472 research outputs found

    Why Philosophy is Important for Administrators in Education

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    The fact that “philosophy,” to many people, is just a mysterious word that brings to mind images of white beards and mysticism is no surprise. Contemporary society seem to have little reason to value a field devoted to ideas rather than production. Simply, philosophy is impractical, a distraction from the important world of growing an economy and living real life. What, perhaps, is more surprising is that philosophy is now, also, a dying field within academia itself. As research and inquiry becomes more specialized, there is little reason to indulge the pedantic meanderings of those who do not wish to do something. Educational practitioners, in particular, have little reason to worry about philosophy when they are busy trying to help students. It takes only a brief moment, though, of reflection on a few major thinkers in philosophy to realize that education has never left the world of philosophy and is in great danger of failing to do the best it can for students if practitioner’s knowledge of philosophy is passing at best. This work discusses the importance of a knowledge of both Plato and Locke to effective policymaking in education contemporarily and warns practitioners of the danger of practice without theory

    Control, Counter-Examples, and Reasons-Reluctance

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    This work considers the soundness of Henry Frankfurt\u27s argument that the principle of alternative possibilities is false and the implications of his argument for holding agents responsible in a causally determined universe. Frankfurt does seem to be pointing clearly to the fact that many of us do continue to hold agents responsible despite a lack of alternative possibilities. What Frankfurt may be lacking is an adequate account of control which is taken up by John Martin Fischer. What Fischer presents us with is the possibility that the reason why we continue to hold Jones responsible is because of the kind of control that agents maintain. He contends that because Jones has guidance control of his actions, Jones is morally responsible. My contention has been that Jones does not have sufficient control to be held responsible because, despite Fischer\u27s claim to the contrary, Jones does not actually have a reasons-responsive mechanism and, so, Jones also does not have guidance control. Instead, it seems that Jones\u27 actions are only reasons-resultant as he cannot actually respond to reasons-even in relevantly similar possible worlds

    Les mécanismes de plainte interétatique en matière de droits humains : l'influence d'une procédure judiciarisée

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    Intégrés dans la majorité des conventions internationales visant la protection des droits humains, les mécanismes de plainte interétatique sont une composante fondamentale du système international de protection des droits de l'homme. Depuis 1919, date à laquelle l'OIT a introduit pour la première fois ce type de mécanisme, seulement une quinzaine de plaintes interétatiques ont été déposées par les États parties alors qu'un nombre substantiel de plaintes individuelles ou, dans le cas de l'OIT, de plaintes syndicales et patronales ont été entreprises. Plusieurs hypothèses sont avancées pour expliquer le faible intérêt des États envers ces procédures. Dans ce mémoire, nous explorons le lien entre le caractère judiciaire des mécanismes de plaintes interétatiques et leur utilisation. Plus précisément, en établissant un modèle permettant de mesurer le degré de judiciarité de ces mécanismes et en procédant à quelques études de cas, ce mémoire met de l'avant l'influence que peut avoir une procédure judiciarisée sur la fréquence d'utilisation de ce type de procédures. Sans répondre à l'ensemble des questions entourant les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les mécanismes de plainte interétatique en matière de droits humains, notre mémoire contribue néanmoins à approfondir la réflexion entourant cette problématique. Finalement, la recension des plaintes interétatiques ainsi que la présentation de l'ensemble des mécanismes de plainte, y compris ceux entrés en vigueur récemment, offrent une synthèse permettant de mieux saisir l'apport de ces procédures à la protection des droits humains

    Réduction de la durée de vie des porteurs de charge dans le silicium noir par implantation ionique

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    Le but de ce projet est d’étudier l’effet des défauts cristallins sur les propriétés optoélectroniques de photodétecteurs fabriqué à partir de « silicium noir », c’est-à-dire du silicium dopé et microstructuré par impulsions laser femtoseconde, ce qui lui donne une apparence noire mate caractéristique. Des échantillons de silicium noir ont été recuits puis implantés avec des ions ayant une énergie de 300 keV (Si+), 1500 keV (Si+) ou 2000 keV (H+). Trois fluences pour chaque énergie d’implantation ont été utilisées (1E11, 1E12, ou 1E13 ions/cm2) ce qui modifie le matériau en ajoutant des défauts cristallins à des profondeurs et concentrations variées. Neuf photodétecteurs ont été réalisés à partir de ces échantillons implantés, en plus d’un détecteur-contrôle (non-implanté). La courbe de courant-tension, la sensibilité spectrale et la réponse en fréquence ont été mesurées pour chaque détecteur afin de les comparer. Les détecteurs ont une relation de courant-tension presque ohmique, mais ceux implantés à plus haute fluence montrent une meilleure rectification. Les implantations ont eu pour effet, en général, d’augmenter la sensibilité des détecteurs. Par exemple, l’efficacité quantique externe passe de (0,069±0,001) % à 900 nm pour le détecteur-contrôle à (26,0±0,5) % pour le détecteur ayant reçu une fluence de 1E12 cm-2 d’ions de silicium de 1500 keV. Avec une tension appliquée de -0,50 V, la sensibilité est améliorée et certains détecteurs montrent un facteur de gain de photocourant supérieur à l’unité, ce qui implique un mécanisme de multiplication (avalanche ou photoconductivité). De même, la fréquence de coupure a été augmentée par l’implantation. Une technique purement optique a été mise à l’essai pour mesurer sans contacts la durée de vie effective des porteurs, dans le but d’observer une réduction de la durée de vie causée par les défauts. Utilisant le principe de la réflexion photo-induite résolue en fréquence, le montage n’a pas réuni toutes les conditions expérimentales nécessaires à la détection du signal.The goal of this project is to study the effect of crystalline damage on the optoelectronic properties of photodetectors made from “black silicon” (i.e. femtosecond-laser microstructured silicon, which make it appear black). Black silicon samples were annealed then implanted with either 300 keV Si+, 1500 keV Si+ or 2000 keV H+ ions. The fluence used for the implantation was 1E11, 1E12 or 1E13 ion/cm2, resulting in nine different samples with a crystalline damage distribution of various depth and concentration. Photodetectors were fabricated on these samples, together with a control detector made from a non-implanted black silicon sample and then characterized. The I-V curves, spectral responsivities and frequency responses of the detectors were measured in short-circuit or under bias and compared. The detectors display an approximately ohmic behavior, but those implanted at a higher fluence show a slightly better current rectification. The implantation had a strong effect on the responsivity. The external quantum efficiency increased from (0.069 ± 0.001) % at 900 nm for the control detector up to (26.0 ± 0.5) % for the 1E12 cm-2, 1500 keV Si+ detector. With an applied bias of -0.50 V, the responsivity is increased and some detectors exhibit above unity photocurrent gain. Similarly, the cutoff frequencies of the implanted detectors are higher. A contactless experiment was attempted for the measurement of the effective carrier lifetime. The implantation damage was expected to reduce the carrier lifetime. The setup didn’t meet all experimental conditions required to detect the signal using frequency-domain photo-induced reflection

    Sensitivity and specificity of NT-proBNP to detect heart failure at post mortem examination

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    NT-proBNP, a marker of cardiac failure, has been shown to be stable in post mortem samples. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of NT-proBNP to detect heart failure in the forensic setting. One hundred sixty-eight consecutive autopsies were included in the study. NT-proBNP blood concentrations were measured using a chemiluminescent immunoassay kit. Cardiac failure was assessed by three independent forensic experts using macro- and microscopic findings complemented by information about the circumstances of body discovery and the known medical story. Area under the receiving operator curve was of 65.4% (CI 95%, from 57.1 to 73.7). Using a standard cut-off value of >220pg/mL for NT-proBNP blood concentration, heart failure was detected with a sensitivity of 50.7% and a specificity of 72.6%. NT-proBNP vitreous humor values were well correlated to the ones measured in blood (r 2 = 0.658). Our results showed that NT-proBNP can corroborate the pathological findings in cases of natural death related to heart failure, thus, keeping its diagnostic properties passing from the ante mortem to the post mortem setting. Therefore, biologically inactive polypeptides like NT-proBNP seem to be stable enough to be used in forensic medicine as markers of cardiac failure, taking into account the sensitivity and specificity of the tes

    Evaluation of postmortem measurement of NT-proBNP as a marker for cardiac function

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    Clinical biomarkers of cardiac function could also be monitored postmortem. Among the natriuretic peptides, the aminoterminal portion of pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) appears to be a more reliable postmortem tool than the BNP, owing to its longer half-life and greater stability. In living persons, NT-proBNP is considered to be a marker of heart failure, and its level rises after cardiac ischemia. The goal of this study was first to evaluate the postmortem stability of NT-proBNP, then to measure the NT-proBNP levels in postmortem cases of heart failure related to coronary ischemia. The goal of this study was also to evaluate the correlations between different specimens collected at autopsy (e.g. blood, serum, vitreous humor and pericardial fluid). The study included 96 cases, which were classified into 4 groups according to the autopsy and histological findings. The NT-proBNP levels were significantly higher in individuals who had suffered from chronic cardiac ischemia, with or without acute coronary events, than in either control cases or those who had suffered from acute thromboembolism or acute rupture of a plaque without chronic cardiac ischemia. The highest levels were registered in individuals who had suffered from acute coronary thromboembolism in association with chronic coronary ischemia. Good correlations in the NT-proBNP levels for the different specimens were observed between samples of femoral blood, serum, and pericardial fluid. Our data indicated that postmortem measurements of NT-proBNP are reliable and compatible with clinical finding

    Dual-comb spectroscopy with a phase-modulated probe comb for sub-MHz spectral sampling

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    We present a straightforward and efficient method to reduce the mode spacing of a frequency comb based on binary pseudo-random phase modulation of its pulse train. As a proof of concept, we use such a densified comb to perform dual-comb spectroscopy of a long-delay Mach–Zehnder interferometer and a high-quality-factor microresonator with sub-MHz spectral sampling. Since this approach is based on binary phase modulation, it combines all the advantages of other densification techniques: simplicity, single-step implementation, and conservation of the initial comb’s power

    Expression of genes related to prostaglandin synthesis or signaling in human subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue: depot differences and modulation by adipogenesis

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    Objectives. (1) To examine depot-specific PGE2 and PGF2α release and mRNA expression of enzymes or receptors involved in PG synthesis or signaling in human adipose tissues; (2) to identify changes in expression of these transcripts through preadipocyte differentiation; and (3) to examine associations between adipose tissue mRNA expression of these transcripts and adiposity measurements. Methods. Fat samples were obtained surgically in women. PGE2 and PGF2α release by preadipocytes and adipose tissue explants was measured. Expression levels of mRNA coding for enzymes or receptors involved in PG synthesis or signaling were measured by RT-PCR. Results. Cultured preadipocytes and explants from omental fat released more PGE2 and PGF2α than those from the subcutaneous depot and the corresponding transcripts showed consistent depot differences. Following preadipocyte differentiation, expression of PLA2G16 and PTGER3 mRNA was significantly increased whereas COX-1, COX-2, PTGIS, and PTGES mRNA abundance were decreased in both compartments ( for all). Transcripts that were stimulated during adipogenesis were those that correlated best with adiposity measurements. Conclusion. Cells from the omental fat compartment release more PGE2 and PGF2α than those from the subcutaneous depot. Obesity modulates expression of PG-synthesizing enzymes and PG receptors which likely occurs through adipogenesis-induced changes in expression of these transcripts. 1. Introductio
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