13 research outputs found

    CSN5 binds to misfolded CFTR and promotes its degradation

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    AbstractCystic fibrosis is mainly caused by mutations that interfere with the biosynthetic folding of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. The aim of this study was to find cellular proteins interacting with CFTR and regulating its processing. We have used a genetic screen in yeast to identify such proteins and identified CSN5 that interacted with the third cytoplasmic loop of CFTR. CSN5 is the 5th component of the COP9 signalosome, a complex of eight subunits that shares significant homologies to the lid subcomplex of the 26S proteasome and controls the stability of many proteins. The present study shows that CSN5 associates with the core-glycosylated form of CFTR and suggests that this association targets misfolded CFTR to the degradative pathway. Identifying CSN5 as a new component of the degradative pathway is an important step towards the goal of unraveling the sorting between misfolded and correctly folded CFTR proteins

    COMMD1-Mediated Ubiquitination Regulates CFTR Trafficking

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    The CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) protein is a large polytopic protein whose biogenesis is inefficient. To better understand the regulation of CFTR processing and trafficking, we conducted a genetic screen that identified COMMD1 as a new CFTR partner. COMMD1 is a protein associated with multiple cellular pathways, including the regulation of hepatic copper excretion, sodium uptake through interaction with ENaC (epithelial sodium channel) and NF-kappaB signaling. In this study, we show that COMMD1 interacts with CFTR in cells expressing both proteins endogenously. This interaction promotes CFTR cell surface expression as assessed by biotinylation experiments in heterologously expressing cells through regulation of CFTR ubiquitination. In summary, our data demonstrate that CFTR is protected from ubiquitination by COMMD1, which sustains CFTR expression at the plasma membrane. Thus, increasing COMMD1 expression may provide an approach to simultaneously inhibit ENaC absorption and enhance CFTR trafficking, two major issues in cystic fibrosis

    COMMD1-Mediated Ubiquitination Regulates CFTR Trafficking

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    The CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) protein is a large polytopic protein whose biogenesis is inefficient. To better understand the regulation of CFTR processing and trafficking, we conducted a genetic screen that identified COMMD1 as a new CFTR partner. COMMD1 is a protein associated with multiple cellular pathways, including the regulation of hepatic copper excretion, sodium uptake through interaction with ENaC (epithelial sodium channel) and NF-kappaB signaling. In this study, we show that COMMD1 interacts with CFTR in cells expressing both proteins endogenously. This interaction promotes CFTR cell surface expression as assessed by biotinylation experiments in heterologously expressing cells through regulation of CFTR ubiquitination. In summary, our data demonstrate that CFTR is protected from ubiquitination by COMMD1, which sustains CFTR expression at the plasma membrane. Thus, increasing COMMD1 expression may provide an approach to simultaneously inhibit ENaC absorption and enhance CFTR trafficking, two major issues in cystic fibrosis

    Alternative Splicing at a NAGNAG Acceptor Site as a Novel Phenotype Modifier

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    Approximately 30% of alleles causing genetic disorders generate premature termination codons (PTCs), which are usually associated with severe phenotypes. However, bypassing the deleterious stop codon can lead to a mild disease outcome. Splicing at NAGNAG tandem splice sites has been reported to result in insertion or deletion (indel) of three nucleotides. We identified such a mechanism as the origin of the mild to asymptomatic phenotype observed in cystic fibrosis patients homozygous for the E831X mutation (2623G>T) in the CFTR gene. Analyses performed on nasal epithelial cell mRNA detected three distinct isoforms, a considerably more complex situation than expected for a single nucleotide substitution. Structure-function studies and in silico analyses provided the first experimental evidence of an indel of a stop codon by alternative splicing at a NAGNAG acceptor site. In addition to contributing to proteome plasticity, alternative splicing at a NAGNAG tandem site can thus remove a disease-causing UAG stop codon. This molecular study reveals a naturally occurring mechanism where the effect of either modifier genes or epigenetic factors could be suspected. This finding is of importance for genetic counseling as well as for deciding appropriate therapeutic strategies

    Mutation-Specific Potency and Efficacy of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Chloride Channel Potentiators

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- channel. The mutations G551D and G1349D, which affect the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) of CFTR protein, reduce channel activity. This defect can be corrected pharmacologically by small molecules called potentiators. CF mutations residing in the intracellular loops (ICLs), connecting the transmembrane segments of CFTR, may also reduce channel activity. We have investigated the extent of loss of function caused by ICL mutations and the sensitivity to pharmacological stimulation. We found that E193K and G970R (in ICL1 and ICL3, respectively) cause a severe loss of CFTR channel activity that can be rescued by the same potentiators that are effective on NBD mutations. We compared potency and efficacy of three different potentiators for E193K, G970R, and G551D. The 1,4-dihydropyridine felodipine and the phenylglycine PG-01 [2-[(2-1H-indol-3-yl-acetyl)-methylamino]-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)-2-phenylacetamide] were strongly effective on the three CFTR mutants. The efficacy of sulfonamide SF-01 [6-(ethylphenylsulfamoyl)-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid cycloheptylamide], another CFTR potentiator, was instead significantly lower than felodipine and PG-01 for the E193K and G970R mutations, and almost abolished for G551D. Furthermore, SF-01 modified the response of G551D and G970R to the other two potentiators, an effect that may be explained by an allosteric antagonistic effect. Our results indicate that CFTR potentiators correct the basic defect caused by CF mutations residing in different CFTR domains. However, there are differences among potentiators, with felodipine and PG-01 having a wider pharmacological activity, and SF-01 being more mutation specific. Our observations are useful in the prioritization and development of drugs targeting the CF basic defect

    Misprocessing of the CFTR protein leads to mild cystic fibrosis phenotype

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    International audienceCommunicated by Claude Ferec Cystic fibrosis (CF) is mainly caused by mutations that interfere with the biosynthetic folding of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism of dysfunction of a disease-causing mutation associated with variable phenotypes. In order to attain these objectives, we studied the effect of the p.L206W mutation on CFTR protein production and function, and we examined the genotype-phenotype correlation of [p.L206W]+[p.F508del] patients. We showed that p.L206W is a processing (class II) mutation since the CFTR biosynthetic pathway was severely impaired, whereas single-channel measurements indicated ion conductance similar to the wild-type protein. These data raise the larger question of the phenotypic variability of class II mutants, including p.F508del. Since multiple potential partners could modify the processing of the CFTR protein during its course to the cell surface, environmental and other genetic factors might contribute to this variability. Hum Mutat 25:360-371, 2005

    Evidence for direct CFTR inhibition by CFTRinh-172 based on Arg347 mutagenesis

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    CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) is an epithelial Cl- channel inhibited with high affinity and selectivity by the thiazolidinone compound CFTR(inh)-172. In the present study, we provide evidence that CFTR(inh)-172 acts directly on the CFTR. We introduced mutations in amino acid residues of the sixth transmembrane helix of the CFTR protein, a domain that has an important role in the formation of the channel pore. Basic and hydrophilic amino acids at positions 334-352 were replaced with alanine residues and the sensitivity to CFTR(inh)-172 was assessed using functional assays. We found that an arginine-to-alanine change at position 347 reduced the inhibitory potency of CFTR(inh)-172 by 20-30-fold. Mutagenesis of Arg347 to other amino acids also decreased the inhibitory potency, with aspartate producing near total loss of CFTR(inh)-172 activity. The results of the present study provide evidence that CFTR(inh)-172 interacts directly with CFTR, and that Arg347 is important for the interaction

    COMMD1 and CFTR interact in mammalian cells.

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    <p>(A) Sequences of ICL3 in other species from fish to primates. Asterisks indicate the position of two class II mutations: S945L and D979A. Identity of amino acids between the different proteins are boxed in black, conserved residues are boxed in dark gray and semi-conserved substitutions in light gray. (B) Representative gels for the same co-immunoprecipitation experiments in HT-29 cells expressing endogenous CFTR and COMMD1. Lysates from HT-29 cells were immunoprecipitated (IP) with either 0.8 µg of anti-COMMD1 mAb (Abnova), 0.8 µg of anti-CFTR mAb (MAB25031, R&D Systems) or with 0.8 µg anti-mouse IgG as a control. Each immunoprecipitation sample was then split in half and loaded onto an 8% SDS-PAGE for CFTR detection and 11% SDS-PAGE for COMMD1 detection. Both gels were transferred to PVDF membrane and subjected to immunoblotting (IB). The 8% SDS-PAGE membrane was probed with anti-CFTR mAb (MM13-4) and the 11% SDS-PAGE membrane with a rabbit anti-COMMD1 pAb (Proteintech Group). Both membranes were probed with anti-α-tubulin as control (11% gel is shown). Filled and empty arrowheads indicate the fully- (170 kDa) and core-glycosylated (140 kDa) CFTR, respectively. * indicates mouse IgG light chain from the antibody used for immunoprecipitation. (C) COMMD1 constructions in pcDNA3.1/Topo plasmid. Two COMMD1 constructs were generated by adding a Myc-tag at the N-terminus of COMMD1: Myc-COMMD1 and a construct with a deletion of the COMM domain named Myc-COMMD1ΔCOMM. (D) Representative gels for the same co-immunoprecipitation experiment between COMMD1 and wt- in heterologous system. HeLa cells stably expressing wt- (spTCF-wt) or empty CFTR vector (spTracer) as control were transfected with Myc-COMMD1. spTCF-wt were transfected with Myc-COMMD1ΔCOMM. Lysates from all these experiments were subjected to SDS-PAGE, as in (B) after CFTR IP. The 8% SDS-PAGE membrane was probed with anti-CFTR mAb and the 11% SDS-PAGE membrane with anti-c-Myc mAb. Both membranes were probed with anti-α-tubulin as control (11% gel is shown).</p

    COMMD1 regulates CFTR cell surface expression.

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    <p>(A) HeLa cells stably expressing wt-CFTR were transiently transfected with an empty COMMD1 vector (mock, pcDNA3.1/Topo) or Myc-COMMD1, and were biotinylated with Sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin. Lysates from all these experiments were subjected to SDS-PAGE directly (input) or pulled-down with streptavidin-agarose (biotin). Representative gels for the same samples were separated by 8% SDS-PAGE for CFTR, Na/K-ATPase detection and 11% SDS-PAGE for COMMD1, α-tubulin detection. (B) HeLa cells stably expressing wt-CFTR were transiently transfected with a siCONTROL Non-Targeting siRNA (mock) or COMMD1 siRNA and further processed as in (A). Filled and empty arrowheads indicate the fully- (170 kDa) and core-glycosylated (140 kDa) CFTR, respectively. (C) Quantification of CFTR cell surface expression. The biotinylated CFTR level is normalized to the biotinylated Na/K-ATPase level. Endogenous COMMD1 expression is referred as 100%, with mock being pcDNA3.1/Topo for overexpression experiments (A), whereas mock was siCONTROL for silencing experiments (B). The means ± S.D. were obtained from three independent experiments.* P<0.05 was determined by t-test. (D) Immunofluorescence microscopy of COMMD1 and CFTR in HeLa cells stably expressing wt-CFTR. Cells were transfected with Myc-COMMD1 or COMMD1 siRNA for overexpression and silencing studies, respectively, and not transfected for endogenous expression studies. Two types of light exposure microscopy (short and normal) are shown to visualize all expression conditions. Scale bars: 10 µm.</p

    COMMD1 regulates CFTR ubiquitination through an ICL3 motif.

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    <p>(A) HeLa cells were transfected with CFTR constructs (wt, K946R, K951R or K978R-CFTR) and Myc-COMMD1 or empty vector as control (mock). The same quantities of lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-CFTR mAb (MAB25031). Representative gels for the same experiment where each immunoprecipitation sample was then split in half and loaded onto two 8% SDS-PAGEs for CFTR detection and ubiquitin detection. Both gels were transferred to PVDF membrane and subjected to immunoblotting (IB). Lysates were loaded onto an 11% SDS-PAGE and sequential probing of the membrane was performed (COMMD1, α-tubulin and lastly ubiquitin). Filled and empty arrowheads indicate the fully- (170 kDa) and core-glycosylated (140 kDa) CFTR, respectively. (B) Quantification of ubiquitinated CFTR. Ratio of ubiquitinated CFTR to total CFTR in cells transfected with Myc-COMMD1 compared to the same ratio in mock-transfected cells was reported as 100% for each independent experiment. The means ± S.D. were obtained from five to three independent experiments.* P<0.05 is determined by t-test. (C) Representative gels for the same co-immunoprecipitation experiment between COMMD1 and wt, K946R, K951R or K978R-CFTR in heterologous system. HeLa cells were co-transfected with Myc-COMMD1 or empty vector (mock) and wt, K946R, K951R or K978R-CFTR. Lysates from all these experiments were subjected to SDS-PAGE after CFTR IP. The 8% SDS-PAGE membrane was probed with anti-CFTR mAb and the 11% SDS-PAGE membrane with anti-c-Myc mAb. Both membranes were probed with anti-α-tubulin as control (11% gel is shown). (D) Proposed model of COMMD1 interaction through its COMM domain with the N-terminal end of ICL3 to modulate CFTR ubiquitination.</p