35,112 research outputs found

    Operational Entanglement Families of Symmetric Mixed N-Qubit States

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    We introduce an operational entanglement classification of symmetric mixed states for an arbitrary number of qubits based on stochastic local operations assisted with classical communication (SLOCC operations). We define families of SLOCC entanglement classes successively embedded into each other, we prove that they are of non-zero measure, and we construct witness operators to distinguish them. Moreover, we discuss how arbitrary symmetric mixed states can be realized in the lab via a one-to-one correspondence between well-defined sets of controllable parameters and the corresponding entanglement families.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, published version, Phys. Rev. A, in pres

    Thermal entanglement in the nanotubular system Na_2V_3O_7

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    Macroscopic entanglement witnesses have been put forward recently to reveal nonlocal quantum correlations between individual constituents of the solid at nonzero temperatures. Here we apply a recently proposed universal entanglement witness, the magnetic susceptibility [New J. Phys. {\bf 7}, 258 (2005)] for the estimation of the critical temperature TcT_c in the nanotubular system Na2V3O7{\rm Na_2V_3O_7} below which thermal entanglement is present. As a result of an analysis based on the experimental data for dc-magnetic susceptibility, we show that Tc365T_c \approx 365 K, which is approximately three times higher than the critical temperature corresponding to the bipartite entanglement.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX

    A simple formula for pooling knowledge about a quantum system

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    When various observers obtain information in an independent fashion about a classical system, there is a simple rule which allows them to pool their knowledge, and this requires only the states-of-knowledge of the respective observers. Here we derive an equivalent quantum formula. While its realm of applicability is necessarily more limited, it does apply to a large class of measurements, and we show explicitly for a single qubit that it satisfies the intuitive notions of what it means to pool knowledge about a quantum system. This analysis also provides a physical interpretation for the trace of the product of two density matrices.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex

    Entanglement invariant for the double Jaynes-Cummings model

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    We study entanglement dynamics between four qubits interacting through two isolated Jaynes-Cummings hamiltonians, via the entanglement measure based on the wedge product. We compare the results with similar results obtained using bipartite concurrence resulting in what is referred to as "entanglement sudden death". We find a natural entanglement invariant under evolution demonstrating that entanglement sudden death is caused by ignoring (tracing over) some of the system's degrees of freedom that become entangled through the interaction.Comment: Sec. V has largely been rewritten. An error pertaining to the entanglement invariant has been corrected and a correct invariant valid for a much larger set of states have been found, Eq. (25

    Upper limits on the luminosity of the progenitor of type Ia supernova SN2014J

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    We analysed archival data of Chandra pre-explosion observations of the position of SN2014J in M82. No X-ray source at this position was detected in the data, and we calculated upper limits on the luminosities of the progenitor. These upper limits allow us to firmly rule out an unobscured supersoft X-ray source progenitor with a photospheric radius comparable to the radius of white dwarf near the Chandrasekhar mass (~1.38 M_sun) and mass accretion rate in the interval where stable nuclear burning can occur. However, due to a relatively large hydrogen column density implied by optical observations of the supernova, we cannot exclude a supersoft source with lower temperatures, kT < 80 eV. We find that the supernova is located in the centre of a large structure of soft diffuse emission, about 200 pc across. The mass, ~3x10^4 M_sun and short cooling time of the gas, tau_cool ~ 8 Myrs, suggest that it is a supernova-inflated super-bubble, associated with the region of recent star formation. If SN2014J is indeed located inside the bubble, it likely belongs to the prompt population of type Ia supernovae, with a delay time as short as ~ 50 Myrs. Finally, we analysed the one existing post-supernova Chandra observation and placed upper limit of ~ (1-2) 10^37 erg/s on the X-ray luminosity of the supernova itself.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Universal and deterministic manipulation of the quantum state of harmonic oscillators: a route to unitary gates for Fock State qubits

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    We present a simple quantum circuit that allows for the universal and deterministic manipulation of the quantum state of confined harmonic oscillators. The scheme is based on the selective interactions of the referred oscillator with an auxiliary three-level system and a classical external driving source, and enables any unitary operations on Fock states, two-by-two. One circuit is equivalent to a single qubit unitary logical gate on Fock states qubits. Sequences of similar protocols allow for complete, deterministic and state-independent manipulation of the harmonic oscillator quantum state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fast Two-Qubit Gates in Semiconductor Quantum Dots using a Photonic Microcavity

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    Implementations for quantum computing require fast single- and multi-qubit quantum gate operations. In the case of optically controlled quantum dot qubits theoretical designs for long-range two- or multi-qubit operations satisfying all the requirements in quantum computing are not yet available. We have developed a design for a fast, long-range two-qubit gate mediated by a photonic microcavity mode using excited states of the quantum dot-cavity system that addresses these needs. This design does not require identical qubits, it is compatible with available optically induced single qubit operations, and it advances opportunities for scalable architectures. We show that the gate fidelity can exceed 90% in experimentally accessible systems

    Charge qubits and limitations of electrostatic quantum gates

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    We investigate the characteristics of purely electrostatic interactions with external gates in constructing full single qubit manipulations. The quantum bit is naturally encoded in the spatial wave function of the electron system. Single-electron{transistor arrays based on quantum dots or insulating interfaces typically allow for electrostatic controls where the inter-island tunneling is considered constant, e.g. determined by the thickness of an insulating layer. A representative array of 3x3 quantum dots with two mobile electrons is analyzed using a Hubbard Hamiltonian and a capacitance matrix formalism. Our study shows that it is easy to realize the first quantum gate for single qubit operations, but that a second quantum gate only comes at the cost of compromising the low-energy two-level system needed to encode the qubit. We use perturbative arguments and the Feshbach formalism to show that the compromising of the two-level system is a rather general feature for electrostatically interacting qubits and is not just related to the specific details of the system chosen. We show further that full implementation requires tunable tunneling or external magnetic fields.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR