3 research outputs found

    Paradox of escalation : bidding-fee auctions

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    In his 1971 study, Dr Martin Shubik, Seymour Knox Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Institutional Economics at Yale University introduces: “an extremely simple, highly amusing, and instructive parlor game which can be played at any party by arranging the auction of a dollar.” Dr. Shubik lectured the Nato Scientific committee in London 1964 about the game. The paradox of escalation auction method teaches a simple escalation, that Dr Shubik compares to military escalations between nations. On a global scale, the inter-nation tensions and escalations have significantly increased in recent times. The escalation is the most visible and loudest between president Trump and the dictator of North Korea. 2017 August - “Tension rises in war of words with US over North Korean threat to fire ballistic missiles near US Pacific territory of Guam”. Dr Shubik's dollar auction game was converted into computerized format in the beginning of the 20th century, however the method was digitized incorrectly and important commonsense auction initiation criteria was overlooked. I have successfully fixed and updated the digital version of the dollar auction game, and I have confirmed my discoveries by interviewing Dr. Shubik on May 16th, 2016. I have applied for patents to my new useful discoveries, and I have already received an Ex Parte Quayle Office Action granted by The United States Patent and Trademark Office, USPTO

    Additional file 7: Figure S7. of The evolution of heat shock protein sequences, cis-regulatory elements, and expression profiles in the eusocial Hymenoptera

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    Percent survival (+/1 SD) of Aphaenogaster picea and P. barbatus (right panel) from heat shock treatments at different temperature treatments. (DOCX 79 kb