84 research outputs found

    Uczelnie wyższe jako element procesu komercjalizacji wiedzy w Polsce – wyzwania i bariery

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    Publikacja współfinansowana w ramach projektu: „SCOUTING – aktywny system monitoringu i oceny potencjału rynkowego prac badawczych kluczem do współpracy nauki i przedsiębiorców” współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg

    River Information Services (RIS) as a tool to improve Poland’s position in the European logistic system

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to indicate that modern inland navigation using the RIS system can contribute to the improvement of Poland's logistic attractiveness measured on the basis of the LPI logistics performance index. LPI index was created by the World Bank, and is a synthetic measure of the logistic efficiency of economies, how the TSL (transport-freight forwarding-logistics) industry influences the economy of individual regions.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The following methods were used in the study: literature analysis, descriptive statistics and taxonomic analysis.FINDINGS: Investments in inland waterways and river information systems RIS can further improve this assessment. IWT is the missing mode, which would supplement the infrastructure deficits, especially in metropolitan areas where no further expansion of roads or railways is possible due to the lack of land (e.g. in the Tricity agglomeration).PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The use of inland shipping for the transport of goods between the main industrial centres of the country would reduce transport costs, including external costs, and would contribute to the achievement of the transport objectives of the European Union.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The study contributes to the discussion on the role of inland shipping in Poland and European Union. The article discusses the potential of inland shipping for transport system measured with the use of the LPI logistics performance index created by the World Bank.peer-reviewe

    Development of simulators in VR technology as an example of frugal innovations

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    Cel – Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zastosowania technologii virtual reality [VR] jako oszczędnej metody szkoleń i doskonalenia kompetencji pracowników. Tym samym wskazuje się w nim na wykorzystanie VR jako przykładu oszczędnej innowacji, która przyczynia się do podnoszenia konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw poprzez tanie i efektywne metody edukacji zasobów ludzkich. Metoda badań – Metodę badawczą oparto na dwóch głównych obszarach: teoretycznym i empirycznym. W rozważaniach teoretycznych dokonano przeglądu literatury, przedstawiając zagadnienia, które wyjaśniają ideę budowania konkurencyjności dzięki wdrażaniu innowacji, w tym implementację oszczędnych innowacji. Wymiar empiryczny został przybliżony poprzez zaprezentowanie studium przypadków zastosowań technologii VR w szkoleniu kadr. Wnioski – Wykorzystanie rozwiązań VR należy uznać za oszczędną innowację, ponieważ przyczynia się do obniżenia kosztów szkoleń i jednocześnie znacznie poprawia bezpieczeństwo uczestników szkoleń. Oryginalność / wartość / implikacje /rekomendacje – Oszczędne innowacje, których korzeni należy szukać na rynkach wschodzących, szybko wzbudziły zainteresowanie świata naukowego w kontekście nowego spojrzenia na zarządzanie w organizacjach funkcjonujących w gospodarkach rozwiniętych. Wciąż brakuje wyczerpującej literatury na temat wykorzystania tych innowacji we współczesnych przedsiębiorstwach, zwłaszcza w kontekście szkoleń zasobów ludzkich. Artykuł uzupełnia tę lukę.Purpose – The aim of the article is to present the use of virtual reality [VR] technology as a cost-effective method of training and improving employee competences. Thus, the article indicates the use of VR as an example of frugal innovation, which contributes to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises through cheap and effective methods of educating human resources. Research method – The research method is based on two main areas – theoretical and empirical. In theoretical considerations, a literature review was conducted, presenting theoretical issues that explain the idea of building competitiveness based on the implementation of innovations, including frugal innovations. The empirical dimension was explained by presenting a case study of VR technology applications in personnel training. Results – The use of VR solutions should be considered as a frugal innovation, as it contributes to the reduction of training costs and at the same time significantly improves the safety of training participants. Originality /value / implications /recommendations – Frugal innovations, whose roots are to be found in emerging markets, quickly aroused the interest of the scientific world in the context of a new approach to management in organizations operating in developed economies. There is still no comprehensive literature on the use of cost-effective innovations in modern enterprises, especially in the context of human resources training. The article fills this gap.Joanna Markiewicz: [email protected] Niedzielski: [email protected] Markiewicz - Wydział Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania, Uniwersytet SzczecińskiPiotr Niedzielski - Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Zarządzania, Akademia Pomorska w SłupskuBound K., Thornton I., 2012, Our Frugal Future – Lessons from India's Innovation System, Nesta, London.Burdea G.C., Coiffet P., 2003, Virtual Reality Technology, Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, New York.Dandonoli P., 2013, Open innovation as a new paradigm for global collaborations in health, „Global Health”, vol. 9(41), pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1186/1744-8603-9-41.Gust-Bardon N.I., Niedzielski P., 2016, Kształtowanie regionalnych systemów innowacji. Doświadczenia Polski i Unii Europejskiej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin.Hossain M., 2016, Grassroots innovation: A systematic review of two decades of research, „Journal of Cleaner Production”, vol. 137, pp. 973-981, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro. 2016.07.140.Howard M., 2011, Will frugal innovation challenge the west? „Market Leader”, quarter 3, p. 53.Kozuba J., Niedzielski P., Maziarz W., Drewnowski A., Czapka B., 2016, Możliwości wykorzystania szkoleń symulacyjnych maszynistów w transporcie kolejowym w aspekcie analizy benchmarkingowej systemu szkoleń pilotów w transporcie lotniczym, Ekspertyza wykonana na zlecenie Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego, Szczecin–Dęblin.Markiewicz J., Bielawa A., Tylżanowski R., 2020, Oszczędne innowacje we współczesnym przedsiębiorstwie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin.Merx-Chermin M., Nijhof W.J., 2005, Factors influencing knowledge creation and innovation in an organization, „Journal of European Industrial Training”, vol. 29(2), pp. 135-147, DOI: DOI: 10.1108/03090590510585091.Niedzielski P., 2013, Kreatywność i procesy innowacyjne na rynku usług transportowych. Ujęcie modelowe, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin.Pawlowski J.M., 2013, Towards born-global innovation: the role of knowledge management and social software, [w:] Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Janiūnaitė B., Pundziene A., Petraite M. (red.), ECKM, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania.Prahalad C.K., 2005, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits, 1st ed., Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jork.Radjou N., Prabhu J., 2014, Frugal Innovation: How to Do More with Less, 1st ed., Profile Books Ltd., London.Schumpeter J.A., 1995, Kapitalizm, socjalizm, demokracja, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Sehgal V., Dehoff K., Panneer G., 2011, Back to basics, „Market Leader”, quarter 1.Sirko S., Kozuba J., Piotrowska-Trybull M., 2019, The Military’s Links with Local Communities in the Context of Sustainable Development, „Sustainability”, vol. 11(4427), pp. 1-11, DOI: 10.3390/su11164427.Weyrauch T., Herstatt C., 2016, What is frugal innvation? Three defining criteria, „Journal of Frugal Innovation”, vol. 2(1), pp. 1–17, DOI: 10.1186/s40669-016-0005-y.Zeschky M., Winterhalter S., Gassmann O., 2014, From Cost to Frugal and Reverse Innovation: Mapping the Field and Implications for Global Competitiveness, „Research Technology Management”, vol. 57(4), pp. 20-27, DOI: 10.5437/08956308X5704235.www 1, http://www.thehindubuisinessline.com/catalyst/2004/08/19/stories/2004081900010400.htm [data dostępu: 22.07.2008].www 2, https://www.nesta.org.uk/feature/frugal-innovations/ [data dostępu: 20.04. 2020].www 3, https://4experience.co/portfolio-item/dpd-vr-training-app/ [data dostępu: 20.04.2020].www 4, https://www.jungheinrich.pl/ [data dostępu: 20.04.2020].www 5, https://zeppelin.pl/aktualnosci/szkolenie-symulator-wozkow-widlowych-dobrana-para-magazynie/ [data dostępu: 20.01.2021].www 6, https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/medical-realities-platform/id1244122151?l=pl [data dostępu: 5.04.2020].www 7, https://www.apk4fun.com/screenshot/274029/ [data dostępu: 05.04.2020].www 8, https://www.esencja-studio.pl/portfolio/ostatni-dyzur-video [data dostępu: 05.04.2020].www 9, https://flaimsystems.com/products/trainer [data dostępu: 05.04.2020].www 10, https://tabliczni.pl/hardware/flaim-trainer-symulator-gaszenia-pozarow-w-vr/ [data dostępu: 15.04.2020].www 11, https://bhpzycie.com/ [data dostępu: 03.05.2021].www 12, https://epicvr.pl/pl/portfolio-realizacji-vr/ [data dostępu: 02.05.2021].2(104)445

    Smart-lab as an example of the incubation and acceleration platform for start-ups – challenges and barriers

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    Purpose – The aim of the article is to indicate the role and importance of acceleration platforms in stimulating the development of the start-up market in Poland, on the example of the Smart-Lab incubation and acceleration platform, as a part of the “e-Pionier” project implemented from EU funds under the “Polska Cyfrowa” Program. Research method – The research methods are: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, desk research, case study. Results – Five MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) were obtained, constituting an original, innovative Smart-Lab Project solution in response to particular socio-economic problems reported by local government units. Originality /value / implications /recommendations – The article highlights the issues of the start-up market and the role of acceleration platforms in stimulating the development of this market, as part of the perceived need for a wider analysis of this kind of research problem.Piotr NIEDZIELSKI: [email protected] ZIOŁO: [email protected] OLIWA: [email protected]ł ZIŃCZAK: [email protected] NIEDZIELSKI, Professor - Faculty of Management and Economics Services, University of SzczecinMagdalena ZIOŁO, PhD - Faculty of Management and Economics Services, University of SzczecinBartosz OLIWA, MA - Narodowy Bank PolskiAcs Z.J., Audretsch D.B., 1990, Innovation and Small Firms, MIT Press, Cambridge.Flejterski S., 1984, Istota i mierzenie konkurencyjności międzynarodowej, „Gospodarka Planowa”, nr 9.Gans J., Hsu D.H., Stern S., 2002, When Does Start-up Innovation Spur the Gale of Creative Destruction?, “The Rand Journal of Economics”, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 571-586, DOI: 10.2307/3087475.Garcia R., Calantone R., 2002, A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: A literature review, “The Journal of Product Innovation Management”, vol. 19(2), pp. 110-132.Global Innovation Index 2018. 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    The Interests of Main Stakeholders in The Commercialisation Process of Business Ventures Within University Business Incubators

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    The justification and directions of support for business ventures by innovation and entrepreneurship centres are nowadays the subject of extensive scientific and political discourse. The paper aims at adding arguments to this discussion, based on the results of empirical research conducted on the basis of the case study strategy carried out among companies developing in such centres in Poland in comparison with more developed countries, including the UK, Belgium and Ireland. Particular attention is paid to the issue of involvement of key stakeholders at various stages of business development, including universities and their business incubators as well as potential investors providing key resources to this development, combined with general economic objectives the achievement of which justifies public expenditure on support of specific entities. The conducted analysis is based on the process approach in the framework of which characteristic phases of business development are distinguished, since the company's establishment to the point when it gains the potential for global development. The analysis shows first of all that there is no contradiction between objectives of individual stakeholders of the process, provided that they are properly targeted. University business incubators seem to be a good coordinator of these objectives if their activities are carried out in an appropriate manner.Katarzyna Łobacz: [email protected] Niedzielski: [email protected] Łobacz, Ph.D. – Department of Effectiveness of Innovation, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services, University of SzczecinProfessor Piotr Niedzielski – Department of Effectiveness of Innovation, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services, University of SzczecinAcs Z. J., Braunerhjelm P., Audretsch D. 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    Investigating the logistics coopetition in macroeconomic perspective : comparative analysis of V4 countries

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    PURPOSE: The article aims to show that by using objective indicators of economic sectors, it is possible to create fields of common strategic action based on the principles of coopetition, which have so far been used only at the level of enterprises. Expanding the perspective of the use of the concept of co-opetition not only contributes to the development of science but also shows from a practical point of view that in the field of economically or politically connected economies it is possible to compete and co-operate at the same time.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Basing on the previously developed LPI and other selected micro- and macroeconomic indicators of selected economies, using the methods of descriptive statistics, the areas of potential cooperation and competition of national economies in the field of logistics and their possible effects are developed and presented.FINDINGS: The novelty of the considerations is the application of the macroeconomic approach, which has not been used so far in coopetition. And focus on proving that simultaneous cooperation and competition in different areas of logistic efficiency of a group of countries can bring win-win effects for each of them. The novelty of the considerations is the implementation of the concept of co-opetition on the level of the whole economy, using it to examine areas of logistic efficiency and to indicate the potential benefits of using this strategy.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The advantage of using the LPI indicator in the deliberations is to indicate that with its help it is possible to determine the areas of coopetition of individual groups of countries. Such an approach can contribute to strengthening the cooperation between different links in supply chains, creating and proposing new chain strategies that are more efficient and create greater value and competitiveness.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The originality of the considerations is an attempt to grasp and justify the possibility of using the concept of coopetition in the context of entire economies, not just enterprises or supply chains, and the search for cooperation and competition in these fields. A research gap has been found in the literature, as this context has not been considered so far, and by using an objective measure of logistics performance it has been shown that when comparing economic sectors it is possible to go beyond just enterprises and focus on national economies.peer-reviewe

    Finansowanie publicznej komunikacji zbiorowej w aglomeracjach miejskich w Polsce

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobów finansowania publicznej komunikacji zbiorowej w aglomeracjach miejskich ze szczególnym ukazaniem roli jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Cel szczegółowy obejmuje dokonanie oceny wielkości wydatków ponoszonych przez gminy na finansowanie lokalnego transportu zbiorowego oraz określenie wielkości dopłat, jakie gminy te ponoszą w związku z realizacją zadań z zakresu lokalnego transportu zbiorowego. Analizą objęto jedenaście miast polskich: Szczecin, Poznań, Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków, Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot oraz Łódź, ze szczególnym wyróżnieniem Szczecina. W badaniach wykorzystano krytyczną analizę literatury metody indukcji i dedukcji oraz analizę wskaźnikową. W efekcie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że wydatki na publiczną komunikację zbiorową stanowią znaczące obciążenie dla budżetów badanych miast, a wpływy z biletów komunikacji miejskiej nie zapewniają ich pełnego finansowania (średnio pokrywają 40% zapotrzebowania na finansowanie). Oryginalnym rozwiązaniem dla podjętego problemu badawczego jest zaproponowanie koncepcji zarządzania przychodami do maksymalizacji przychodów ze sprzedaży biletów w miastach

    Blockchain in education : the best teaching models

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    PURPOSE: The usefulness of Blockchain technology due to its many advantages, in the form of off-the-shelf solutions, is conquering many sectors of the economy, such as finance, insurance, retail, industry, healthcare, logistics or public administration. The main aim of this paper is to identify the best teaching models for implementing Blockchain into the teaching process in higher educational institutions.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research method emloyed in this study was a model for evaluating online courses, covering topics related to Blockchain and data collection using the Delphi method. The experts were selected from among academic teachers with knowledge and experience in the field of Blockchain technology, who conduct their research in the IT and / or economic space.FINDINGS: Not only Blockchain technology itself is important, but also exploring and learning about business transformations involving Blockchain (checking out available solutions on the market, tracing how the process of implementing Blockchain in new entities and projects).PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION: This technology is under continuous evolution and we have not yet fully explored the limits of its applications. Blockchain is also a new paradigm for digital data management and learning. Due to the rising role of Blockchain, univeristies should include Blockchain in their education offer.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article fills the knowledge gap in the field of supporting the developing Blockchain environment in the context of introducing Blockchan into the teaching process.peer-reviewe