60 research outputs found
Culture medium pH and growth of brazilian ginseng in vitro cultured plantlets
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito do pH do meio de cultivo sobre alguns parâmetros de crescimento da Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen cultivada in vitro, bem como checar se o crescimento dos explantes altera o pH do meio ao longo do período de cultivo. Foram testados quatro tratamentos constituídos de distintos valores de pH (3,7; 5,0; 6,0 e 7,5) do meio de cultivo. O pH do meio de cultivo foi ajustado antes da inclusão do agar (6g L-1 - Merck) e da autoclavagem. Como fonte de explantes foram utilizadas segmentos nodais de plantas previamente estabelecidas in vitro em meio MS. Dos nove aos 15 dias após a inoculação (DAI) dos segmentos nodais, verificou-se maior número de raízes em pH 6,0 e o menor no pH 7,5. Aos 35 DAI, o comprimento da maior brotação e o número total de segmentos nodais por planta foram maiores em torno de pH 6,0. Aos 35 DAI, observou-se menor crescimento em biomassa de raízes em pH 3,7. Já a parte aérea apresentou menor biomassa em pH 7,5. Aos 35 DAI, a produção de matéria fresca e seca total da plântula foi maior em pH próximo a 6,0. Concluiu-se que valores de pH do meio de cultivo próximos a 6,0, ajustados antes da autoclavagem, são ideais para o crescimento da P. glomerata cultivada in vitro. Também se verificou que o crescimento da plântula modificou significativamente o pH do meio de cultivo.The present research aimed to evaluate the effect of culture medium pH on some growth parameter of Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen in vitro cultured plantlets, as well as to check whether the explant´s growth alters the culture medium pH. Four treatments consisted of different values (3.7; 5.0; 6.0 and 7.5) of culture medium pH were tested. The culture medium pH was adjusted prior to the addition of agar (6g L-1 - Merck) and autoclaving. Nodal segments from asseptic plants grown in MS medium were used as explants. From 9 to 15 days after inoculation (DAI) of nodal segments, the higher number of roots was obtained at pH 6.0, and the lower at pH 7.5. At 35 DAI, both length of the higher sprout and total number of nodal segments per plantlet were greater at about pH 6.0. At 35 DAI, roots biomass was lower at pH 3.7. On the other hand, shoots biomass was lower at pH 7.5. Fresh and dry matter of the whole plantlet was greater at pH around 6.0. In conclusion, values of culture medium pH near to 6.0, adjusted prior to autoclaving, are ideal for the growth of P. glomerata in vitro cultured plantlets. Moreover, the in vitro growth of plantlet modified significantly the culture medium pH
Distúrbios nutricionais induzidos pela adubação de fósforo e ferro em plantas jovens de grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa).
Grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa Vog. Macbride) is an important native forest species that has been in an extinction process. In previous studies with young plants of grápia, visual Fe-deficiency symptoms in new leaves were related with increasing P fertilization. The aim of this study was to characterize the effects of the interaction between P and Fe fertilization on nutritional balance and growth of young plants of grápia cultivated in a Paleaudalf soil, under glasshouse conditions. The treatments consisted of a bifactorial scheme (2x3), represented by the combination of two levels of P fertilization (60 and 180 mg kg-1) and three levels of Fe (0, 6, and 12 mg kg-1); in addition a supplementary fertilization of N, K, Ca and Mg were carried out for all treatments. The plant growth was analysed monthly through plant height, stem diametrer, and number of leaves measurement. After 150 days of seedling emergence, the dry weight of roots, stem, leaves, and the whole plant, length of the root system, specific root length, number of abscissed leaves, root/shoot dry weight ratio, and P, Fe, Cu and Zn contents in plant tissue were analyzed. The ratio of P/Fe, P/Cu, and P/Zn was more suitable to evaluate the nutritional status of young plants than the analysis of the absolute content of those nutrients in the tissues. High P availability in soil caused Fe, Cu and Zn deficiency in plants of grápia. Increasing the availability of Fe, due to Fe fertilization, or by decreasing of soil pH, induced by fertilization of several nutrients, caused decreasing on Cu and Zn content in roots. In the presence of 180 mg of P kg-1 of soil, the addition of 12 mg of Fe kg-1 of soil, as Fe-EDTA, decreased leaf chlorosis and increased the growth of young plants of grápia.A grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa Vog. Macbride) é uma espécie florestal nativa de grande interesse madeireiro, encontrando-se, atualmente, bastante dizimada. Em trabalhos anteriores, foi observado que as folhas novas de plantas jovens de grápia apresentaram sintomas visuais indicativos de deficiência de Fe na presença de doses crescentes de P. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar os efeitos da interação da adubação de P e Fe no balanço nutricional e no crescimento de plantas jovens de grápia cultivadas num ARGISSOLO VERMELHO Distrófico arênico, sob condições de casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma combinação bifatorial (2x3) completa, com dois níveis de adubação de fósforo (60 e 180 mg kg-1) e três níveis de ferro (0, 6 e 12 mg kg-1); além disso, realizou-se adubação complementar de N, K, Ca e Mg em todos tratamentos. A análise de crescimento das plantas foi realizada mensalmente, considerando a altura de planta, diâmetro do caule e número de folhas por planta. Aos 150 dias após a emergência das plantas, avaliaram-se ainda a massa seca de raízes, do caule, das folhas e total da planta, comprimento das raízes, comprimento radicular específico, número de folhas caídas, relação entre a massa seca de raízes e da parte aérea e a concentração de P, Fe, Cu e Zn nos tecidos da planta. A relação de concentração entre o P e os micronutrientes Fe, Cu e Zn é mais apropriada na avaliação do estado nutricional da grápia que a análise da concentração absoluta desses elementos nos tecidos. A alta disponibilidade de P no solo causou deficiência de Fe, Cu e Zn nas plantas de grápia. O aumento da disponibilidade de Fe, ocasionado pela adubação desse elemento, ou pela diminuição do pH do solo, induzida pela adubação com outros nutrientes, provocou decréscimo nas concentrações de Cu e Zn nas raízes. Na presença de 180 mg de P kg-1 de solo, a aplicação de 12 mg de Fe kg-1 de solo, na forma de Fe-EDTA, diminuiu a clorose foliar e aumentou o crescimento de plantas jovens de grápia
Fontes de nitrogênio mineral (N-NO3- e N-NH4+) no crescimento de mudas de grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vog.) Macbride).
Grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vog.) Macbride) is an important native forest species that has been in extinction process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of mineral nitrogen source on growth of grápia seedlings. Five variations in the concentration of N-NO3- and N-NH4+ (5:0, 4:1, 2,5:2,5, 1:4, and 0:5 mM of N) were tested in an entirely random statistical design with 16 replicates. The experimental unity consisted of a vessel containing 3,0 kg of a Paleudalf soil and two plants, under glasshouse conditions. From 60 to 150 days after fertilization (DAF), the plant growth and soil pH were monthly analyzed from four replicates randomly taken. Independently of the nitrogen source used, the soil pH decreased, and on 150 DAF the smallest pH variation was 0.33 and the largest one was 0.47 pH units, respectively, on treatments with 5 N-NO3-:0 N-NH4+ and 0 N-NO3-:5 N-NH4+ ratios. The presence of N-NH4+, from 1 to 5 mM, induced necrosis in old leaves and their ulterior abscission. To 150 DAF, in the presence of 5 mM N-NH4+, the plant survival was reduced to 31%. The effect of nitrogen sources on plant growth appeared to be depended on plant age and/or of their transformations in the soil. To 120 DAF, the presence of N-NH4+ from 2,5 to 5 mM reduced the number of stalk nodes, plant height, stem diameter, dry weight of leaves, of stem, of roots, and of the whole plant. However, to 150 DAF, because of the regain on the growth rate, these differences were not observed, with exception of the root/shoot dry weight ratio that was reduced on the exclusive presence of N-NH4+. The suitable N-NO3-:N-NH4+ ratio in the fertilization to grow grápia seedlings, can not exceed, respectively, 4:1.A grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vog.) Macbride) é uma espécie de grande interesse madeireiro, encontrando-se, atualmente, bastante dizimada por causa da exploração extrativista, sem haver reposição pelo reflorestamento. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de fontes de nitrogênio mineral no crescimento de mudas de grápia. Foram avaliados cinco variações da concentração de N-NO3- e N-NH4+ (5:0, 4:1, 2,5:2,5, 1:4 e 0:5 mM de N) num arranjo experimental inteiramente casualizado com 16 repetições. A parcela experimental foi constituída de um vaso com 3,0 kg de um ARGISSOLO VERMELHO Distrófico arênico e duas plantas, sob condições de casa de vegetação. De quatro repetições escolhidas aleatoriamente, o crescimento das plantas e o pH do solo foram avaliados mensalmente a partir dos 60 até os 150 dias após a adubação (DAA). Independentemente da fonte de nitrogênio usada, o pH do solo diminuiu, sendo que aos 150 DAA a menor variação foi de 0,33 e a maior de 0,47 unidades de pH, respectivamente, nos tratamentos com 5 N-NO3-:0 N-NH4+ e 0 N-NO3-:5 N-NH4+. A presença de N-NH4+, partindo de 1 até 5 mM, provocou necrose nas folhas mais velhas e sua posterior abscisão. Aos 150 DAA, na presença de 5 mM N-NH4+, a sobrevivência das plantas foi reduzida em 31%. O efeito das fontes de N no crescimento da grápia pareceu depender da idade da planta e/ou das suas transformações no solo. Aos 120 DAA, a presença de N-NH4+ partindo da dose 2,5 mM proporcionou redução no número de nós do caule, altura de planta, diâmetro do caule, matéria seca da folha, do caule, de raízes e total da planta. Porém, em função da recuperação na taxa de crescimento, essas diferenças não foram constatadas aos 150 DAA, com exceção da razão entre a matéria seca das raízes e da parte aérea que diminuiu na presença exclusiva de N-NH4+. A razão adequada entre as fontes de N-NO3-:N-NH4+ na adubação para a produção de mudas de grápia, não deve ultrapassar, respectivamente, o valor de 4:1
Physiological responses of rice cultivars exposed to different temperatures and flood depths in a water seeded system
Abstract Temperature and flood depths influence the growth and development of irrigated rice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial response of two rice genotypes on oxidative stress, growth and nitrogen accumulation of rice seedlings under different temperatures and flood depths in a water seeded system. The study was conducted in 2012 using a phytotron chamber. Treatments were a combination of two air temperatures regimes (17 and 20°C), two rice genotypes (IRGA 425 and Epagri114) and three flood dephs (1, 5 and 9 cm). The results showed that temperature affected seedling performance, with greater dry mass for roots and shoots, as well as greater nitrogen accumulation at 20°C at a flood depth of 1 cm for both genotypes. The H 2 O 2 concentration in the root increased with increasing flood depth, with a significantly greater increase for the 114 Epagri genotype. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) varied depending on the genotype, with SOD being the most expressive, increasing its activity with increasing flood depth. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents decreased significantly with increasing flood depth, with less interference for IRGA 425. Temperature and flood depth affected nitrogen absorption, dry matter accumulation and oxidative stress in rice seedlings in the system tested. The lowest stresses were observed in rice plants subjected to the flood depth of 1 cm at 20 °C, and cultivar IRGA 425 was more tolerant to increased depth of water when compared to cultivar Epagri 114
Rhizophagus Clarus and Phosphorus in Crotalaria juncea: growth, glomalin content and acid phosphatase activity in a copper-contaminated soil
Crotalaria juncea is used as plant cover in grape vineyards in Brazil, which usually present soils with high copper (Cu) levels due to the application of Cu-based phyto-sanitary products. Under this condition an increase growth and cover of C. juncea is needed to improve the phytoremediation processes in those soils. Some alternatives to achieve this condition is the inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which has demonstrated an important increase of plant growth in Cu-contaminated soils at different soil P levels. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of AMF inoculation in soils with high Cu contents on the growth of C. juncea, the acid phosphatase (APase) enzyme activity in plants and soil, and the presence of glomalin under different P supply conditions, as a basis to identify if there is a synergistic interaction between AMF inoculation and P supply on soils with high Cu levels. The experiment was carried under greenhouse conditions in a factorial 3 × 2 design (natural P content, addition of 40 and 100 mg kg-1 P, with and without the inoculation of the AMF Rhizophagus clarus with three replicates) in a soil with high Cu content (60 mg kg-1). The addition of 40 and 100 mg kg-1 P favored plant growth both in the presence and in the absence of AMF. However, when plants were grown in soil with a natural P level, the inoculation with AMF increased by 116 % the shoot biomass, compared to the non-inoculated treatment. Our results showed that the combination of P supply and R. clarus inoculation could be an adequate strategy to reduce Cu phytotoxicity in C. juncea, as it increases plant biomass and modify the APase enzyme activity in the soil and plant. Additionally, glomalin produced by the AMF and accumulated in the soil can decrease the availability of Cu to the plants by means of sequestration beyond the root surface, with a consequent plant protective effect
Use and response to phosphorus by potato clones in two cropping systems
The selection of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) that are efficient in the use of phosphorus (P) plays an important role in increasing crop productivity, reducing the cost of production due to the high price of phosphate fertilizers, as well as reducing the pollution of the environment due to the better use of the applied fertilizers. The objective of this work was to compare the method of selection of potato clones for the efficiency of use and response to P between in vitro and off - soil systems with the use of sand as substrate. To that end, potato clones SMIC 148-A, Dakota Rose, SMINIA 793101-3, SMIB 106-7, SMIF 212-3, SMIJ 319-1 and P 150 were cultivated at low and high levels of P in the culture systems in vitro (1,935 and 19,346 mg P L-1) and off-soil (2.32 and 23.2 mg P L-1). The selection of potato clones using only as a criterion the accumulation of P under low nutrient level is not adequate, both in off-soil and in vitro cultivation. Clones selected as being more efficient in the use of P in in vitro cultivation do not prove to be necessarily more efficient in off-soil cultivation. No clone remains in the same classification group regarding the efficiency of use and response to P, based on the production of dry mass, in the two cropping systems
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