2,887 research outputs found

    The Urgent Need for an Academic Revolution: From Knowledge to Wisdom,

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    At present the basic intellectual aim of academic inquiry is to improve knowledge. Much of the structure, the whole character, of academic inquiry, in universities all over the world, is shaped by the adoption of this as the basic intellectual aim. But, judged from the standpoint of making a contribution to human welfare, academic inquiry of this type is damagingly irrational. Three of four of the most elementary rules of rational problem-solving are violated. A revolution in the aims and methods of academic inquiry is needed so that the basic aim becomes to promote wisdom, conceived of as the capacity to realize what is of value, for oneself and others, thus including knowledge and technological know-how, but much else besides. This urgently needed revolution would affect every branch and aspect of the academic enterprise

    Od Wiedzy do Mądrości: Czas na akademicką rewolucję

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    At present the basie intellectual aim of academic inquiry is to improve knowledge. Much of the structure, the whole character, of academic inquiry, in universities all over the world, is shaped by the adoption of this as the basie intellectual aim. But, judged from the standpoint of making a contribution to human welfare, academic inquiry of this type is damagingly irrational. Three of four of the most elementary rules of rational problem solving are violated. A revolution in the aims and methods of academic inquiry is needed so that the basie aim becomes to promote wisdom, conceived of as the capacity to realize what is of value, for oneself and others, thus including knowledge and technological know-how, but much else besides. This urgently needed revolution would affect every branch and aspect of the academic enterprise.Podstawowym, intelektualnym celem badań akademickich jest obecnie udoskonalanie wiedzy. Znaczna część struktury, jak i cały charakter badania akademickiego na uniwersytetach na całym świecie są kształtowane przez przyjęcie niniejszego jako podstawowego celu intelektualnego. Jednak z punktu widzenia wkładu do życia człowieka tego typu badanie akademickie jest niebezpiecznie irracjonalne. Naruszone zostają trzy z czterech najbardziej podstawowych zasad racjonalnego rozwiązywania problemów. Potrzebna jest rewolucja celów i metod badania akademickiego, aby celem podstawowym było wspieranie mądrości jako zdolności do realizacji tego, co stanowi wartość dla siebie i innych, w tym wiedzy i technologicznego know-how, ale i wiele poza tym. Ta pilnie potrzebna rewolucja miałaby wpływ na każdy dział i aspekt przedsięwzięcia akademickiego

    Instead of Particles and Fields: A Micro Realistic Quantum "Smearon" Theory

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    A fully micro realistic, propensity version of quantum theory is proposed, according to which fundamental physical entities - neither particles nor fields - have physical characteristics which determine probabilistically how they interact with one another . The version of quantum "smearon" theory proposed here does not modify the equations of orthodox quantum theory: rather, it gives a radically new interpretation to these equations. It is argued that there are strong general reasons for preferring quantum "smearon" theory to orthodox quantum theory; the proposed change in physical interpretation leads quantum "smearon" theory to make experimental predictions subtly different from those of orthodox quantum theory. Some possible crucial experiments are considere

    Does probabilism solve the great quantum mistery?

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    The Influence of Word Pair Associative Direction on Judgment of Learning Reactivity

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    Judgments of learning (JOLs) are commonly used by researchers to assess whether individuals can accurately predict later memory performance. While the JOL literature has generally operated under the assumption that providing judgments at study does not affect the learning process, recent studies have shown a reactivity effect in which memory differs between participants who do and do not make JOLs at study. The effects of providing JOLs on memory have been mixed: Some studies report memory improvements (i.e., positive reactivity), while others report memory costs (i.e., negative reactivity). Additionally, little work has evaluated the effects of associative direction (i.e., credit-card vs. card-credit) and list structure (i.e., mixed vs pure lists) on JOL reactivity. Across four experiments, JOLs produced a reactive effect on learning which was consistently moderated by pair relatedness. Related pairs repeatedly showed positive reactivity, while no reactivity was observed for unrelated pairs. Importantly, this pattern extended to a novel frequency judgment task, suggesting that reactivity is not unique to JOLs and instead reflects relational encoding rather than metacognitive processes. Findings from Experiments 2-4 showed that this pattern emerged regardless of whether pair types were presented in mixed lists or pure lists, indicating that exposure to different pair types is not a requisite for reactivity to occur

    Does probabilism solve the great quantum mistery?

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