424 research outputs found

    Non--perturbative tests of the fixed point action for SU(3) gauge theory

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    In this paper (the second of a series) we extend our calculation of a classical fixed point action for lattice SU(3)SU(3) pure gauge theory to include gauge configurations with large fluctuations. The action is parameterized in terms of closed loops of link variables. We construct a few-parameter approximation to the classical FP action which is valid for short correlation lengths. We perform a scaling test of the action by computing the quantity G=Lσ(L)G = L \sqrt{\sigma(L)} where the string tension σ(L)\sigma(L) is measured from the torelon mass μ=Lσ(L)\mu = L \sigma(L). We measure GG on lattices of fixed physical volume and varying lattice spacing aa (which we define through the deconfinement temperature). While the Wilson action shows scaling violations of about ten per cent, the approximate fixed point action scales within the statistical errors for 1/2aTc1/6 1/2 \ge aT_c \ge 1/6. Similar behaviour is found for the potential measured in a fixed physical volume.Comment: 28 pages (latex) + 11 figures (Postscript), uuencode

    First results from a parametrized Fixed-Point QCD action

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    We have constructed a new fermion action which is an approximation to the (chirally symmetric) Fixed-Point action, containing the full Clifford algebra with couplings inside a hypercube and paths built from renormalization group inspired fat links. We present an exploratory study of the light hadron spectrum and the energy-momentum dispersion relation.Comment: Lattice2001(improvement), 3 pages, based on a talk by S.H; reference update

    Perfect topological charge for asymptotically free theories

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    The classical equations of motion of the perfect lattice action in asymptotically free d=2d=2 spin and d=4d=4 gauge models possess scale invariant instanton solutions. This property allows the definition of a topological charge on the lattice which is perfect in the sense that no topological defects exist. The basic construction is illustrated in the d=2d=2 O(3) non--linear σ\sigma--model and the topological susceptibility is measured to high precision in the range of correlation lengths ξ(260)\xi \in (2 - 60). Our results strongly suggest that the topological susceptibility is not a physical quantity in this model.Comment: Contribution to Lattice'94, 3 pages PostScript, uuencoded compresse

    Progress using generalized lattice Dirac operators to parametrize the Fixed-Point QCD action

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    We report on an ongoing project to parametrize the Fixed-Point Dirac operator for massless quarks, using a very general construction which has arbitrarily many fermion offsets and gauge paths, the complete Clifford algebra and satisfies all required symmetries. Optimizing a specific construction with hypercubic fermion offsets, we present some preliminary results.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Improvement), 9 pages, based on a talk by K.H. and a poster by T.J. References adde

    Drastic Reduction of Cutoff Effects in 2-d Lattice O(N) Models

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    We investigate the cutoff effects in 2-d lattice O(N) models for a variety of lattice actions, and we identify a class of very simple actions for which the lattice artifacts are extremely small. One action agrees with the standard action, except that it constrains neighboring spins to a maximal relative angle delta. We fix delta by demanding that a particular value of the step scaling function agrees with its continuum result already on a rather coarse lattice. Remarkably, the cutoff effects of the entire step scaling function are then reduced to the per mille level. This also applies to the theta-vacuum effects of the step scaling function in the 2-d O(3) model. The cutoff effects of other physical observables including the renormalized coupling and the mass in the isotensor channel are also reduced drastically. Another choice, the mixed action, which combines the standard quadratic with an appropriately tuned large quartic term, also has extremely small cutoff effects. The size of cutoff effects is also investigated analytically in 1-d and at N = infinity in 2-d.Comment: 39 pages, 18 figure

    The construction of generalized Dirac operators on the lattice

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    We discuss the steps to construct Dirac operators which have arbitrary fermion offsets, gauge paths, a general structure in Dirac space and satisfy the basic symmetries (gauge symmetry, hermiticity condition, charge conjugation, hypercubic rotations and reflections) on the lattice. We give an extensive set of examples and offer help to add further structures.Comment: 19 pages, latex, maple code attache

    The index theorem in QCD with a finite cut-off

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    The fixed point Dirac operator on the lattice has exact chiral zero modes on topologically non-trivial gauge field configurations independently whether these configurations are smooth, or coarse. The relation nLnR=QFPn_L-n_R = Q^{FP}, where nLn_L (nR)(n_R) is the number of left (right)-handed zero modes and QFPQ^{FP} is the fixed point topological charge holds not only in the continuum limit, but also at finite cut-off values. The fixed point action, which is determined by classical equations, is local, has no doublers and complies with the no-go theorems by being chirally non-symmetric. The index theorem is reproduced exactly, nevertheless. In addition, the fixed point Dirac operator has no small real eigenvalues except those at zero, i.e. there are no 'exceptional configurations'.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Minor clarifying changes are made and new references adde

    Logarithmic corrections to O(a(2)) lattice artifacts

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    We compute logarithmic corrections to the O(a(2)) lattice artifacts for a class of lattice actions for the non-linear O(n) sigma-model in two dimensions. The generic leading artifacts are of the form a(2)vertical bar In(a(2))vertical bar(n/(n-2)). We also compute the next-to-leading corrections and show that for the case n = 3 the resulting expressions describe well the lattice artifacts in the step scaling function, which are in a large range of the cutoff apparently of the form O(a). An analogous computation should, if technically possible, accompany ally precision measurements in lattice QCD. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Lattice regularization and symmetries

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    Finding the relation between the symmetry transformations in the continuum and on the lattice might be a nontrivial task as illustrated by the history of chiral symmetry. Lattice actions induced by a renormalization group procedure inherit all symmetries of the continuum theory. We give a general procedure which gives the corresponding symmetry transformations on the lattice. © SISSA 2006