10 research outputs found

    IGF-I induces upregulation of DDR1 collagen receptor in breast cancer cells by suppressing MIR-199a-5p through the PI3K/AKT pathway.

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    Discoidin Domain Receptor 1 (DDR1) is a collagen receptor tyrosine-kinase that contributes to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and enhances cancer progression. Our previous data indicate that, in breast cancer cells, DDR1 interacts with IGF-1R and positively modulates IGF-1R expression and biological responses, suggesting that the DDR1-IGF-IR cross-talk may play an important role in cancer.In this study, we set out to evaluate whether IGF-I stimulation may affect DDR1 expression. Indeed, in breast cancer cells (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) IGF-I induced significant increase of DDR1 protein expression, in a time and dose dependent manner. However, we did not observe parallel changes in DDR1 mRNA. DDR1 upregulation required the activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway while the ERK1/2, the p70/mTOR and the PKC pathways were not involved. Moreover, we observed that DDR1 protein upregulation was induced by translational mechanisms involving miR-199a-5p suppression through PI3K/AKT activation. This effect was confirmed by both IGF-II produced by cancer-associated fibroblasts from human breast cancer and by stable transfection of breast cancer cells with a human IGF-II expression construct. Transfection with a constitutively active form of AKT was sufficient to decrease miR-199a-5p and upregulate DDR1. Accordingly, IGF-I-induced DDR1 upregulation was inhibited by transfection with pre-miR-199a-5p, which also impaired AKT activation and cell migration and proliferation in response to IGF-I.These results demonstrate that, in breast cancer cells, a novel pathway involving AKT/miR-199a-5p/DDR1 plays a role in modulating IGFs biological responses. Therefore, this signaling pathway may represent an important target for breast cancers with over-activation of the IGF-IR axis

    Insulin Resistance: Any Role in the Changing Epidemiology of Thyroid Cancer?

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    In the past few decades, the incidence of thyroid cancer (TC), namely of its papillary hystotype (PTC), has shown a steady increase worldwide, which has been attributed at least in part to the increasing diagnosis of early stage tumors. However, some evidence suggests that environmental and lifestyle factors can also play a role. Among the potential risk factors involved in the changing epidemiology of TC, particular attention has been drawn to insulin-resistance and related metabolic disorders, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, which have been also rapidly increasing worldwide due to widespread dietary and lifestyle changes. In accordance with this possibility, various epidemiological studies have indeed gathered substantial evidence that insulin resistance-related metabolic disorders might be associated with an increased TC risk either through hyperinsulinemia or by affecting other TC risk factors including iodine deficiency, elevated thyroid stimulating hormone, estrogen-dependent signaling, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, and others. This review summarizes the current literature evaluating the relationship between metabolic disorders characterized by insulin resistance and the risk for TC as well as the possible underlying mechanisms. The potential implications of such association in TC prevention and therapy are discussed

    Insulin Receptor Isoform A Modulates Metabolic Reprogramming of Breast Cancer Cells in Response to IGF2 and Insulin Stimulation

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    Previously published work has demonstrated that overexpression of the insulin receptor isoform A (IR-A) might play a role in cancer progression and metastasis. The IR has a predominant metabolic role in physiology, but the potential role of IR-A in cancer metabolic reprogramming is unknown. We aimed to characterize the metabolic impact of IR-A and its ligand insulin like growth factor 2 (IGF2) in human breast cancer (BC) cells. To establish autocrine IGF2 action, we generated human BC cells MCF7 overexpressing the human IGF2, while we focused on the metabolic effect of IR-A by stably infecting IGF1R-ablated MCF7 (MCF7IGF1R-ve) cells with a human IR-A cDNA. We then evaluated the expression of key metabolism related molecules and measured real-time extracellular acidification rates and oxygen consumption rates using the Seahorse technology. MCF7/IGF2 cells showed increased proliferation and invasion associated with aerobic glycolysis and mitochondrial biogenesis and activity. In MCF7IGF1R-ve/IR-A cells insulin and IGF2 stimulated similar metabolic changes and were equipotent in eliciting proliferative responses, while IGF2 more potently induced invasion. The combined treatment with the glycolysis inhibitor 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) and the mitochondrial inhibitor metformin blocked cell invasion and colony formation with additive effects. Overall, these results indicate that IGF2 and IR-A overexpression may contribute to BC metabolic reprogramming

    DDR1 Affects Metabolic Reprogramming in Breast Cancer Cells by Cross-Talking to the Insulin/IGF System

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    The insulin receptor isoform A (IR-A), a dual receptor for insulin and IGF2, plays a role in breast cancer (BC) progression and metabolic reprogramming. Notably, discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1), a collagen receptor often dysregulated in cancer, is involved in a functional crosstalk and feed forward loop with both the IR-A and the insulin like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF1R). Here, we aimed at investigating whether DDR1 might affect BC cell metabolism by modulating the IGF1R and/or the IR. To this aim, we generated MCF7 BC cells engineered to stably overexpress either IGF2 (MCF7/IGF2) or the IR-A (MCF7/IR-A). In both cell models, we observed that DDR1 silencing induced a significant decrease of total ATP production, particularly affecting the rate of mitochondrial ATP production. We also observed the downregulation of key molecules implicated in both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. These metabolic changes were not modulated by DDR1 binding to collagen and occurred in part in the absence of IR/IGF1R phosphorylation. DDR1 silencing was ineffective in MCF7 knocked out for DDR1. Taken together, these results indicate that DDR1, acting in part independently of IR/IGF1R stimulation, might work as a novel regulator of BC metabolism and should be considered as putative target for therapy in BC

    Discoidin domain receptor 1 modulates insulin receptor signaling and biological responses in breast cancer cells.

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    The fetal isoform A of the insulin receptor (IR-A) is frequently overexpressed in a variety of malignancies including breast cancer. IR overexpression has a recognized role in cancer progression and resistance to anticancer therapies. In particular, IR-A has a peculiar mitogenic potential and is activated not only by insulin but also by IGF-2. Previously, we identified discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) as a new IR-A interacting protein. DDR1, a non-integrin collagen tyrosine kinase receptor, is overexpressed in several malignancies and plays a role in cancer progression and metastasis.We now evaluated whether DDR1 is able to exert a role in breast cancer biology by functionally cross-talking with IR. In MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, IR and DDR1 co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized after insulin or IGF-2 stimulation. In a panel of breast cancer cells, DDR1 knockdown by specific siRNAs markedly inhibited IR downstream signaling as well as proliferation, migration and colony formation in response to insulin and IGF-2. These effects were accompanied by reduction of IR protein and mRNA expression, which involved both transcriptional and post-transcriptional effects. DDR1 overexpression elicited opposite effects. Bioinformatics analysis of public domain databases showed that IR and DDR1 co-expression significantly correlates with several clinically relevant histopathological and molecular features of human breast carcinomas.These findings demonstrate that, in human breast cancer cells, DDR1 regulates IR expression and ligand dependent biological actions. This novel functional crosstalk is likely clinically relevant and may become a new molecular target in breast cancer

    Novel cross talk between IGF-IR and DDR1 regulates IGF-IR trafficking, signaling and biological responses.

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    The insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR), plays a key role in regulating mammalian development and growth, and is frequently deregulated in cancer contributing to tumor initiation and progression. Discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1), a collagen receptor tyrosine-kinase, is as well frequently overexpressed in cancer and implicated in cancer progression. Thus, we investigated whether a functional cross-talk between the IGF-IR and DDR1 exists and plays any role in cancer progression.Using human breast cancer cells we found that DDR1 constitutively associated with the IGF-IR. However, this interaction was enhanced by IGF-I stimulation, which promoted rapid DDR1 tyrosine-phosphorylation and co-internalization with the IGF-IR. Significantly, DDR1 was critical for IGF-IR endocytosis and trafficking into early endosomes, IGF-IR protein expression and IGF-I intracellular signaling and biological effects, including cell proliferation, migration and colony formation. These biological responses were inhibited by DDR1 silencing and enhanced by DDR1 overexpression.Experiments in mouse fibroblasts co-transfected with the human IGF-IR and DDR1 gave similar results and indicated that, in the absence of IGF-IR, collagen-dependent phosphorylation of DDR1 is impaired.These results demonstrate a critical role of DDR1 in the regulation of IGF-IR action, and identify DDR1 as a novel important target for breast cancers that overexpress IGF-IR

    Threatened and extinct amphibians and reptiles in Italian natural history collections are useful conservation tools

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    Natural history museums are irreplaceable tools to study and preserve the biological diversity around the globe and among the primary actors in the recognition of species and the logical repositories for their type specimens. In this paper we surveyed the consistency of the preserved specimens of amphibians and reptiles housed in the major Italian scientific collections, and verified the presence of threatened species according to the IUCN Red List, including the Extinct (EX), Extinct in the Wild (EW), Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), and Vulnerable (VU) categories. Altogether, we analyzed 39 Italian zoological collections. We confirmed the presence of one extinct reptile (Chioninia coctei) and five extinct or extinct in the wild amphibian species (Atelopus longirostris, Nectophrynoides asperginis, Pseudophilautus leucorhinus, P. nasutus, and P. variabilis). Seven CR amphibians, fourteen CR reptile species and the extinct skink C. coctei are shared by more than one institution. Museums which host the highest number of threatened and extinct amphibian species are respectively Turin (17 CR and 1 EX), Florence (13 CR and 1 EX), and Trento (15 CR and 1 EW), while for reptiles the richest museums are those from Genoa (15 CR and 1 EX), Florence (11 CR and 1 EX), and Pisa (7 CR). Finally, we discussed the utility of natural history museums and the strategies to follow for the implementation of their functionality

    Prognostic impact of diabetes and prediabetes on survival outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure: A post-hoc analysis of the GISSI-HF (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nella Insufficienza Cardiaca-Heart Failure) trial

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    826BACKGROUND: The independent prognostic impact of diabetes mellitus (DM) and prediabetes mellitus (pre-DM) on survival outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure has been investigated in observational registries and randomized, clinical trials, but the results have been often inconclusive or conflicting. We examined the independent prognostic impact of DM and pre-DM on survival outcomes in the GISSI-HF (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nella Insufficienza Cardiaca-Heart Failure) trial. METHODS AND RESULTS: We assessed the risk of all-cause death and the composite of all-cause death or cardiovascular hospitalization over a median follow-up period of 3.9 years among the 6935 chronic heart failure participants of the GISSI-HF trial, who were stratified by presence of DM (n=2852), pre-DM (n=2013), and non-DM (n=2070) at baseline. Compared with non-DM patients, those with DM had remarkably higher incidence rates of all-cause death (34.5% versus 24.6%) and the composite end point (63.6% versus 54.7%). Conversely, both event rates were similar between non-DM patients and those with pre-DM. Cox regression analysis showed that DM, but not pre-DM, was associated with an increased risk of all-cause death (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.28-1.60) and of the composite end point (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.13-1.32), independently of established risk factors. In the DM subgroup, higher hemoglobin A1c was also independently associated with increased risk of both study outcomes (all-cause death: adjusted hazard ratio, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.02-1.43; and composite end point: adjusted hazard ratio, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.01-1.29, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Presence of DM was independently associated with poor long-term survival outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure.openopenDauriz, Marco; Targher, Giovanni; Temporelli, Pier Luigi; Lucci, Donata; Gonzini, Lucio; Nicolosi, Gian Luigi; Marchioli, Roberto; Tognoni, Gianni; Latini, Roberto; Cosmi, Franco; Tavazzi, Luigi; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro*; Moccetti, T.; Rossi, M.G.; Pasotti, E.; Vaghi, F.; Roncarolo, P.; Zunino, M.T.; Matta, F.; Actis Perinetto, E.; Gaita, F.; Azzaro, G.; Zanetta, M.; Paino, A.M.; Parravicini, U.; Vegis, D.; Conte, R.; Ferraro, P.; De Bernardi, A.; Morelloni, S.; Fagnani, M.; Greco Lucchina, P.; Montagna, L.; Bellone, E.; Sappè, D.; Ferraro, F.; Delucchi, M.; Reynaud, S.G.; Dore, M.; La Brocca, A.; Massobrio, N.; Bo, L.; Trinchero, R.; Imazio, M.; Brocchi, G.; Nejrotti, A.; Rissone, L.; Gabasio, S.; Zocchi, C.; Randazzo, S.; Crenna, A.; Giannuzzi, P.; Bonanomi, E.; Mezzani, A.; De Marchi, M.; Begliuomini, G.; Gianonatti, C.A.; Gavazzi, A.; Grosu, A.; Dei Cas, L.; Nodari, S.; Garyfallidis, P.; Bertoletti, A.; Bonifazi, C.; Arisi, S.; Mascaro, F.; Fraccarollo, M.; Dell'Orto, S.; Sfolcini, M.; Bortolini, F.; Raccagni, D.; Turelli, A.; Santarone, M.; Miglierina, E.; Sormani, L.; Jemoli, R.; Tettamanti, F.; Pirelli, S.; Bianchi, C.; Verde, S.; Mariani, M.; Ziacchi, V.; Ferrazza, A.; Russo, A.; Bortolotti, M.; Pasini, G.F.; Volpi, A.; Jones, K.N.; Cuzzucrea, D.; Gullace, G.; Carbone, C.; Granata, A.; De Servi, S.; Del Rosso, G.; Inserra, C.; Renaldini, E.; Zappa, C.; Moretti, M.; Zanini, R.; Ferrari, M.; Moroni, E.; Cei, A.; Lissi, C.; Dovico, E.; Fiorentini, C.; Palermo, P.; Brusoni, B.; Negrini, M.; Heyman, J.; Danzi, G.B.; Finzi, A.; Frigerio, M.; Turazza, F.; Beretta, L.; Sachero, A.; Casazza, F.; Squadroni, L.; Lombardi, F.; Marano, L.; Margonato, A.; Fragasso, G.; Febo, O.C.; Aiolfi, E.; Olmetti, F.; Grieco, A.; Antonazzo, V.; Specchia, G.; Mortara, A.; Robustelli, F.; Songini, M.G.; Schweiger, C.; Frisinghelli, A.; Palvarini, M.; Campana, C.; Scelsi, L.; Ajmone Marsan, N.; Cobelli, F.; Gualco, A.; Opasich, C.; De Feo, S.; Mazzucco, R.; Iannone, M.A.; Diaco, T.; Zaniboni, D.; Milanesi, G.; Nassiacos, D.; Meloni, S.; Giani, P.; Nicoli, T.; Malinverni, C.; Gusmini, A.; Pozzoni, L.; Bisiani, G.; Margaroli, P.; Schizzarotto, A.; Daverio, A.; Occhi, G.; Partesana, N.; Bandini, P.; Rosella, M.G.; Giustiniani, S.; Cucchi, G.; Pedretti, R.; Raimondo, R.; Vaninetti, R.; Fedele, A.; Ghezzi, I.; Rezzonico, E.; Salerno Uriarte, J.A.; Morandi, F.; Salvucci, F.; Valenti, C.; Graziano, G.; Romanò, M.; Cimminiello, C.; Mangone, I.; Lombardo, M.; Quorso, P.; Marinoni, G.; Breghi, M.; Erckert, M.; Dienstl, A.; Mirante Marini, G.; Stefenelli, C.; Cioffi, G.; Buczkowska, E.; Bonanome, A.; Bazzanini, F.; Parissenti, L.; Serafini, C.; Catania, G.; Tarantini, L.; Rigatelli, G.; Boni, S.; Pasini, A.; Masini, E.; Zampiero, A.A.; Zanchetta, M.; Franceschetto, L.; Delise, P.; Marcon, C.; Sacchetta, A.; Borgese, L.; Artusi, L.; Casolino, P.; Corbara, F.; Banzato, A.; Barbiero, M.; Aldegheri, M.P.; Bazzucco, R.; Crivellenti, G.; Raviele, A.; Zanella, C.; Pascotto, P.; Sarto, P.; Milan, S.; Barbieri, E.; Girardi, P.; Dalla Villa, W.; Dalle Mule, J.; Di Sipio, M.L.; Cazzin, R.; Milan, D.; Zonzin, P.; Carraro, M.; Rossi, R.; Carbonieri, E.; Rossi, I.; Stritoni, P.; Meneghetti, P.; Risica, G.; Tenderini, P.L.; Vassanelli, C.; Zanolla, L.; Perini, G.; Brighetti, G.; Chiozza, R.; Giuliano, G.; Baldin, M.G.; Gortan, R.; Cesanelli, R.; Nicolosi, G.L.; Piazza, R.; Mos, L.; Vriz, O.; Pavan, D.; Pascottini, G.; Alberti, E.; Werren, M.; Solinas, L.; Sinagra, G.; Longaro, F.; Fioretti, P.; Albanese, M.C.; Miani, D.; Gianrossi, R.; Pende, A.; Rubartelli, P.; Magaia, O.; Domenicucci, S.; Caruso, D.; Faraguti, A.S.; Magliani, L.; Miccoli, F.; Guglielmino, G.; Bertoli, D.; Cantarelli, A.; Orlandi, S.; Vallebona, A.; Pozzati, A.; Brega, G.; Pancaldi, L.G.; Vandelli, R.; Urbinati, S.; Poci, M.G.; Zoli, M.; Costa, G.M.; Guiducci, U.; Zobbi, G.; Tartagni, F.; Tisselli, A.; Gentili, A.; Pieri, P.; Cagnetta, E.; Bendinelli, S.; Barbieri, A.; Conti, R.; Ferrari, R.; Merlini, F.; Fucili, A.; Moruzzi, P.; Buia, E.; Galvani, M.; Ferrini, D.; Baggioni, G.; Yiannacopulu, P.; Canè, G.; Bonfiglioli, A.; Zandomeneghi, R.; Brugioni, L.; Giannini, A.; Di Ruvo, R.; Giuliani, M.; Rusconi, L.; Del Corso, P.; Piovaccari, G.; Bologna, F.; Venturi, P.; Melandri, F.; Bagni, E.; Bolognese, L.; Perticucci, R.; Zuppiroli, A.; Nannini, M.; Consoli, N.; Petrone, P.; Pipitò, C.; Colombi, L.; Bernardi, D.; Mariani, P.R.; Testa, R.; Mazzinghi, F.; Cosmi, F.; Cosmi, D.; Zipoli, A.; Cecchi, A.; Castelli, G.; Ciaccheri, M.; Mori, F.; Pieri, F.; Valoti, P.; Chiarantini, D.; Santoro, G.M.; Minneci, C.; Marchi, F.; Milli, M.; Zambaldi, G.; Zipoli, A.; Brandinelli Geri, A.A.; Cipriani, M.; Alessandri, M.; Severi, S.; Stefanelli, S.; Comella, A.; Poddighe, R.; Digiorgio, A.; Carluccio, M.; Berti, S.; Rizza, A.; Bonatti, V.; Molendi, V.; Brancato, A.; D'Aprile, N.; Giappichini, G.; Del Vecchio, S.; Mantini, G.; De Tommasi, F.; Meucci, G.; Cordoni, M.; Bechi, S.; Barsotti, L.; Baldini, P.; Romei, M.; Scopelliti, G.; Lauri, G.; Pestelli, F.; Furiozzi, F.; Cocchieri, M.; Severini, D.; Patriarchi, F.; Chiocchi, P.; Buccolieri, M.; Martinelli, S.; Wee, A.; Angelici, F.; Bernardinangeli, M.; Proietti, G.; Biscottini, B.; Panciarola, R.; Marinacci, L.; Perna, G.P.; Gabrielli, D.; Moraca, A.; Moretti, L.; Partemi, L.; Gregori, G.; Amici, R.; Patteri, G.; Capone, P.; Savini, E.; Morgagni, G.L.; Paccaloni, L.; Pezzuoli, F.; Carincola, S.; Papi, S.; De Crescentini, S.; Gerardi, P.; Midi, P.; Gallenzi, E.; Pajes, G.; Mancone, C.; Di Spirito, V.; Di Gennaro, M.; Calcagno, S.; Toscano, S.; Antonicoli, S.; Carta, F.; Giorgi, G.; Comito, F.; Daniele, E.; Ciarla, O.; Gelfo, P.G.; Acquaviva, A.; Testa, D.; Testa, G.; Pagliaro, F.A.; Russo, F.; Vetta, F.; Marchese, I.; Di Sciascio, G.; D'Ambrosio, A.; Leggio, F.; Del Sindaco, D.; Lacchè, A.; Avallone, A.; Risa, M.P.; Azzolini, P.; Baldo, E.; Giovannini, E.; Pulignano, G.; Tondo, C.; Picchio, E.; Biffani, E.; Tanzi, P.; Pozzar, F.; Farnetti, F.; Azzarito, M.; Santini, M.; Varveri, A.; Ferraiuolo, G.; Valtorta, C.; Gaspardone, A.; Barbato, G.; Ceci, V.; Aspromonte, N.; Bellocci, F.; Colizzi, C.; Fedele, F.; Perez, F.I.; Galati, A.; Rossetti, A.; Mainella, A.; Ciuffetta, D.; Matteucci, C.; Busi, G.; De Angelis, A.; Farina, G.; Granatelli, A.; Leone, F.; Frasca, F.; Pajes, G.; Di Giovambattista, R.; Castellani, G.; Massaro, G.; Mastrogiuseppe, G.; Vacri, A.; De Sanctis, F.; Cioli, M.; Di Luzio, S.; Napoletano, C.; Piccioni, L.L.; De Simone, G.; Ottaviano, A.; Mazza, V.; Spedaliere, C.; Staniscia, D.; Calgione, E.; De Marco, G.; Chiacchio, T.; Di Napoli, T.; Romanzi, S.; Salvatore, G.; Golino, P.; Palermo, A.; Mascia, F.; Vetrano, A.; Vinciguerra, A.; Caliendo, L.; Longobardi, R.; De Caro, G.; Di Nola, R.; Piemonte, F.; Prinzi, D.; De Rosa, P.; De Rosa, V.; Riello, F.; Capuano, V.; Vecchio, G.; Landi, M.; Amato, S.; Garofalo, M.; Caruso, D.; D'Avino, M.; Sensale, P.; Maiolica, O.; Santoro, R.; Caso, P.; Miceli, D.; Maurea, N.; Bianchi, U.; Crispo, C.; Chiariello, M.; Perrone Filardi, P.; Russo, L.; Capuano, N.; Ungaro, G.; Vergara, G.; Scafuro, F.; D'Angelo, G.; Campaniello, C.; Bottiglieri, P.; Volpe, A.; Battista, R.; De Risi, L.; Cardillo, G.; Sibilio, G.; Marino, A.P.; Silvestri, F.; Predotti, P.; Iervoglini, A.; Stefanelli, S.; De Matteis, C.; Sarnicola, P.; Matarazzo, M.M.; Baldi, S.; Iuliano, V.; Astarita, C.; Cuccaro, P.; Liguori, A.; Liguori, G.; Gregorio, G.; Petraglia, L.; Antonelli, G.; Amodio, G.; De Luca, I.; Traversa, D.; Franchini, G.; Lenti, M.L.; Cavallari, D.; D'Agostino, C.; Scalera, G.; Altamura, C.M.; Russo, M.; Mascolo, A.R.; Pettinati, G.; Ciricugno, S.A.; Scrutinio, D.; Passantino, A.; Mastrangelo, D.; Di Masi, A.; De Carne, R.; Cannone, M.; Dibiase, F.; Pensato, M.; Loliva, F.; Trapani, F.; Panettieri, I.; Leone, L.; Di Biase, M.; Carrone, M.; Gallone, V.; Cocco, F.; Costantini, M.; Tritto, C.; Cavalieri, F.; Stella, L.; Magliari, F.; Callerame, M.; De Giorgi, A.; Pellegrino, L.; Correra, M.; Portulano, V.; Nisi, G.L.; Grassi, G.; Cristallo, E.; De Laura, D.; Salerno, C.; Fanelli, R.; Villella, M.; Pede, S.; Renna, A.; De Lorenzi, E.; Urso, L.; Lenti, V.; Peluso, A.; Baldi, N.; Polimeni, G.; Galati, A.; Palma, P.; Lauletta, R.; Tagliamonte, E.; Cirillo, T.; Silvestri, B.; Centonze, G.; D'Alessandro, B.; Truncellito, L.; Mecca, D.; Petruzzi, M.A.; Coviello, R.O.M.; Lopizzo, A.; Chiaffitelli, M.; Barbuzzi, S.; Gubelli, S.; Germinario, G.; Cosentino, N.; Mingrone, A.; Vico, R.; Borrello, G.; Mazza, M.L.; Cimino, R.; Galasso, D.; Cassadonte, F.; Talarico, U.; Perticone, F.; Cassano, S.; Catapano, F.; Calemme, S.; Feraco, E.; Cloro, C.; Misuraca, G.; Caporale, R.; Vigna, L.; Spagnuolo, V.; De Rosa, F.; Spadafora, G.; Zampaglione, G.; Russo, R.; Schipani, F.A.; Ferragina, A.F.; Stranieri, D.; Musca, G.; Carpino, C.; Bencardino, P.; Raimondo, F.; Musacchio, D.; Pulitanò, G.; Ruggeri, A.; Provenzano, A.; Salituri, S.; Musolino, M.; Calandruccio, S.; Marrari, A.; Tripodi, E.; Scali, R.; Anastasio, L.; Arone, A.; Aragona, P.; Donnangelo, L.; Comito, M.G.A.; Bilotta, F.; Vaccaro, I.; Rametta, R.; Ventura, V.; Bonvegna, A.; Alì, A.; Cinnirella, C.; Raineri, M.; Pompeo, F.; Cascio Ingurgio, N.; Carini, V.; Coco, R.; Giunta, G.; Leonardi, G.; Randazzo, V.; Di Blasi, V.; Tamburino, C.; Russo, G.; Mangiameli, S.; Cardillo, R.; Castelli, D.; Inserra, V.; Arena, A.; Gulizia, M.M.; Raciti, S.; Rapisarda, G.; Romano, R.; Prestifilippo, P.; Braschi, G.B.; Ledda, G.; Terrazzino, R.; De Caro, M.; Scilabra, G.; Graffagnino, B.; Grassi, R.; Di Tano, G.; Scimone, G.F.; Vasquez, L.; Coppolino, C.; Casale, A.; Castelli, M.; D'Urso, G.; D'Antonio, E.; Lo Presti, L.; Badalamenti, E.; Conti, P.; Sanfilippo, N.; Cirrincione, V.; Cinà, M.T.; Cusimano, G.; Taormina, A.; Giuliano, P.; Bajardi, A.; Mandalà, V.; Canonico, A.; Geraci, G.; Sabella, F.P.; Enia, F.; Floresta, A.M.; Lo Cascio, I.; Gumina, D.; Cavallaro, A.; Piccione, G.; Ferrante, R.; Blandino, M.; Iudicello, M.S.; Mossuti, E.; Romano, G.; Lombardo, L.; Monastra, P.; Di Vincenzo, D.; Porcu, M.; Orrù, P.; Muscas, F.; Giardina, G.; Corda, M.; Locci, G.; Podda, A.; Ledda, M.; Siddi, P.; Lai, C.; Pili, G.; Mercuro, G.; Mureddu, G.; Ganau, A.; Meloni, G.; Poddighe, G.; Sanna, G.; Barlera, Simona; Franzosi, Maria Grazia; Porcu, Maurizio; Yusuf, Salim; Camerini, Fulvio; Cohn, Jay N.; Decarli, Adriano; Pitt, Bertram; Sleight, Peter; Poole-Wilson, Philip A.; Geraci, Enrico; Scherillo, Marino; Fabbri, Gianna; Bartolomei, Barbara; Bertoli, Daniele; Cobelli, Franco; Fresco, Claudio; Ledda, Antonietta; Levantesi, Giacomo; Opasich, Cristina; Rusconi, Franco; Sinagra, Gianfranco; Turazza, Fabio; Volpi, Alberto; Ceseri, Martina; Alongi, Gianluca; Atzori, Antonio; Bambi, Filippo; Bastarolo, Desiree; Bianchini, Francesca; Cangioli, Iacopo; Canu, Vittoriana; Caporusso, Concetta; Cenni, Gabriele; Cintelli, Laura; Cocchio, Michele; Confente, Alessia; Fenicia, Eva; Friso, Giorgio; Gianfriddo, Marco; Grilli, Gianluca; Lazzaro, Beatrice; Lonardo, Giuseppe; Luise, Alessia; Nota, Rachele; Orlando, Mariaelena; Petrolo, Rosaria; Pierattini, Chiara; Pierota, Valeria; Provenzani, Alessandro; Quartuccio, Velia; Ragno, Anna; Serio, Chiara; Spolaor, Alvise; Tafi, Arianna; Tellaroli, Elisa; Ghio, Stefano; Ghizzardi, Elisa; Masson, Serge; Crociati, Lella; La Rovere, Maria Teresa; Corrà, Ugo; Di Giulio, Paola; Finzi, Andrea; Gorini, Marco; Milani, Valentina; Orsini, Giampietro; Bianchini, Elisa; Cabiddu, Silvia; Cangioli, Ilaria; Cipressa, Laura; Cipressa, Maria Lucia; Di Bitetto, Giuseppina; Ferri, Barbara; Galbiati, Luisa; Lorimer, Andrea; Pera, Carla; Priami, Paola; Vasamì, AntonellaDauriz, Marco; Targher, Giovanni; Temporelli, Pier Luigi; Lucci, Donata; Gonzini, Lucio; Nicolosi, Gian Luigi; Marchioli, Roberto; Tognoni, Gianni; Latini, Roberto; Cosmi, Franco; Tavazzi, Luigi; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro; Moccetti, T.; Rossi, M. G.; Pasotti, E.; Vaghi, F.; Roncarolo, P.; Zunino, M. T.; Matta, F.; Actis Perinetto, E.; Gaita, F.; Azzaro, G.; Zanetta, M.; Paino, A. M.; Parravicini, U.; Vegis, D.; Conte, R.; Ferraro, P.; De Bernardi, A.; Morelloni, S.; Fagnani, M.; Greco Lucchina, P.; Montagna, L.; Bellone, E.; Sappè, D.; Ferraro, F.; Delucchi, M.; Reynaud, S. G.; Dore, M.; La Brocca, A.; Massobrio, N.; Bo, L.; Trinchero, R.; Imazio, M.; Brocchi, G.; Nejrotti, A.; Rissone, L.; Gabasio, S.; Zocchi, C.; Randazzo, S.; Crenna, A.; Giannuzzi, P.; Bonanomi, E.; Mezzani, A.; De Marchi, M.; Begliuomini, G.; Gianonatti, C. A.; Gavazzi, A.; Grosu, A.; Dei Cas, L.; Nodari, S.; Garyfallidis, P.; Bertoletti, A.; Bonifazi, C.; Arisi, S.; Mascaro, F.; Fraccarollo, M.; Dell'Orto, S.; Sfolcini, M.; Bortolini, F.; Raccagni, D.; Turelli, A.; Santarone, M.; Miglierina, E.; Sormani, L.; Jemoli, R.; Tettamanti, F.; Pirelli, S.; Bianchi, C.; Verde, S.; Mariani, M.; Ziacchi, V.; Ferrazza, A.; Russo, A.; Bortolotti, M.; Pasini, G. F.; Volpi, A.; Jones, K. N.; Cuzzucrea, D.; Gullace, G.; Carbone, C.; Granata, A.; De Servi, S.; Del Rosso, G.; Inserra, C.; Renaldini, E.; Zappa, C.; Moretti, M.; Zanini, R.; Ferrari, M.; Moroni, E.; Cei, A.; Lissi, C.; Dovico, E.; Fiorentini, C.; Palermo, P.; Brusoni, B.; Negrini, M.; Heyman, J.; Danzi, G. B.; Finzi, A.; Frigerio, M.; Turazza, F.; Beretta, L.; Sachero, A.; Casazza, F.; Squadroni, L.; Lombardi, F.; Marano, L.; Margonato, A.; Fragasso, G.; Febo, O. C.; Aiolfi, E.; Olmetti, F.; Grieco, A.; Antonazzo, V.; Specchia, G.; Mortara, A.; Robustelli, F.; Songini, M. G.; Schweiger, C.; Frisinghelli, A.; Palvarini, M.; Campana, C.; Scelsi, L.; Ajmone Marsan, N.; Cobelli, F.; Gualco, A.; Opasich, C.; De Feo, S.; Mazzucco, R.; Iannone, M. A.; Diaco, T.; Zaniboni, D.; Milanesi, G.; Nassiacos, D.; Meloni, S.; Giani, P.; Nicoli, T.; Malinverni, C.; Gusmini, A.; Pozzoni, L.; Bisiani, G.; Margaroli, P.; Schizzarotto, A.; Daverio, A.; Occhi, G.; Partesana, N.; Bandini, P.; Rosella, M. G.; Giustiniani, S.; Cucchi, G.; Pedretti, R.; Raimondo, R.; Vaninetti, R.; Fedele, A.; Ghezzi, I.; Rezzonico, E.; Salerno Uriarte, J. A.; Morandi, F.; Salvucci, F.; Valenti, C.; Graziano, G.; Romanò, M.; Cimminiello, C.; Mangone, I.; Lombardo, M.; Quorso, P.; Marinoni, G.; Breghi, M.; Erckert, M.; Dienstl, A.; Mirante Marini, G.; Stefenelli, C.; Cioffi, G.; Buczkowska, E.; Bonanome, A.; Bazzanini, F.; Parissenti, L.; Serafini, C.; Catania, G.; Tarantini, L.; Rigatelli, G.; Boni, S.; Pasini, A.; Masini, E.; Zampiero, A. A.; Zanchetta, M.; Franceschetto, L.; Delise, P.; Marcon, C.; Sacchetta, A.; Borgese, L.; Artusi, L.; Casolino, P.; Corbara, F.; Banzato, A.; Barbiero, M.; Aldegheri, M. P.; Bazzucco, R.; Crivellenti, G.; Raviele, A.; Zanella, C.; Pascotto, P.; Sarto, P.; Milan, S.; Barbieri, E.; Girardi, P.; Dalla Villa, W.; Dalle Mule, J.; Di Sipio, M. L.; Cazzin, R.; Milan, D.; Zonzin, P.; Carraro, M.; Rossi, R.; Carbonieri, E.; Rossi, I.; Stritoni, P.; Meneghetti, P.; Risica, G.; Tenderini, P. L.; Vassanelli, C.; Zanolla, L.; Perini, G.; Brighetti, G.; Chiozza, R.; Giuliano, G.; Baldin, M. G.; Gortan, R.; Cesanelli, R.; Nicolosi, G. L.; Piazza, R.; Mos, L.; Vriz, O.; Pavan, D.; Pascottini, G.; Alberti, E.; Werren, M.; Solinas, L.; Sinagra, G.; Longaro, F.; Fioretti, P.; Albanese, M. C.; Miani, D.; Gianrossi, R.; Pende, A.; Rubartelli, P.; Magaia, O.; Domenicucci, S.; Caruso, D.; Faraguti, A. S.; Magliani, L.; Miccoli, F.; Guglielmino, G.; Bertoli, D.; Cantarelli, A.; Orlandi, S.; Vallebona, A.; Pozzati, A.; Brega, G.; Pancaldi, L. G.; Vandelli, R.; Urbinati, S.; Poci, M. G.; Zoli, M.; Costa, G. M.; Guiducci, U.; Zobbi, G.; Tartagni, F.; Tisselli, A.; Gentili, A.; Pieri, P.; Cagnetta, E.; Bendinelli, S.; Barbieri, A.; Conti, R.; Ferrari, R.; Merlini, F.; Fucili, A.; Moruzzi, P.; Buia, E.; Galvani, M.; Ferrini, D.; Baggioni, G.; Yiannacopulu, P.; Canè, G.; Bonfiglioli, A.; Zandomeneghi, R.; Brugioni, L.; Giannini, A.; Di Ruvo, R.; Giuliani, M.; Rusconi, L.; Del Corso, P.; Piovaccari, G.; Bologna, F.; Venturi, P.; Melandri, F.; Bagni, E.; Bolognese, L.; Perticucci, R.; Zuppiroli, A.; Nannini, M.; Consoli, N.; Petrone, P.; Pipitò, C.; Colombi, L.; Bernardi, D.; Mariani, P. R.; Testa, R.; Mazzinghi, F.; Cosmi, F.; Cosmi, D.; Zipoli, A.; Cecchi, A.; Castelli, G.; Ciaccheri, M.; Mori, F.; Pieri, F.; Valoti, P.; Chiarantini, D.; Santoro, G. M.; Minneci, C.; Marchi, F.; Milli, M.; Zambaldi, G.; Zipoli, A.; Brandinelli Geri, A. A.; Cipriani, M.; Alessandri, M.; Severi, S.; Stefanelli, S.; Comella, A.; Poddighe, R.; Digiorgio, A.; Carluccio, M.; Berti, S.; Rizza, A.; Bonatti, V.; Molendi, V.; Brancato, A.; D'Aprile, N.; Giappichini, G.; Del Vecchio, S.; Mantini, G.; De Tommasi, F.; Meucci, G.; Cordoni, M.; Bechi, S.; Barsotti, L.; Baldini, P.; Romei, M.; Scopelliti, G.; Lauri, G.; Pestelli, F.; Furiozzi, F.; Cocchieri, M.; Severini, D.; Patriarchi, F.; Chiocchi, P.; Buccolieri, M.; Martinelli, S.; Wee, A.; Angelici, F.; Bernardinangeli, M.; Proietti, G.; Biscottini, B.; Panciarola, R.; Marinacci, L.; Perna, G. P.; Gabrielli, D.; Moraca, A.; Moretti, L.; Partemi, L.; Gregori, G.; Amici, R.; Patteri, G.; Capone, P.; Savini, E.; Morgagni, G. L.; Paccaloni, L.; Pezzuoli, F.; Carincola, S.; Papi, S.; De Crescentini, S.; Gerardi, P.; Midi, P.; Gallenzi, E.; Pajes, G.; Mancone, C.; Di Spirito, V.; Di Gennaro, M.; Calcagno, S.; Toscano, S.; Antonicoli, S.; Carta, F.; Giorgi, G.; Comito, F.; Daniele, E.; Ciarla, O.; Gelfo, P. G.; Acquaviva, A.; Testa, D.; Testa, G.; Pagliaro, F. A.; Russo, F.; Vetta, F.; Marchese, I.; Di Sciascio, G.; D'Ambrosio, A.; Leggio, F.; Del Sindaco, D.; Lacchè, A.; Avallone, A.; Risa, M. P.; Azzolini, P.; Baldo, E.; Giovannini, E.; Pulignano, G.; Tondo, C.; Picchio, E.; Biffani, E.; Tanzi, P.; Pozzar, F.; Farnetti, F.; Azzarito, M.; Santini, M.; Varveri, A.; Ferraiuolo, G.; Valtorta, C.; Gaspardone, A.; Barbato, G.; Ceci, V.; Aspromonte, N.; Bellocci, F.; Colizzi, C.; Fedele, F.; Perez, F. I.; Galati, A.; Rossetti, A.; Mainella, A.; Ciuffetta, D.; Matteucci, C.; Busi, G.; De Angelis, A.; Farina, G.; Granatelli, A.; Leone, F.; Frasca, F.; Pajes, G.; Di Giovambattista, R.; Castellani, G.; Massaro, G.; Mastrogiuseppe, G.; Vacri, A.; De Sanctis, F.; Cioli, M.; Di Luzio, S.; Napoletano, C.; Piccioni, L. L.; De Simone, G.; Ottaviano, A.; Mazza, V.; Spedaliere, C.; Staniscia, D.; Calgione, E.; De Marco, G.; Chiacchio, T.; Di Napoli, T.; Romanzi, S.; Salvatore, G.; Golino, P.; Palermo, A.; Mascia, F.; Vetrano, A.; Vinciguerra, A.; Caliendo, L.; Longobardi, R.; De Caro, G.; Di Nola, R.; Piemonte, F.; Prinzi, D.; De Rosa, P.; De Rosa, V.; Riello, F.; Capuano, V.; Vecchio, G.; Landi, M.; Amato, S.; Garofalo, M.; Caruso, D.; D'Avino, M.; Sensale, P.; Maiolica, O.; Santoro, R.; Caso, P.; Miceli, D.; Maurea, N.; Bianchi, U.; Crispo, C.; Chiariello, M.; Perrone Filardi, P.; Russo, L.; Capuano, N.; Ungaro, G.; Vergara, G.; Scafuro, F.; D'Angelo, G.; Campaniello, C.; Bottiglieri, P.; Volpe, A.; Battista, R.; De Risi, L.; Cardillo, G.; Sibilio, G.; Marino, A. P.; Silvestri, F.; Predotti, P.; Iervoglini, A.; Stefanelli, S.; De Matteis, C.; Sarnicola, P.; Matarazzo, M. M.; Baldi, S.; Iuliano, V.; Astarita, C.; Cuccaro, P.; Liguori, A.; Liguori, G.; Gregorio, G.; Petraglia, L.; Antonelli, G.; Amodio, G.; De Luca, I.; Traversa, D.; Franchini, G.; Lenti, M. L.; Cavallari, D.; D'Agostino, C.; Scalera, G.; Altamura, C. M.; Russo, M.; Mascolo, A. R.; Pettinati, G.; Ciricugno, S. A.; Scrutinio, D.; Passantino, A.; Mastrangelo, D.; Di Masi, A.; De Carne, R.; Cannone, M.; Dibiase, F.; Pensato, M.; Loliva, F.; Trapani, F.; Panettieri, I.; Leone, L.; Di Biase, M.; Carrone, M.; Gallone, V.; Cocco, F.; Costantini, M.; Tritto, C.; Cavalieri, F.; Stella, L.; Magliari, F.; Callerame, M.; De Giorgi, A.; Pellegrino, L.; Correra, M.; Portulano, V.; Nisi, G. L.; Grassi, G.; Cristallo, E.; De Laura, D.; Salerno, C.; Fanelli, R.; Villella, M.; Pede, S.; Renna, A.; De Lorenzi, E.; Urso, L.; Lenti, V.; Peluso, A.; Baldi, N.; Polimeni, G.; Galati, A.; Palma, P.; Lauletta, R.; Tagliamonte, E.; Cirillo, T.; Silvestri, B.; Centonze, G.; D