49 research outputs found

    Marine adaptations in the Late Mesolithic of the Portuguese southwest coast: use-wear analysis of the lithic industry of Vale Marim I

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    International audienceProcede-se a uma primeira análise traceológica da indústria lítica de Vale Marim I e cruzam-se os resultados com a informação faunística dos sítios coevos de Samouqueira I e do Vidigal, após contextualização no Mesolítico regional da Costa Sudoeste. O estudo dos vestígios de uso per-mite admitir a prática da pesca com recurso a projéteis que integraram geométricos trapezoi-dais, no final do Mesolítico, transição para o VI milénio cal BC. Assim, salienta-se a importância das adaptações marinhas na economia dos últimos caçadores-recolectores complexos que iriam protagonizar o processo de neolitização regional. The results of the lithic assemblage study are discussed in the wider context of the Late Mesolithic of the southwest Portuguese coast in order to shed new light on the subsistence marine adaptations and on the complex hunter gatherer social organization, immediately preceding the food production economy, and the domestic mode of production

    Bulini e tradizioni tecniche nell’arco Mediterraneo nord-occidentale. Il caso delle industrie tardoneolitiche di Tosina di Monzambano (Mantova)

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    During the fifth millennium cal. BC, the coastal regions extending from north-western Italy to Catalonia (i.e. the north-western Mediterranean arc) are characterized by an increasing complexity in the material productions. Lithic assemblages testify the diffusion of technological innovations, the emergence of specialized craftworks, the exchange of raw-materials and finished goods over large territories, and the existence of technical transfers. Within this framework, one of the most interesting elements is represented by the Burins on blade. On the basis of several analysis carried out on the assemblages of both the Chassey Culture of Southern France and of the Cerny Culture of the Paris Basin, it seems that those tools were mainly used for working ligneous and non-ligneous plants. In the present work, Authors present the preliminary results obtained from the technological and traceological analysis of a sample of burins recovered from the Lagozza Culture levels of Tosina di Monzambano (Mantova). The site, a huge Neolithic settlement located south of the Garda Lake, has been recently excavated by the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia in collaboration with the SAGAS Department of the Università di Firenze and the Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria. The study carried out on the Burins on blade shows a strong similarity between the Lagozza and the Chassey tools, from a morpho-typometric, technological and traceological point of view. The same type of blanks has been selected and the same type of functional strategies has been applied. At Tosina di Monzambano Burins are associated to craft process on vegetal substances, probably soft-woods or highly siliceous plants. In addition, the burin stroke it is occasionally used for edge resharpening and, possibly, for narrowing the edge in order to facilitate the insertion of the blank into some type of handle

    Textiles, basketry and cordage from the Early Neolithic settlement of La Marmotta, Lazio

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    Archaeological investigation of Circum-Alpine lake, or pile, dwellings has afforded unprecedented insight into Neolithic and Bronze Age societies. The discovery in 1989 of a submerged settlement near Rome added an early (eighth millennium BP) geographical outlier to this distribution. Two decades of excavation at La Marmotta have identified more than a dozen dwellings and an enormous assemblage of organic remains. Here, the authors present an overview of the textiles, basketry and cordage recovered, and the tools used to manufacture them. The assemblage paints a more complete picture of the technological expertise of Neolithic societies and their ability to exploit and process plant materials to produce a wide range of crafts

    Pieza Complementaria 1 : La Industria lítica de la Cova del Sardo

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    I manufatti in pietra scheggiata

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