16,038 research outputs found

    Pseudo-nonstationarity in the scaling exponents of finite-interval time series

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    The accurate estimation of scaling exponents is central in the observational study of scale-invariant phenomena. Natural systems unavoidably provide observations over restricted intervals; consequently, a stationary stochastic process (time series) can yield anomalous time variation in the scaling exponents, suggestive of nonstationarity. The variance in the estimates of scaling exponents computed from an interval of N observations is known for finite variance processes to vary as ~1/N as N for certain statistical estimators; however, the convergence to this behavior will depend on the details of the process, and may be slow. We study the variation in the scaling of second-order moments of the time-series increments with N for a variety of synthetic and “real world” time series, and we find that in particular for heavy tailed processes, for realizable N, one is far from this ~1/N limiting behavior. We propose a semiempirical estimate for the minimum N needed to make a meaningful estimate of the scaling exponents for model stochastic processes and compare these with some “real world” time series

    Stratospheric circulation studies based on Tiros 7, 15-micron data Final report

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    Stratospheric temperature distribution data based on Tiros 7 radiometer dat

    Signatures of dual scaling regimes in a simple avalanche model for magnetospheric activity

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    Recently, the paradigm that the dynamic magnetosphere displays sandpile-type phenomenology has been advanced, in which energy dissipation is by means of avalanches which do not have an intrinsic scale. This may in turn imply that the system is in a self-organised critical (SOC) state. Indicators of internal processes are consistent with this, examples are the power-law dependence of the power spectrum of auroral indices, and in situ magnetic field observations in the earth's geotail. However substorm statistics exhibit probability distributions with characteristic scales. In this paper we discuss a simple sandpile model which yields for energy discharges due to internal reorganisation a probability distribution that is a power-law, whereas systemwide discharges (flow of “sand” out of the system) form a distinct group whose probability distribution has a well defined mean. When the model is analysed over its full dynamic range, two regimes having different inverse power-law statistics emerge. These correspond to reconfigurations on two distinct length scales: short length scales sensitive to the discrete nature of the sandpile model, and long length scales up to the system size which correspond to the continuous limit of the model. The latter are anticipated to correspond to large-scale systems such as the magnetosphere. Since the energy inflow may be highly variable, the response of the sandpile model is examined under strong or variable loading and it is established that the power-law signature of the large-scale internal events persists. The interval distribution of these events is also discussed

    Extremum statistics: a framework for data analysis

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    Recent work has suggested that in highly correlated systems, such as sandpiles, turbulent fluids, ignited trees in forest fires and magnetization in a ferromagnet close to a critical point, the probability distribution of a global quantity (i.e. total energy dissipation, magnetization and so forth) that has been normalized to the first two moments follows a specific non-Gaussian curve. This curve follows a form suggested by extremum statistics, which is specified by a single parameter a (a = 1 corresponds to the Fisher-Tippett Type I (“Gumbel”) distribution). Here we present a framework for testing for extremal statistics in a global observable. In any given system, we wish to obtain a, in order to distinguish between the different Fisher-Tippett asymptotes, and to compare with the above work. The normalizations of the extremal curves are obtained as a function of a. We find that for realistic ranges of data, the various extremal distributions, when normalized to the first two moments, are difficult to distinguish. In addition, the convergence to the limiting extremal distributions for finite data sets is both slow and varies with the asymptote. However, when the third moment is expressed as a function of a, this is found to be a more sensitive method

    Scaling collapse and structure functions: identifying self-affinity in finite length time series

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    Empirical determination of the scaling properties and exponents of time series presents a formidable challenge in testing, and developing, a theoretical understanding of turbulence and other out-of-equilibrium phenomena. We discuss the special case of self affine time series in the context of a stochastic process. We highlight two complementary approaches to the differenced variable of the data: i) attempting a scaling collapse of the Probability Density Functions which should then be well described by the solution of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation and ii) using structure functions to determine the scaling properties of the higher order moments. We consider a method of conditioning that recovers the underlying self affine scaling in a finite length time series, and illustrate it using a Lévy flight

    Substituted phenylarsonic acids; structures and spectroscopy

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    Full NMR and ESI-MS spectra, and differential scanning calorimeter data are presented for 15 substituted phenylarsonic acids, including two new fluoro-substituted examples. X-ray crystal structure determinations of five examples (phenylarsonic acid and the 4-fluoro-, 4-fluoro-3-nitro-, 3-amino-4-hydroxy- and 3-amino-4-methoxy-substituted derivatives) were determined and the H-bonding crystal-packing patterns analysed

    State detection using coherent Raman repumping and two-color Raman transfers

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    We demonstrate state detection based on coherent Raman repumping and a two-color Raman state transfer. The Raman coupling during detection selectively eliminates unwanted dark states in the fluorescence cycle without compromising the immunity of the desired dark state to off-resonant scattering. We demonstrate this technique using 137Ba+^{137}\mathrm{Ba}^+ where a combination of Raman coupling and optical pumping leaves the D3/2D_{3/2} F"=3,mF"=3\ket{F"=3,m_F"=3} metastable state optically dark and immune to off-resonant scattering. All other states are strongly coupled to the upper P1/2P_{1/2} levels. We achieve a single shot state-detection efficiency of 89.6(3)89.6(3)% in a 1ms1\mathrm{ms} integration time, limited almost entirely by technical imperfections. Shelving to the F"=3,mF"=3\ket{F"=3,m_F"=3} state before detection is performed via a two-color Raman transfer with a fidelity of 1.00(3)1.00(3)