1,092 research outputs found

    Epidemiology and Management of Hypertension in the Hispanic Population

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    Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnic minority in the USA. Among Hispanics, lack of hypertension awareness and lack of effective blood pressure (BP) control are problematic, as are higher incidence rates of hypertension-related co-morbidities compared with non-Hispanic populations. Moreover, there are currently no hypertension treatment guidelines that address the unique characteristics of this ethnic group. This article discusses ethnic differences in hypertension and cardiovascular risk factors and reviews the literature on the efficacy of antihypertensive agents in Hispanic patients, with a focus on the role of renin-angiotensinaldosterone system (RAAS) inhibition in the management of hypertension in these patients. Hypertension in Hispanic patients can be challenging to manage, in part because this population has a higher prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome compared with non-Hispanic whites. The presence of these comorbidities suggests that RAAS-inhibitor-based therapies may be particularly beneficial in this population. However, few studies have evaluated the efficacy of antihypertensive treatments in Hispanic patients. Two outcomes studies in hypertensive patients have shown the benefits of treating Hispanic patients with antihypertensive therapy and included RAAS inhibitors as part of the treatment regimen. In addition, BP-lowering trials have shown the antihypertensive efficacy of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and direct renin inhibitors, although data on the latter are more limited. Additional studies are needed to more thoroughly evaluate the effects of RAAS inhibitors (and other drug classes) on outcomes and BP lowering in the Hispanic hypertensive population

    The dynamics of copper intercalated molybdenum ditelluride

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    Layered transition metal dichalcogenides are emerging as key materials in nanoelectronics and energy applications. Predictive models to understand their growth, thermomechanical properties and interactions with metals are needed in order to accelerate their incorporation into commercial products. Interatomic potentials enable large-scale atomistic simulations at the device level, beyond the range of applications of first principle methods. We present a ReaxFF reactive force field to describe molybdenum ditelluride and its interactions with copper. We optimized the force field parameters to describe the properties of layered MoTe2 in various phases, the intercalation of Cu atoms and clusters within its van der Waals gap, including a proper description of energetics, charges and mechanical properties. The training set consists of an extensive set of first principle calculations computed from density functional theory. We use the force field to study the adhesion of a single layer MoTe2 on a Cu(111) surface and the results are in good agreement with density functional theory, even though such structures were not part of the training set. We characterized the mobility of the Cu ions intercalated into MoTe2 under the presence of an external electric fields via molecular dynamics simulations. The results show a significant increase in drift velocity for electric fields of approximately 0.4 V/A and that mobility increases with Cu ion concentration.Comment: 21 pages, 9 Figure

    The Fundamental Properties of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies in Clusters

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    We present preliminary results of an extensive study of the fundamental properties of dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) in the Coma cluster. Our study will combine HST surface photometry with ground-based UBRIJK photometry and optical spectroscopy. The combined data set will be used to investigate the intrinsic correlations among global parameters in cluster dEs, including the Fundamental Plane, the color-magnitude relation, the Faber-Jackson and Kormendy relation, and velocity dispersion versus line strength indices. These empirical correlations have provided important constraints to theoretical models of galaxy formation and evolution for "normal" elliptical galaxies. Although dEs are the most abundant galaxy population in clusters their properties remain, however, largely unknown. Our study aims to provide an essential reference for testing current theories on the formation and evolution of dEs in clusters, and understanding their relation to more massive elliptical galaxies.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in "Star Formation through Time", 2003, ASP Conf. Ser. ed. Perez, Gonzalez Delgado, Tenorio-Tagl

    The Cobb-Douglas function of semi-intensive milk production in the south of the state of Mexico

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    Se estimó una función de produccióntipo Cobb-Douglas bivariada seudocuadrática para determina el nivel óptimo técnica en la oferta intensiva de leche, mediante dos procedimientos matemáticos y probar si conducen a la misma solución. La función de producción Cobb-Douglas representa una excelente para otpimizar el uso de recursos y la oferta en sistemas de producción de bovinos leche

    Understanding the Role of Power during the Implementation of BRT Systems

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    This research is about power. It is completely immersed in modern societies, reflections on power have not settled its definition. Regardless of centuries of considerations about power, there is still much to learn about its exercise. For decades, power has been analysed by scholars all over the world; however, transport planners have avoided issues concerning power. This dissertation focuses on the use of power during planning and implementation processes of two Bus Rapid Transit Systems; one in Quito, Ecuador, and another in Cambridge, England. Using a multimethod phronetic approach, this research examines how decisions were made for the implementation of BRT in the selected case studies. Phronetic methodology aims to explain social phenomena by piecing together large and small details that shape the context of events; in this case, existing planning documentation and the narratives of key stakeholders and decision-makers —such as former Mayors, Council Members, and Heads of Transport Departments— were used to understand the reasons behind the adoption of bus systems. Despite the contextual differences of geography, population, and political and administrative terms between Quito and Cambridge, there are key themes found in both case studies. Solving congestion and improving economic growth is a key motivation for the implementation of the systems in both cases. A complex network of actors is formed during the planning processes of BRT systems that shape the way decisions are made. In both cases, an isolated group of actors that lack the opportunity to exercise power was also identified. A sophisticated mixture of power mechanisms were discovered, which contained actors that had more experience, training and opportunities to exercise power. The findings of the analysis of power in Quito and Cambridge suggest that stakeholders with opportunities to exercise power —from the beginning— are also actors with more opportunities to influence the final uptake of the systems. Planners interested in participatory processes need to focus efforts to involve different communities as early as possible in the planning processes. The inclusion of communities does not guarantee that their needs and objectives will be incorporated into the planning process. A set of power mechanisms need to be developed by all members involved in the process. An early participation of these communities can help focus planning on solving people’s needs rather than the implementation of a specific scheme

    Isocuanta de la producción de leche semi intensiva en una región del Estado de México

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    Artículo arbitrado en revista CONACYTPara determinar niveles óptimo técnico (not) y óptimo económico (noe) del alimento concentrado y forraje en producción de leche, se construyó un modelo econométrico polinomial. La información provino de un rancho lechero, ubicado en Temascaltepec, Estado de México, durante agosto-septiembre 2013, dividido en cinco periodos de 15 días cada uno. El rancho dispuso 65 vacas pardo suizo, sólo se utilizaron 10 (pv 628 ± 72 kilogramos) con diferente número de partos y tiempo de lactación. Para concentrado y forraje, el not y noe, fueron 104.4 y 148.4; 78.5 y 109 kg; el productor utilizó 97.2 y 169 kg de esos insumos, con ganancia de $792.9. El noe es recomendación técnico-económica que los productores deben adoptar para maximizar su ganancia monetaria

    Gerencia de la innovación saludable en GSK (Haleon)

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    92 páginasLa innovación juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo y crecimiento de las organizaciones, más aún, en el contexto de alta competitividad en el que se mueven empresas tipo Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) del sector de cuidado de la salud o farmacéuticasel presente estudio pretende documentar, socializar con la comunidad académica y demás partes interesadas, el desarrollo, investigación y hallazgos obtenidos como parte de la combinación de metodologías de Action Research (AR) y Creative Problem Solving (CPS) para comprender y abordar holísticamente problemas dentro de la organización de forma innovadora. Además, este estudio pretende proporcionar guía práctica y ejemplo de como se pueden mejorar las capacidades innovadoras de una empresa para enfrentar los desafíos emergentes y para generar Cultura de la innovación, que impacten positivamente a las organizaciones, sus empleados y la sociedad. Haleon se destaca por su continua innovación para mantenerse competitiva y a la vanguardia para satisfacer las necesidades en continua evolución de sus clientes. Por ende, se analizan estrategias de innovación propuestas para Haleon, como también, el enfoque multidisciplinario que combina metodologías y teorías de innovación, estudios de caso y análisis de datos. Con esto, se mejorará la cultura de la innovación activa y se identificarán oportunidades de mejora con las nuevas tendencias del mercado impulsadas por estrategias prácticas que facilitarán un entorno empresarial en constante evolución.Maestría en Gerencia de la InnovaciónMagíster en Gerencia de la Innovació

    Evaluación y corrección de la seguridad vial de la calle 10 y la cra 8 del municipio de Flandes Tolima

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    Realizar una evaluación de seguridad vial para cuantificar el riesgo de accidentalidad en LA CALLE 10 Y LA CRA 8 DEL MUNICIPIO DE FLANDES TOLIMA QUE ESTAN CONFORMADO POR EL BARRIOC CENTRO Y CAPILLALa alta taza de accidentalidad vial en Colombia se ha convertido en una problemática de salud pública, en donde el exceso de velocidad, ignorar normas de tránsito y conducir bajo efectos del alcohol son los principales factores causantes de muerte, y sin lugar a dudas la mitad de esas muertes afectan a los usuarios más vulnerables de las vías de tránsito, como son: motociclistas, peatones y ciclistas. En la presente monografía se expondrán de manera detallada los diagnósticos en seguridad vial y las correspondientes propuestas de elaboración del plan estratégico de la vía en el tramo estudiado sobre la calle 10 entre carreras 10 y 12 A, en el municipio de Girardot – Cundinamarca; todo esto basado en el plan estratégico de seguridad vial, creada mediante la ley 1503 del 2011 y reglamentada por el decreto 2851 de 2013, con el fin que las diferentes entidades públicas o privadas adopten de manera obligatoria mecanismos, estrategias y medidas para evitar y reducir la accidentalidad, asi como también la disminución en los efectos de accidentes de tránsito. El presente trabajo consta de dos partes iniciando por la recopilación de información obtenida por las entidades municipales de tránsito, seguido por el diagnóstico de seguridad vial con el alcance de una investigación preliminar del estado del tramo de vial de la calle 10 y la cra 8 del municipio de Flandes Tolima, proceso para el cual y durante el desarrollo del estudio se tiene en cuenta toda la información recopilada en la investigación, seguida de un trabajo de campo donde se analiza fallas que presenta la estructura del pavimento, ausencia de señalización y reductores de velocidad, acompañada de un registro fotográfico para posterior análisis de los resultados encontrados; procesos que finalmente y a partir de los análisis realizados generan la formulación de conclusiones y recomendaciones que ayudaran a tomar medidas preventivas para disminuir el riesgo de accidentalidad.The high rate of road accidents in Colombia has become a public health problem, where speeding, ignoring traffic regulations and driving under the influence of alcohol are the main factors causing death, and undoubtedly half of these deaths affect the most vulnerable users of traffic routes, such as: motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists. In this monograph, the road safety diagnoses and the corresponding proposals for the elaboration of the strategic plan of the road in the section studied on 10th street between races 10 and 12 A, in the municipality of Girardot - Cundinamarca will be exposed in detail; all this based on the strategic road safety plan, created by law 1503 of 2011 and regulated by decree 2851 of 2013, in order that the different public or private entities adopt compulsory mechanisms, strategies and measures to avoid and reduce the accident rate, as well as the decrease in the effects of traffic accidents. The present work consists of two parts beginning with the compilation of information obtained by the municipal traffic entities, followed by the diagnosis of road safety with the scope of a preliminary investigation of the state of the section of road in front of the University Minuto de Dios, process for which and during the development of the study, all the information collected in the research is taken into account, followed by a field work where failures are presented in the pavement structure, absence of signaling and speed reducers, accompanied by a record photographic for later analysis of the results found; processes that finally and from the analyzes carried out generate the formulation of conclusions and recommendations that will help to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of accidents