555 research outputs found
Enabling and Barriers of Implantable Contraceptive Use at Health Centre I North Denpasar
Background and purpose: The objective of this study was to explore the supporting and the inhibiting factors influencing the use of implant contraceptive use by women of childbearing age. Methods: The study was qualitative using a phenomenological approach. Data collection involved a purposively selected sample, conducting two FGD (10 implant users and 10 non-users) and 11 in-depth interviews among private midwives, government midwives, husbands, in-laws, and family planning staff. Results: FGD found that perceptions and attitudes towards implants of those already using the contraceptive were positive, while the perceptions and attitudes of non-users were less so. Some respondents intimated that they experienced side effects though these were not a deterring factor in USAge. Enabling factors for the use of implant contraceptives were the availability and accessibility to the healthcare facilities and the support of their husbands. Access to facilities and infrastructure were not inhibiting factors either for the users or the non-users. Findings from in-depth interviews indicated that inhibiting factors included were the desire to have more children and the lack of promotion of the implant contraceptives. Healthcare provider informants stated that the lack of training was an inhibiting factor. Conclusion: Enabling factors for the use of implant contraceptives were the availability and accessibility to the healthcare facilities and the support of their husbands. Inhibiting factors were the desire to have more children, the lack of proper training for the health workers, as well as the lack of promotion of the implant contraceptive in the community
Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Bangun Ruang
Quasi-experimental study design with the pre-test and post-test is aimed to obtain objectiveinformation about the effectiveness of cooperative learning type STAD in improving students' mathematical understanding of class V MIN. The population of this study is student of class VMIN in the city of Banda Aceh. Based on the results of data analysis, improving the ability ofmathematical understanding in the experimental class and control class is quietly different in terms of level of school (good, adequate and low). The difference increased capability is then tested statistically by ANOVA test using two pathways with significance level (α) = 0,05. From the results of different test can be concluded that the increased understanding ofmathematical abilities of students through cooperative learning type STAD better than on improving the understanding of mathematical abilities of students through conventional learning
Problematika Waiting List Dalam Penyelenggaraan Ibadah Haji Di Indonesia
This study raised the question of: (1) The problems that caused the waiting list in the organization of the hajj in Indonesia. (2) How to protect against regular pilgrims who were on a waiting list. (3) The solution was done to address these problems. This study is a library research nuanced on normative and descriptive study. Causes of the waiting list in the juridical aspect has not been any solid juridical basis; the philosophical aspects, and the sociological aspects. The absence of legal protction arrangements for the prospective pilgrims who were on a waiting list showed vacancy norm. Solution in juridical aspect formulation should be no additional principles of the organization of the hajj, the philosophical aspect, good organization of the hajj and religious awareness prospective pilgrims should be straightened out again, and the sociological aspect can be done by: added the Indonesian hajj quota, that no misuse of fatwa on bailout hajj, asked perform of pilgrimage only for those who want to repeat hajj, muslims are capable directed to charity, straighten the intention pilgrimage, improve exemplary scholars and leaders, as well as separating the Hajj organizers between regulators, operators, and evaluators
Pembatalan Peminangan dan Akibat Hukumnya Ditinjau dari Hukum Islam dan Adat Aceh (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Pidie-sigli, Nad
Proposing in Arabic is called ‘khitbah\u27 which is the notification of the intention of a man to get married with a certain woman and the woman side tells about it to her wali. When she and her family agree, she and the man are bound and legal implication has been effective between them. In the Islamic law, it is said that proposal and engagement can be called as a legal domicile since a woman who has been engaged cannot be proposed by another man, for the proposal has moral implication. In Aceh community, especially in Aceh Pidie community that is mostly Moslems, there are still many people who perform proposal and engagement before getting married. Engagements can end with marriages, but many of them end without marriages which mean that one of the parties cancels the proposal. In Aceh Pidie, when one of the parties cancels the proposal, customary sanction will be imposed on them
Pengaruh Debt to Equity Ratio (Der), Return on Asset (Roa), Dan Net Profit Margin (Npm) Terhadap Return Saham Industri Real Estate and Property Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2017
The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand the influence of Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, and Net Profit Margin simultaneously or partially to the stock return of real estate and property industry listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2013-2017. The nature of this study is correlational research. The population is real estate and property industry listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2013-2017. Samples of research as many as 7 companies of real estate and property industry obtained by purposive sampling technique. The object in this research is the company's annual report period 2013-2017. Data collecting technique using documentation method, while data analysis technique using multiple linear regression analysis supported by classical assumption test. The result showed that partially variable Debt to Equity Ratio and Return On Asset to have influence toward stock return. Meanwhile variable Net Profit Margin doesn't have influence toward stock return. While in simultaneous three independent variables Debt to Equity Ratio, Return On Asset, and Net Profit Margin to have influence toward stock return
Kajian Pendapatan Dan Kontribusi USAhatani Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera) Terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Petani Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi
The objective of this research is to determine the income contribution of coconut farming on total farmer income at Tanjung Jabung Barat District, Jambi Province. Survey method was used that completed by descriptif analization. It took 15% sample so there are 73 samples (481 populations) that taken by combaining stratified random sampling and two stage random sampling. The result of this research showed that the total fixed cost was Rp.4.888/month while the total variable cost was . So that the total production cost was Rp. 551.796/month. Meanwhile the average revenue of coconut farming was Rp. 2.463.388/month, so that the average income received from coconut farming was Rp. 1.911.592/month. .the income outside of coconut farming was Rp. 4.546.575/month. Accordingly the last information showed that income contribution of coconut farming on the total farmer income was 42%
This research aims to develop computer-assisted instruction by using gamification on mirror reflection topics in Junior High School. The method used in this research was a descriptive method. The validators of the game in this research were three experts and fifty-seven students. Experts participated in this research were one science expert, one media expert, and one science teacher. Students as validator in this research were fifty-seven students in 9 grade at one of junior high school in West Java. The gamification aspects created on the game were goals, science content, and challenging environment. The expert gave feedbacks in both media and the quality of the content aspects. Students were asked about their agreement level of the gamification elements and the effect of gamification which are motivation, joyness, convenience, addiction, attractiveness, and interactiveness. The research found that experts gave a good score towards this game. Another finding of the research was that students agreed that the game had goals, science content, and challenging environment. Students also felt motivated, joy, convenient, addicted and attracted after playing the game. Students confirmed they have two ways of interaction with the game. Thus, the game is good as learning supplement for mirror reflection topics in junior high school.;--Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instruksi berbantuan komputer dengan menggunakan elemen gamification pada topik refleksi cermin pada sekolah menengah pertama (SMP). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Validator untuk penelitian ini adalah tiga ahli dan lima puluh tujuh siswa. Para ahli yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini adalah satu ahli sains, satu ahli media, dan satu guru ilmu pengetahuan alam. Siswa sebagai validator dalam penelitian ini adalah lima puluh tujuh siswa di kelas 9 di salah satu SMP di Jawa Barat. Aspek gamification yang dibuat pada game adalah gol, konten sains, dan lingkungan yang menantang. Pakar memberi masukan di kedua media dan kualitas aspek konten. Siswa memberikan tingkat persetujuan dari elemen gamifikasi dan efek gamifikasi. Efek gamifikasi yang ditanyakan adalah motivasi, kebahagiaan, kenyamanan, ketagihan, daya tarik, dan interaktif. Hasilnya menemukan bahwa para ahli memberikan skor yang baik terhadap permainan ini. Para siswa setuju bahwa permainan tersebut memiliki tujuan, konten ilmu pengetahuan alam, dan lingkungan yang menantang. Temuan lain dalam penelitian ini adalah unsur-unsur gamifikasi menyebabkan siswa merasa termotivasi, senang, nyaman, ketagihan dan tertarik setelah bermain game. Para siswa mengatakan bahwa mereka merasakan adanya interaksi dua arah. Oleh karena itu, permainan dapat digunakan untuk suplemen pembelajaran dalam belajar refleksi cermin di sekolah menengah pertama
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