17 research outputs found

    The skull roof tracks the brain during the evolution and development of reptiles including birds

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    Major transformations in brain size and proportions, such as the Enlargement of the brain during the evolution of birds, areaccompanied by profound modifications to the skull roof. However, the hypothesis of concerted evolution of shape between brain and skull roof over major phylogenetic transitions, and in particular of an ontogenetic relationship between specific regions of the brain and the skull roof, has never been formally tested. We performed 3D morphometric analyses to examine the deep history of brain and skull-roof morphology in Reptilia, focusing on changes during the well-documented transition from earlyreptiles through archosauromorphs, including nonavian dinosaurs, to birds. Non-avialan taxa cluster tightly together in morphospace,whereas Archaeopteryx and crown birds occupy a separate region. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the forebrain and frontal bone and the midbrain and parietal bone. Furthermore, the position of the forebrain–midbrain boundary correlates significantly with the position of the frontoparietal suture across the phylogenetic breadth of Reptilia and duringthe ontogeny of individual taxa. Conservation of position and identity in the skull roof is apparent, and there is no support for previous hypotheses that the avian parietal is a transformed postparietal. The correlation and apparent developmental link between regions of the brain and bony skull elements are likely to be ancestral to Tetrapoda and may be fundamental to all ofOsteichthyes, coeval with the origin of the dermatocranium

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Factores biopsicosociales asociados a la disfunción sexual femenina en una población mexicana

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    Objetivo: Determinar los factores biopsicosociales asociados a la disfunción sexual femenina en una población mexicana. Métodos: Estudio comparativo en mujeres que acudieron como acompañantes a una Unidad de Medicina Familiar de Querétaro, México. Se aplicaron las encuestas de Laumman, Chávez y Velazco, Faces III, y Grajales para valorar sexualidad, funcionalidad conyugal, funcionalidad familiar y estado de la autoestima. Los resultados fueron analizados con Odds Ratios, Chi cuadrado y t de Student. Resultados: De 110 mujeres entrevistadas, 65 (59%) refirieron alguna disfunción sexual y 45 (41%) lo negaron. Se formaron aleatoriamente dos grupos de 44 mujeres: con y sin disfunción sexual. Los factores que se asociaron significativamente a las alteraciones sexuales fueron: edad mayor a 40 años, laborar fuera del hogar, presencia de obesidad y/o sobrepeso, hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, histerectomía previa, maternidad, disfuncionalidad conyugal, autoestima alta, depresión leve a severa, familia disfuncional, estrato socioeconómico bajo. Las alteraciones sexuales más frecuentes fueron: disminución en el deseo sexual (34,1%), disfunción eréctil de la pareja (22,7%), dispareunia y falta de excitación (20,5%), sexo referido como desagradable e incapacidad para llegar al orgasmo (13,6%), ansiedad por el desempeño sexual (6,8%) y eyaculación precoz (4,5%). Conclusiones: Es importante identificar los factores que afectan la sexualidad femenina para ofrecer un manejo multidisciplinario y prevenir implicaciones a nivel del entorno familiar y conyugal

    Impacts of diffuse urban stressors on stream benthic communities and ecosystem functioning: A review

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    Catchment urbanisation results in urban streams being exposed to a multitude of stressors. Notably, stressors originating from diffuse sources have received less attention than stressors originating from point sources. Here, advances related to diffuse urban stressors and their consequences for stream benthic communities are summarised by reviewing 92 articles. Based on the search criteria, the number of articles dealing with diffuse urban stressors in streams has been increasing, and most of them focused on North America, Europe, and China. Land use was the most common measure used to characterize diffuse stressor sources in urban streams (70.7 % of the articles characterised land use), and chemical stressors (inorganic nutrients, xenobiotics, metals, and water properties, including pH and conductivity) were more frequently reported than physical or biological stressors. A total of 53.3 % of the articles addressed the impact of urban stressors on macroinvertebrates, while 35.9 % focused on bacteria, 9.8 % on fungi, and 8.7 % on algae. Regarding ecosystem functions, almost half of the articles (43.5 %) addressed changes in community dynamics, 40.3 % addressed organic matter decomposition, and 33.9 % addressed nutrient cycling. When comparing urban and non-urban streams, the reviewed studies suggest that urbanisation negatively impacts the diversity of benthic organisms, leading to shifts in community composition. These changes imply functional degradation of streams. The results of the present review summarise the knowledge gained to date and identify its main gaps to help improve our understanding of urban streams.This study has received funding from the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) through the project URBIFUN (Urbanization effects on the relationship between microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning), awarded to Míriam Colls and Ferran Romero. Authors thank as well the Basque Government (Consolidated Research Group IT951-16) and the MERLIN project 101036337 – H2020-LC-GD-2020/H2020-LC-GD-2020-3.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    XX Semana de la Enseñanza de la Física

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    25 a 29 de septiembre de 2017Facultad de Ciencias y EducaciónProyecto Curricular de Licenciatura en FísicaUniversidad Distrital Francisco José de Calda

    De dos orillas: Imagen y experiencia en el turismo

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    En más de medio siglo los cuestionamientos sociológicos y antropológicos del turismo han recorrido diferentes ámbitos disciplinarios y marcos teóricos. Si bien algunos debates han ido difuminándose otros, como los de la búsqueda de la autenticidad, el imaginario y la experiencia turística han quedado vivos y candentes. Asimismo, las fronteras y las identidades de los actores y fuerzas que protagonizan el vaivén turístico se han vuelto más borrosas a partir de la porosidad de la experiencia e imaginario de lo “local”. En este marco, conocer lugares inexplorados e invertir en nuevos mercados atractivos representa el porvenir de esta actividad. La presente publicación abordará diferentes debates tales como imagen y comunicación turística, apropiación y patrimonialización de referentes identitarios y estrategias de gestión que se relacionarán con cuestiones como el agua, el trabajo y los eventos.Depto. de Antropología Social y Psicología SocialFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu