75 research outputs found

    Upper Bound Approximations for BlockMaxWand

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    BlockMaxWand is a recent advance on the Wand dynamic pruning technique, which allows efficient retrieval without any effectiveness degradation to rank K. However, while BMW uses docid-sorted indices, it relies on recording the upper bound of the term weighting model scores for each block of postings in the inverted index. Such a requirement can be disadvantageous in situations such as when an index must be updated. In this work, we examine the appropriateness of upper-bound approximation – which have previously been shown suitable for Wand– in providing efficient retrieval for BMW. Experiments on the ClueWeb12 category B13 corpus using 5000 queries from a real search engine’s query log demonstrate that BMW still provides benefits w.r.t. Wand when approximate upper bounds are used, and that, if approximations on upper bounds are tight, BMW with approximate upper bounds can provide efficiency gains w.r.t.Wand with exact upper bounds, in particular for queries of short to medium length

    Efficient & Effective Selective Query Rewriting with Efficiency Predictions

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    To enhance effectiveness, a user's query can be rewritten internally by the search engine in many ways, for example by applying proximity, or by expanding the query with related terms. However, approaches that benefit effectiveness often have a negative impact on efficiency, which has impacts upon the user satisfaction, if the query is excessively slow. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for using the predicted execution time of various query rewritings to select between alternatives on a per-query basis, in a manner that ensures both effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, we propose the prediction of the execution time of ephemeral (e.g., proximity) posting lists generated from uni-gram inverted index posting lists, which are used in establishing the permissible query rewriting alternatives that may execute in the allowed time. Experiments examining both the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach demonstrate that a 49% decrease in mean response time (and 62% decrease in 95th-percentile response time) can be attained without significantly hindering the effectiveness of the search engine

    Queuing theory-based latency/power tradeoff models for replicated search engines

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    Large-scale search engines are built upon huge infrastructures involving thousands of computers in order to achieve fast response times. In contrast, the energy consumed (and hence the financial cost) is also high, leading to environmental damage. This paper proposes new approaches to increase energy and financial savings in large-scale search engines, while maintaining good query response times. We aim to improve current state-of-the-art models used for balancing power and latency, by integrating new advanced features. On one hand, we propose to improve the power savings by completely powering down the query servers that are not necessary when the load of the system is low. Besides, we consider energy rates into the model formulation. On the other hand, we focus on how to accurately estimate the latency of the whole system by means of Queueing Theory. Experiments using actual query logs attest the high energy (and financial) savings regarding current baselines. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper in successfully applying stationary Queueing Theory models to estimate the latency in a large-scale search engine

    Efficient query processing for scalable web search

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    Search engines are exceptionally important tools for accessing information in today’s world. In satisfying the information needs of millions of users, the effectiveness (the quality of the search results) and the efficiency (the speed at which the results are returned to the users) of a search engine are two goals that form a natural trade-off, as techniques that improve the effectiveness of the search engine can also make it less efficient. Meanwhile, search engines continue to rapidly evolve, with larger indexes, more complex retrieval strategies and growing query volumes. Hence, there is a need for the development of efficient query processing infrastructures that make appropriate sacrifices in effectiveness in order to make gains in efficiency. This survey comprehensively reviews the foundations of search engines, from index layouts to basic term-at-a-time (TAAT) and document-at-a-time (DAAT) query processing strategies, while also providing the latest trends in the literature in efficient query processing, including the coherent and systematic reviews of techniques such as dynamic pruning and impact-sorted posting lists as well as their variants and optimisations. Our explanations of query processing strategies, for instance the WAND and BMW dynamic pruning algorithms, are presented with illustrative figures showing how the processing state changes as the algorithms progress. Moreover, acknowledging the recent trends in applying a cascading infrastructure within search systems, this survey describes techniques for efficiently integrating effective learned models, such as those obtained from learning-to-rank techniques. The survey also covers the selective application of query processing techniques, often achieved by predicting the response times of the search engine (known as query efficiency prediction), and making per-query tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness to ensure that the required retrieval speed targets can be met. Finally, the survey concludes with a summary of open directions in efficient search infrastructures, namely the use of signatures, real-time, energy-efficient and modern hardware and software architectures

    Analisi sperimentale del passo con riguardo alle forze di interazione del piede e all'azione muscolare

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    Questo lavoro consiste in una descrizione delle apparecchiature che compongono un laboratorio di Gait Analysis e della modalità di svolgimento di una prova di acquisizione dei dati. Sperimentalmente è stata considerata l’attivazione muscolare durante la deambulazione, andando a confrontare i dati di letteratura con dati ottenuti da prove sperimentali. In secondo luogo sono stati distinti due gruppi (soggetti sani e soggetti con artroprotesi del ginocchio), per i quali è stata fatta un’analisi della cinematica dell’arto inferiore, un calcolo delle forze di reazione al suolo ed una valutazione dei momenti articolari a livello di anca, ginocchio e caviglia, ottenendo buoni risultati su cui esprimere delle considerazioniope

    Pseudo-Relevance Feedback for Multiple Representation Dense Retrieval

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    Pseudo-relevance feedback mechanisms, from Rocchio to the relevance models, have shown the usefulness of expanding and reweighting the users' initial queries using information occurring in an initial set of retrieved documents, known as the pseudo-relevant set. Recently, dense retrieval -- through the use of neural contextual language models such as BERT for analysing the documents' and queries' contents and computing their relevance scores -- has shown a promising performance on several information retrieval tasks still relying on the traditional inverted index for identifying documents relevant to a query. Two different dense retrieval families have emerged: the use of single embedded representations for each passage and query (e.g. using BERT's [CLS] token), or via multiple representations (e.g. using an embedding for each token of the query and document). In this work, we conduct the first study into the potential for multiple representation dense retrieval to be enhanced using pseudo-relevance feedback. In particular, based on the pseudo-relevant set of documents identified using a first-pass dense retrieval, we extract representative feedback embeddings (using KMeans clustering) -- while ensuring that these embeddings discriminate among passages (based on IDF) -- which are then added to the query representation. These additional feedback embeddings are shown to both enhance the effectiveness of a reranking as well as an additional dense retrieval operation. Indeed, experiments on the MSMARCO passage ranking dataset show that MAP can be improved by upto 26% on the TREC 2019 query set and 10% on the TREC 2020 query set by the application of our proposed ColBERT-PRF method on a ColBERT dense retrieval approach.Comment: 10 page

    A Study on Query Energy Consumption in Web Search Engines

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    Abstract. Commercial web search engines are usually deployed on data centers, which leverage thousands of servers to efficiently answer queries on a large scale. Thanks to these distributed infrastructures, search engines can quickly serve high query volumes. However, the energy consumed by these many servers poses economical and environmental challenges for the Web search engine companies. To tackle such challenges, we advocate the importance of quantifying the energy consumption of a search engine. Therefore, in this study we experimentally analyze energy consumption on a per query basis. Our aim is to evaluate how much energy is consumed by a search server to answer a single query, i.e, its query energy consumption. To perform such measurements, experiments are conducted using the TREC ClueWeb09 collection and the MSN 2006 query log. Results suggest that solving queries require an amount of energy directly proportional to the query processing time

    Blake, Charles

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    Caching search results is employed in information retrieval systems to expedite query processing and reduce back-end server workload. Motivated by the observation that queries belonging to different topics have different temporal-locality patterns, we investigate a novel caching model called STD (Static-Topic-Dynamic cache). It improves traditional SDC (Static-Dynamic Cache) that stores in a static cache the results of popular queries and manages the dynamic cache with a replacement policy for intercepting the temporal variations in the query stream. Our proposed caching scheme includes another layer for topic-based caching, where the entries are allocated to different topics (e.g., weather, education). The results of queries characterized by a topic are kept in the fraction of the cache dedicated to it. This permits to adapt the cache-space utilization to the temporal locality of the various topics and reduces cache misses due to those queries that are neither sufficiently popular to be in the static portion nor requested within short-time intervals to be in the dynamic portion. We simulate different configurations for STD using two real-world query streams. Experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms SDC with an increase up to 3% in terms of hit rates, and up to 36% of gap reduction w.r.t. SDC from the theoretical optimal caching algorithm

    On Approximate Nearest Neighbour Selection for Multi-Stage Dense Retrieval

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    Dense retrieval, which describes the use of contextualised language models such as BERT to identify documents from a collection by leveraging approximate nearest neighbour (ANN) techniques, has been increasing in popularity. Two families of approaches have emerged, depending on whether documents and queries are represented by single or multiple embeddings. ColBERT, the exemplar of the latter, uses an ANN index and approximate scores to identify a set of candidate documents for each query embedding, which are then re-ranked using accurate document representations. In this manner, a large number of documents can be retrieved for each query, hindering the efficiency of the approach. In this work, we investigate the use of ANN scores for ranking the candidate documents, in order to decrease the number of candidate documents being fully scored. Experiments conducted on the MSMARCO passage ranking corpus demonstrate that, by cutting of the candidate set by using the approximate scores to only 200 documents, we can still obtain an effective ranking without statistically significant differences in effectiveness, and resulting in a 2x speedup in efficiency

    Performance Analysis of WebRTC-based Video Streaming over Power Constrained Platforms

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    This work analyses the use of the WebRTC framework on resource-constrained platforms. WebRTC is a consolidated solution for real-time video streaming, and it is an appealing solution in a wide range of application scenarios. We focus our attention on those in which power consumption, size and weight are of paramount importance because of size, weight and power requirements, such as the use case of unmanned aerial vehicles delivering real-time video streams overWebRTC to peers on the ground. The testbed described in this work shows that the power consumption can be reduced by changing WebRTC default settings while maintaining comparable video quality
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