4 research outputs found

    The climate-environment-society nexus in the Sahara from prehistoric times to the present day

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    The Sahara is a key region for studies of archaeology, human-environment interaction, global biogeochemical cycles, and global climate change. With a few notable exceptions, the region is the subject of very little international scientific research, a fact that is remarkable given the Sahara's proximity to Europe, the developmental issues facing its growing population, the region's sensitivity to climate change and the Sahara's potential for influencing global climate through the export of airborne mineral dust. This article seeks to address human-environment interaction in the Sahara from an interdisciplinary perspective, focusing on the implications of Saharan environmental variability and change for human populations both within and outside of the region on timescales ranging from decades to millennia. The article starts by addressing past climatic changes and their impacts on human populations, before moving on to consider present day water resources and rainfall variability in their longer-term context; the possibility of a 'greening' of the southern Sahara as suggested by some climate models is also discussed. The role of the Sahara as the world's largest source of airborne mineral dust is addressed in some detail, as are the impacts of dust on climate, ecosystems and human health, as well as the implications of future changes in climate for dust production and the role of the Sahara in the Earth system. The article ends with a discussion and synthesis that explores the lessons that may be learnt from a study of the physical and social sciences in the Sahara, in particular focusing on what the signature of past environmental and socio-cultural changes can tell us about human responses and adaptations to climatic and environmental change - a matter of great relevance to researchers and policy makers alike in the context of anthropogenic climate change or 'global warming'. © 2005 Taylor & Francis

    Current state-of-the-art and gaps in platform trials: 10 things you should know, insights from EU-PEARL

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    Summary: Platform trials bring the promise of making clinical research more efficient and more patient centric. While their use has become more widespread, including their prominent role during the COVID-19 pandemic response, broader adoption of platform trials has been limited by the lack of experience and tools to navigate the critical upfront planning required to launch such collaborative studies. The European Union-Patient-cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform (EU-PEARL) initiative has produced new methodologies to expand the use of platform trials with an overarching infrastructure and services embedded into Integrated Research Platforms (IRPs), in collaboration with patient representatives and through consultation with U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency stakeholders. In this narrative review, we discuss the outlook for platform trials in Europe, including challenges related to infrastructure, design, adaptations, data sharing and regulation. Documents derived from the EU-PEARL project, alongside a literature search including PubMed and relevant grey literature (e.g., guidance from regulatory agencies and health technology agencies) were used as sources for a multi-stage collaborative process through which the 10 more important points based on lessons drawn from the EU-PEARL project were developed and summarised as guidance for the setup of platform trials. We conclude that early involvement of critical stakeholder such as regulatory agencies or patients are critical steps in the implementation and later acceptance of platform trials. Addressing these gaps will be critical for attaining the full potential of platform trials for patients. Funding: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking with support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA