600 research outputs found

    Strategic views regarding the relationship marketing approach and the transactional marketing approach within the financial and banking segment

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    The study discusses the strategic aspects of relational marketing in the financial and banking sector, from the point of view of the influences the field is subject to, and based on the theoretical advances in the domain. The maintenance of the relationships with the present customers, as well as the future oriented attempts to gain new clients are critically examined, in the context of a field where “a banker’s word is a banker’s bond”.relationship marketing, financial and banking sector, strategic marketing.

    Некоторые аспекты эпидемиологии и хирургического лечения переломов дистального отдела бедренной кости

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    Catedra de Ortopedie și Traumatologie, USMF Nicolae TestemițanuAlthough extremity fractures of distal femoral fractures are rare, they are complex and difficult to treat, represent 4-7,0% of all fractures of the femoral bone and their epidemiology with a peak frequency ranges for men to 30 years and a maximum value for older women with osteoporotic bone. The study had included 56 patients with a mean age 54.5±8.8 years, with a significant increase in the number of cases in the age group between 50-83 years old – 34 female and 10 patients (18,0%) had a polytrauma. At 6 months of intervention 31 patients (55,35%) had come to control and reported that they come back to the daily activity up to trauma, and 27 patients (48,21%) from that 31 patients were satisfied with the postoperative outcomes. According to Neer score described in the study including 31 patients, 24 cases (77.41%) have achieved excellent results with average score of 85.7, and 7 cases (22.6%) had satisfactory results, averaging 82.4 points, results close to those of the literature.Хотя переломы дистального отдела бедра встречаются редко, являются сложными и трудно поддающимися лечению и составляют 4-7,0% из всех переломов бедренной кости, а эпидемиологическая значимость варьирует с пиковой частотой для мужчин до 30 лет и максимальным значением для пожилых женщин с остеопорозом. Наше исследование включило в себя 56 пациентов со средним возрастом 54,5±8,8 лет, со значительным ростом числа случаев в возрастной группе 50-83 года – 34 пациента женского пола, а 10 пациентов (18,0%) с политравматизмом. На 6-ой месяц после операции на контроль явились 31 пациент (55,35%), которые вернулись к своей повседневной деятельности до травмы, а 27 пациентов (48,21%) из 31 удовлетворены результатом операции. Согласно шкале Neer, описанной в исследовании (31 пациент), в 24 случаев (77,4%) добились исключительных результатов, средний бал составил 85,7, а в 7 случаях (22,6%) показали удовлетворительные результаты, средний бал которых составил 82,4 бала, результаты близкие к тем, что описаны в специализированной литературе

    Presbyond… experiența noastră la Clinica de Oftalmologie Ama Optimex

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    Rezumat. Laserul Presbyond este o nouă modalitate de tratament a pacienților cu prezbiopie. Acest tip nou de laser modern oferă o tehnică chirurgicală de ultimă oră în clinica noastră din 2019, timp în care au fost efectuate peste 150 de intervenții cu rezultate foarte bune. Cele mai importante aspecte ale acestei tehnici sunt: selecția pacienților, managementul așteptărilor și o experiență de lucru bună cu FemtoLasik.The paper presents our experience with Presbyond, a modern Laser Refractive Surgery Technique, which treats presbyopia. We started with Presbyond in March 2019. Since then, we have performed over 150 procedures, with amazing results and happy patients. Some of the most important aspects of this technique are patient selection, management of expectations, and good experience with FemtoLasik surgery. PRESBYOND is a technique performed using unique software that modifies spherical aberration to increase the depth of focus in each eye. The dominant eye is corrected to see far and intermediate and the non-dominant eye to see intermediate and near. The surgical steps are the same as in the femtosecond LASIK technique. Complications are those known to occur after FemtoLasik surgery. Postoperative neuroadaptation represents a particular aspect to consider and enhancements may be required overtime to compensate for the decrease in accommodation. In conclusion, we recommend Presbyond as the best minimally invasive technique for presbyopia correction

    Neurosurgical cadaveric and in vivo large animal training models for cranial and spinal approaches and techniques — a systematic review of the current literature

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    Introduction. Due to its high complexity, neurosurgery consists of a demanding learning curve that requires intense training and a deep knowledge of neuroanatomy. Microsurgical skill development can be achieved through various models of simulation, but as human cadaveric models are not always accessible, cadaveric animal models can provide a reliable environment in which to enhance the acquisition of surgical dexterity. The aim of this review was to analyse the current role of animal brains in laboratory training and to assess their correspondence to the procedures performed in humans. Material and methods. A Pubmed literature search was performed to identify all the articles concerning training cranial and spinal techniques on large animal heads. The search terms were ‘training model’, and ‘neurosurgery’ in association with ‘animal’, ‘sheep’, ‘cow’, and ‘swine’. The exclusion criteria were articles that were on human brains, experimental fundamental research, or on virtual simulators. Results. The search retrieved 119 articles, of which 25 were relevant to the purpose of this review. Owing to their similar neuroanatomy, bovine, porcine and ovine models prove to be reliable structures in simulating neurosurgical procedures. On bovine skulls, an interhemispheric transcalosal and retrosigmoid approach along with different approaches to the Circle of Willis can be recreated. Ovine model procedures have varied from lumbar discectomies on sheep spines to craniosynostosis surgery, whereas in ex vivo swine models, cadaveric dissections of lateral sulcus, median and posterior fossa have been achieved. Conclusions. Laboratory training models enhance surgical advancements by familiarising trainee surgeons with certain neuroanatomical structures and promoting greater surgical dexterity. The accessibility of animal brains allows trainee surgeons to exercise techniques outside the operating theatre, thus optimising outcomes in human surgical procedures


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    Mobile radars, known as hand radars become standard road patrol and are an effective way to control the vehicles speed by traffic safety point of view. Price reduced in comparison with radars mounted on the patrol cars or fixed detection systems, make these more accessible. We developed a complete detection and speed registration system starting from basic hand radar, finding at the same time a main low cost solution. Our solution combines the radar system with a video camera, both linked with a portable PC, for capture the picture of the detected vehicles. For make the connection between both devices, we developed a soft for record traffic values (speed and vehicle flow together with the image capture of the target vehicle). We proposed an upgrade of vehicles detection which assure plus information recorded: vehicles flow and time delay between two vehicles which run on the same direction. Supplementary a data base is automatic created and it contains vehicle capture image in sated speed detection limit conditions. We test the developed system in laboratory conditions (testing center) and in real conditions (national road). The results showed the viability of the proposed upgrade developed for the hand radar equipment, based on the video and statistic information acquired as a low cost solution

    A novel natural antimicrobial can reduce the in vitro and in vivo pathogenicity of T6SS positive Campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli chicken isolates

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    © 2018 Sima, Stratakos, Ward, Linton, Kelly, Pinkerton, Stef, Gundogdu, Lazar and Corcionivoschi. Human campylobacteriosis is considered one of the most common foodborne diseases worldwide with poultry identified as the main source of infection accounting for 50-80% of human cases. Highly virulent Campylobacter spp., positive for the Type VI secretion system (T6SS), which have an increased ability to adhere to and invade the host gastrointestinal epithelium are highly prevalent in poultry. Multidrug resistant strains of bacteria are rapidly evolving and therefore, new antimicrobials to supplement animal feed that are able to control Campylobacter species, are in great need. The work presented herein indicates that a novel phenolic antimicrobial, Auranta 3001, is able to reduce the adhesion and invasion of human intestinal epithelial cells (HCT-8) by two T6SS positive chicken isolates, C. jejuni RC039 (p < 0.05) and C. coli RC013 (p < 0.001). Exposure of C. jejuni RC039 and C. coli RC013 to Auranta 3001 downregulated the expression of hcp and cetB genes, known to be important in the functionality of T6SS. Furthermore, the reduced adhesion and invasion is associated with a significant decrease in bacterial motility of both isolates (p < 0.05-p < 0.001) in vitro. Most importantly our in vivo results show that Auranta 3001 is able to reduce cecum colonization levels from log 8 CFU/ml to log 2 CFU/ml for C. jejuni RC039 and from log 7 CFU/ml to log 2 CFU/ml for C. coli RC013. In conclusion, this novel antimicrobial is able to reduce the pathogenic properties of T6SS campylobacters in vitro and also to decrease colonization in vivo


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    Cryptosporidium is an enteric protozoan parasite that causes gastrointestinal disorders in humans and in a wide range of animals, mainly in calves. As there is no available efficient treatment for cryptosporidiosis, in this study we evaluated the effect of Auranta 3001, a natural feed additive on animal growth, number of days with liquid diarrhoea and oocyst excretion, mean oocysts/gram faeces and on biochemical and physical parameters. The study showed that calves fed with Auranta 3001 as a feed additive administered prior to infection with C. parvum, significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the number of days with liquid diarrhoea, the number of days with oocyst excretion, the number of days of antibiotic administration and mean oocysts/gram faeces. Moreover, the prophylactic administration of Auranta 3001, significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the percentage of calves with fever and increased the body weight at day 56. However, significant differences were not seen between IgG, total protein intake and haematocrit percentage. This study showed the efficacy of Auranta 3001 in reducing cryptosporidiosis manifestations in calves

    Attenuation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Virulence Factors by a Mixture of Natural Antimicrobials.

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    Reducing acute mortality in aquatic crustaceans using natural alternatives to antibiotics has become a necessity, firstly for its positive impact on the aquaculture industry and, secondly, because the extensive use of antibiotics may lead to increased levels of drug resistance in pathogenic microorganisms. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a mixture of natural antimicrobials on the in vitro and in vivo virulence abilities of Type VI secretion system (T6SS)-positive Vibrio parahaemolyticus (A3 and D4), strains known as having potentially harmful health consequences for aquatic crustaceans and consumers. Herein, we report that a natural antimicrobial mixture (A3009) was capable of significantly reducing the virulence of V. parahaemolyticus strains A3 and D4 in an in vitro infection model, using the fish cell line CHSE-214, an effect which correlates with the bacterial downregulation of hcp1 and hcp2 gene expression and with the ability of the antimicrobial to efficiently retain low cytotoxic levels (p < 0.001). We show for the first time that a natural antimicrobial is able to significantly reduce the mortality of shrimps in a challenge experiment and is able to significantly attenuate H2O2 release during infection (p < 0.001), indicating that it could harbor positive intestinal redox balance effects

    Celule Stem în procesul de regenerare a ţesuturilor scheletice

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    The ability of grafts containing autogenous bone marrow cells; alogenous cord blood cells with alogenic demineralized bone to stimulate bone formation in the critical rabbit radial bone defect was studied. The experimental research was carried out on 55 adults (12-13 months), rabbits (body weight 3,0-3,5kg). The radial bone was cut transversely and made a bone defect of 20 mm long. The animals were divided in fi ve experimental groups: fi rst – was injected Dulbecco Modifi ed Eagle Medium (DMEM); second – morselized autogenous cortico-cancelous bone from iliac crest; third – decalcifi ed bone matrix and autogenous bone marrow cells; the fourth - decalcifi ed bone matrix and alogenic cord blood cells; the fi fth – the autogenous bone marrow cells. The combination of the grafts from demineralized morcelized alogenous bone with autogenous bone marrow cells or cord blood cells provides active and uniform osteogenesis in to the bone defect comparable with the autogenous cancelous bone. In cases where was used only the suspension of bone marrow cells the osteogenesis was active, but the bone formation is more slowly and not uniform