74 research outputs found

    Myocardial MIBG scintigraphy: a useful clinical tool?: A retrospective study in 50 parkinsonian patients

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    Meta-iodbenzylguanidine scintigraphy (MIBG scintigraphy) shows reduced uptake in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD), idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (IRBD) and Lewy body dementia (LBD), but not in other parkinsonian or dementia syndromes. We retrospectively reevaluated 50 patients. Concordance rate between last clinical diagnosis and scintigraphy diagnosis was only given in two-thirds of the patients. Confounding factors were: decreasing heart/mediastinum ratio (HMR) with progressive age, higher HMR in women and possibly interference with antihypertensive medication. Standardization of the methods and precise clinical guidelines are warranted for better clinical us

    Erratum to: Myocardial MIBG scintigraphy: a useful clinical tool?: A retrospective study in 50 parkinsonian patients

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    Meta-iodbenzylguanidine scintigraphy (MIBG scintigraphy) shows reduced uptake in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD), idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (IRBD) and Lewy body dementia (LBD), but not in other parkinsonian or dementia syndromes. We retrospectively reevaluated 50 patients. Concordance rate between last clinical diagnosis and scintigraphy diagnosis was only given in two-thirds of the patients. Confounding factors were: decreasing heart/mediastinum ratio (HMR) with progressive age, higher HMR in women and possibly interference with antihypertensive medication. Standardization of the methods and precise clinical guidelines are warranted for better clinical us

    Contributing Factors and Evolution of Impulse Control Disorder in the Luxembourg Parkinson Cohort.

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    Background: To establish the frequency of impulse control disorder (ICD) in Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods: Within the Luxembourg Parkinson's Study, PD patients were evaluated for ICD presence (score ≥ 1 on MDS-UPDRS I item 1.6), use of dopamine agonists (DA) and other medications. Results: 470 patients were enrolled. Among 217 patients without DA use, 6.9% scored positive for ICD, vs. 15.4% among 253 patients with DA use (p = 0.005). The regression analysis showed that age at PD diagnosis had only a minor impact on ICD occurrence, while there was no influence by gender or co-medications. The longitudinal study over 2 years in 156 patients demonstrated increasing ICD frequency in DA users (p = 0.005). Conclusion: This large and non-interventional study confirms that PD patients with DA treatment show higher frequency of ICD than patients without DA use. It newly demonstrates that ICD can develop independently from age, gender, or co-medications


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    peer reviewedBackground and objectives As the influence of stress syndromes on the evolution of Parkinson’s disease (PD) remains largely unexplored, the COVID-19 pandemic offers the opportunity to evaluate the stress impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on PD trajectories. Methods This longitudinal observational case-control study used data from the Luxembourg Parkinson’s Study (1). A pandemic PD group with exposure to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic but without COVID-19 infection (n=79) was compared to a prepandemic PD control group (n= 117) that has never been exposed to any pandemic restrictions. All patients underwent three annual visits. The last analyzed in-person visit of the pandemic group occurred during the early pandemic phase, between September 2020 and March 2021. Motor and cognitive status were established through standardized in-person exams. Patients of the PD pandemic group selfrated their resilience and risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and, at visit 2 and 3, underwent the Olink panel of 92 serological inflammation markers. The primary outcome was motor PD progression as rated by the MDS-UPDRS part III score. The secondary outcomes were other progression scores (MDS-UPDRS I and II), cognitive performance (Montreal Cognitive Assessment), symptoms of depression (Beck Depression Inventory), risk for PTSD (revised Impact of Event Scale) and resilience (Brief Resilience Scale). Measures tested for statistical associations with these outcomes include demographic, lifestyle data and serological inflammation markers. To assess variable associations and correct effects from confounding factors, we used a multiple linear regression approach. Results The deterioration of the motor and cognitive scores from visit 1 to visit 3 was not different in the pandemic group compared to the prepandemic group. 74.7 % of the pandemic PD patients had normal or high resilience scores, whereas 20.3% were at risk of developing PTSD. Resilience was neither correlated with motor scores nor with cognitive scores but was negatively associated with depressive symptomatology and posttraumatic stress. Except for Axin-1, there was no increase in the inflammation markers at visit 3 compared to visit 2. Discussion This case-control study shows that there was no influence by the pandemic-induced stress on the natural progression of PD motor and cognitive trajectories.R-AGR-0592 - FNR - NCER-PD Phase II Coordination (01/06/2015 - 30/11/2023) - KRÜGER Rejko3. Good health and well-bein

    Integrative analysis of blood metabolomics and PET brain neuroimaging data for Parkinson's disease

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    The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) often remains a clinical challenge. Molecular neuroimaging can facilitate the diagnostic process. The diagnostic potential of metabolomic signatures has recently been recognized. Methods: We investigated whether the joint data analysis of blood metabolomics and PET imaging by machine learning provides enhanced diagnostic discrimination and gives further pathophysiological insights. Blood plasma samples were collected from 60 PD patients and 15 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. We determined metabolomic profiles by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In the same cohort and at the same time we performed FDOPA PET in 44 patients and 14 controls and FDG PET in 51 patients and 16 controls. 18 PD patients were available for a follow-up exam after one year. Both data sets were analysed by two machine learning approaches, applying either linear support vector machines or random forests within a leave-one-out cross-validation and computing receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: In the metabolomics data, the baseline comparison between cases and controls as well as the followup assessment of patients pointed to metabolite changes associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. For the FDOPA and FDG PET data, the diagnostic predictive performance (DPP) in the ROC analyses was highest when combining imaging features with metabolomics data (ROC AUC for best FDOPA + metabolomics model: 0.98; AUC for best FDG + metabolomics model: 0.91). DPP was lower when using only PET attributes or only metabolomics signatures. Conclusion: Integrating blood metabolomics data combined with PET data considerably enhances the diagnostic discrimination power. Metabolomic signatures also indicate interesting disease-inherent changes in cellular processes, including oxidative stress response and inflammation

    Integrative analysis of blood metabolomics and PET brain neuroimaging data for Parkinson's disease

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    The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) often remains a clinical challenge. Molecular neuroimaging can facilitate the diagnostic process. The diagnostic potential of metabolomic signatures has recently been recognized. Methods: We investigated whether the joint data analysis of blood metabolomics and PET imaging by machine learning provides enhanced diagnostic discrimination and gives further pathophysiological insights. Blood plasma samples were collected from 60 PD patients and 15 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. We determined metabolomic profiles by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In the same cohort and at the same time we performed FDOPA PET in 44 patients and 14 controls and FDG PET in 51 patients and 16 controls. 18 PD patients were available for a follow-up exam after one year. Both data sets were analysed by two machine learning approaches, applying either linear support vector machines or random forests within a leave-one-out cross-validation and computing receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: In the metabolomics data, the baseline comparison between cases and controls as well as the followup assessment of patients pointed to metabolite changes associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. For the FDOPA and FDG PET data, the diagnostic predictive performance (DPP) in the ROC analyses was highest when combining imaging features with metabolomics data (ROC AUC for best FDOPA + metabolomics model: 0.98; AUC for best FDG + metabolomics model: 0.91). DPP was lower when using only PET attributes or only metabolomics signatures. Conclusion: Integrating blood metabolomics data combined with PET data considerably enhances the diagnostic discrimination power. Metabolomic signatures also indicate interesting disease-inherent changes in cellular processes, including oxidative stress response and inflammation

    Understanding visual hallucinations: a new synthesis.

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    Despite decades of research, we do not definitively know how people sometimes see things that are not there. Eight models of complex visual hallucinations have been published since 2000, including Deafferentation, Reality Monitoring, Perception and Attention Deficit, Activation, Input, and Modulation, Hodological, Attentional Networks, Active inference, and Thalamocortical Dysrhythmia Default Mode Network Decoupling. Each was derived from different understandings of brain organisation. To reduce this variability, representatives from each research group agreed an integrated Visual Hallucination Framework that is consistent with current theories of veridical and hallucinatory vision. The Framework delineates cognitive systems relevant to hallucinations. It allows a systematic, consistent, investigation of relationships between the phenomenology of visual hallucinations and changes in underpinning cognitive structures. The episodic nature of hallucinations highlights separate factors associated with the onset, persistence, and end of specific hallucinations suggesting a complex relationship between state and trait markers of hallucination risk. In addition to a harmonised interpretation of existing evidence, the Framework highlights new avenues of research, and potentially, new approaches to treating distressing hallucinations


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    ABSTRAK Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa seorang auditor dalam melakukan tugasnya membuat audit judgment dipengaruhi banyak faktor, baik bersifat teknis dan non teknis. Salah satu faktor non teknis adalah aspek perilaku individual. Aspek perilaku individu, sebagai salah satu faktor yang banyak mempengaruhi pembuatan audit judgment. Pada penelitian ini ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi audit judgment yaitu tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas. Dalam penelitian ini penullis ingin mengetahui sejauh mana “tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment”. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment. Hipotesis yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah “ jika tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas baik, maka audit judgment akan meningkat ( baik pula)”. Hipotesis ini berdasarkan asumsi bahwa tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas berpengaruh terhadap audit judgment.dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif asosiatif dengan pendekatan survey dan tes statistik. Penelitian ini terdiri dari atas variabel X1 dan X2 dan audit judgment sebagai veriabel Y atau variabel independen. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan mengolah data dari hasil jawaban kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini, peulis menyebarkan angket kepada 5 Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Bandung khusunya untuk para auditor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner yang telah diuji validitasnya dan reabilitasnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 5 KAP di Kota Bandung. Pengambilan sampel ini menggunakan purposive sampling berukuran 28 orang responden. Untuk uji hipotesis penelitian, penulis melakukannya dengan uji t untuk masing-masing variabel X1,X2, dan Y. Dari hasil uji tHitung tekanan ketaatan terhadap audit judgment tHitung =4,178>ttabel = 1.705 kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment 5 tHitung = 3.364 > ttabel = 1,705. Maka, dari hasil uji hipotesis tersebut penulis menyimpulkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian diterima (Ho ditolak, Ha diterima) artinya terdapat pengaruh antara terkanan ketaatan terhadap audit judgment dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment Untuk mencari besarnya pengaruh Tekanan ketaatan dan Kompleksitas Tugas terhadap Audit Judgment secara simultan penulis melakukannya dengan uji f dengan koefisien determinasi (KD). Dari hasil uji fhitung dan > f table yaitu 16,182>3,370. Kata kunci : Tekanan Ketaatan dan Kompleksitas tugas Terhadap Audit Judgmen

    Omics data integration suggests a potential idiopathic Parkinson's disease signature.

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    peer reviewedThe vast majority of Parkinson's disease cases are idiopathic. Unclear etiology and multifactorial nature complicate the comprehension of disease pathogenesis. Identification of early transcriptomic and metabolic alterations consistent across different idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD) patients might reveal the potential basis of increased dopaminergic neuron vulnerability and primary disease mechanisms. In this study, we combine systems biology and data integration approaches to identify differences in transcriptomic and metabolic signatures between IPD patient and healthy individual-derived midbrain neural precursor cells. Characterization of gene expression and metabolic modeling reveal pyruvate, several amino acid and lipid metabolism as the most dysregulated metabolic pathways in IPD neural precursors. Furthermore, we show that IPD neural precursors endure mitochondrial metabolism impairment and a reduced total NAD pool. Accordingly, we show that treatment with NAD precursors increases ATP yield hence demonstrating a potential to rescue early IPD-associated metabolic changes

    Mitochondria interaction networks show altered topological patterns in Parkinson's disease.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is linked to pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, individual mitochondria-based analyses do not show a uniform feature in PD patients. Since mitochondria interact with each other, we hypothesize that PD-related features might exist in topological patterns of mitochondria interaction networks (MINs). Here we show that MINs formed nonclassical scale-free supernetworks in colonic ganglia both from healthy controls and PD patients; however, altered network topological patterns were observed in PD patients. These patterns were highly correlated with PD clinical scores and a machine-learning approach based on the MIN features alone accurately distinguished between patients and controls with an area-under-curve value of 0.989. The MINs of midbrain dopaminergic neurons (mDANs) derived from several genetic PD patients also displayed specific changes. CRISPR/CAS9-based genome correction of alpha-synuclein point mutations reversed the changes in MINs of mDANs. Our organelle-interaction network analysis opens another critical dimension for a deeper characterization of various complex diseases with mitochondrial dysregulation