61 research outputs found

    Mielenterveys- ja päihdepotilaiden tupakoinnin lopettamisen tukeminen

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    Tupakointi on vakavia mielenterveyden häiriöitä sairastavien potilaiden huomattavasti lisääntyneen somaattisen sairastavuuden ja kuolleisuuden kannalta merkittävin yksittäinen riskitekijä. Siksi tupakointi on hyvä ottaa puheeksi, ja kaikille tupakoiville mielenterveys- ja päihdepotilaille tulisi tarjota tukea lopettamiseen. Psykiatriassa vallinnut tupakointikulttuuri muuttuu: tupakoinnin mahdollistamisesta siirrytään tukemaan tupakasta vieroittautumista osana psykiatrista hoitoa. Ajattelu- ja toimintatapojen muutos vaatii organisaatioiden johdon tukea, toimintaedellytyksiä vieroitustyöhön, koulutusta sekä työntekijöiden näkökulman huomiointia. Suosittelemme moniammatillista savuttomuusvastuuhenkilöiden verkostoa sekä kokemusasiantuntijoiden mukaanottoa potilaiden tupakkavieroituksen tueksi. Terveyden- ja sosiaalihuollon yksiköiden tulisi Suomessakin suojata psykiatrisia potilaita sekä henkilökuntaa altistumasta tupakoinnille.</p

    Flash-Like Albuminuria in Acute Kidney Injury Caused by Puumala Hantavirus Infection

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    Transient proteinuria and acute kidney injury (AKI) are characteristics of Puumala virus (PUUV) infection. Albuminuria peaks around the fifth day and associates with AKI severity. To evaluate albuminuria disappearance rate, we quantified albumin excretion at different time points after the fever onset. The study included 141 consecutive patients hospitalized due to acute PUUV infection in Tampere University Hospital, Finland. Timed overnight albumin excretion (cU-Alb) was measured during the acute phase in 133 patients, once or twice during the convalescent phase within three months in 94 patients, and at six months in 36 patients. During hospitalization, 30% of the patients had moderately increased albuminuria (cU-Alb 20–200 μg/min), while 57% presented with severely increased albuminuria (cU-Alb >200 μg/min). Median cU-Alb was 311 μg/min (range 2.2–6460) ≤7 days after fever onset, 235 μg/min (range 6.8–5479) at 8–13 days and 2.8 μg/min (range 0.5–18.2) at 14–20 days. After that, only one of the measurements showed albuminuria (35.4 μg/min at day 44). At six months, the median cU-Alb was 2.0 μg/min (range 0.6–14.5). Albuminuria makes a flash-like appearance in PUUV infection and returns rapidly to normal levels within 2–3 weeks after fever onset. In the case of AKI, this is a unique phenomenon

    Flash-Like Albuminuria in Acute Kidney Injury Caused by Puumala Hantavirus Infection

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    Transient proteinuria and acute kidney injury (AKI) are characteristics of Puumala virus (PUUV) infection. Albuminuria peaks around the fifth day and associates with AKI severity. To evaluate albuminuria disappearance rate, we quantified albumin excretion at different time points after the fever onset. The study included 141 consecutive patients hospitalized due to acute PUUV infection in Tampere University Hospital, Finland. Timed overnight albumin excretion (cU-Alb) was measured during the acute phase in 133 patients, once or twice during the convalescent phase within three months in 94 patients, and at six months in 36 patients. During hospitalization, 30% of the patients had moderately increased albuminuria (cU-Alb 20–200 μg/min), while 57% presented with severely increased albuminuria (cU-Alb >200 μg/min). Median cU-Alb was 311 μg/min (range 2.2–6460) ≤7 days after fever onset, 235 μg/min (range 6.8–5479) at 8–13 days and 2.8 μg/min (range 0.5–18.2) at 14–20 days. After that, only one of the measurements showed albuminuria (35.4 μg/min at day 44). At six months, the median cU-Alb was 2.0 μg/min (range 0.6–14.5). Albuminuria makes a flash-like appearance in PUUV infection and returns rapidly to normal levels within 2–3 weeks after fever onset. In the case of AKI, this is a unique phenomenon

    A test of the effort equalization hypothesis in children with cerebral palsy who have an asymmetric gait

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    Healthy people can walk nearly effortlessly thanks to their instinctively adaptive gait patterns that tend to minimize metabolic energy consumption. However, the economy of gait is severely impaired in many neurological disorders such as stroke or cerebral palsy (CP). Moreover, self-selected asymmetry of impaired gait does not seem to unequivocally coincide with the minimal energy cost, suggesting the presence of other adaptive origins. Here, we used hemiparetic CP gait as a model to test the hypothesis that pathological asymmetric gait patterns are chosen to equalize the relative muscle efforts between the affected and unaffected limbs. We determined the relative muscle efforts for the ankle and knee extensors by relating extensor joint moments during gait to maximum moments obtained from all-out hopping reference test. During asymmetric CP gait, the unaffected limb generated greater ankle (1.36 +/- 0.15 vs 1.17 +/- 0.16 Nm/kg, p = 0.002) and knee (0.74 +/- 0.33 vs 0.44 +/- 0.19 Nm/kg, p = 0.007) extensor moments compared with the affected limb. Similarly, the maximum moment generation capacity was greater in the unaffected limb versus the affected limb (ankle extensors: 1.81 +/- 0.39 Nm/kg vs 1.51 +/- 0.34 Nm/kg, p = 0.033; knee extensors: 1.83 +/- 0.37 Nm/kg vs 1.34 +/- 0.38 Nm/kg, p = 0.021) in our force reference test. As a consequence, no differences were found in the relative efforts between unaffected and affected limb ankle extensors (77 +/- 12% vs 80 +/- 16%, p = 0.69) and knee extensors (41 +/- 17% vs 38 +/- 23%, p = 0.54). In conclusion, asymmetric CP gait resulted in similar relative muscle efforts between affected and unaffected limbs. The tendency for effort equalization may thus be an important driver of self-selected gait asymmetry patterns, and consequently advantageous for preventing fatigue of the weaker affected side musculature.Peer reviewe

    Childhood predictors of later psychiatric hospital treatment: findings from the Finnish 1981 birth cohort study

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    Psychiatric hospital treatment (PHT) is expensive and indicates a severe disorder. Investigation of the early identification of this small patient group has though been hindered by small samples or unsatisfactory assessment in childhood. The present study aims to study the predictive association between psychopathology at age 8 using multi-informant assessment and later PHT. A nationwide birth cohort of Finnish children (n = 5,346) was assessed at age 8 to obtain information about psychopathology using the Rutter parent and teacher reports and self-reports of depressive symptoms. The main outcome was admission to any hospital with a primary diagnosis of any psychiatric disorder according to the Finnish National Hospital Discharge Register between age 13 and 24. Between age 13 and 24, 6.2% of the males and 4.1% of the females had been admitted for PHT. Among males, PHT was independently predicted by non-intact family and adult reports of conduct and of emotional symptoms, while among females by self-reported depressive symptoms. However, the combination of conduct and emotional problems was the strongest predictor for PHT in both sexes. Admission due to psychosis among males was associated with childhood conduct, attention, and emotional problems, but with emotional problems among females. Psychopathology at age 8 can be seen as a long-lasting increased risk of severe psychiatric disorders requiring hospital treatment in adolescence or early adulthood. Attention should be paid to self-reports among females and of comorbid conduct and emotional problems in both sexes in the early identification of this patient group

    Age of first alcohol intoxication and psychiatric disorders in young adulthood: A prospective birth cohort study

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    Objective: Early onset of alcohol use is associated with an increased risk of substance use disorders (SUD), but few studies have examined associations with other psychiatric disorders. Our aim was to study the association between the age of first alcohol intoxication (AFI) and the risk of psychiatric disorders in a Finnish general population sample. Methods: We utilized a prospective, general population-based study, the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986. In all, 6,290 15?16-year old adolescents answered questions on AFI and were followed up until the age of 33 years for psychiatric disorders (any psychiatric disorder, psychosis, SUD, mood disorders and anxiety disorders) by using nationwide register linkage data. Cox-regression analysis with Hazard Ratios (HR, with 95% confidence intervals (CI)) was used to assess the risk of psychiatric disorders associated with AFI. Results: Statistically significant associations were observed between AFI and any psychiatric disorder, psychosis, SUDs, and mood disorders. After adjustments for other substance use, family structure, sex and parental psychiatric disorders, AFIs of 13?14 years and Conclusions: We found significant associations between the early age of first alcohol intoxication, later SUD and any psychiatric disorder in a general population sample. This further supports the need for preventive efforts to postpone the first instances of adolescent alcohol intoxication.</div

    Low-Dose Doxycycline Treatment Normalizes Levels of Some Salivary Metabolites Associated with Oral Microbiota in Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome

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    Saliva is a complex oral fluid, and plays a major role in oral health. Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS), as an autoimmune disease that typically causes hyposalivation. In the present study, salivary metabolites were studied from stimulated saliva samples (n = 15) of female patients with pSS in a group treated with low-dose doxycycline (LDD), saliva samples (n = 10) of non-treated female patients with pSS, and saliva samples (n = 14) of healthy age-matched females as controls. Saliva samples were analyzed with liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based on the non-targeted metabolomics method. The saliva metabolite profile differed between pSS patients and the healthy control (HC). In the pSS patients, the LDD treatment normalized saliva levels of several metabolites, including tyrosine glutamine dipeptide, phenylalanine isoleucine dipeptide, valine leucine dipeptide, phenylalanine, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), urocanic acid, and salivary lipid cholesteryl palmitic acid (CE 16:0), to levels seen in the saliva samples of the HC. In conclusion, the data showed that pSS is associated with an altered saliva metabolite profile compared to the HC and that the LLD treatment normalized levels of several metabolites associated with dysbiosis of oral microbiota in pSS patients. The role of the saliva metabolome in pSS pathology needs to be further studied to clarify if saliva metabolite levels can be used to predict or monitor the progress and treatment of pSS

    Association of ADHD symptoms in adolescence and mortality in Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986

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    Background: Diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) has been associated with increased risk of mortality in large register samples. However, there is less known about the association between symptoms of ADHD in adolescents and risk of mortality in general population samples.Methods: The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (n = 9432 at recruitment in early pregnancy) linked to nationwide register data for deaths was utilized to study the association between parent-rated ADHD symptoms assessed using Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD symptoms and Normal Behaviors (SWAN) questionnaire and mortality until age 33 years. Cox-regression analysis with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) was used to study the association between SWAN inattentive, hyperactive, and combined symptom scores and risk of death.Results: Sixty-three (0.9%) of the 6685 participants died during the follow-up. Higher SWAN inattentive (crude HR = 2.30, 95% CI 1.46-3.63), SWAN hyperactive (crude HR = 2.43, 95% CI 1.29-4.56), and SWAN combined (crude HR = 2.69, 95% CI 1.57-4.61) scores were associated with increased risk of death. After adjustments for sex, family structure, and lifetime parental psychiatric disorder, these associations persisted. Further adjustment for frequent alcohol intoxication, cannabis, and other substance use in adolescence attenuated these to below statistical significance.Conclusions: These results extend previous findings on the risk of mortality in adolescents who have symptoms of ADHD. Further research with larger samples are needed to determine whether the association between ADHD symptoms and mortality is independent of adolescent substance use.</div

    Substance Use and Sleep Problems in Patients With Psychotic Disorders

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    sgac073Substance use and sleep problems are common in patients with psychotic disorders, but their associations in these patients have not been evaluated. We aimed to investigate associations between substance use and sleep problems in a large nationwide cohort of patients with a psychotic disorder.This study is part of the Finnish SUPER study, which belongs to the Stanley Global Neuropsychiatric Genomics Initiative. In this cross-sectional, multicenter study, participants (N = 8616) were recruited from primary and specialized healthcare. Patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression were included. Information on current alcohol (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Concise) and cigarette use as well as on lifetime illicit drug use, including cannabis, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, and opioids, was collected using questionnaires. The sleep outcomes in our logistic regression analysis were short (≤6 h) and long sleep (≥10 h) duration, difficulties initiating asleep, early morning awakenings, fatigue, and poor sleep quality (SQ).Self-reported substance use was associated with a higher prevalence of sleep problems. After adjustments with age, gender, diagnostic group, and living status, hazardous alcohol use (eg, poor SQ odds ratio [OR] = 1.80, 95\ 1.49 to 2.16, P \lt; .001), current smoking (short sleep duration OR = 1.28, 95\ 1.08 to 1.52, P = .005), and lifetime benzodiazepine misuse (difficulties initiating sleep OR = 2.00, 95\ 1.55 to 2.48, P \lt; .001) were associated with sleep problems.Substance use was associated with sleep problems. Our findings underline the potential benefits of screening substance use when treating sleep problems in patients with psychotic disorders.Peer reviewe
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