chain of events would convert the drug delivery scheme to be dependent on a sequence of conditional probabilities.1

    Simulación de “compton imaging” con Geant4 y su aplicación en la Medicina

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    En este reporte presentamos los resultados de una investigación realizada con el software GEANT4, que es usado ampliamente en física de altas energías y que tiene aplicaciones también en las áreas de la medicina no invasiva. Nos centramos en el llamado Compton Imaging, que permite reconstruir en 3D la composición de tejidos humanos a partir de interacciones cuánticas de fotones con materia. Se simula el haz de fotones de 500 keV que colisiona con tejido humano y la reconstrucción de los fotones dispersados, que es llevada a cabo con una simulación de un detector basado en Germanio; presumimos que el detector está a unos pocos centímetros de la región de interacción. Para el presente estudio, los resultados muestran que el Compton Imaging requiere de baja dosificación, del orden de 0.5 mSv, si lo comparamos con tomografías que requieren más de 1 mSv para un área de 25 cm2. Esto significaría dos aspectos positivos: menos riesgo de exposición a radiación para pacientes que necesitarían varias sesiones dentro de un esquema de terapia oncológica, y un posible aumento de la probabilidad de éxito mientras dura el tratamiento

    Studies for a Photon Collider at the ILC

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    One option at the International Linear Collider is to convert the electron beams into high energy photon beams by Compton scattering a few millimetres in front of the interaction region. Selected physics channels for this option have been analysed and technical issues have been studied. So far no showstoppers for this option have been found.Comment: V2: Minor changes, accepted by NI

    Theory and Parameterization of Infections and Waves by Covid-19: A 6-Countries Data Analysis

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    From data of USA, Japan, Germany, UK, Italy and Russian, it is claimed that the Global pandemic dictated by the dynamics of Corona virus exhibits distributions that would correspond to a morphology of Bessel-like type. Under the assumption that the pandemic contains phases of infection denoted by the velocity and acceleration of propagation of virus, then a model of polynomials given by the integer-order Bessel functions is proposed. These polynomials enter in a statistical approach to define the law of infections as function of time for the ongoing global pandemic. From this, the data evolution and their different behaviors are interpreted in terms of the different phases including the Delta variant for the recent months until August 2021