10 research outputs found

    Образы насилия над верующими в музейной экспозиции: История одного дела из архива КГБ

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    This research is part of the project Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: Hidden Galleries in the Secret Police Archives in Central and Eastern Europe. The project has received funding from the European Research 2020 research and innovation programme No. 677355.The article discusses the use and perception of images of state violence in a museum space. It tells the story of an unusual trial against a group of believers, arrested in 1952 in Ukraine and charged as members of the “ecclesiastic-monarchist underground organization” the True Orthodox Church. Images from the group penal file (preserved nowadays at the Archives of the Ukrainian Security Service in Kiev) were displayed at the exhibition held in 2019 at the Museum of Art in Cluj-Napoca. Visitors were invited to look at two sets of photographs: originals and spruced-up copies, both produced by secret police officers. Through the reconstruction of the story of the people on trial, we discuss the role of images of state violence and religious repression in triggering the mechanisms of historical memory. How can we transform recent traumatic past into historical and cultural legacy, while preventing it against unhealthy manipulations? What are the attributes and limits of showing? Suggesting a “thick description” approach towards archival reading and the reconstruction of microhistories we discuss how the images of the “difficult” past can generate different narratives and how they can heal wounds rather than make new ones

    The Hand at Work or How the KGB File Leaks in the Exhibition

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    This research is part of the project Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: Hidden Galleries in the Secret Police Archives in Central and Eastern Europe. The project has received funding from the European Research 2020 research and innovation programme No. 677355.The article tells the story of the use and perception of images of violence from an unusual trial against a group of believers, arrested in 1952 in Ukraine. Visitors to an exhibition held in 2019 at the Museum of Art in Cluj-Napoca as part of the Hidden Galleries European Research Council project were invited to look at two sets of photographs: originals and spruced-up copies coming from a recently opened penal file retrieved from the SBU (former KGB) archive in Kiev. Through the reconstruction of the story of the people who suffered the arrest, we attempt to question the use of research ethics and of heritage in relation to retrieving from archives and displaying violent images of the past. What are the attributes and limits of showing? And what can we learn from the hand at work, the process of actively manipulating the image


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    Contiene: Hrvatsko glagoljaštvo u europskom okružju. Zbornik radova Me­đu­narodnoga skupa [...]. Uredili V. Badurina Stipčević, S. Požar, F. Vel­čić [= Biblio­the­ca glagolitica croata, knjiga 2], Zagreb, Staroslavenski in­stitut, 2015 (C. Diddi) ; J. P. Zeller, Phonische Variation in der weißrussischen “Tra­sjan­ka”. Sprachwandel und Sprachwechsel im weißrussisch-rus­si­schen Sprachkontakt [= Studia Slavica Ol­den­burgensia], Oldenburg, BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Olden­burg, 2015 (D. Del Gaudio) ; M. Jovčeva, Starobălgarskijat služeben minej, Sofija, Izdatelski cen­tăr “Bojan Pe­nev” – Institut za literatura pri BAN, 2014 (C.Diddi) Boccaccio e la nuova ars narrandi. Atti del convegno inter­na­zio­na­le di studi [...], a c. di W. Olsza­niec e P. Salwa, Warszawa, In­stytut Filologii Klasycznej UW – Wydawnictwo Nau­ko­we Sub Lupa, 2015 (A. Ceccherelli) ; B. Kravos. Un teatro per la città. Breve storia del teatro sloveno di Trie­ste dal 1850 al 2000. Trieste, Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut; Slo­vensko stalno gledališče; Lju­blja­na Slovenski gledališki in­šti­tut, 2015 (T. Nicolescu) ; I. Verč, Verifiche. Preverjanja. Проверки, Trieste, EUT, 2016 (A. d'Amelia) ; A.R. Lurija, Un mondo perduto e ritrovato, prefazione di O. Sacks, postfazione di L. Mecac­ci, Milano, Adelphi, 2015 (M. Zalambani) ; Dall’“Europa illegale” all’Europa unita. Gustaw Herling Gru­dziń­ski: l’uomo, lo scrit­tore, l’opera, Atti del convegno [...], a c. di M. Her­ling e L. Marinelli, Roma, Acca­­demia Polacca di Roma, 2015 (A. Coltré

    Рисунки Андрея Белого

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    Risunki Andreja Belogo

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    Citizens Theatre

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    “Оpus magnum” by Ivan Verch

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    Images from the Hidden Gallery

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    This research is part of the project Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: Hidden Galleries in the Secret Police Archives in Central and Eastern Europe. The project has received funding from the European Research 2020 research and innovation programme No. 677355

    Disseminated <i>Cunninghamella</i> spp. Endocarditis in a Beta-Thalassemia Patient after Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection

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    Cunninghamella spp. is a group of fungi belonging to the Mucorales order. Cases of fungal endocarditis are sporadic, but more frequent in immunocompromised patients. COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 Infection Disease 2019) infections, prematurity, deferoxamine treatment, iron overload, neutropenia, diabetes, and malignant hemopathies proved to be risk factors for mucormycosis. We present the case of a 7-year-old boy who was treated every three weeks with blood transfusion for major beta-thalassemia, receiving deferoxamine for secondary hemochromatosis. After two weeks with nonspecific respiratory and digestive symptoms, he was admitted for fever, followed by lower limb ischemia and neurological signs. Echocardiography revealed massive endocarditis affecting the mitral and tricuspid valves with embolization phenomena in the brain, lungs, kidney, spleen, and lower limbs. As a particular finding, IgG antibodies for COVID-19 were positive. Emergency cardiac surgery was performed. The mitral valve necessitated replacement with CarboMedics prosthesis. Unfortunately, the patient did not survive. Cunninghamella spp. was confirmed via the PCR analysis of vegetations. Cunninghamella endocarditis in the context of a systemic infection presented as an opportunistic infection affecting a child who had several risk factors. Mucormycosis is challenging to treat, with high mortality. Prophylactic treatment in beta-thalassemia patients with iron-chelator deprivation drugs, such as deferiprone, may help in preventing these particular fungal infections

    The 12th Edition of the Scientific Days of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof. Dr. Matei Bals” and the 12th National Infectious Diseases Conference

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