11 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent shot noise enhancement in a quantum dot

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    The spin-dependent dynamical blockade was investigated in a lateral quantum dot in a magnetic field. Spin-polarized edge channels in the two-dimensional leads and the spatial distribution of Landau orbitals in the dot modulate the tunnel coupling of the quantum dot level spectrum. In a measurement of the electron shot noise we observe a pattern of super-Poissonian noise which is correlated to the spin-dependent competition between different transport channels

    Dynamik des Transports in Quantenpunktsystemen

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    A quantized current source with mesoscopic feedback

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    We study a mesoscopic circuit of two quantized current sources, realized by non-adiabatic single- electron pumps connected in series with a small micron-sized island in between. We find that quantum transport through the second pump can be locked onto the quantized current of the first one by a feedback due to charging of the mesoscopic island. This is confirmed by a measurement of the charge variation on the island using a nearby charge detector. Finally, the charge feedback signal clearly evidences loading into excited states of the dynamic quantum dot during single-electron pump operation

    Two electrons interacting at a mesoscopic beam splitter

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    The non-linear response of a beam splitter to the coincident arrival of interacting particles enables numerous applications in quantum engineering and metrology yet poses considerable challenge to achieve focused interactions on the individual particle level. Here we probe the coincidence correlations at a mesoscopic constriction between individual ballistic electrons in a system with unscreened Coulomb interactions and introduce concepts to quantify the associated parametric non-linearity. The full counting statistics of joint detection allows us to explore the interaction-mediated energy exchange. We observe an increase from 50\% up to 70\% in coincidence counts between statistically indistinguishable on demand sources, and a correlation signature consistent with independent tomography of the electron emission. Analytical modeling and numerical simulations underpin consistency of the experimental results with Coulomb interactions between two electrons counterpropagating in a dispersive quadratic saddle, and demonstrate interactions sufficiently strong, U/(ℏω)>10U/(\hbar \omega) > 10, to enable single-shot in-flight detection and quantum logic gates

    Partitioning of on-demand electron pairs

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    We demonstrate the high fidelity splitting of electron pairs emitted on demand from a dynamic quantum dot by an electronic beam splitter. The fidelity of pair splitting is inferred from the coincidence of arrival in two detector paths probed by a measurement of the partitioning noise. The emission characteristic of the on-demand electron source is tunable from electrons being partitioned equally and independently to electron pairs being split with a fidelity of 90%. For low beam splitter transmittance we further find evidence of pair bunching violating statistical expectations for independent fermions

    Shot-noise at a Fermi-edge singularity: Non-Markovian dynamics

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    For an InAs quantum dot we study the current shot noise at a Fermi-edge singularity in low temperature cross-correlation measurements. In the regime of the interaction effect the strong suppression of noise observed at zero magnetic field and the sequence of enhancement and suppression in magnetic field go beyond a Markovian master equation model. Qualitative and quantitative agreement can however be achieved by a generalized master equation model taking non-Markovian dynamics into account. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

    Spin-dependent shot noise enhancement in a quantum dot

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