134 research outputs found

    Deeply virtual Compton scattering on longitudinally polarized protons and neutrons at CLAS

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    This paper focuses on a measurement of deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) performed at Jefferson Lab using a nearly-6-GeV polarized electron beam, two longitudinally polarized (via DNP) solid targets of protons (NH3) and deuterons (ND3) and the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer. Here, preliminary results for target-spin asymmetries and double (beam-target) asymmetries for proton DVCS, as well as a very preliminary extraction of beam-spin asymmetry for neutron DVCS, are presented and linked to Generalized Parton Distributions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings for the QNP2012 conferenc

    If woman becomes a metaphor for death

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    La domesticación es el giro del feminismo en un discurso que, en lugar de desafiar y transformar el statu quo existente, y particularmente el modo de producción capita¬lista y el conjunto de las prácticas e ideologías conectadas a este último, sirve como su apoyo. ¿Por qué y con qué resultados ha tenido lugar un giro hacia la domesticación? Este artículo contribuye a este tema ampliamente debatido al proponer pensar que la domesticación del feminismo está vinculada a la dominación del “género” como una herramienta analítica y política.‘Domestication’ is the turning of feminism into a discourse which, rather than chal¬lenging and transforming the existing status quo, and particularly the capitalistic mode of production and the whole of practices and ideologies connected to this latter, serves as its support. Why and with what results, such a turning towards Domestication has taken place? This article contributes to this largely debated issue by proposing to think that the domestication of feminism is linked to the domination of ‘Gender’ as an ana¬lytical and political tool

    Analysis of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Data at Jefferson Lab and Proton Tomography

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    The CLAS and Hall A collaborations at Jefferson Laboratory have recently released new results for the ep->ep{\gamma} reaction. We analyze these new data within the Generalized Parton Distribution formalism. Employing a fitter algorithm introduced and used in earlier works, we are able to extract from these data new constraints on the kinematical dependence of three Compton Form Factors. Based on experimental data, we subsequently extract the dependence of the proton charge radius on the quarks longitudinal momentum fraction.Comment: 25 pages, 26 figure

    Three-body Forces in Photoreactions on 3He

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    We have measured the three-body photobreakup of {sup 3}He with the tagged photon beam and the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer in Hall B at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, in the photon energy range between 0.35 GeV and 1.55 GeV. This measurement constitutes a wide-ranging survey of two- and three-body processes in the gamma{sup 3}He {yields} ppn reaction channel, thanks to the high statistics and large kinematic coverage obtained with the CLAS. Total and partially integrated differential cross sections for the full ppn data set and for selected kinematics were extracted and are compared to theoretical predictions of Laget (up to 1.0 GeV). At low photon energies, the calculations are generally in fair agreement with the data. The comparison shows evidence of strong contributions of three-body absorption mechanisms, especially in the star kinematics, a symmetric configuration of the three final-state nucleons. Mostly the effects of two-body absorption mechanisms are se en, as expected, in the pp-pair-breakup kinematics, where the neutron does not participate in the reaction. The quasi-two-body breakup shows angular distributions consistent with preliminary gamma{sup 3}He --> pd results, extracted from our experiment. The ratio of cross sections for the star configuration and for the two-body kinematics, shows a maximum for three-body effects at a photon energy of about 0.5 GeV, corresponding to a reduced photon wavelength of 0.4 fm. The 4pi-integrated cross section is in excellent agreement with previous experimental results from DAPHNE up to 800 MeV; no previous results have been obtained above this energy

    Alcune note intorno all'estensione, alla fonte e alla ratio del divieto di maternità surrogata in Italia

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    Il divieto di gpa in Italia non è assoluto, non è discriminatorio, non è la causa del turismo procreativo e soprattutto, non ha la sua fonte nella legge sulle PMA, ma nel principio Mater Semper Certa, che garantisce a ogni nato la titolarità di almeno una relazione, quella con la madre, di cui nessuno può disporre, a meno che non siano in gioco interessi basilari come quello alla vita o alla salute della madre o del bambino. Altrimenti ogni nuova piccola vita sarebbe esposta all’arbitrio dei grandi, e di tutti coloro che hanno potere, mentre lei non ne ha. Mater Semper Certa non riguarda solo le donne né solo i bambini: riguarda l’intitolazione di ogni essere umano a essere considerato soggetto a pieno titolo, detentore di una propria identità e di proprie relazioni, indisponibili, sin dal momento del suo venire al mondo.The prohibition of GPA in Italy is not absolute, it is not discriminatory, and it is not the cause of procreative tourism. Last but not least, it is not established by the legislation on PMA, but by the Mater Semper Certa principle. This latter says that every new born holds at least one relationship, with her mother, and that this relationship it is not at the disposal of anyone, unless interests of the same degree are at stake, as the life or health of the mother or child. Why? Because otherwise, every new little life would be exposed to the will of the adults, to the will of those who have power, while she has not. Mater Semper Certa is not about women or children only: it is about the entitlement of every human being to be considered a subject, endowed with identity and relationships, from the very moment she comes to the world

    Principi come regulae: il caso Cappato, le liti strumentali e il valore costituzionale della regola Nemo audiatur allegans turpitudinem suam (con una postilla sul caso Trentini) Parte I

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    Il saggio ricollega gli esiti controversi della decisione della Corte costituzionale sul "caso Cappato" all'origine strategica del processo a quo; esso sviluppa un'argomentazione basata sulle antiche regulae iuris e in particolare sulla regola Nemo audiatur allegans turpitudinem suam. Nella parte I è discusso il ruolo delle regulae iuris nella conoscenza e nella pratica giuridica, e, facendo particolare riferimento agli studi di, e su, Alessandro Giuliani, sono introdotte alcune ragioni a favore di una riscoperta delle regole, in quanto «principi costitutivi del diritto», nell'interpretazione costituzionale; successivamente, Nemo audiatur viene chiamata in causa in relazione al divieto di lis ficta nel processo incidentale. Nella parte II, di prossima pubblicazione in questa Rivista, un'analisi del "caso Cappato", dalle decisioni di merito alle pronunce della Corte costituzionale, si propone di evidenziare che la natura strumentale del processo a quo ha condizionato l'intera vicenda giudiziaria, riducendo le possibilità di un'adeguata esplorazione tanto del caso considerato quanto della portata del divieto di aiuto al suicidio, così come dei beni costituzionali coinvolti. Qui viene anche mostrato come la prospettiva delle regulae iuris possa offrire punti di vista significativi per discutere sia la teoria dell'autodeterminazione e le sue fallacie, sia alcuni usi attuali del concetto di dignità umana. Infine, dopo un rapido confronto con altre recenti decisioni della Corte costituzionale, sono svolte alcune considerazioni conclusive sul perché interpretare i principi come regole e con regole potrebbe fornire un grado di stabilità ed efficacia ai principi costituzionali, minati invece da ogni concezione strumentale del diritto.The essay argues that some of the much discussed outcomes of the Constitutional Court's decision on the “Cappato case” can be explained by taking into account the strategic nature of the judicial proceeding from which it had originated; the point is developed by making special reference to the ancient regulae iuris and particularly to the regula Nemo audiatur allegans turpitudinem suam. The text is structured as follows: in Part I it is discussed the role of ancient maxims in legal knowledge and practice, and, referring mainly to the studies of, and on, Alessandro Giuliani, the reasons are argued in favour of a rediscovering of the maxims, as «constitutive principles of Law», in the constitutional interpretation; next, Nemo audiatur is called into play in order to explore the issue of lis ficta. In Part II the “Cappato case” is analysed in detail, from the trial judgments to the Constitutional Court's ruling. Here it is shown how the regulae iuris offer insightful views for discussing both the theory of self-determination (and its fallacies) and some current uses of the human dignity concept. Conclusively, after a quick comparison with other recent decisions of the Constitutional Court, some additional considerations are made on why interpreting principles as regulae, and with regulae, could provide a degree of stability and effectiveness to constitutional principles, undermined instead by any instrumental conception of Law

    Se questo è un giudice. Nelle leggi elettorali con 'bollino di costituzionalità' il rischio della riduzione della Costituzione a ideologia

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    L'introduzione del giudizio preventivo di costituzionalità sulle sole leggi elettorali incide negativamente sul modello italiano di giustizia costituzionale

    Hypothyroidism in the Elderly: Who Should Be Treated and How?

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    Hypothyroidism is among the most frequent chronic diseases in the elderly, and levothyroxine (l-T4) is worldwide within the 10 drugs more prescribed in the general population. Hypothyroidism is defined by increased serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) values and reduced circulating free thyroid hormones, whereas subclinical hypothyroidism (sHT) is characterized by free hormone fractions within the normal ranges and has been divided into two classes, depending on circulating TSH levels (above or below 10 mIU/L). Given that during aging, a natural trend toward higher values of circulating TSH has been reported, it is necessary to verify carefully the diagnosis of sHT to tailor an appropriate follow-up and ad hoc therapy, avoiding unnecessary or excessive treatment. In the current review, we evaluate the state of the art on hypothyroidism in the elderly with special focus on the effect of sHT on cognition and the cardiovascular system function. We also summarize the recommendations for a correct diagnostic workup and therapeutic approach to older people with an elevated TSH value, with special attention to the presence of frailty, comorbidities, and poly therapy. In conclusion, personalized therapy is crucial in good clinical practice, and in the management of older patients with sHT, multiple factors must be considered, including age-dependent TSH cutoffs, thyroid autoimmunity, the burden of comorbidities, and the possible presence of frailty. l-T4 is the drug of choice for the treatment of hypothyroid older people, but the risk of overtreatment, potential adverse drug reactions, and patient compliance should always be considered and thyroid status periodically reassessed