25 research outputs found

    Our experience on non-descent vaginal hysterectomy: a forgotten skill

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    Background: Hysterectomy is the most commonly performed major gynecological procedure. It can be done by different routes like abdominal or vaginal or laparoscopic route. Vaginal route of hysterectomy is undoubtedly less popular these days due to inclination towards laparoscopic route by both surgeon as well as patients. Keeping this is mind we have planned this paper to share our experience of Non Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy at a tertiary level hospital. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at the department of obstetrics and gynecology of Vardhmann Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi over the period of one year. All the patients undergoing non -descent vaginal hysterectomy for benign indication with adequate vaginal access, without suspected adnexal pathology, who did not have any uterine descent were included in the study. In bigger size uterus morcellation techniques like bisection, debulking, myomectomy, slicing was used to remove the uterus. Intraoperative findings and post-operative complications were recorded. Statistical analysis was done. Results: During the study period total 138 hysterectomies were performed. Most of the women were in the age group of 46 to 50 years (50%). All patients were parous. In 56% patients, uterine size was 8-10 weeks. Fibroid uterus (37%) followed by adenomyosis (27%) was the commonest indication for hysterectomy. The most common complication was febrile morbidity (n=13) followed by urinary tract infection (n=9). Conclusions: Non descent vaginal hysterectomy procedure in hand of a skilled surgeon can be done upto 14 weeks uterine size

    An overview of E-waste, its management practices and legislations in present Indian context

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    E-waste coming out from the electronic sector of the entire world is harming the world's environment. There has been a pattern of a substantial increase in the production of E-waste worldwide. This is as a consequence of population increase, industrialization, urbanization and economic activity. Since the last decade, the rate of consumerism has been found to be very high due to higher economic growth, which has resulted in increased E-waste production. Almost all countries are recycling more and more E-waste, but a million tonnes of E-waste still coming out. Experts believe that the rise of E-waste is due to our rapidly changing lifestyles. We have started adopting new electronic devices coming into the market, trying to make life more convenient. In  India, electronic waste is growing at 10% per annum.  The trend of urbanization has played a significant role in the enhancement of E-waste generation. The population living in urban areas was 27.67% in 2000, 38.03% in 2018, and is expected to reach approximately 42% in 2025. As the population increases, the amount of E-waste will also rise to an alarming situation. This review paper provides the present scenario of E-waste and its management practices and legislation in the present Indian context. This would help all the stakeholders involved in the production of electrical equipment to gain better understanding of E-waste

    Misplaced IUCD: a case report

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    In a developing country like India where population census is crossing the limits, contraceptive methods are the necessary measures for the population control. Intrauterine Contraceptive devices (IUCDs) are the second most commonly used method of contraception after sterilization. Misplaced IUCDs usually present with the missing thread and remain asymptomatic in most of the cases. A case of a misplaced IUCD in the pouch of Douglas is reported which was managed laparoscopically

    Persistencia de malezas gramĂ­neas en cultivos de trigo del sudeste bonaerense

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    En la presente tesis se estudió la persistencia de especies poáceas en cultivos de trigo del sudeste de Buenos Aires. En dicha región, Avena fatua L. y Lolium multiflorum Lam. son las malezas poáceas más importantes, tanto por la dificultad de control como por sus efectos competitivos sobre el cultivo. A los efectos de cuantificar la persistencia de dichas especies, se estudió la composición de la comunidad de malezas en dos momentos del ciclo: preaplicación de herbicidas y precosecha. Individuos de ambas malezas fueron registrados en ambos momentos como consecuencia de “escapes” al control realizado con herbicidas, siendo A. fatua más constante que L. mutiflorum. Posteriormente, se estudiaron los procesos que definen la persistencia de ambas malezas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el ajuste del momento de emergencia es jerárquicamente el factor más importante para explicar la persistencia de A. fatua. Se demostró que los modelos de germinación son diferentes según las semillas provengan de un lote agrícola o de una condición de no cultivo, siendo estas diferencias de naturaleza genética. Por otro lado, la variabilidad en la supervivencia a los herbicidas es el factor que mejor explica la persistencia de L. multiflorum, habiéndose documentado resistencia cruzada a los herbicidas inhibidores de la ALS, pyroxsulam, imazamox y flucarbazone, sin antecedentes previos en la región. Los índices de resistencia encontrados presentan variación con la temperatura ambiente en post-aplicación del herbicida, habiéndose registrado mayor resistencia con mayor temperatura. Además, se comprobó que los individuos resistentes presentan menor tiempo a floración que los susceptibles. Tal atributo puede significar una ventaja demográfica para dichas poblaciones. Queda así demostrada la persistencia de A. fatua y L. multiflorum durante el ciclo del cultivo más allá de las prácticas de control realizadas y la participación de dos procesos demográficos distintos (establecimiento y supervivencia) en dicha persistencia

    Tea: age-old beverage as an effective cancer chemopreventive agent

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    Cancer is the major public health problem, causing approximately 7 million deaths every year worldwide. The existing treatment approaches and surgical techniques have not been able to cope effectively with this dreaded disease. Because of this, the concept of chemoprevention is now considered a valid approach to reduce the incidence of cancer. There is convincing epidemiological and experimental evidence to show that dietary polyphenolic plant-derived compounds have cancer preventive properties. Based on evidence from in vitro, in vivo data and epidemiological studies, tea has received considerable attention over recent years for reducing the risk of several cancers. Much of the cancer preventive effects of tea, and in particular green tea, appear to be mediated by the polyphenols they contain. In addition to inhibiting mutagenesis and proliferation, tea is relatively non-toxic, is low cost, and can be taken orally or as a part of the daily diet. Therefore it is logical that future clinical studies should focus on examining the efficacy of tea and its active constituents, such as epigallocatechin- 3-gallate (EGCG) and theaflavins (TFs), in chemoprevention as an alternative to pharmacological agents. In this review, we address the use of tea and its constituents for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Further mechanistic and dose-response studies will help us to understand the effects of tea consumption on human carcinogenesis

    Tea: age-old beverage as an effective cancer chemopreventive agent

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    Cancer is the major public health problem, causing approximately 7 million deaths every year worldwide. The existing treatment approaches and surgical techniques have not been able to cope effectively with this dreaded disease. Because of this, the concept of chemoprevention is now considered a valid approach to reduce the incidence of cancer. There is convincing epidemiological and experimental evidence to show that dietary polyphenolic plant-derived compounds have cancer preventive properties. Based on evidence from in vitro, in vivo data and epidemiological studies, tea has received considerable attention over recent years for reducing the risk of several cancers. Much of the cancer preventive effects of tea, and in particular green tea, appear to be mediated by the polyphenols they contain. In addition to inhibiting mutagenesis and proliferation, tea is relatively non-toxic, is low cost, and can be taken orally or as a part of the daily diet. Therefore it is logical that future clinical studies should focus on examining the efficacy of tea and its active constituents, such as epigallocatechin- 3-gallate (EGCG) and theaflavins (TFs), in chemoprevention as an alternative to pharmacological agents. In this review, we address the use of tea and its constituents for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Further mechanistic and dose-response studies will help us to understand the effects of tea consumption on human carcinogenesis

    A Review New Thread Based Wormhole Attack Prevention Mechanism in MANET

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    ABSTRACT: In this Paper a In wireless networks, security has become the prime factor of concern. The mobility of the nodes, in these so called Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETS), furthermore leads to a situation where it is very difficult to establish secure data transmission. Since the use of mobile equipments such as cellular phones or laptops is tremendously increasing and because of limited physical security, vulnerability to attacks, including an attack known as the wormhole attack, has become a challenging work. The wormhole attack is very powerful and preventing the attack has proven to be very difficult [3]. A strategic placement of the wormhole can result in a significant breakdown in communication across a wireless network. This addresses the aforementioned gap by providing a proper definition and categorization of wormhole attacks against MANET by introducing a new cooperative, clock synchronized technique based on Reference Broadcast System (RBS), and discussits effect on network performance. To improve network scalability and throughput, we propose the concept of thread for each and every node of MANET. So that our proposed scheme has three mechanisms namely, AODV (Ad hoc on demand distance vector protocol) for routing, Principle of RBS for threshold setting and ACK, for reliability of communication, are combined to detect and isolate wormhole attacks in ad hoc networks. That manages how the nodes are going to behave and which to route the packets insecured way

    Sex Trafficking as a Human Rights Issue

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    Effectuation to Cognize malignancy risk and accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in salivary gland using “Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology”: A 2 years retrospective study in academic institution

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    Background: To accost things in a particular disciple, egress related to Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) and to standardize reporting pattern, a framework “Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology” (MSRSGC) has been sponsored. Aim: Aim of this study was to evaluate the potency of salivary gland FNAC reported under Milan guidelines, to calculate malignancy risk, and to compare the preoperative cytological diagnoses with the postoperative histopathological diagnoses. Settings and Design: This was a retrospective study over a period of 2 years (May 2016 to April 2018), which was classified according to Milan system and correlation with histopathology. Furthermore, the risk of malignancy was calculated for all the diagnostic categories. Materials and Methods: FNAC were analyzed on 105 patients with palpable salivary gland. Results were distributed into six categories. About 76 cases were surgically treated and resected tissues were submitted for histopathological examination. Statistical Analysis: The various diagnostic values of the procedure were calculated using the standard formula. Results: We reviewed 105 salivary gland FNA samples and recorded interpretations according to the proposed standardized six categories. Among them, category IV (neoplastic) had more cases (57.14%). The rates of malignancy in histology were as follows: (1) nondiagnostic, 0.0%; (2) nonneoplastic, 0.0%; (3) atypia of undermined significance, 50.00%; (4a) benign, 02.44%; (4b) uncertain malignant potential, 33.33%; (5) suspicious for malignancy, 100%; and (6) malignancy, 93.33%. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy of Milan system came out to be 85.00%, 98.14%, 94.44%, 94.64%, and 94.59%, respectively. Conclusion: The six-tier diagnostic categories of the Milan system helps in triaging patients with salivary gland swelling and thus facilitate individualized management