12 research outputs found

    Synergistic effects of PRIMA-1Met (APR-246) and 5-azacitidine in TP53-mutated myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia with TP53 mutations are characterized by frequent relapses, poor or short responses, and poor survival with the currently available therapies including chemotherapy and 5-azacitidine (AZA). PRIMA-1Met(APR-246,APR) is a methylated derivative of PRIMA-1, which induces apoptosis in human tumor cells through restoration of the transcriptional transactivation function of mutant p53. Here we show that low doses of APR on its own or in combination with AZA reactivate the p53 pathway and induce an apoptosis program. Functionally, we demonstrate that APR exerts these activities on its own and that it synergizes with AZA in TP53-mutated myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)/acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines and in TP53-mutated primary cells from MDS/AML patients. Low doses of APR on its own or in combination with AZA also show significant efficacy in vivo. Lastly, using transcriptomic analysis, we found that the APR + AZA synergy was mediated by downregulation of the FLT3 pathway in drug-treated cells. Activation of the FLT3 pathway by FLT3 ligand reversed the inhibition of cell proliferation by APR + AZA. These data suggest that TP53-mutated MDS/AML may be better targeted by the addition of APR-246 to conventional treatments

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du dosage plasmatique du couple IL-6/KL-6 dans la pneumonie grave COVID-19 : thĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©e pour le diplĂŽme d'État de docteur en mĂ©decine, mention DES d'anesthĂ©sie-rĂ©animation

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    MĂ©decine (anesthĂ©sie-rĂ©animation)Introduction : L’objectif de notre Ă©tude est de dĂ©terminer si le rapport IL-6/KL-6, qui confrontĂ© aux critĂšres cliniques, spiromĂ©triques et scanographiques, permettrait d’identifier trois phĂ©notypes diffĂ©rents des formes graves de COVID-19. Tout ceci afin d’envisager une approche thĂ©rapeutique personnalisĂ©e Ă  l’acmĂ© des diffĂ©rents temps identifiĂ©s. MĂ©thode : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude de cohorte, monocentrique, rĂ©trospective, menĂ©e dans les services de rĂ©animation aux HĂŽpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg. RĂ©sultats : La mortalitĂ© Ă©tait de 39% en rĂ©animation. Il s’agit d’une population trĂšs sĂ©vĂšre de rĂ©animation avec des caractĂ©ristiques initiales similaires Ă  ce qui est dĂ©crit dans la littĂ©rature. L’IL-6 est similaire entre les diffĂ©rents phĂ©notypes. Il en est de mĂȘme pour le KL-6. Le ratio IL-6/KL-6 est similaire entre les diffĂ©rents phĂ©notypes et suit une cinĂ©tique dĂ©croissante. Conclusion : Le ratio IL-6/KL-6 ne semble pas permettre de distinguer les diffĂ©rents phĂ©notypesIntroduction: The objective of our study is to determine whether the IL-6 / KL-6 ratio, which compared with clinical, spirometric and CT criteria, would identify three different phenotypes of severe forms of COVID-19. All this in order to consider a personalized therapeutic approach at the peak of the different times identified. Method: This is a cohort study, monocentric, retrospective, carried out in the intensive care units at the University Hospitals of Strasbourg. Results: Mortality was 39% in intensive care. This is a very severe ICU population with initial characteristics similar to what is described in the literature. IL-6 is similar between the different phenotypes. The same is true for the KL-6. The IL-6 / KL-6 ratio is similar between the different phenotypes and follows decreasing kinetics. Conclusion: The IL-6 / KL-6 ratio does not make distinguish the different phenotype

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du dosage plasmatique du couple IL-6/KL-6 dans la pneumonie grave COVID-19 : thĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©e pour le diplĂŽme d'État de docteur en mĂ©decine, mention DES d'anesthĂ©sie-rĂ©animation

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    MĂ©decine (anesthĂ©sie-rĂ©animation)Introduction : L’objectif de notre Ă©tude est de dĂ©terminer si le rapport IL-6/KL-6, qui confrontĂ© aux critĂšres cliniques, spiromĂ©triques et scanographiques, permettrait d’identifier trois phĂ©notypes diffĂ©rents des formes graves de COVID-19. Tout ceci afin d’envisager une approche thĂ©rapeutique personnalisĂ©e Ă  l’acmĂ© des diffĂ©rents temps identifiĂ©s. MĂ©thode : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude de cohorte, monocentrique, rĂ©trospective, menĂ©e dans les services de rĂ©animation aux HĂŽpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg. RĂ©sultats : La mortalitĂ© Ă©tait de 39% en rĂ©animation. Il s’agit d’une population trĂšs sĂ©vĂšre de rĂ©animation avec des caractĂ©ristiques initiales similaires Ă  ce qui est dĂ©crit dans la littĂ©rature. L’IL-6 est similaire entre les diffĂ©rents phĂ©notypes. Il en est de mĂȘme pour le KL-6. Le ratio IL-6/KL-6 est similaire entre les diffĂ©rents phĂ©notypes et suit une cinĂ©tique dĂ©croissante. Conclusion : Le ratio IL-6/KL-6 ne semble pas permettre de distinguer les diffĂ©rents phĂ©notypesIntroduction: The objective of our study is to determine whether the IL-6 / KL-6 ratio, which compared with clinical, spirometric and CT criteria, would identify three different phenotypes of severe forms of COVID-19. All this in order to consider a personalized therapeutic approach at the peak of the different times identified. Method: This is a cohort study, monocentric, retrospective, carried out in the intensive care units at the University Hospitals of Strasbourg. Results: Mortality was 39% in intensive care. This is a very severe ICU population with initial characteristics similar to what is described in the literature. IL-6 is similar between the different phenotypes. The same is true for the KL-6. The IL-6 / KL-6 ratio is similar between the different phenotypes and follows decreasing kinetics. Conclusion: The IL-6 / KL-6 ratio does not make distinguish the different phenotypesThĂšses et Ă©crits acadĂ©mique

    Speciation of La(III) Chloride Complexes in Water and Acetonitrile: A Density Functional Study

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    Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CMPD) simulations and static computations are reported at the BLYP level of density functional theory (DFT) for mixed [LaClx(H2O)(y)(MeCN)(z)](3-x) complexes in aqueous and nonaqueous solution (acetonitrile). Both methodologies predict coordination numbers (i.e., x + y + z) that are successively lower than nine as the Cl content increases from x = 0 to 3. While the static DFT method with implicit solvation through a polarizable continuum model overestimates the binding strength of chloride and erroneously predicts [LaCl2(H2O)(5)](+) as global free-energy minimum, constrained CPMD simulations with explicit solvent and thermodynamic integration reproduce the weak binding of chloride in water reasonably well. Special attention is called to the dipole moments of coordinated water molecules as function of coligands and solvent, evaluated through maximally localized Wannier function centers along the CPMD trajectories. Cooperative polarization of these water ligands by the metal cation and the surrounding solvent is remarkably sensitive to fluctuations of the La-O distances and, to a lesser extent, on the La-water tilt angles. The mean dipole moment of water ligands is rather insensitive to the other coligands, oscillating around 3.2 D, 3.5 D, and 3.3 D in MeCN, water, and [dmim]Cl solution, respectively, the latter being an archetypical ionic liquid.</p

    Speciation of La(III) Chloride Complexes in Water and Acetonitrile: A Density Functional Study

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    Car–Parrinello molecular dynamics (CMPD) simulations and static computations are reported at the BLYP level of density functional theory (DFT) for mixed [LaCl<sub><i>x</i></sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub><i>y</i></sub>(MeCN)<sub><i>z</i></sub>]<sup>3–<i>x</i></sup> complexes in aqueous and nonaqueous solution (acetonitrile). Both methodologies predict coordination numbers (i.e., <i>x</i> +<i> y</i> +<i> z</i>) that are successively lower than nine as the Cl content increases from <i>x</i> = 0 to 3. While the static DFT method with implicit solvation through a polarizable continuum model overestimates the binding strength of chloride and erroneously predicts [LaCl<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>5</sub>]<sup>+</sup> as global free-energy minimum, constrained CPMD simulations with explicit solvent and thermodynamic integration reproduce the weak binding of chloride in water reasonably well. Special attention is called to the dipole moments of coordinated water molecules as function of coligands and solvent, evaluated through maximally localized Wannier function centers along the CPMD trajectories. Cooperative polarization of these water ligands by the metal cation and the surrounding solvent is remarkably sensitive to fluctuations of the La–O distances and, to a lesser extent, on the La-water tilt angles. The mean dipole moment of water ligands is rather insensitive to the other coligands, oscillating around 3.2 D, 3.5 D, and 3.3 D in MeCN, water, and [dmim]­Cl solution, respectively, the latter being an archetypical ionic liquid

    Avis relatif au protocole sanitaire renforcé proposé pour les restaurants dans le contexte de la pandémie de Covid-19 (HCSP, Avis et Rapports)

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    Haut Conseil de SantĂ© Publique (HCSP/France)International audience"Avis relatif au protocole sanitaire renforcĂ© proposĂ© pour les restaurants dans le contexte de la pandĂ©mie de Covid-19 (HCSP, Avis et Rapports)"Daniel CAMUS, CĂ©line CAZORLA, Christian CHIDIAC, Emmanuel DEBOST, Jean-François GEHANNO, Bruno HOEN, Sophie MATHERON, Elisabeth NICAND, Henri PARTOUCHE, Bruno POZZETTO, Nicole VERNAZZA, Serge AHO-GLELE, Didier LEPELLETIER, Christian RABAUD, Jean-Marc BRIGNON, Philippe HARTEMANN, Yves LEVI, Francelyne MARANO, Jean-Louis ROUBATY, Michel SETBON, Fabien SQUINAZI, Daniel LEVY-BRUHL, Nicolas ETERRADOSSI, Gilles SALVAT, Bruno LINA, Sylvie VAN DER WERF, Éric GAFFET, Catherine LEPORT, Ann PARIENTE-KHAYAT, Soizic URBAN-BOUDJELABVersion du 04 octobre 2020Mise en ligne le 14 Octobre 2020 (19 pages)https://www.hcsp.fr/Explore.cgi/AvisRapportsDomaine?clefr=922Covid-19 : Avis sur le protocole sanitaire renforcĂ© proposĂ© pour les restaurantsUn protocole sanitaire renforcĂ© est proposĂ© pour les restaurants afin d’éviter une fermeture gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de ces derniers dans les zones d’alerte maximale en lien avec la pandĂ©mie de Covid-19.Ce protocole est dĂ©clinĂ© selon 3 volets : a) le respect des mesures de distanciation sociale (distance physique, gestes barriĂšres, hygiĂšne et mains et port de masque); b) l’organisation de l’établissement ; c) les mesures de prĂ©vention.AprĂšs une analyse du risque de formes graves et de dĂ©cĂšs, l’identification et l’analyse des risques de transmission du SARS-CoV-2 dans les restaurants, chaque mesure du protocole renforcĂ© national proposĂ© par les restaurateurs est commentĂ©e par le HCSP. De plus, le HCSP prĂ©conise des mesures complĂ©mentaires Ă  ce protocole national compte tenu des donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques nationales, et des donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature sur les contaminations en lien avec la frĂ©quentation des restaurants. Le HCSP rappelle ses recommandations dĂ©jĂ  proposĂ©es en mai 2020 relatives Ă  la restauration collective dont la plupart sont toujours d’actualitĂ©. Le HCSP prĂ©cise que ces recommandations peuvent s’appliquer Ă  d’autres Ă©tablissements recevant du public (ex. bars, lieux festifs, lieux familiaux, etc.), responsables de clusters.Ces recommandations sont dĂ©clinĂ©es en :-une politique gĂ©nĂ©rale Ă  la charge des restaurateurs (ex. nommer un rĂ©fĂ©rent Covid-19, dĂ©finir les modalitĂ©s d’accueil, responsabiliser les clients sur le comportement Ă  l’extĂ©rieur et l’intĂ©rieur du restaurant, tenir un cahier de rappel, affichage de la capacitĂ© maximale d’accueil, etc.) ;-des mesures Ă  la charge des clients (ex. pas de regroupement, port du masque, laisser Ă©ventuellement ses coordonnĂ©es, etc.) ;-des mesures de distanciation sociale (ex. distance physique d’au moins 1 mĂštre entre les chaises de tables diffĂ©rentes, hygiĂšne des mains, port de masque systĂ©matique et prolongĂ© Ă  table, etc.;-la gestion du flux / densitĂ© de personnes (ex. limitation des dĂ©placements, pas plus de 6 personnes par table, etc.) ;-la gestion de l’environnement (ex. respect des rĂšgles de ventilation, nettoyage/dĂ©sinfection, etc.).Lire aussi :Covid-19 : mesures barriĂšres et de distanciation physique dans la restauration commerciale et les dĂ©bits de boissons (hors restauration collective) du 19 mai 2020ContrĂŽle d'accĂšs par prise de tempĂ©rature dans le cadre de l’épidĂ©mie Ă  Covid-19 du 28 avril 2020Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 prise en charge des personnes Ă  risque de formes graves du 31 mars 2020MinistĂšre des solidaritĂ©s et de la santĂ© : information aux professionnels de sant

    GluK2 Is a Target for Gene Therapy in Drug‐Resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Objective Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is characterized by recurrent seizures generated in the limbic system, particularly in the hippocampus. In TLE, recurrent mossy fiber sprouting from dentate gyrus granule cells (DGCs) crea an aberrant epileptogenic network between DGCs which operates via ectopically expressed GluK2/GluK5‐containing kainate receptors (KARs). TLE patients are often resistant to anti‐seizure medications and suffer significant comorbidities; hence, there is an urgent need for novel therapies. Previously, we have shown that GluK2 knockout mice are protected from seizures. This study aims at providing evidence that downregulating KARs in the hippocampus using gene therapy reduces chronic epileptic discharges in TLE. Methods We combined molecular biology and electrophysiology in rodent models of TLE and in hippocampal slices surgically resected from patients with drug‐resistant TLE. Results Here, we confirmed the translational potential of KAR suppression using a non‐selective KAR antagonist that markedly attenuated interictal‐like epileptiform discharges (IEDs) in TLE patient‐derived hippocampal slices. An adeno‐associated virus (AAV) serotype‐9 vector expressing anti‐ grik2 miRNA was engineered to specifically downregulate GluK2 expression. Direct delivery of AAV9‐anti grik2 miRNA into the hippocampus of TLE mice led to a marked reduction in seizure activity. Transduction of TLE patient hippocampal slices reduced levels of GluK2 protein and, most importantly, significantly reduced IEDs. Interpretation Our gene silencing strategy to knock down aberrant GluK2 expression demonstrates inhibition of chronic seizure in a mouse TLE model and IEDs in cultured slices derived from TLE patients. These results provide proof‐of‐concept for a gene therapy approach targeting GluK2 KARs for drug‐resistant TLE patients. ANN NEUROL 202