4,006 research outputs found

    Strong increase of photosynthetic pigments and leaf size in a pruned Ginkgo biloba tree

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    A 50-year-old solitary, sun-exposed ginkgo tree had strongly been pruned in the fall of 2021. Very few buds for the formation of new leaves, twigs, and branches were left over. In spring 2022, these few remaining buds responded with the formation of a different leaf type. These leaves were 2.7 times larger and also thicker than in the years before. In addition, the mean content of total chlorophylls [Chl (a+b)] per leaf area unit of dark-green leaves was 1.45, those of green leaves two times higher as compared to the years leaves as compared to 435 to 770 mg m-2 in leaves of other trees. The higher values for Chl (a+b) and total carotenoid content showed up also on a fresh and dry mass basis. Thus, with the formation of a new, larger leaf type by changes in morphology (leaf size and thickness) and the increase of photosynthetic pigments, the pruned ginkgo tree was able to compensate for the much lower number of leaves and photosynthetic units

    Detection of weak lensing by a cluster of galaxies at z=0.83

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    We report the detection of weak gravitational lensing of faint, distant background galaxies by the rich, X-ray luminous cluster of galaxies MS1054-03 at z=0.83. This is the first measurement of weak lensing by a bona fide cluster at such a high redshift. We detect tangential shear at the 5% - 10% level over a range of radii 50'' < r < 250'' centered on the optical position of the cluster. Two-dimensional mass reconstruction using galaxies with 21.5 < I < 25.5 shows a strong peak which coincides with the peak of the smoothed cluster light distribution. Splitting this sample by magnitude (at I = 23.5) and color (at R-I = 0.7), we find that the brighter and redder subsamples are only very weakly distorted, indicating that the faint blue galaxies (FBG's), which dominate the shear signal, are relatively more distant. The derived cluster mass is quite sensitive to the N(z) for the FBG's. At one extreme, if all the FBG's are at z_s = 3, then the mass within a 0.5h−10.5h^{-1}Mpc aperture is (5.9±1.24)×1014(5.9 \pm 1.24)\times 10^{14}\h1 M⊙M_\odot, and the mass-to-light ratio is M/LV=350±70hM/L_V = 350 \pm 70 h in solar units. For zs=1.5z_s = 1.5 the derived mass is ∼\sim70\% higher and M/L≃580hM/L \simeq 580 h. If N(z)N(z) follows the no evolution model (in shape) then M/L≃800hM/L \simeq 800h, and if all the FBG's lie at z_s\la 1 the required M/LM/L exceeds 1600h1600h. These data provide clear evidence that large, dense mass concentrations existed at early epochs; that they can be weighed efficiently by weak lensing observations; and that most of the FBG's are at high redshift.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 15 pages (incl 8 figs, 3 of which are plates). Plate images not included, but are available from ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/ger/ms1054/ms1054_fig[1,3,5].ps.

    First Interferometric Observations of Molecular Gas in a Polar Ring: The Helix Galaxy NGC 2685

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    We have detected four Giant Molecular cloud Associations (GMAs) (sizes < 6.6'' ~ 430 pc) in the western and eastern region of the polar ring in NGC2685 (the Helix galaxy) using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) millimeter interferometer. Emission from molecular gas is found close to the brightest Halpha and HI peaks in the polar ring and is confirmed by new IRAM 30m single dish observations. The CO and HI line velocities are very similar, providing additional kinematic confirmation that the CO emission emerges from the polar ring. For the first time, the total molecular mass within a polar ring is determined (M_H2~(8-11)x10^6 M_sol, using the standard Galactic conversion factor). We detect about M_H2~4.4x10^6 M_sol in the nuclear region with the single dish. Our upper limit derived from the interferometric data is lower (M_H2<0.7x10^6 M_sol) suggesting that the molecular gas is distributed in an extended (< 1.3 kpc) diffuse disk. These new values are an order of magnitude lower than in previous reports. The total amount of molecular gas and the atomic gas content of the polar ring are consistent with formation due to accretion of a small gas-rich object, such as a dwarf irregular. The properties of the NGC2685 system suggest that the polar ring and the host galaxy have been in a stable configuration for a considerable time (few Gyr). The second (outer) HI ring within the disk of NGC2685 is very likely at the outer Lindblad resonance (OLR) of the ~ 11 kpc long stellar bar.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    The complex geometry of holographic flows of quiver gauge theories

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    We argue that the complete Klebanov-Witten flow solution must be described by a Calabi-Yau metric on the conifold, interpolating between the orbifold at infinity and the cone over T^(1,1) in the interior. We show that the complete flow solution is characterized completely by a single, simple, quasi-linear, second order PDE, or "master equation," in two variables. We show that the Pilch-Warner flow solution is almost Calabi-Yau: It has a complex structure, a hermitian metric, and a holomorphic (3,0)-form that is a square root of the volume form. It is, however, not Kahler. We discuss the relationship between the master equation derived here for Calabi-Yau geometries and such equations encountered elsewhere and that govern supersymmetric backgrounds with multiple, independent fluxes.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac + amssy

    A Framework to Manage the Complex Organisation of Collaborating: Its Application to Autonomous Systems

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    In this paper we present an analysis of the complexities of large group collaboration and its application to develop detailed requirements for collaboration schema for Autonomous Systems (AS). These requirements flow from our development of a framework for collaboration that provides a basis for designing, supporting and managing complex collaborative systems that can be applied and tested in various real world settings. We present the concepts of "collaborative flow" and "working as one" as descriptive expressions of what good collaborative teamwork can be in such scenarios. The paper considers the application of the framework within different scenarios and discuses the utility of the framework in modelling and supporting collaboration in complex organisational structures

    Coupling langmuir with michaelis-menten-a practical alternative to estimate se content in rice?

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    Selenium plays an important, but vastly neglected role in human nutrition with a narrow gap between dietary deficiency and toxicity. For a potential biofortification of food with Se, as well as for toxicity-risk assessment in sites contaminated by Se, modelling of local and global Se cycling is essential. As bioavailability of Se for rice plants depends on the speciation of Se and the resulting interactions with mineral surfaces as well as the interaction with Se uptake mechanisms in plants, resulting plant Se content is complex to model. Unfortunately, simple experimental models to estimate Se uptake into plants from substrates have been lacking. Therefore, a mass balance of Se transfer between lithosphere (represented by kaolinite), hydrosphere (represented by a controlled nutrient solution), and biosphere (represented by rice plants) has been established. In a controlled, closed, lab-scale system, rice plants were grown hydroponically in nutrient solution supplemented with 0–10000 μgL¯¹ Se of either selenite or selenite. Furthermore, in a series of batch experiments, adsorption and desorption were studied for selenite and selenite in competition with each of the major nutrient oxy-anions, nitrate, sulfate and phosphate. In a third step, the hydroponical plants experiments were coupled with sorption experiments to study synergy effects. These data were used to develop a mass balance fitting model of Se uptake and partitioning. Adsorption was well-described by Langmuir isotherms, despite competing anions, however, a certain percentage of Se always remained bio-unavailable to the plant. Uptake of selenite or selenite by transporters into the rice plant was fitted with the non-time differentiated Michaelis-Menten equation. Subsequent sequestration of Se to the shoot was better described using a substrate-inhibited variation of the Michaelis-Menten equation. These fitted parameters were then integrated into a mass balance model of Se transfer

    Composite Supersymmetries in low-dimensional systems

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    Starting from a N=1 scalar supermultiplet in 2+1 dimensions, we demonstrate explicitly the appearance of induced N=1 vector and scalar supermultiplets of composite operators made out of the fundamental supersymmetric constituents. We discuss an extension to a N=2 superalgebra with central extension, due to the existence of topological currents in 2+1 dimensions. As a specific model we consider a supersymmetric CP1CP^1 σ\sigma-model as the constituent theory, and discuss the relevance of these results for an effective description of the infrared dynamics of planar high-temperature superconducting condensed matter models with quasiparticle excitations near nodal points of their Fermi surface.Comment: 20 pages Latex, no figure

    A Diagramatic Analysis of Duality in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We introduce a diagramatic notation for supersymmetric gauge theories. The notation is a tool for exploring duality and helps to present the field content of more complicated models in a simple visual way. We introduce the notation with a few examples from the literature. The power of the formalism allows us to study new models with gauge group (SU(N))k(SU(N))^k and their duals. Amongst these are models which, contrary to a naive analysis, possess no conformal phase.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, figures include

    Supergravity Instabilities of Non-Supersymmetric Quantum Critical Points

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    Motivated by the recent use of certain consistent truncations of M-theory to study condensed matter physics using holographic techniques, we study the SU(3)-invariant sector of four-dimensional, N=8 gauged supergravity and compute the complete scalar spectrum at each of the five non-trivial critical points. We demonstrate that the smaller SU(4)^- sector is equivalent to a consistent truncation studied recently by various authors and find that the critical point in this sector, which has been proposed as the ground state of a holographic superconductor, is unstable due to a family of scalars that violate the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. We also derive the origin of this instability in eleven dimensions and comment on the generalization to other embeddings of this critical point which involve arbitrary Sasaki-Einstein seven manifolds. In the spirit of a resurging interest in consistent truncations, we present a formal treatment of the SU(3)-invariant sector as a U(1)xU(1) gauged N=2 supergravity theory coupled to one hypermultiplet.Comment: 46 page

    Infrared-Faint Radio Sources: A New Population of High-redshift Radio Galaxies

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    We present a sample of 1317 Infrared-Faint Radio Sources (IFRSs) that, for the first time, are reliably detected in the infrared, generated by cross-correlating the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) all-sky survey with major radio surveys. Our IFRSs are brighter in both radio and infrared than the first generation IFRSs that were undetected in the infrared by the Spitzer Space Telescope. We present the first spectroscopic redshifts of IFRSs, and find that all but one of the IFRSs with spectroscopy has z > 2. We also report the first X-ray counterparts of IFRSs, and present an analysis of radio spectra and polarization, and show that they include Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum, Compact Steep Spectrum, and Ultra-Steep Spectrum sources. These results, together with their WISE infrared colours and radio morphologies, imply that our sample of IFRSs represents a population of radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei at z > 2. We conclude that our sample consists of lower-redshift counterparts of the extreme first generation IFRSs, suggesting that the fainter IFRSs are at even higher redshift.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures. Submitted to MNRA
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