16,218 research outputs found

    Earth observation photography: Looking back 20 years after Skylab

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    A committee of trained classroom teachers, backed by a volunteer team of technical experts and academic advisors has developed a program for earth science based on photographs obtained from low earth orbit. In selecting targeting objectives, immediate note was made of the fact nearly one generation (20 years) has passed since the United States' ambitious SKYLAB program was conducted. A critical part of those missions was the acquisition of earth photography using a six camera, multi-spectral camera system. This objective was systematically furthered through the term of three separate crew visits to the Space Station. Not merely an exercise in randomly photographing the Earth below, the purpose of the Earth Resource Experiment Package (EREP) was to determine what kind, and how much, photographic data could be acquired of the broad variety of Earth features witnessed on the mission's ground track. The collection of 35,000 photos produced by EREP represents the most complete coverage of Earth. However, it remains under used. GAS 324 intends to revisit, and to add a tier of relevancy to this inventory. The photography of GAS 324 should allow a direct examination and comparison of the changes in the globe in the last 20 years. format in both coverage and quality. The photogra phy acquired by CAN DO should allow a direct examination and comparison of the changes that have occured to the Globe in the last twenty years

    To catch a child's imagination 2: Educational update on CAN-DO

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    At the G.A.S. Symposium last year, the Charleston County Public School CAN DO Project outlined an ambitious educational program revolving around the photography of Comet Halley from the Shuttle using a GAS canister. The target flight was STS 61-E scheduled for a March, 1986, launch. Such strict time constraints and highly specific mission requirements made the CAN DO program even more risky than normal. In spite of this, almost all of the planned educational goals were achieved, even after the postponement of all Shuttle activities in January of 1986. This follow-up paper summarizes the effects of events on the program as proposed and the attempts to carry out as many of the activities as possible. It is hoped that this paper will suggest constructive ways in which to cope with the delays and mishaps that are the invariable lot of pioneers who break new ground and attempt the new and untried

    The Controversy over Maltby’s Hong Kong Dispatch

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    The recent release of the full text of Major-General CM. Maltby’s Official Dispatch as the General Officer Commanding at Hong Kong (Public Record Office WO 106/240113) prompted British and Canadian newspapers to run sensational stories quoting Maltby’s criticisms of the discipline and battlefield performance of the Canadian battalions. Maltby’s statements, which were censored when the Dispatch was initially released, require a detailed examination and will be discussed in a future issue of CMH. In addition, the Spring 1994 issue will carry an article by Paul Dickson on “Crerar and the Decision to Garrison Hong Kong.” For the present we are publishing an exchange of correspondence, dated January 1948, between Lieutenant-Colonel G.W.L. Nicholson, then Deputy Director of the Army Historical Section, and Brigadier John H. Price who was second-in-command of the Royal Rifles of Canada in Hong Kong. Brigadier Price was asked to comment, not on the censored Dispatch, but on extracts from a draft report prepared by the Historical Section of the British Cabinet Office. This report contained the substance of the most serious charges Maltby made about the conduct of the Royal Rifles. For the information of the reader, other officers mentioned in the exchange include Brigadier C. Wallis, Indian Army, commander of the East Brigade (to which the Royal Rifles belonged), Lieutenant-Colonel W.J. Home, commander of the Royal Rifles, Lieutenant-Colonel J.L.R. Sutcliffe, Commanding Officer, Winnipeg Grenadiers, Brigadier J.K. Lawson, Commanding Officer, “C” Force (as the Canadian contingent was known) and Colonel P. Hennessy, Lawson’s second-in-command

    Calculation of electronic properties of amorphous alloys

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    We describe the application of the locally-self-consistent-multiple-scattering (LSMS)[1] method to amorphous alloys. The LSMS algorithm is optimized for the Intel XP/S-150, a multiple-instruction-multiple-data parallel computer with 1024 nodes and 2 compute processors per node. The electron density at each site is determined by solving the multiple scattering equation for atoms within a specified distance of the atom under consideration. Because this method is carried out in real space it is ideal for treating amorphous alloys. We have adapted the code to the calculation of the electronic properties of amorphous alloys. In these calculations we determine the potentials in the atomic sphere approximation self consistently at each site, unlike previous calculations[2] where we determined the potentials self consistently at an average site. With these self-consistent potentials, we then calculate electronic properties of various amorphous alloy systems. We present calculated total electronic densities of states for amorphous Ni80_{80}P20_{20} and Ni40_{40}Pd40_{40}P20_{20} with 300 atoms in a supercell.Comment: 10 pages, plain tex, 2 figures. Paper accepted for publication in Proceedings of LAM-9 and Journal of non-Crystalline Solids. Please request preprints from J.C. Swihart ([email protected]

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumour as a rare association with neurofibromatosis type 1

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) are rare tumours of mesenchymal origin. These can be associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), which is an autosomal dominant disorder. The prevalence of GIST in NF1 is estimated at 3.9-25%. This paper describes the presentation of a GIST arising from the jejenum in a 75-year-old lady with NF1, who presented with gastrointestinal bleeding. This was diagnosed by CT angiography. She was managed with laparotomy, with resection of small bowel, and an ischaemic segment of large bowel with two primary anastomoses. Pathology showed GIST of spindle cell type (Figs 3 and 4), 90 mm in size, with complete local excision. The patient was discharged on the eighth post-operative day and is currently undergoing regular clinic follow-up after multidisciplinary team meeting discussion

    Automated Verification of Design Patterns with LePUS3

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    Specification and [visual] modelling languages are expected to combine strong abstraction mechanisms with rigour, scalability, and parsimony. LePUS3 is a visual, object-oriented design description language axiomatized in a decidable subset of the first-order predicate logic. We demonstrate how LePUS3 is used to formally specify a structural design pattern and prove (‗verify‘) whether any JavaTM 1.4 program satisfies that specification. We also show how LePUS3 specifications (charts) are composed and how they are verified fully automatically in the Two-Tier Programming Toolkit

    Effects of high-energy protons on selected cells Final report, Jun. 1966 - Aug. 1966

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    Irradiation effects of high energy protons studied on silver-cadmium and nickel-cadmium cells containing battery electrodes and potassium hydroxide electrolyte

    WRIT 101.R16: College Writing I

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    Radiation effects on silver and zinc battery electrodes. V Interim report, Apr. - Jul. 1966

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    Gamma radiation effects determined on silver and zinc battery electrodes and silver-cadmium cell