289 research outputs found

    Türkiye'de yetiştirilen Ankara Keçisi (Capra hircus) ırkında bir sitogenetik çalışma

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    Ankara Keçi ırkı Türkiye yerli hayvan genetik kaynakları acısından önemli rol oynamasına karşın bu ırkla ilgili kapsamlı bir sitogenetik çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Sunulan ön sitogenetik çalışma ırkın temel kromozomal yapısını araştırmak ve populasyon düzeyinde sitogenetik çalışmalara başlangıç yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kan kültürleri hem geleneksel metoda göre ve hem de Timidin metoduna göre düzenlenmiştir. Geleneksel ve GTG-RBA-RBG band karyotipleri elde edilerek ırkın kromozomlarının sentromer indeksleri belirlenmiştir. Band modeli karşılaştırmaları Ankara keçi ırkının keçi türü için standardize edilmiş RBA-RBG band modeli ile benzerliğini doğrulamıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda Ankara keçisi ırkında populasyon düzeyinde sayısal ve yapısal kromozom anomalilerinin taşıyıcılarının tanımlanması, ırkın verim özeliklerinin geliştirilmesinde daha ileri düzeyde sitogenetik çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulduğu değerlendirilmiştir.The Angora breed of goat plays an important role for the Turkiye's Native Animal genetic resources point of view; nevertheless, so far, no comprehensive cytogenetic investigation has been performed on this important economic breed. The present preliminary cytogenetic study has been conducted upon a sample of Angora goat breed reared in Turkiye in order to ascertain the basic chromosomal status of the breed and to start a cytogenetic screening at a population level. Blood cultures have been noted according to the conventional methods and synchronized with thymidine. Conventional and GTG-RBA-RBG-banded karyotypes have been produced to determine the relative length and centromeric index of the chromosomes of the breed. Banding comparison confirmed similarity of the Angora breed of goat with the established standardized RBA-RBG banding a pattern of the goat species. Further cytogenetic studies should now be addressed at a population level to identify carriers of numerical and/or structural chromosomal abnormalities in the Angora breed population for implementation of its productive and reproductive efficiency

    The effect of a single, early-life administration of a probiotic on piglet growth performance and faecal microbiota until weaning

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    The establishment and maintenance of a balanced gut microbiota in early life play a pivotal role in pigs. This study aims to evaluate the effect of the administration of a single early-life probiotic on piglet faecal microbiota and growth performance until weaning. Forty-eight hours after birth (d0), 820 piglets were allocated into 4 groups (205 piglets/16 litters/group) and orally inoculated as follows: 1) Control (CO: 4 mL of pure water); 2) Saccharomyces (SA: 4 mL containing a total of 1 × 1010 CFU of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii CNCM-1079; 3) Enterococcus (EF: 4 mL containing a total of 1 × 1010 CFU of Enterococcus faecium lactiferm WS200); 4) a mix of the two probiotics at the same doses (SAEF). At d7 and d18, the piglets were weighed, and faeces from the piglets (18 piglets/group from 6 sows/group) and their mothers were analysed for a microbial profile by sequencing the v3-v4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Data were arranged in a 2x2 factorial design. The probiotic supplement improved piglet ADG in the periods d7-d18 (p <.0001) and d0-d18 (p <.05). From d7 to d18, the SA group tended to have lower mortality than the CO group (p =.08). The probiotic supplement significantly affected the microbial beta diversity at d7 (p <.05). The SA probiotic favoured the colonisation of Erysipelatoclostridium and Christensenella, and the EF probiotic the colonisation of Lachnospiraceae. These results highlighted that the administration of a single early-life probiotic supplement could improve piglet performance and shape the faecal microbial profile.Highlights A single dose of E. faecium or S. cerevisiae improved piglet performance in the pre-weaning period. The early administration of probiotics shaped the faecal microbial profile of the piglets and contributed to improved growth performance

    Molecular cloning, promoter analysis and SNP identification of Italian Nicastrese and Saanen lactoferrin gene

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    Lactoferrin (Lf) is an iron-binding glycoprotein found in exocrine secretions including milk. High levels of lactoferrin may have a role in the prevention of microbial infection of the mammary gland. In this report we sequenced and characterized goat lactoferrin cDNA and its promoter region in two different breeds of goat. The complete cDNA comprised 2356 nucleotides, including 38bp at the 5'-UTR and 194bp at the 3'-UTR. The open reading frame is 2127bp long and it encodes a mature protein of 689 aminoacids. A total of 19 nucleotide differences, 11 of them being responsible for 8 aminoacid changes, were identified through the comparison with French, Korean and Tibetan goat lactoferrin cDNAs. About 1700bp of the lactoferrin gene promoter were sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed a non-canonical TATA box, multiple SP1/GC elements, and other putative binding sites for transcription factors, such as NF-kappaB, STAT3 and AP2. Two SNPs were identified, one of which would seem to create a new putative AP2 consensus sequence. The presence of an additional AP2 binding site could be associated with quantitative differences of such protein fraction, which could enhance all the activities related to such protein, and improve mammary gland defence against bacterial infections

    Preliminary analysis of Stearoyl Co-A Desaturase gene transcripts in River buffalo

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    Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). In cattle, SCD gene extends over a DNA segment of ~17.0 Kb, and it is organized in 6 exons and 5 introns. The SCD gene has been indicated as the candidate gene to change the saturated/unsaturated FAs ratio and hence it has been suggested as the gene influencing the fat quality. In cattle, eight SNPs have been identified and one of them, (T→C) at 231st nt of 5th exon, is responsible for the Val→Ala amino acid change. The C allele has been associated with higher content of MUFAs in carcasses, and it is positively related to a higher index of desaturation (C18:0/C18:1 and C16:0/C16:1) in the milk. In this study, we report on preliminary results of analysis of transcripts of the SCD encoding gene in river buffalo. The electrophoretic analysis of the RT-PCR products and the subsequent sequencing showed at least five different populations of mRNA. The most represented population is correctly assembled (~1300 bp), followed by the one which is deleted of ~750bp, corresponding to the 3rd, 4th and 5th exon and partially to the 2nd and 6th exon

    Implantação de leguminosas forrageiras em sub-bosque de eucalipto de ciclo longo em São Paulo.

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    Sistemas silvipastoris podem permitir a geração de renda enquanto as árvores estão se desenvolvendo; com isso diminui os custos associados à silvicultura e atrai pequenos e médios proprietários rurais para a atividade. Para que estes sistemas sejam mais eficientes, é necessário aumentar a produtividade das forrageiras do sub-bosque. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados quatro métodos de estabelecimento de um coquetel de leguminosas forrageiras herbáceas (Centrosema acutifolium, Clitoria ternatea, Pueraria phaseoloides, Estilosantes Campo Grande (Stylosanthes capitata + S. macrocephala), Calopogonium mucunoides, Lablab purpureus, Arachis pintoi e Aeschinomene vilosae) sob a sombra de moderada a intensa promovida por um bosque de Eucalyptus grandis submetido a corte de raleamento (40%) oito anos após haver sido plantado. Os métodos comparados constituíram-se de quatro formas de enterrio das sementes por meio de gradagem leve, quer sejam: gradagem após semeadura superficial a lanço não seguida de incorporação (I), gradagem antes (2) ou após (3) semeadura e gradagem antes e após a semeadura (4). Noventa dias após a semeadura, o número de plantas de leguminosa/m2 e a percentagem de cobertura do solo pelas plantas variou (P<O,OS) entre os tratamentos testados os quais, entretanto, não tiveram efeito sobre o acúmulo de matéria seca das plantas de leguminosas. Com a gradagem após o plantio aumentou o número de plântulas/m2; entretanto, a porcentagem de cobertura do solo foi maior no plantio superficial (sem gradagem)

    Legumínosas forrageiras para o sub-bosque de floresta de eucalipto de ciclo longo em São Paulo.

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    Sistemas silvipastoris podem permitir a geração de renda enquanto as árvores estão se desenvolvendo, diminuindo os custos associados à silvicultura e atraindo pequenos e médios proprietários rurais para a atividade. Para que estes sistemas sejam mais eficientes, é necessário aumentar a produtividade das forrageiras do sub-bosque. Neste trabalho foram avaliados o estabelecimento de nove leguminosas forrageiras herbáceas (Centrosema acutifolium, Clitoria ternatea, Pueraria phaseoloides, Estilosantes Campo Grande (Stylosanthes capitata + S. macrocephala), Calopogonium mucunoides, Lablab purpureum, Arachis pintoi, Alysicarpus vaginalis e Aeschinomene vilosae) em parcelas puras, ao sol e sob a sombra de moderada a intensa de plantações de eucalipto de ciclo longo (Eucayiptus grandis) submetido a corte de desbaste (40%) oito anos após seu plantio. O número de plântulas variou (P<0,05) com o local (solou sombra), com a data de amostragem (36, 66 e 90 dias pós-plantio) e com a espécie. Houve interação (P<0,05) entre espécie e local e entre espécie e época de amostragem. A produção de matéria seca aos 90 dias variou (P<0,05) em função do local (solou sombra) e de espécie; Lablab purpureus foi a espécie mais produtiva, tanto sob sol quanto sob sombra .. Houve interação (P<0,05) entre espécie e local. Arachis pintoi foi mais produtivo à sombra que sob sol, enquanto as demais espécies produziram mais matéria seca quando cultivadas sob pleno sol