118 research outputs found

    Early and reversible neuropathology induced by tetracycline-regulated lentiviral overexpression of mutant huntingtin in rat striatum

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    The ability to overexpress full-length huntingtin or large fragments represents an important challenge to mimic Huntington's pathology and reproduce all stages of the disease in a time frame compatible with rodent life span. In the present study, tetracycline-regulated lentiviral vectors leading to high expression levels were used to accelerate the pathological process. Rats were simultaneously injected with vectors coding for the transactivator and wild type (WT) or mutated huntingtin (TRE-853-19Q/82Q) in the left and right striatum, respectively, and analyzed in the ‘on' and ‘off' conditions. Overexpression of TRE-853-19Q protein or residual expression of TRE-853-82Q in ‘off' condition did not cause any significant neuronal pathology. Overexpressed TRE-853-82Q protein led to proteolytic release of N-terminal htt fragments, nuclear aggregation, and a striatal dysfunction as revealed by decrease of DARPP-32 staining but absence of NeuN down-regulation. The differential effect on the DARPP-32/NeuN neuronal staining was observed as early as 1 month after injection and maintained at 3 months. In contrast, expression of a shorter htt form (htt171-82Q) did not require processing prior formation of nuclear aggregates and caused decrease of both DARPP-32 and NeuN neuronal markers at one month post-injection suggesting that polyQ pathology may be dependent on protein context. Finally, the reversibility of the pathology was assessed. Huntingtin expression was turn ‘on' for 1 month and then shut ‘off' for 2 months. Recovery of DARPP-32 immunoreactivity and clearance of huntingtin aggregates were observed in animals treated with doxycycline. These results suggest that a tetracycline-regulated system may be particularly attractive to model Huntington's disease and induce early and reversible striatal neuropathology in viv

    CNS gene therapy: present developments and emerging trends accelerating industry-academia pathways

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    The recent success of first central nervous system gene therapies has reinvigorated the growing community of gene therapy researchers and strengthened the field's market position. We are witnessing an increase of clinical trials with long-term efficiency mainly for neurometabolic, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases caused by loss-of-function mutations. The ever-expanding knowledge and accessibility to the most advanced tools allow enrichment of applications to more complex diseases. This gradually contributes towards sealing the gap between top diseases impacting current global health and those towards which gene therapy development is currently aimed. Here, we highlight innovative therapeutic approaches that have reached the clinics and outline the latest improvements of vector design and targeting. Finally, we address the pressing challenges faced by clinical trials and the direction they are heading

    Calpastatin-mediated inhibition of calpains in the mouse brain prevents mutant ataxin 3 proteolysis, nuclear localization and aggregation, relieving Machado-Joseph disease

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    Machado-Joseph disease is the most frequently found dominantly-inherited cerebellar ataxia. Over-repetition of a CAG trinucleotide in the MJD1 gene translates into a polyglutamine tract within the ataxin 3 protein, which upon proteolysis may trigger Machado-Joseph disease. We investigated the role of calpains in the generation of toxic ataxin 3 fragments and pathogenesis of Machado-Joseph disease. For this purpose, we inhibited calpain activity in mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease by overexpressing the endogenous calpain-inhibitor calpastatin. Calpain blockage reduced the size and number of mutant ataxin 3 inclusions, neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration. By reducing fragmentation of ataxin 3, calpastatin overexpression modified the subcellular localization of mutant ataxin 3 restraining the protein in the cytoplasm, reducing aggregation and nuclear toxicity and overcoming calpastatin depletion observed upon mutant ataxin 3 expression. Our findings are the first in vivo proof that mutant ataxin 3 proteolysis by calpains mediates its translocation to the nucleus, aggregation and toxicity and that inhibition of calpains may provide an effective therapy for Machado-Joseph diseas

    Normal Aging Modulates the Neurotoxicity of Mutant Huntingtin

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    Aging likely plays a role in neurodegenerative disorders. In Huntington's disease (HD), a disorder caused by an abnormal expansion of a polyglutamine tract in the protein huntingtin (Htt), the role of aging is unclear. For a given tract length, the probability of disease onset increases with age. There are mainly two hypotheses that could explain adult onset in HD: Either mutant Htt progressively produces cumulative defects over time or “normal” aging renders neurons more vulnerable to mutant Htt toxicity. In the present study, we directly explored whether aging affected the toxicity of mutant Htt in vivo. We studied the impact of aging on the effects produced by overexpression of an N-terminal fragment of mutant Htt, of wild-type Htt or of a ÎČ-Galactosidase (ÎČ-Gal) reporter gene in the rat striatum. Stereotaxic injections of lentiviral vectors were performed simultaneously in young (3 week) and old (15 month) rats. Histological evaluation at different time points after infection demonstrated that the expression of mutant Htt led to pathological changes that were more severe in old rats, including an increase in the number of small Htt-containing aggregates in the neuropil, a greater loss of DARPP-32 immunoreactivity and striatal neurons as assessed by unbiased stereological counts

    Beclin 1 mitigates motor and neuropathological deficits in genetic mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease

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    Machado-Joseph disease or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, the most common dominantly-inherited spinocerebellar ataxia, results from translation of the polyglutamine-expanded and aggregation prone ataxin 3 protein. Clinical manifestations include cerebellar ataxia and pyramidal signs and there is no therapy to delay disease progression. Beclin 1, an autophagy-related protein and essential gene for cell survival, is decreased in several neurodegenerative disorders. This study aimed at evaluating if lentiviral-mediated beclin 1 overexpression would rescue motor and neuropathological impairments when administered to pre- and post-symptomatic lentiviral-based and transgenic mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease. Beclin 1-mediated significant improvements in motor coordination, balance and gait with beclin 1-treated mice equilibrating longer periods in the Rotarod and presenting longer and narrower footprints. Furthermore, in agreement with the improvements observed in motor function beclin 1 overexpression prevented neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration, decreasing formation of polyglutamine-expanded aggregates, preserving Purkinje cell arborization and immunoreactivity for neuronal markers. These data show that overexpression of beclin 1 in the mouse cerebellum is able to rescue and hinder the progression of motor deficits when administered to pre- and post-symptomatic stages of the diseas

    Loss of the thyroid hormone-binding protein Crym renders striatal neurons more vulnerable to mutant huntingtin in Huntington's disease

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    The mechanisms underlying preferential atrophy of the striatum in Huntington's disease (HD) are unknown. One hypothesis is that a set of gene products preferentially expressed in the striatum could determine the particular vulnerability of this brain region to mutant huntingtin (mHtt). Here, we studied the striatal protein ”-crystallin (Crym). Crym is the NADPH-dependent p38 cytosolic T3-binding protein (p38CTBP), a key regulator of thyroid hormone (TH) T3 (3,5,3â€Č-triiodo-l-thyronine) transportation. It has been also recently identified as the enzyme that reduces the sulfur-containing cyclic ketimines, which are potential neurotransmitters. Here, we confirm the preferential expression of the Crym protein in the rodent and macaque striatum. Crym expression was found to be higher in the macaque caudate than in the putamen. Expression of Crym was reduced in the BACHD and Knock-in 140CAG mouse models of HD before onset of striatal atrophy. We show that overexpression of Crym in striatal medium-size spiny neurons using a lentiviral-based strategy in mice is neuroprotective against the neurotoxicity of an N-terminal fragment of mHtt in vivo. Thus, reduction of Crym expression in HD could render striatal neurons more susceptible to mHtt suggesting that Crym may be a key determinant of the vulnerability of the striatum. In addition our work points to Crym as a potential molecular link between striatal degeneration and the THs deregulation reported in HD patient

    Striatal and nigral pathology in a lentiviral rat model of Machado-Joseph disease

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    Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is a fatal, dominant neurodegenerative disorder. MJD results from polyglutamine repeat expansion in the MJD-1 gene, conferring a toxic gain of function to the ataxin-3 protein. In this study, we aimed at overexpressing ataxin-3 in the rat brain using lentiviral vectors (LV), to generate an in vivo MJD genetic model and, to study the disorder in defined brain regions: substantia nigra, an area affected in MJD, cortex and striatum, regions not previously reported to be affected in MJD. LV encoding mutant or wild-type human ataxin-3 was injected in the brain of adult rats and the animals were tested for behavioral deficits and neuropathological abnormalities. Striatal pathology was confirmed in transgenic mice and human tissue. In substantia nigra, unilateral overexpression of mutant ataxin-3 led to: apomorphine-induced turning behavior; formation of ubiquitinated ataxin-3 aggregates; α-synuclein immunoreactivity; and loss of dopaminergic markers (TH and VMAT2). No neuropathological changes were observed upon wild-type ataxin-3 overexpression. Mutant ataxin-3 expression in striatum and cortex, resulted in accumulation of misfolded ataxin-3, and within striatum, loss of neuronal markers. Striatal pathology was confirmed by observation in MJD transgenic mice of ataxin-3 aggregates and substantial reduction of DARPP-32 immunoreactivity and, in human striata, by ataxin-3 inclusions, immunoreactive for ubiquitin and α-synuclein. This study demonstrates the use of LV encoding mutant ataxin-3 to produce a model of MJD and brings evidence of striatal pathology, suggesting that this region may contribute to dystonia and chorea observed in some MJD patients and may represent a target for therapie
