11 research outputs found

    Análisis de la traducción del inglés jurídico en la subtitulación audiovisual: caso práctico de la serie Suits

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    Treball Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs: 2019/2020En el presente trabajo se analizarán las técnicas de traducción que se han empleado en la subtitulación de los primeros cinco episodios de la serie Suitsque contienen terminología jurídica en las variedades de español peninsular y español latinoamericano. Con este fin, se expondrán primero las características del lenguaje jurídico inglés y español y los problemas de traducción que suelen presentarse en esta área especializada. Asimismo, se estudiarán las características del lenguaje audiovisual y de la subtitulación, así como los problemas de traducción de este lenguaje y las técnicas de traducción más utilizadas en ambas modalidades de traducción. Se analizarán las tendencias con respecto a las técnicas de traducción más comunes en español peninsular y latinoamericano, se compararán con los fundamentos teóricos para ver si coinciden y se llevará a cabo una reflexión crítica sobre el porqué de estas tendencias. Para realizar el análisis se elaborará un glosario con los términos jurídicos más relevantes de la serie en inglés y en español peninsular y latinoamericano más relevantes de la serie. Finalmente, se expondrán las conclusiones del trabajo realizado y que responderán a los objetivos planteados en el mismo

    Impaired Integrated Stress Response and Mitochondrial Integrity Modulate Genotoxic Stress Impact and Lower the Threshold for Immune Signalling

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    open access articleMitochondria–nucleus communication during stress dictates cellular fate with consequences on the etiopathology of multiple age-related diseases. Impaired mitochondrial quality control through loss of function of the mitochondrial protease HtrA2 associates with accumulation of damaged mitochondria and triggers the integrated stress response, implicating the transcription factor CHOP. Here we have employed a combined model of impaired mitochondria quality control, namely HtrA2 loss of function, and/or integrated stress response, namely CHOP loss of function, and genotoxicity to address the distinctive roles of these cellular components in modulating intracellular and intercellular responses. The genotoxic agents employed were cancer therapeutic agents such as irradiation with X-ray and protons or treatment with the radiomimetic bleomycin. The irradiation had an enhanced effect in inducing DNA damage in cells with CHOP loss of function, while the bleomycin treatment induced more DNA damage in all the transgenic cells as compared to the control. The genetic modifications impaired the transmission of DNA damage signalling intercellularly. Furthermore, we have dissected the signalling pathways modulated by irradiation in selected genotypes with RNA sequencing analysis. We identified that loss of HtrA2 and CHOP function, respectively, lowers the threshold where irradiation may induce the activation of innate immune responses via cGAS-STING; this may have a significant impact on decisions for combined therapeutic approaches for various diseases

    Oligohydramnios: A review of etiology and management options

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    Oligohydramnios is both a consequence of fetal malformations and of uteroplacental insufficiency. Its existence is associated with a high rate of both antepartum and intrapartum complications. It is vital that its occurrence is detected as early as possible so that we can manage it correctly. The main causes of its occurrence are identified and described in this review. The management of oligohydramnios is most often expectant, the timing of delivery also being determined by Doppler examination and changes in parameters measuring fetal growth and development

    Colonization, Infection and Risk Factors for Death in an Infectious Disease ICU in Romania

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    Knowing the bacterial strains in the intensive care unit (ICU) is important for reducing the rate of bacterial transmission and the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), allowing for targeted interventions to reduce the risk of death by HAIs. We performed a retrospective case-control study in a single center that included 320 bacteriologically screened patients from the ICU of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta between September 2017 and March 2020. Sixty-five secondary bacterial infections were identified as the cause of hospital admission and 60 bacterial colonizations. There were 20 cases and 300 controls for the mortality rate and risk factors for death. Multivariate analysis identified that hospitalization of patients for HIV infection (OR 11.82, 95% CI: 1.69-83.62, P ≤0.05) and Clostridioides difficile infection (OR 7.38, 95% CI: 1.39 -39.22, P ≤ 0.05) were independent risk factors associated with death. We observed that the number of colonizations or secondary infections in the ICU was similar, and the mortality rate in the ICU was influenced by HIV infection or Clostridioides difficile infection

    Electrical characterization of polymeric charge transport layers

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    Since the discovery of conducting polymers in 1977 the field of organic electronics has evolved rapidly. Displays based on organic light emitting diodes have already reached the consumer market and are produced in millions per month for applications as mobile phones. The development of organic solar cells and integrated circuits is still steadily increasing. One of the great benefits of these ‘plastic’ electronic materials is that they can be processed from solution. This enables cheap and fast production of electronic devices using roll-to-roll based technology, similar as the production of newspapers. Deposition technologies as slot-die coating and ink jet printing enable the production organic electronic devices on unconventional substrates, such as flexible plastic foils and paper. Another great benefit is the possibility of tailoring the polymers through carefully controlled synthesis, resulting in a multitude of different functionalities. Since the discovery of electroluminescence in conjugated polymers in 1990 it has been recognized that charge transport is a key ingredient for the efficiency of the polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs). The active part of PLEDs usually consists of only a single layer. In such a device holes are injected from the anode and electrons from the cathode into the polymer layer. The use of only a single electrooptic layer has a large fundamental disadvantage: due to the reduced electron transport in conjugated polymers most of the light in a PLED is generated close to the metallic cathode. This metallic cathode acts as a quenching site for the generated excitons, thereby strongly reducing the efficiency of the PLEDs. In order to strongly increase the efficiency of PLEDs multilayer stuctures have to be developed, comparable to the heterojunction based LEDs and laser diodes in inorganic III-V semiconductors. In such an optimized device electrons and holes are efficiently transported via high mobility layers towards a highly luminescent layer. The energy levels of the polymers used will be designed in such a way that the hole transport layer also serves as a blocking layer for electron transport and vice versa. Using a heterostructure electrons and holes can not leave the device without recombining, leading to an enhanced efficiency. A major problem why polymer based multilayer devices have not been realized so far is the solubility of the materials used; a multilayer can not be fabricated when a spin casted layer dissolves in the solvent of the subsequent layer. In this thesis charge transport layers with compatible solubility are developed and electrically characterized.

    After the cardiac arrest : A qualitative literature-based study of patients’ experiences of a cardiac arrest.

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    Background: Cardiac arrest is a public health problem worldwide. A cardiac arrest often occurssuddenly and without warning. If no cardiopulmonary rescue starts immediately, the outcome will be death. Surviving a cardiac arrest has an impact on the quality of life. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the patient´s experiences after a cardiac arrest. Method: Qualitative articles are used as a foundation in this literature review. Results: Two major themes emerged from analysing eight qualitative articles. The results showed complicated effects of cardiac arrest on patients´ lives. After a cardiac arrest patients needed support and safety. Support from nurses must be organized in a more structured way. This should be handled with continuity and vigilance in health care by nurses. Conclusion: Patients who survive a cardiac arrest experience that their lives are affected from several aspects. For example, mentally, physically, emotionally and existentially. This can result in emotional challenges and uncertainty about the future. In this new life situation, the nurse could help by guiding, following up and supporting the patients.Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva patienters upplevelser efter ett hjärtstopp. Studien resulterade i två teman (att anpassa sig till en ny vardag och andra livsperspektiv) med sex underteman (ständig oro, återgång till tidigare livssituation, att hantera känslor efter hjärtstopp, stöd från familjen, en ny syn på livet och strävan efter att leva i nuet). Efter ett hjärtstopp upplevde patienterna att deras liv påverkades på flera plan. Både fysiskt och psykiskt.Att ha ett forum att diskutera utmaningar samt bekräftelse på att återhämtningen gick åt rätt hållvar viktigt för patienterna. Att drabbas av ett hjärtstopp är vanligtvis något som kommer plötsligt och behandlas det inte är prognosen dödlig. Det är vanligast att patienterna har en bakomliggande kranskärlssjukdom men andra orsaker kan vara överdoser av droger eller läkemedel, drunkningstillbud, andningsstopp, astmaanfall eller kraftiga elektriska strömstötar. Kvalitativ ansats användes för att genomföra studien och 8 artiklar ligger till grund för detta examensarbete. Behovet av strukturerat stöd visade sig vara stort, patienterna efterfrågade bekräftelse på hur återhämtningen fortskred. Ångest, brist på säkerhet och kroppsliga begränsningar var deras främsta bekymmer. Känslan av ångest och osäkerhet ökade när patienterna skrevs ut från sjukhuset och kom hem till sin gamla vardag. Av den anledningenvar det viktigt att återgå till hur livssituationen såg ut före händelsen. Målet att återgå till en tidigare livssituation visades dock vara svårt på grund av nya kroppsliga och kognitivabegränsninga

    Unprecedented Coordination Compounds with 4,4′-Diaminodiphenylethane as a Supramolecular Agent and Ditopic Ligand: Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Hirshfeld Surface Analysis

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    In this pioneering research, mononuclear coordination complexes and coordination polymers were obtained using the conformationally flexible ditopic ligand 4,4′-diaminodiphenylethane and different metal salts (nitrates, sulfates, tetrafluoroborates and perchlorates). Seven new products, including the mononuclear complexes [Cd(2,2′-bpy)3](ClO4)2](dadpe)(4,4′-bpy) (1), [Ni(dadpe)2(H2O)4](SO4).H2O (2), one-dimensional coordination polymers {[Zn(NO3)(dadpe)(dmf)2](NO3)}n (3), {[Cd(2,2′-bpy)2(dadpe)](ClO4)2}n (4), and two-dimensional coordination polymers, {[Cd(4,4′-bpy)2(H2O)2](ClO4)2(dadpe)(EtOH)2}n (5), {[Co(4,4′-bpy)2(H2O)2](BF4)2(dadpe)(EtOH)2}n (6) and {[Cd(adi)(dadpe)](H2adi)}n (7), (dadpe=4,4′-diaminodiphenylethane, 2,2′-bpy=2,2′-bipyridine, 4,4′-bpy=4,4′-bipyridine, H2adi=adipic acid) were produced. The synthesized compounds were characterized by FTIR and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. The dadpe was recorded as a neutral guest in the crystals of mononuclear complex 1 and in coordination polymers 5 and 6. In compound 2, two dadpe ligands coordinate in a monodentate mode and occupy two trans-positions in the [Ni(H2O)4(dadpe)2]2+ octahedral complex cation. Coordination polymers 3 and 4 represent single chains originating from dadpe as a bidentate linker in both. The H-donor’s possibilities of amino groups were utilized in the interconnection of coordination chains into H-bonded networks via NH(NH2)···O hydrogen bonds. The isostructural coordination polymers 5 and 6 comprise similar cationic square grids [M(4,4′-bpy)2(H2O)2]2+ [M=Cd (5), M=Co (6)], with sql topology balanced by the charge-compensated anions, while dadpe and EtOH as neutral guests are situated in the interlayer space. The neutral 2D coordination network in 7 with the sql topology originates from both adi and dadpe linkers as bidentate-bridging ligands, and the neutral H2adi is entrapped as a guest in crystal lattice. The impact of different types of intermolecular interactions was evaluated by Hirshfeld surface analysis

    A computational approach to structural properties of glycoside hydrolase family 4 from bacteria

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    Structural bioinformatics approaches applied to the alpha- and beta-glycosidases from the GH4 enzyme family reveal that, despite low sequence identity, these enzymes possess quite similar global structural characteristics reflecting a common reaction mechanism. Locally, there are a few distinctive structural characteristics of GH4 alpha- and beta-glycosidases, namely, surface cavities with different geometric characteristics and two regions with highly dissimilar structural organizations and distinct physicochemical properties in the alpha- and beta-glucosidases from Thermotoga maritima. We suggest that these structurally dissimilar regions may be involved in specific protein-protein interactions and this hypothesis is sustained by the predicted distinct functional partners of the investigated proteins. Also, we predict that alpha- and beta-glycosidases from the GH4 enzyme family interact with difenoconazole, a fungicide, but there are different features of these interactions especially concerning the identified structurally distinct regions of the investigated proteins