5,040 research outputs found

    Spatial Entanglement From Off-Diagonal Long Range Order in a BEC

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    We investigate spatial entanglement - particle-number entanglement between regions of space - in an ideal Bosonic gas. We quantify the amount spatial entanglement around the transition temperature for condensation by probing the gas with two localised two-level systems. We show that spatial entanglement in the gas is directly related to filling of the ground state energy level and therefore to the off-diagonal long-range order of the system and the onset of condensation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Extended from 4 to 7 pages. More detailed derivations of key formula. Extended introduction and background. Results remain unchange

    Hantavirus infection among children hospitalized for febrile illness suspected to be dengue in Barbados

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    SummaryEmerging picture of hantavirus infection in the South America is characterized by greater proportion of childhood infection and wider spectrum of disease from mild asymptomatic to lethal cardiopulmonary disease. Barbados is endemic for dengue and leptospirosis, both of which share clinical features with hantavirus infection and in many cases neither of these diagnosis could be confirmed. We investigate whether some of the children hospitalized with suspected dengue could indeed have been hantavirus infections. In this prospective study children hospitalized with suspected dengue were tested for hantavirus infection using ELISA for the IgM antibodies. Thirty-eight children tested positive for hantavirus infection. They presented with fever, headache and mild respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms and signs. None of them had features suggestive of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. Blood count values ranged from low to normal to high for their age. There were no deaths. Hantavirus infection is prevalent in this Caribbean country. It predominantly presents with milder disease and is responsible for some of the nonspecific febrile illnesses in children

    Diagnosis trajectories of prior multi-morbidity predict sepsis mortality

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    Sepsis affects millions of people every year, many of whom will die. In contrast to current survival prediction models for sepsis patients that primarily are based on data from within-admission clinical measurements (e.g. vital parameters and blood values), we aim for using the full disease history to predict sepsis mortality. We benefit from data in electronic medical records covering all hospital encounters in Denmark from 1996 to 2014. This data set included 6.6 million patients of whom almost 120,000 were diagnosed with the ICD-10 code: A41 ‘Other sepsis’. Interestingly, patients following recurrent trajectories of time-ordered co-morbidities had significantly increased sepsis mortality compared to those who did not follow a trajectory. We identified trajectories which significantly altered sepsis mortality, and found three major starting points in a combined temporal sepsis network: Alcohol abuse, Diabetes and Cardio-vascular diagnoses. Many cancers also increased sepsis mortality. Using the trajectory based stratification model we explain contradictory reports in relation to diabetes that recently have appeared in the literature. Finally, we compared the predictive power using 18.5 years of disease history to scoring based on within-admission clinical measurements emphasizing the value of long term data in novel patient scores that combine the two types of data

    Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling with MeDIP-seq using archived dried blood spots

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    Segment distribution along the repeat-rich gene SFI1. Visualization of 500 bp segments (250 bp sliding window) at the SFI1 locus for hDBS, rDBS and oDBS. (PDF 113 kb

    Control and femtosecond time-resolved imaging of torsion in a chiral molecule

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    We study how the combination of long and short laser pulses, can be used to induce torsion in an axially chiral biphenyl derivative (3,5-difluoro-3',5'-dibromo-4'-cyanobiphenyl). A long, with respect to the molecular rotational periods, elliptically polarized laser pulse produces 3D alignment of the molecules, and a linearly polarized short pulse initiates torsion about the stereogenic axis. The torsional motion is monitored in real-time by measuring the dihedral angle using femtosecond time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging. Within the first 4 picoseconds, torsion occurs with a period of 1.25 picoseconds and an amplitude of 3 degrees in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations. At larger times the quantum states of the molecules describing the torsional motion dephase and an almost isotropic distribution of the dihedral angle is measured. We demonstrate an original application of covariance analysis of two-dimensional ion images to reveal strong correlations between specific ejected ionic fragments from Coulomb explosion. This technique strengthens our interpretation of the experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure