318 research outputs found

    Manifestations of Extra Dimensions in a Neutrino Telescope

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    Theories with large extra dimensions provide the possibility that a flavor neutrino, localized in a 3+1 brane, can mix with a singlet neutrino living in the bulk. This mixing leads to unconventional patterns of neutrino matter oscillations and we examine in details how these oscillations depend upon two parameters: the brane-bulk coupling ξ\xi and the effective mass μ\mu of the flavor neutrino inside matter. We find that high energy (E50(E \ge 50 GeV) νμ\nu_\mu neutrinos, to be detected by neutrino telescopes, can give signals of extra dimensions. With a 1 km3m^{3} neutrino telescope extra dimensions with radius down to 1μm1\mu m can be tested directly, while for smaller radius an indirect evidence can be established.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, added conclusion

    Single event effects in static and dynamic registers in a 0.25μm0.25-\mu-m CMOS technology

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    We have studied single event effects in static and dynamic registers designed in a quarter micron CMOS process. In our design, we systematically used guardrings and enclosed (edgeless) transistor geometry to improve the total dose tolerance. This design technique improved both the SEL and SEU sensitivity of the circuits. Using SPICE simulations, the measured smooth transition of the cross-section curve between LET threshold and saturation has been traced to the presence of four different upset modes, each corresponding to a different critical charge and sensitive area. A new architecture to protect the content of storage cells has been developed, and a threshold LET around 89 MeV cm/sup 2/ mg/sup -1/ has been measured for this cell at a power supply voltage of 2 V

    Second Order Perturbations of a Macroscopic String; Covariant Approach

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    Using a world-sheet covariant formalism, we derive the equations of motion for second order perturbations of a generic macroscopic string, thus generalizing previous results for first order perturbations. We give the explicit results for the first and second order perturbations of a contracting near-circular string; these results are relevant for the understanding of the possible outcome when a cosmic string contracts under its own tension, as discussed in a series of papers by Vilenkin and Garriga. In particular, second order perturbations are necessaary for a consistent computation of the energy. We also quantize the perturbations and derive the mass-formula up to second order in perturbations for an observer using world-sheet time τ\tau . The high frequency modes give the standard Minkowski result while, interestingly enough, the Hamiltonian turns out to be non-diagonal in oscillators for low-frequency modes. Using an alternative definition of the vacuum, it is possible to diagonalize the Hamiltonian, and the standard string mass-spectrum appears for all frequencies. We finally discuss how our results are also relevant for the problems concerning string-spreading near a black hole horizon, as originally discussed by Susskind.Comment: New discussion about the quantum mass-spectrum in chapter

    Neutrino tomography - Learning about the Earth's interior using the propagation of neutrinos

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    Because the propagation of neutrinos is affected by the presence of Earth matter, it opens new possibilities to probe the Earth's interior. Different approaches range from techniques based upon the interaction of high energy (above TeV) neutrinos with Earth matter, to methods using the MSW effect on the neutrino oscillations of low energy (MeV to GeV) neutrinos. In principle, neutrinos from many different sources (sun, atmosphere, supernovae, beams etc.) can be used. In this talk, we summarize and compare different approaches with an emphasis on more recent developments. In addition, we point out other geophysical aspects relevant for neutrino oscillations.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures. Proceedings of ``Neutrino sciences 2005: Neutrino geophysics'', December 14-16, 2005, Honolulu, USA. Minor changes, some references added. Final version to appear in Earth, Moon, and Planet

    Geotomography with solar and supernova neutrinos

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    We show how by studying the Earth matter effect on oscillations of solar and supernova neutrinos inside the Earth one can in principle reconstruct the electron number density profile of the Earth. A direct inversion of the oscillation problem is possible due to the existence of a very simple analytic formula for the Earth matter effect on oscillations of solar and supernova neutrinos. From the point of view of the Earth tomography, these oscillations have a number of advantages over the oscillations of the accelerator or atmospheric neutrinos, which stem from the fact that solar and supernova neutrinos are coming to the Earth as mass eigenstates rather than flavour eigenstates. In particular, this allows reconstruction of density profiles even over relatively short neutrino path lengths in the Earth, and also of asymmetric profiles. We study the requirements that future experiments must meet to achieve a given accuracy of the tomography of the Earth.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures; minor textual changes in section

    “Having all of your internal resources exhausted beyond measure and being left with no clean-up crew”: defining autistic burnout

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    Background: Although autistic adults often discuss experiencing ‘‘autistic burnout’’ and attribute serious negative outcomes to it, the concept is almost completely absent from the academic and clinical literature. Methods: We used a community-based participatory research approach to conduct a thematic analysis of 19 interviews and 19 public Internet sources to understand and characterize autistic burnout. Interview participants were autistic adults who identified as having been professionally diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition. We conducted a thematic analysis, using a hybrid inductive–deductive approach, at semantic and latent levels, through a critical paradigm. We addressed trustworthiness through multiple coders, peer debriefing, and examination of contradictions. Results: Autistic adults described the primary characteristics of autistic burnout as chronic exhaustion, loss of skills, and reduced tolerance to stimulus. They described burnout as happening because of life stressors that added to the cumulative load they experienced, and barriers to support that created an inability to obtain relief from the load. These pressures caused expectations to outweigh abilities resulting in autistic burnout. Autistic adults described negative impacts on their health, capacity for independent living, and quality of life, including suicidal behavior. They also discussed a lack of empathy from neurotypical people and described acceptance and social support, time off/reduced expectations, and doing things in an autistic way/unmasking as associated in their experiences with recovery from autistic burnout. Conclusions: Autistic burnout appears to be a phenomenon distinct from occupational burnout or clinical depression. Better understanding autistic burnout could lead to ways to recognize, relieve, or prevent it, including highlighting the potential dangers of teaching autistic people to mask or camouflage their autistic traits, and including burnout education in suicide prevention programs. These findings highlight the need to reduce discrimination and stigma related to autism and disability

    A Study of the Day - Night Effect for the Super - Kamiokande Detector: I. Time Averaged Solar Neutrino Survival Probability

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    This is the first of two articles aimed at providing comprehensive predictions for the day-night (D-N) effect for the Super-Kamiokande detector in the case of the MSW \nu_e \to \numt transition solution of the solar neutrino problem. The one-year averaged probability of survival of the solar \nue crossing the Earth mantle, the core, the inner 2/3 of the core, and the (core + mantle) is calculated with high precision (better than 1%) using the elliptical orbit approximation (EOA) to describe the Earth motion around the Sun. Results for the survival probability in the indicated cases are obtained for a large set of values of the MSW transition parameters Δm2\Delta m^2 and sin22θVsin^22\theta_{V} from the ``conservative'' regions of the MSW solution, derived by taking into account possible relatively large uncertainties in the values of the 8^{8}B and 7^{7}Be neutrino fluxes. Our results show that the one-year averaged D-N asymmetry in the νe\nu_e survival probability for neutrinos crossing the Earth core can be, in the case of sin22θV0.13sin^22 \theta_{V} \leq 0.13, larger than the asymmetry in the probability for (only mantle crossing + core crossing) neutrinos by a factor of up to six. The enhancement is larger in the case of neutrinos crossing the inner 2/3 of the core. This indicates that the Super-Kamiokande experiment might be able to test the sin22θV0.01sin^22\theta_{V} \leq 0.01 region of the MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem by performing selective D-N asymmetry measurements.Comment: LaTeX2e - 18 Text Pages + 21 figures = 39 Pages. - Figures in PS + text file sk1b14.tex requires two auxiliary files (included

    SN1987A and the Status of Oscillation Solutions to the Solar Neutrino Problem (including an appendix discussing the NC and day/night data from SNO)

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    We study neutrino oscillations and the level-crossing probability PLZ in power-law potential profiles A(r)\propto r^n. We give local and global adiabaticity conditions valid for all mixing angles theta and discuss different representations for PLZ. For the 1/r^3 profile typical of supernova envelopes we compare our analytical to numerical results and to earlier approximations used in the literature. We then perform a combined likelihood analysis of the observed SN1987A neutrino signal and of the latest solar neutrino data, including the recent SNO CC measurement. We find that, unless all relevant supernova parameters (released binding energy, \bar\nu_e and \bar\nu_{\mu,\tau} temperatures) are near their lowest values found in simulations, the status of large mixing type solutions deteriorates considerably compared to fits using only solar data. This is sufficient to rule out the vacuum-type solutions for most reasonable choices of astrophysics parameters. The LOW solution may still be acceptable, but becomes worse than the SMA-MSW solution which may, in some cases, be the best combined solution. On the other hand the LMA-MSW solution can easily survive as the best overall solution, although its size is generally reduced when compared to fits to the solar data only.Comment: 31 pages, 32 eps figures; 5 pages, 5 eps figures addendum in v2, discussing the recent SNO NC data and changes in SN paramete

    Community-Based Participatory Research to Adapt Health Measures for Use by People with Developmental Disabilities

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    Background: People with developmental disabilities (DD) are often not included as participants in research owing to a variety of ethical and practical challenges. One major challenge is that traditional measurements instruments may not be accessible to people with DD. Participatory research approaches promise to increase the participation of marginalized communities in research, but few partnerships have successfully used such approaches to conduct quantitative studies people with DD. Objective: To use a community-based participatory search (CBPR) approach to create an accessible, computer-assisted survey about violence and health in people with DD, and to psychometrically test adapted health instruments. Methods: Our academic-community partnership, composed of academic researchers, people with DD, and supporters, collaboratively selected and modified data collection instruments, conducted cognitive interviews and pilot tests, and then administered the full survey to 350 people with DD. Results: Although team members sometimes had opposing accommodation needs and adaption recommendations, academic and community partners were able to work together successfully to adapt instruments to be accessible to participants with a wide range of DD. Results suggest the adapted health instruments had strong content validity and all but one had good to excellent internal consistency reliability (alpha, 0.81-0.94). The majority of participants (75%) responded that all or most of the questions were easy to understand. Conclusions: Researchers should consider using participatory approaches to adapting instruments so people with DD can be validly included in research

    Racial discrepancies in the association between paternal vs. maternal educational level and risk of low birthweight in Washington State

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    BACKGROUND: The role of paternal factors in determining the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes has received less attention than maternal factors. Similarly, the interaction between the effects of race and socioeconomic status (SES) on pregnancy outcomes is not well known. Our objective was to assess the relative importance of paternal vs. maternal education in relation to risk of low birth weight (LBW) across different racial groups. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective population-based cohort study using Washington state birth certificate data from 1992 to 1996 (n = 264,789). We assessed the associations between maternal or paternal education and LBW, adjusting for demographic variables, health services factors, and maternal behavioral and obstetrical factors. RESULTS: Paternal educational level was independently associated with LBW after adjustment for race, maternal education, demographic characteristics, health services factors; and other maternal factors. We found an interaction between the race and maternal education on risk of LBW. In whites, maternal education was independently associated with LBW. However, in the remainder of the sample, maternal education had a minimal effect on LBW. CONCLUSIONS: The degree of association between maternal education and LBW delivery was different in whites than in members of other racial groups. Paternal education was associated with LBW in both whites and non-whites. Further studies are needed to understand why maternal education may impact pregnancy outcomes differently depending on race and why paternal education may play a more important role than maternal education in some racial categories