664 research outputs found

    Educational mismatches in the EU: immigrants vs native

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse and explain the factors contributing to the observed differences in skill mismatches (vertical and horizontal) between natives and immigrants in EU countries. Using microdata from the 2007 wave of the Adult Education Survey (AES), different probit models are specified and estimated to analyse differences in the probability of each type of skill mismatch between natives and immigrants. Yun's decomposition method is used to identify the relative contribution of characteristics and returns to explain the differences between the two groups. Findings: Immigrants are more likely to be skill mismatched than natives. The difference is much larger for vertical mismatch, wherein the difference is higher for immigrants coming from non-EU countries than for those coming from other EU countries. We find that immigrants from non-EU countries are less valued in EU labour markets than natives with similar characteristics -a result that is not observed for immigrants from EU countries. These results could be related to the limited transferability of human capital acquired in non-EU countries. Social implications: The findings suggest that specific programs to adapt immigrants' human capital acquired in the home country are required to reduce differences in the incidence of skill mismatch and better integration into EU labour markets. Originality: This research is original, because it distinguishes between horizontal and vertical mismatch -an issue that has not been considered in the literature on differences between native and immigrant workers- and due to the wide geographical scope of our analysis, which considers EU and non EU-countries

    Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data

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    The literature on educational mismatches finds that overeducated workers suffer a wage penalty compared with properly educated workers with the same level of education. Recent literature also suggests that individuals’ skill heterogeneity could explain wage differences between overeducated and properly matched workers. The hypothesis is that overeducated workers earn less due to their lower competences and skills in relative terms. However, that hypothesis has been rarely tested due to data limitations on individuals’ skills. The aim of this paper is to test the individuals’ skill heterogeneity theory in Spain using microdata from PIAAC, because it is one of the developed countries supporting the highest overeducation rates and where its adult population holds the lowest level of skills among a set of developed countries. Our hypothesis is that the wage penalty of overeducation in Spain is explained by the lower skill level of overeducated workers. The obtained evidence confirms this hypothesis but only to a certain extent as skills only explain partially the wage penalty of overeducation

    Immigrant Women Organize For Justice: A Listening Project

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    Over nineteen million immigrant women live in the United States. Each one of those nineteen million women carries with her a powerful history. Immigrant Women Organize for Justice: A Listening Project is an attempt to capture a breath of those histories, in particular the histories of four mujeres luchadoras: immigrant women who are organizing communities surrounding them and devoting much of their life and their work to the lucha (struggle or fight) for a more just and equal society. Immigrant Women Organize for Justice: A Listening Project is a two-part project. The first section is devoted entirely to remembering the voices and struggles of immigrant women organizers throughout U.S. history and providing a much deserved space to three new voices into our collective history. The second part encompasses an in depth analysis of the listening project from a trainer practitioner lens, following a Listening Project guidelines learned during the Training for Social Action class at SIT Graduate Institute

    “¿La sobreeducación de los padres afecta al rendimiento académico de sus hijos?”

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    El objetivo del trabajo consiste en analizar si el desajuste educativo de los progenitores afecta a los resultados educativos de los hijos. Para ello, se utilizan los microdatos de PISA-2009 para España, dado que facilita información detallada sobre el rendimiento educativo de los estudiantes, sus características personales y la de su entorno escolar y familiar lo que la hace idónea para llevar a cabo el estudio planteado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los estudiantes con progenitores sobreeducados tienen una penalización en su rendimiento académico en las tres materias analizadas, siendo ésta más intensa para los estudiantes con peores resultados educativosdesajuste educativo, sobreeducación, resultados educativos, efectos intergeneracionales. JEL classification:J24, I21.

    Advances in mapping ice-free surfaces within the Northern Antarctic peninsula region using polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data

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    Ice-free areas within the Northern Antarctic Peninsula region are of interest for studying changes occurring to surface covers, including those related to glacial coverage, raised beach deposits and periglacial processes and permafrost. The objective of this work is to map the main surface covers within ice-free areas of King George Island, the largest island of the South Shetlands archipelago, using fully polarimetric RADARSAT-2 SAR data. Surface covers such as rock outcrops and glacial till, stone fields, patterned ground, and sand and gravel deposits form the most representative classes and account for 84 km2 of the ice-free areas on the island. A distribution of complex geomorphological features and landforms was obtained, being some of them considered indicators of periglacial processes and presence of permafrost.Published versio

    ¿La sobreeducación de los padres afecta al rendimiento académico de sus hijos? (WP)

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    El objetivo del trabajo consiste en analizar si el desajuste educativo de los progenitores afecta a los resultados educativos de los hijos. Para ello, se utilizan los microdatos de PISA-2009 para España, dado que facilita información detallada sobre el rendimiento educativo de los estudiantes, sus características personales y la de su entorno escolar y familiar lo que la hace idónea para llevar a cabo el estudio planteado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los estudiantes con progenitores sobreeducados tienen una penalización en su rendimiento académico en las tres materias analizadas, siendo ésta más intensa para los estudiantes con peores resultados educativos

    ¿La sobreeducacion de los padres afecta al rendimiento academico de sus hijos?

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    El objetivo del trabajo consiste en analizar si el desajuste educativo de los progenitores afecta a los resultados educativos de los hijos. Para ello, se utilizan los microdatos de PISA-2009 para España, dado que facilita información detallada sobre el rendimiento educativo de los estudiantes, sus características personales y la de su entorno escolar y familiar lo que la hace idónea para llevar a cabo el estudio planteado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los estudiantes con progenitores sobreeducados tienen una penalización en su rendimiento académico en las tres materias analizadas, siendo ésta más intensa para los estudiantes con peores resultados educativos

    Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data

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    The literature on educational mismatches finds that overeducated workers suffer a wage penalty compared with properly educated workers with the same level of education. Recent literature also suggests that individuals' skill heterogeneity could explain wage differences between overeducated and properly matched workers. The hypothesis is that overeducated workers earn less due to their lower competences and skills in relative terms. However, that hypothesis has been rarely tested due to data limitations on individuals' skills. The aim of this paper is to test the individuals' skill heterogeneity theory in Spain using microdata from PIAAC, because it is one of the developed countries supporting the highest overeducation rates and where its adult population holds the lowest level of skills among a set of developed countries. Our hypothesis is that the wage penalty of overeducation in Spain is explained by the lower skill level of overeducated workers. The obtained evidence confirms this hypothesis but only to a certain extent as skills only explain partially the wage penalty of overeducation

    El 'metagrafo' entre los mentefactos y los mapas mentales : una estrategia para el aprendizaje de la toma de decisiones profesionales en fisioterapia

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    El presente texto corresponde a un producto teórico-práctico de la cátedra de Patokinesiología, una asignatura de formación básica del plan de estudios del programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad del Rosario que cumple la función de ser el cimiento de la toma de decisiones disciplinares, aspecto relevante en la formación profesional. Dicho proceso requiere del aprendizaje y puesta en marcha de procedimientos cognitivos formales y categoriales constituidos a lo largo de la formación académica, y da cuenta del talento para retar problemas, asumir posiciones y elaborar acciones de participación e interacción en los campos susceptibles de intervención de la profesión. Adicionalmente, la asignatura se articula con las cadenas cognitivas construidas por los campos de formación y por tanto en la medida en que el estudiante transita por cada cadena logra aprehender las situaciones que debe enfrentar durante su formación

    Skill mismatches in the EU: Immigrants vs. Natives

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    The objective of this paper is to analyse and explain the factors behind the observed differences in skill mismatches -vertical and horizontal-, between natives and immigrants in EU countries. Using microdata from the 2007 wave of the Adult Education Survey -AES-, different probit models are specified and estimated to analyse differences in the probability of each type of skill mismatch between natives and immigrants. Next, Yun’s decomposition method is used to identify the relative contribution of characteristics and returns to explain the differences between the two groups. Our analysis shows that immigrants are more likely to be skill mismatched than natives, being this difference much larger for vertical mismatch. In this case, the difference is higher for immigrants coming from non-EU countries than for those coming from other EU countries. We find that immigrants from non-EU countries are less valued in the EU labour markets than natives with similar characteristics, a result that is not observed for immigrants from EU countries. These results could be related to the limited transferability of the human capital acquired in non-EU countries. The findings suggest that specific programs to adapt immigrants’ human capital acquired in home country are required to reduce differences in the incidence of skill mismatch and a better integration in the EU labour markets