24 research outputs found

    An Integrated Learning Analytics Approach for Virtual Vocational Training Centers

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    Virtual training centers are hosted solutions for the implementation of training courses in the form of e.g. Webinars. Many existing centers neglect the informal and social dimension of vocational training as well as the legitimate business interests of training providers and companies sending their employees. In this paper, we present the virtual training center platform V3C that blends formal, certified virtual training courses with self-regulated and social learning in synchronous and asynchronous learning phases. We have developed an integrated learning analytics approach to collect, store, analyze and visualize data for different purposes like certification, interventions and gradual improvement of the platform. The results given here demonstrate the ability of the platform to deliver data for key performance indicators like learning outcomes and drop-out rates as well as the interplay between synchronous and asynchronous learning phases on a very large scale. Since the platform implementation is open source, results can be easily transferred and exploited in many contexts

    Yjs: A Framework for Near Real-Time P2P Shared Editing on Arbitrary Data Types

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    Abstract. Near real-time shared editing of documents in the Web browser has become popular for many applications like text writing, drawing, sketching and others. These applications require protocols for exchanging messages among user agents and for resolving editing conflicts. The available frameworks mostly rely on operational transformation approaches and often expose drawbacks like failing to scale, restriction to linear data structures and client-server architectures. In this paper we present Yjs, a lightweight open-source JavaScript framework that can be used for collaborative editing of arbitrary data types in peer-to-peer settings. The framework is based on a new operational transformation-like approach and supports communication protocols like XMPP and WebRTC. From an engineering perspective Yjs is easy to integrate into Web applications. Evaluations show that it has a favorable runtime complexity

    Engineering web community information systems via near real-time collaborative modeling support

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    Driven by the emergence of new standards, protocols and architectural patterns, Web information systems are gradually shifting towards social ecosystems, featuring near real-time communication -- synchronous, always without human noticeable delay though less stringent than real-time requirements in embedded systems -- and collaboration support with few restrictions. Spreading from personal to professional and organizational settings, engineering such powerful, collaborative applications is difficult to achieve as it requires considerable know-how and is associated with high costs. Especially within small, niche communities there is a high need for rapid Web information systems development. For example, professional online communities of practice do not possess the technical knowledge to implement the specialized tools they need or restructure systems, without developers. Combining novel synchronous Web-based collaboration techniques with conceptual modeling and model-driven Web engineering will radically improve this situation. This mixture can increase collaboration and awareness between stakeholders, lower the technological entry barrier in system engineering, foster rapid prototyping and ensure standard compliance. This dissertation proposes a new, cyclic, Model-Driven Web Engineering approach that uses shared editing and near real-time collaborative conceptual modeling in order to create Web-based, social and collaborative community information systems. SyncMeta, our collaborative conceptual modeling approach and framework supports view-based modeling in the Web browser in synchronous, distributed environments. In addition to domain-specific visual modeling languages, viewpoints can be collaboratively defined on the metamodeling layer and instantiated as views within a model editor instance. For supporting SyncMeta's lock-free, shared model editing in highly scalable team sizes, we have created YATA, a novel optimistic decentralized concurrency control approach realized as a Javascript Web library named Yjs. This solves occurring conflicts in groupware scenarios and can be used very flexible to enable near real-time collaboration in existing or newly engineered Web applications. Using SyncMeta and Yjs, we have instantiated the Community Application Editor (CAE), that is used to model and define Web widgets and microservices as software components that together compose community information systems. CAE makes it simpler -- using the modeling abstraction -- for both developers and community members to contribute to system design and development. The research approach of this dissertation follows the design science methodology and has been evaluated using various testbeds involving professional communities from the Technology Enhanced Learning, Cultural Heritage and Construction domains, in several user studies. All in all, we showcase the efficiency of collaborative conceptual modeling in agile model-driven scenarios and thus contribute to the engineering of modern, social Web information systems. We offer support for creating collaborative applications tailored for professional, online communities of practice

    Browser-Based Collaborative Modeling in Near Real-Time

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