2,165 research outputs found

    Wigner molecules in polygonal quantum dots: A density functional study

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    We investigate the properties of many-electron systems in two-dimensional polygonal (triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon) potential wells by using the density functional theory. The development of the ground state electronic structure as a function of the dot size is of particular interest. First we show that in the case of two electrons, the Wigner molecule formation agrees with the previous exact diagonalization studies. Then we present in detail how the spin symmetry breaks in polygonal geometries as the spin density functional theory is applied. In several cases with more than two electrons, we find a transition to the crystallized state, yielding coincidence with the number of density maxima and the electron number. We show that this transition density, which agrees reasonably well with previous estimations, is rather insensitive to both the shape of the dot and the electron number.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Dynamics of Spreading of Small Droplets of Chainlike Molecules on Surfaces

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    Dynamics of spreading of small droplets on surfaces has been studied by the molecular dynamics method. Simulations have been performed for mixtures of solvent and dimer, and solvent and tetramer droplets. For solvent particles and dimers, layering occurs leading to stepped droplet shapes. For tetramers such shapes occur for relatively deep and strong surface potentials only. For wider and more shallow potentials, more rapid spreading and rounded droplet shapes occur. These results are in accordance with experimental data on small non - volatile polymer droplets. PACS numbers: 68.10Gw, 05.70.Ln, 61.20.Ja, 68.45GdComment: to appear in Europhys. Letters (1994), Latex, 12 page

    A facility for investigation of multiple hadrons at cosmic-ray energies

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    An experimental arrangement for studying multiple hadrons produced in high-energy hadron-nucleus interactions is under construction at the university of Turku. The method of investigation is based on the detection of hadrons arriving simultaneously at sea level over an area of a few square meters. The apparatus consists of a hadron spectrometer with position-sensitive detectors in connection with a small air shower array. The position resolution using streamer tube detectors will be about 10 mm. Energy spectra of hadrons or groups of simultaneous hadrons produced at primary energies below 10 to the 16th power eV can be measured in the energy range 1 to 2000 GeV

    Observations of cosmic-ray modulations in the fall, 1984

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    Modulation of cosmic-ray energy spectrum was studied by using the Turku double neutron monitor. The multiplicity region of detected neutrons produced by cosmic ray hadrons in the monitor was divided into seven categories corresponding to mean energies 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.2, 8.6, 21, and 94 GeV of hadrons at sea level. Based on 24-hour frequencies, a statistical analysis showed that modulation of the intensity in all categories occurred during several periods in the fall 1984. The magnitude of the variation was a few per cent

    Optical measurement of torque exerted on an elongated object by a non-circular laser beam

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    We have developed a scheme to measure the optical torque, exerted by a laser beam on a phase object, by measuring the orbital angular momentum of the transmitted beam. The experiment is a macroscopic simulation of a situation in optical tweezers, as orbital angular momentum has been widely used to apply torque to microscopic objects. A hologram designed to generate LG02 modes and a CCD camera are used to detect the orbital component of the beam. Experimental results agree with theoretical numerical calculations, and the strength of the orbital component suggest its usefulness in optical tweezers for micromanipulation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, v2: minor typographical correction

    Spectral analysis of the Forbush decrease of 13 July 1982

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    The maximum entropy method has been applied in the spectral analysis of high-energy cosmic-ray intensity during the large Forbush event of July 13, 1982. An oscillation with period of about 2 hours and amplitude of 1 to 3% was found to be present during the decrease phase. This oscillation can be related to a similar periodicity in the magnetospheric field. However, the variation was not observed at all neutron monitor stations. In the beginning of the recovery phase, the intensity oscillated with a period of about 10 hours and amplitude of 3%