14 research outputs found

    Linear, efficient and symmetric values for TU-games

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    In this paper, we study values for TU-games which satisfy three classical properties: Linearity, efficiency and symmetry. We give the general analytical form of these values and their relation with the Shapley value and the Egalitarian value.

    Arrow's theorem for weak orders

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    We characterize binary decision rules which are independent and strongly paretian,or independent and almost strongly paretian when the individual preferences and the collective preference are weak orders.Binary decision rule, lexicographic dictatorship

    Preference aggregation, collective choice and generalized binary constitutions

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    The aim of this paper is to study the notion of Generalized Binary Constitution (GBC), a distribution of power due to Ferejohn and Fishburn (1979), which generalizes some classical notions such as simple games and voting games. The GBC helps us to define a preference aggregation rule (PAR) and we characterize GBC's whose collective preferences are either complete, asymmetric, transitive or acyclic when individual preferences are weak orders or linear orders. Since the procedure of aggregation of preferences which satisfies IIA is equivalent to the preference aggregation rule of a GBC, we give relations between our results and some Arrovian results. We also characterize core-stable GBC's and therefore deduce classical results and in particular Nakamura's theorem for simple games.Ce papier, intitulĂ© agrĂ©gation des prĂ©fĂ©rences, choix collectif et constitutions gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es binaires, a pour objectif l'Ă©tude de la notion de constitution gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e binaire (CGB), distribution de pouvoir dĂ©finie par Ferejohn et Fishburn (1979) qui gĂ©nĂ©ralise les notions de jeux simples et de jeux de vote. Une CGB permet de dĂ©finir une procĂ©dure d'agrĂ©gation des prĂ©fĂ©rences (PAP) et nous caractĂ©risons les CGB pour lesquels les PAP associĂ©es conduisent Ă  des prĂ©fĂ©rences collectives qui sont toujours soit complĂštes, soit asymĂ©triques, soit transitives, soit acycliques lorsque les prĂ©fĂ©rences individuelles ont des prĂ©ordres ou des ordres totaux. Les PAP associĂ©es Ă  des CGB Ă©tant Ă©quivalentes aux procĂ©dures d'agrĂ©gation des prĂ©fĂ©rences vĂ© l'indĂ©pendance vis-Ă -vis des alternatives extĂ©rieures, nous faisons un tour d'horizon de quelques rĂ©sultats arrowiens. Sous les mĂȘmes hypothĂšses de prĂ©fĂ©rences individuelles, nous caractĂ©risons les CGB dont le coeur est non vide et obtenons les rĂ©sultats classiques dont le thĂ©orĂšme de Nakamura sur les jeux simples

    La mesure du pouvoir de vote

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    How can we measure the voting power of individuals or groups of individuals in a collective choice process? The aim of this study is to review the various numerical answers that have been given to this question. A number of power indices are introduced and compared, not only through an application to the European Union Council, but also in terms of normative properties and probabilistic interpretations.Comment peut-on mesurer le pouvoir de vote des individus ou des groupes d'individus dans un processus de décision collective ? L'objet principal de ce texte est de recenser les différentes réponses quantitatives qui ont été apportées à cette question. Divers "indices de pouvoir" sont ainsi présentés, analysés et comparés à l'aide d'une application au Conseil de l'Union européenne, puis en termes de propriétés normatives et d'interprétations probabilistes

    Manipulation of voting schemes with restricted beliefs

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    In this paper we define manipulation with restricted beliefs as the possibility for some voter to have an insincere preference ordering that dominates the sincere one within the given individual beliefs over other agents' preferences. We then show that all non-dictatorial voting schemes are manipulable in this sense, up to a given threshold.Strategy-proofness Voting schemes Restricted beliefs

    Fuzzy Sets and Systems 155 (2005) 372–389 Fuzzy strict preference and social choice

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    In this paper we generalize some classical factorizations of a fuzzy relation into a symmetric component (indifference) and an asymmetric and regular component (regular fuzzy strict preference). From the above notions, we establish two properties of any regular fuzzy strict preference of a max-∗-transitive fuzzy relation, which are then used to obtain new fuzzy versions of Gibbard’s oligarchy theorem and Arrow’s impossibility theorem

    La mesure du pouvoir de vote

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    Working Paper INRA-ESR Rennes N° 03.01 CÎte: FC 9 03.01Comment peut-on mesurer le pouvoir de vote des individus ou des groupes d'individus dans un processus de décision collective ? L'objet principal de ce texte est de recenser les différentes réponses quantitatives qui ont été apportées à cette question. Divers "indices de pouvoir" sont ainsi présentés, analysés et comparés à l'aide d'une application au Conseil de l'Union européenne, puis en termes de propriétés normatives et d'interprétations probabilistes