25 research outputs found

    Efficacy of omalizumab in mastocytosis: allusive indication obtained from a prospective, double-blind, multicenter study (XOLMA Study)

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with mastocytosis often suffer from a variety of symptoms caused by mast cell mediators where treatments remain difficult, showing various success rates. Omalizumab, a monoclonal anti-IgE antibody, has been postulated to have a positive impact on mastocytosis-associated symptoms such as flush, vertigo, gastrointestinal problems, or anaphylaxis. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy and safety of omalizumab in systemic mastocytosis. METHODS: Patients with histologically proven mastocytosis were investigated in a multicenter prospective double-blind placebo-controlled trial to receive either omalizumab or placebo, dosed according to IgE and body weight. The primary endpoint was change in the AFIRMM activity score after 6 months of treatment. Different laboratory parameters were analyzed. RESULTS: Sixteen patients were analyzed: 7 to omalizumab and 9 to placebo (mean age 47.7 ± 13.8 vs. 45.4 ± 8.8 years; 66.6 vs. 85.7% were female; mean disease duration 10.0 ± 5.1 vs. 4.5 ± 2.9 years, respectively). After 6 months the median AFIRMM score decreased 50% from 52.0 to 26.0 in the omalizumab group versus 104.0-102.0 in the placebo group (p = 0.286); however, the difference was not significant (p = 0.941). Secondary endpoints, including the number of allergic reactions, changes in major complaints, wheal-and-flare reaction due to mechanical irritation (Darier's sign), and frequency of the use of mastocytosis-specific drugs improved in the omalizumab group, but not significantly. Adverse events like urticaria, bronchospasm, and anaphylactic shock showed no significant difference between the groups. No severe adverse events occurred. FcΔRI (Fc-epsilon receptor) expression on basophils decreased after receiving omalizumab versus placebo. CONCLUSION: Omalizumab was safe and showed a tendency to improve mastocytosis-related symptoms, in particular diarrhea, dizziness, flush, and anaphylactic reactions, including the AFIRMM score and secondary endpoints; however, the difference was not significant. Due to the small study size and difference at baseline between the study groups, further studies are required to confirm our findings

    "Ivan S., der Vergewaltiger" Wie wirken rechtspopulistische Kampagnen, die Mi­granten als sexuelle Bedrohung darstellen?

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    Kurz gefasst: In letzter Zeit wird hÀufig behauptet, dass die Wertevorstellungen von muslimischen Migranten und vor al­lem ihr Frauenbild nicht in Einklang mit den Vorstellungen in Westeuropa stehen. Verschiedene rechtspopulistische Parteien stellen Migranten daher als sexuelle Bedrohung dar. Wie solche Darstellungen wirken, wurde in Online­Experimenten in der Schweiz und in Deutschland untersucht. Nicht bei allen ver­fangen solche Argumente. Entscheidend sind das Frauenbild und teilweise das Geschlecht einer Person

    The "3T's" road map to transform US health care - The "how" of high-quality care

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    BackgroundPulmonary hypertension (PH) is characterized by elevated pulmonary artery pressure but classified into subgroups based on disease etiology. It is established that systemic bioenergetic dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension classified as World Health Organization (WHO) Group 1. Consistent with this, we previously showed that platelets from Group 1 PH patients demonstrate increased glycolysis and enhanced maximal capacity for oxidative phosphorylation, which is due to increased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). However, it remains unclear whether identical mitochondrial alterations contribute to the pathology of other PH subgroups. The most prevalent subgroup of PH is WHO Group 2, which encompasses pulmonary venous hypertension secondary to left heart disease. Here, we hypothesized that platelets from Group 2 subjects show bioenergetic alteration compared to controls, and that these changes were similar to Group 1 PH patients.Method and resultsWe isolated platelets from subjects with Group 2 PH and controls (n = 20) and measured platelet bioenergetics as well as hemodynamic parameters. We demonstrate that Group 2 PH platelets do not show a change in glycolytic rate but do demonstrate enhanced maximal capacity of respiration due at least partially to increased FAO. Moreover, this enhanced maximal capacity correlates negatively with right ventricular stroke work index and is not changed by administration of inhaled nitrite, a modulator of pulmonary hemodynamics.ConclusionsThese data demonstrate that Group 2 PH subjects have altered bioenergetic function though this alteration is not identical to that of Group 1 PH. The implications of this alteration for disease pathogenesis will be discussed

    Endoglycan plays a role in axon guidance by modulating cell adhesion

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    Axon navigation depends on the interactions between guidance molecules along the trajectory and specific receptors on the growth cone. However, our in vitro and in vivo studies on the role of Endoglycan demonstrate that in addition to specific guidance cue - receptor interactions, axon guidance depends on fine-tuning of cell-cell adhesion. Endoglycan, a sialomucin, plays a role in axon guidance in the central nervous system of chicken embryos, but it is neither an axon guidance cue nor a receptor. Rather, Endoglycan acts as a negative regulator of molecular interactions based on evidence from in vitro experiments demonstrating reduced adhesion of growth cones. In the absence of Endoglycan, commissural axons fail to properly navigate the midline of the spinal cord. Taken together, our in vivo and in vitro results support the hypothesis that Endoglycan acts as a negative regulator of cell-cell adhesion in commissural axon guidance

    IgE-mediated chlorhexidine allergy-Cross-reactivity with other biguanide disinfectants

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    Background: Chlorhexidine (CHX) is a widely utilized disinfectant that can cause IgE-mediated urticaria/anaphylaxis. The cross-reactivity of patients with IgE-mediated CHX allergy with other disinfectants, which share structural similarities with CHX like polyhexanide (polyhexamethylene biguanide; PHMB), alexidine (ALX), or octenidine (OCT), is unknown. Methods: Forty-four patients with anaphylaxis or urticaria upon CHX exposure and positive skin prick test (SPT) and/or positive CHX ImmunoCAP test (Phadia TFS, Uppsala, Sweden) were recruited. IgE to the biguanide and/or hexamethylene structure was investigated with PHMB ImmunoCAP (n = 32) and by basophil activation tests (BAT) with CHX and ALX (n = 37). Inhibition tests of CHX and PHMB ImmunoCAPs by CHX, ALX, PHMB, and OCT were performed. Results: IgE reactivity to PHMB as surrogate marker for biguanide/hexamethylene reactivity was detected in 5/32 sera. Seven of 37 patients showed a positive BAT with ALX, but only under optimized conditions. Binding to CHX ImmunoCAP was inhibited by ALX in 1/32 sera, and binding to PHMB was blocked by ALX (1/5) and by OCT in another (1/5). In SPT, 9/10 patients were positive for CHX and 3 of them with ALX (only at highest concentration at 5 mg/mL). A further patient reacted primarily with OCT and showed IgE cross-reactivity with CHX, ALX, and PHMB. Conclusion: The IgE response to CHX seems polyclonal. The chloroguanide ending of CHX is the main epitope for the IgE and is suitable as screening assay to detect CHX reactivity. IgE-reactivities with the biguanide or hexamethylene components of other disinfectants (ALX, PHMB) can be detected by SPT, PHMB ImmunoCAP, and ALX-BAT in 15%-33% of CHX-allergic patients

    IgE‐mediated chlorhexidine allergy—Cross‐reactivity with other biguanide disinfectants

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    Background: Chlorhexidine (CHX) is a widely utilized disinfectant that can cause IgE-mediated urticaria/anaphylaxis. The cross-reactivity of patients with IgE-mediated CHX allergy with other disinfectants, which share structural similarities with CHX like polyhexanide (polyhexamethylene biguanide; PHMB), alexidine (ALX), or octenidine (OCT), is unknown. Methods: Forty-four patients with anaphylaxis or urticaria upon CHX exposure and positive skin prick test (SPT) and/or positive CHX ImmunoCAP test (Phadia TFS, Uppsala, Sweden) were recruited. IgE to the biguanide and/or hexamethylene structure was investigated with PHMB ImmunoCAP (n = 32) and by basophil activation tests (BAT) with CHX and ALX (n = 37). Inhibition tests of CHX and PHMB ImmunoCAPs by CHX, ALX, PHMB, and OCT were performed. Results: IgE reactivity to PHMB as surrogate marker for biguanide/hexamethylene reactivity was detected in 5/32 sera. Seven of 37 patients showed a positive BAT with ALX, but only under optimized conditions. Binding to CHX ImmunoCAP was inhibited by ALX in 1/32 sera, and binding to PHMB was blocked by ALX (1/5) and by OCT in another (1/5). In SPT, 9/10 patients were positive for CHX and 3 of them with ALX (only at highest concentration at 5 mg/mL). A further patient reacted primarily with OCT and showed IgE cross-reactivity with CHX, ALX, and PHMB. Conclusion: The IgE response to CHX seems polyclonal. The chloroguanide ending of CHX is the main epitope for the IgE and is suitable as screening assay to detect CHX reactivity. IgE-reactivities with the biguanide or hexamethylene components of other disinfectants (ALX, PHMB) can be detected by SPT, PHMB ImmunoCAP, and ALX-BAT in 15%-33% of CHX-allergic patients