325 research outputs found

    How to assess intelligences through the observational method. The Italian experience

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    Different Authors were involved in the elaboration of systems to assess Multiple Intelligences. These efforts mainly produced questionnaires and check lists. These devices need users to possess and use linguistic abilities, and intra personal intelligence. For these reasons they cannot be considered tools coherent to the theory. Accordingly to the Gardner's definition, the intelligences have to be identified in daily life problem solving. The most effective way to set up this work is to observe them. Key distinctions in the Italian way to assess the intelligences are provided, in particular the adoption of the observation method through an online environmen

    Comprendere l'ambiente. Buone pratiche in eco-sistemi di grotta

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    Il contributo \ue8 diretto a sostenere la comprensione di concetti sceintifici lehgati all'ambiente fin dai primi anni di vita. Presenta alcune buone pratiche nella scuola dell'infanzia, con particolare riferimento agli ambienti ipoge

    Self indicators in adolescent\u2019s self reports

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    Analisi linguistica di autopresentazione realizzate da soggetti adolescenti, secondo gli indicatori del S\ue9 di Jerome Brune

    Environment mental representation: a study with children 8-9 years old

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    When thinking and representing environment (Mainardi Peron & Falchero, 1994; Axia, 1986; Bruner, 1996), human mind involves perceptive and cognitive (Piaget, 1926; Piaget & Inhelder 1966a/b) as well as social and cultural processes (Moscovici, 2005) that guide and orient human behavior and actions. The aim of this research is to collect, analyze and describe conceptions about environment that children possess. The sample is composed by children between 8 and 9 years old. The data were collected using both cognitive maps (Giglioli & Collinassi, 2011) and drawings (Cannoni, 2003; Pinto, 2002, 1995; Bombi & Pinto, 1993). Only the contemporaneous presence of physical, biological and social elements ensures an envision of environment as a complex system (Bonnes, Bonaiuto & Lee, 2004; Bronfenbrenner, 1979). The research indicates that children, even in primary schools, sometimes have a partial representation of environment. This is important to know for educators and teachers, in order to support a representation of environment as a whole, in which systematic and reciprocal interactions of different elements happen at different levels. This is one of the emerging tasks in environmental education processes all over the world

    Children and their own land: building connections through reporting

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    Este artículo se centra en los talleres de periodismo celebrados en Ussita (Italia) durante el invierno de 2019. Los talleres iban dirigidos a niños e involucraron a niños locales de 5 a 10 años. Este proyecto era parte de la recopilación de datos para el programa de investigación doctoral "Creciendo informado". El método incluyó observación de los participantes, grabación de campo, material escrito y dibujado. Ussita es una de las ciudades destruidas por los terremotos de 2016. Elegimos este lugar porque el programa de investigación se centra también en la educación en medios como una manera para desarrollar la conciencia territorial. La conciencia territorial puede ser crucial después de un terremoto, ya que es una de las características que crean resiliencia. La principal actividad didáctica consistió en explicar a los niños cómo hacer entrevistas, coincidiendo con un formato anterior que estudiamos en 2018. Se realizaron entrevistas en diferentes lugares y situaciones. Pudieron conocer a un fotógrafo, un biólogo (Ussita forma parte de un Parque Nacional) y un miembro de una asociación local. Los niños también visitaron a varias personas mayores en sus hogares de emergencia para entrevistarlos. Organizamos un seguimiento en abril en el que tuvieron que entrevistar a algunos adultos locales sobre un festival tradicional que estaba a punto de celebrarse. El grupo logró entrevistar a estas personas, incluso si el contexto era ligeramente diferente, mostrando que recordaban lo que habían aprendido. Los resultados muestran cómo los niños lograron abordar una variedad de temas locales (naturaleza, historia, problemas, oportunidades) entrevistando a las personas y cómo la actividad afectó su conciencia local en este momento sensible.This paper focuses on the journalism workshops held in Ussita (Italy) during the 2019’s winter. The workshops were aimed at children and they involved local kids from 5 to 10 years old. This project was a part of the data collection for the doctoral research program “Growing up informed”. The method involved participants observation, field recording, written and drawn material. Ussita is one of the towns wrecked by the earthquakes of 2016. We chose this place because the research program focuses also on media education as a mean to develop territorial awareness. Territorial awareness may be crucial after an earthquake, for it is one of the features that create resilience. The main teaching activity was about explaining to children how to make interviews, matching a previous format we studied in 2018. They made interviews in different locations and situations. They were able to meet a photographer, a biologist (Ussita is part of a National Park), a member of a local association. The children also visited several old people in their emergency homes to interview them. We organized a follow up in April in which they had to interview some local adults about a traditional festival that was about to be held. The group managed to interview these people, even if the context was slightly different, showing they remembered what they have learned. The results show how children managed to tackle a variety of local topic (nature, history, problems, opportunity) by interviewing people and how the activity affected their local awareness in this sensitive moment.peerReviewe

    Il ruolo attivo della mente umana nella percezione e interpretazione del mondo sociale: tra dispositivi innati e culture di appartenenza

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    Dal punto di vista della psicologia scientifica, la mente umana ha un ruolo attivo nella conoscenza di sé, degli altri e del mondo, per il suo stesso modo di funzionare, con procedure proprie e dispositivi innati.From the point of view of scientific psychology, human mind has an active role in the knowledge of self, of others and of the world, because of its own way of functioning, with its own procedures and innate devices.Parole chiave / Keywords: rappresentazioni mentali, rappresentazioni sociali, stereotipi, pregiudizi, culture / mental representations, social representations, stereotypes, prejudices, cultures

    Linee guida per una formazione degli adulti di qualit\ue0

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    Il tema della formazione oggi \ue8 terreno di incontro di molteplici paradigmi e metodologie. Sono diverse le chiavi di lettura e le definizioni disponibili, tanto da generare spaesamento. L\u2019elemento condiviso \ue8 il concetto di cambiamento, il cui legame \ue8 evidenziato dalla stessa etimologia della parola formare: dare forma. La formazione d\ue0 luogo, attraverso la strutturazione di percorsi di apprendimento, a una nuova configurazione nel formando, di solito di tipo mentale (Nicolini, 2015). La complessit\ue0 nella formazione degli adulti deriva dal lavorare con soggetti che hanno gi\ue0 un\u2019organizzazione mentale radicata e sperimentata attraverso l\u2019esperienza quotidiana. Il formatore si scontra con un modello di credenze, competenze ed esperienze gi\ue0 convalidato, che il soggetto fa fatica ad abbandonare in favore dell\u2019acquisizione dei nuovi contenuti, in quanto funzionante e funzionale, dal proprio punto di vista. Quasi mai, infatti, il percorso formativo avviene per la necessit\ue0 avvertita dal formando, quanto piuttosto per i bisogni di ammodernamento dei processi che partono dall\u2019organizzazione del lavoro. L'articolo propone linee guida per superare alcune di queste impasse