13 research outputs found

    Desain Komunikasi Visual Sebagai Sarana Promosi Green School Di Desa Sibang Kaja, Badung

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    Abstract In the middle of education concerns in this country, a new innovation in the field of education is present in Bali Indonesia, the heart of our domestic tourism as a Green School. Green School have a friendly school environment because the whole building is made from bamboo. Due to lack of communication media owned by the Green School, this school is in desperate need of a media campaign to promote the school to the community, especially school students who want a different education models. Data analysis used in this assignment is an analysis descriptive qualitative comparative method. Because in reviewing a group of people, an object, a condition, a system of thought or one class of events in the present is according to an analysis of causality. Concepts used in this visual communication design media is a Fun Educative because in this project, author want to create a design that is easily understood and capable to provide an adequate information in accordance with the aim of the projects. Media thats will be designed such as a Leaflets, Stickers, X-Banners, Folders, Bags, Tabloid Advertising, T-Shirt, Umbrella, Transit Advertising and Final Exam Catalog. With those designed media, it is expected that can provide more attractiveness and more adequate information about the Green School. Key words: Green School, Design Concepts, Visual Communication Medi


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    Problems that often occur in companies is that inventory management must be optimal. Inventory is a very large company asset. So, control and application is very important. Therefore, internal control system must be implemented and carried out properly and effectively in order to avoid such mistakes or fraud. The purpose of this study was to determine the internal control of merchandise inventory and the application of its accounting at PT. Indahwati Sari. The method used is perpetual recording system. The valuation method used is FIFO, and Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) NO.14 regarding inventory. The results are inventory internal control system at PT. Indahwati Sari is running quite effectively

    Sex And Functional Status As A Predictor Of Death Of People Living With HIV/AIDS On Arv Therapy In Buleleng Hospital

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    Cases of death in HIV / AIDS are still a benchmark for the success of treatment. Studies of predictors of death in people with HIV in the general population are still very limited. Longitudinal analytic with a retrospective approach using cohort data of patients receiving antiretroviral drugs at Buleleng General Hospital in the period 2006-2015. Analysis uses logistic regression with SPSS version 17. Results show a total of 1204 that the incidence of total mortality rate is 3 per 100 person years. 50% of deaths occurred at 0.14 years of observation. Men and the general functional status of employment were predictors of death in PLHAs. Men have a risk of death 2.12 times higher than that of women (aOR 2.12 (p 0.01 CI 1.28-3.51). Functional status of beds increases the risk of death aOR 2.14 (CI 1.39-3.29 p 0.01).Men have a risk of death evaluation of the success of antiretroviral therapy considers studies and differences in needs between women and men.The functional status of beds shows a poor clinical condition that increases the risk of death in people with HIV. Evaluation of regularity of treatment and the incidence of gender-based deaths should be done more intensively


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    ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Kelainan letak pada kehamilan menjadi kondisi patologi yang sering terabaikan pada kehamilan. Traumatik dan risiko kesakitan seperti partus lama, ketuban pecah dini sangat mungkin terjadi pada kondisi kelainan letak.Tujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik gestasi yang paling dominan meningkatkan risiko kelainan letak pada ibu hamil.Metode Penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan secara retrospektif dan pengambilan secara crossectional.Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari ibu yang melahirkan di Rumah Sakit Kertha Usada pada  periode waktu Januari – Juni 2016.Analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi logistic menggunakan STATA SE versi 12. Sampel berjumlah 718 orang menggunakan data sekunder.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelainan letak 7.94%, tidak mengalami placenta previa 98.19%, multipara 68.06%, gestasi lebih dari 37 minggu 93.72 % dan berat badan lahir 89.97%. Paritas dalam kategori multipara yaitu melahirkan lebih dari satu kali meningkatkan risiko kelainan letak hingga 5 kali lebih besar dibandingkan primipara (p value 0.01). paritas dengan kategori multipara sebagai faktor yang paling dominan meningkatkan risiko kelainan letak pada ibu hamil dengan nilai aOR 2.33 (CI 1.15-4.70 p value 0.01)Kesimpulan faktor yang paling dominan meningkatkan risiko kelainan letak pada ibu hamil adalah paritas multiparaSaran Sebaiknya deteksi dini tentang kelainan letak ini rutin dilakukan selama proses kehamilan teruatam pada ibu multipara. Kata Kunci : Paritas, Gestasi, Kelainan Letak   


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    Purpose of the study: The research aimed at developing a land border area management model based on the Nyamabraya concept. Methodology: To achieve the research objective, a study was conducted using the research paradigm for the development of prototypical studies. The research data was collected through observation, documentation, interviews, and data analyzed qualitatively. This research was carried out in the Province of Bali. Main Findings: The study found (1) Nyamabraya-based land border management model; (2) suitability of models with community characteristics in border areas, concept validity; model effectiveness and conformity with the local socio-cultural environment, (3) valid quality Nyamabraya border management model and practical; (4) assessment of valid and practical quality-based border management models for Nyamabraya and; (5) validity and practical quality-based Nyamabraya border management models. Applications of this study: Regional Government in the management of land border areas by prioritizing local wisdom (nyamabraya) in their territory. The community will have trust and confidence and continue to conduct life based on the local wisdom they believe in, both in managing resources and in reducing conflict. Novelty/Originality of this study: The development program that has been implemented has not yet touched the land border area so that the community remains disadvantaged, this is suspected to trigger conflicts in the use of resources in the land border area. Through the development of a land border management model with a touch of the value of local wisdom (nyamabraya) in community and state life will be steady, the Republic of Indonesia remains intact and sustainable. &nbsp

    Identifikasi Taenia solium secara Mikroskopis pada Peternakan Babi

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    Taenia solium is a zoonosis found all over the world, especially in developing countries. T solium can cause taeniasis and cysticercosis in humans. Pigs as intermediate hosts can be infected with T solium which causes porcine cysticercosis. T solium can infect muscle, skin, eye, and brain tissue which can develop into neurocysticercosis. Neurocysticercosis is the cause of 30% of cases of epilepsy in the world. In Denpasar city, pigs are one type of livestock. A large number of pig farms and the Balinese’s people's habit of consuming pork is one of the sources of T solium infection. This research was conducted to determine T solium eggs in pig feces. The study was conducted microscopically on 31 samples with simple random sampling technique. The results showed that of the 31 samples examined, 54.8% (17 samples) were positive for T solium eggs. This indicates that the pig farms in Denpasar city have been infected with T solium. Pig farming in Denpasar city was done traditionally and kept indoors. However, the breeders pay less attention to pig health and environmental sanitation. Also, pigs are slaughtered privately by breeders because there are no slaughterhouses. Lack of supervision of pork circulating in the community is also the cause of T solium infection. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out supervision by the local government on pig farms as well as supervision of pork consumed by the public to prevent and eradicate T solium infection

    Association of Apolipoprotein E Gene Polymorphism with Lipid Profile and Ischemic Stroke Risk in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Background. Altered lipid profiles have consistently been linked to cerebrovascular events. Ischemic stroke (IS) was a common comorbid condition established in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene which has a notably critical function in lipoprotein metabolism is believed as one of the potential candidate genes susceptible to IS complications in T2DM. This research aimed to determine the association of apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism with lipid profile and IS risk in T2DM patients. Methods. This case-control study involved a total of 60 diabetic participants divided into two groups with and without IS. ApoE was genotyped using PCR and sequencing analysis. Results. The most predominant genotype observed in 27 participants (45%) was E3/E3. Lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were found in Δ2 carriers (p=0.003; 95% CI −23.35–−4.89) and Δ4 carriers (p=0.019; 95% CI 1.38–14.55) compared to Δ3 homozygotes. Total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels had no association with ApoE gene polymorphism in this study. ApoE gene polymorphism was not related to IS in T2DM (p=0.06; adjusted OR: 4.71; 95% CI 0.93–23.79). Conclusions. ApoE Δ2 and Δ4 carriers were associated with lower levels of HDL-C. No association was identified between ApoE gene polymorphism and IS in T2DM patients


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     Background Covid-19 is a disease that can be transmitted through droplets, with signs and symptoms, namely coughing, shortness of breath, hyperthermia and others. The Covid-19 pandemic period is something that really needs to be considered, especially for maternity mothers who will have a caesarean section, by screening a good covid-19 protocol before a caesarean section is carried out.Purpose of this study was to determine the gestational characteristics of mothers giving birth with Sectio Caesaria during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Central Surgical Installation Room (IBS) of the Sanjiwani Hospital, Gianyar.Methods This study uses a mix method design, where quantitative data uses a cross sectional approach to the type of secondary data, namely Medical Records. The qualitative data used in-depth interviews involving the head of the room and the Head of Nursing at the Sanjiwani Hospital consisting of 4 doctors, midwives and nurses. The data were analyzed by univariate analysis with Stata SE 12 software. This study used total sampling in the period March-September 2020 with a total of 102 mothers who gave birth by cesarean section. Results of the study were obtained from 102 respondents with an average age of 29.77 years, with high school education, namely 75 people (70%), 55 people not working (52%), medical indications 82 people (80.39%), complaints of vaginal discharge (KPD) were 33 people (32.35%), positive rapid test 37 people (36.27%), and positive PCR swab results were 33 people (32.35%).Conclusion The policy is that all pregnant women must undergo a rapid test and PCR test before the delivery process is carried outSuggestions The regulation of maternity services during the COVID-19 pandemic is more about screening, namely mandatory rapid tests and PCR tests. Handling with strict health protocol level 3 to break the chain of virus transmission. Key words: Sectio Caesaria, Covid-19, SOP ABSTRAK  Latar Belakang Covid-19 merupakan penyakit yang dapat ditularkan melalui droplet, dengan tanda dan gejala yaitu batuk, sesak, hipertermi dan lain-lain. Masa pandemi Covid-19 merupakan hal yang sangat perlu diperhatikan terutama pada ibu bersalin yang akan dilakukan tindakan sectio caesarea, dengan melakukan skrining protocol covid-19 yang baik sebelum dilakukan tindakansectio caesarea.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik gestasional pada ibu bersalin dengan Sectio Caesaria pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Ruang Instalasi Bedah Sentral (IBS) RSUD Sanjiwani Gianyar.Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan mixmethod, dimana data kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional pada jenis data sekunder yaitu Rekam Medis. Data kualitatif menggunakan wawancara mendalam yang melibatkan kepala ruangan dan Kabag Keperawatan RSUD Sanjiwani yang terdiri dari dokter, bidan dan perawat yang berjumlah 4 orang. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat dengan software Stata SE 12.  Penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling pada periode Maret-September 2020 dengan total 102 orang ibu bersalin dengan tindakan SC.      Hasil penelitian didapatkan dari 102 responden rata-rata pada umur 29,77 tahun, berpendidikan SMA yaitu 75  orang (70%), tidak bekerja sebanyak 55 orang  (52%), indikasi medis sebesar 82 orang (80.39%), keluhan keluar air pervaginam (KPD) yaitu 33 orang (32.35%), rapid test positif 37 orang (36.27%), dan hasil swab PCR positif sebanyak 33 orang (32.35%).Kesimpulan Kebijakan yang dilakukan bahwa seluruh ibu hamil wajib dilakukan rapid test dan PCR test sebelum dilakukan proses tindakan persalinanSaran Regulasi layanan ibu bersalin pada masa pandemi COVID 19 ini lebih pada skrining yaitu wajib rapid test dan test PCR. Penanganan dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat level 3 untuk memutus rantai penularan virus.   Kata Kunci :  Sectio Caesaria, Covid-19, SO


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    Perkembangan kesenian di zaman ini penuh dengan pencarian, penggalian ide-ide yang mengedepankan kreativitas dalam proses penciptaan seni, sehingga melahirkan karya- karya spektakuler yang bermutu tinggi. Di dalam ranah seni pertunjukan, para Etnomusikolog di masa ini berjuang mengangkat citra local ke ranah global dengan segala bentuk perkembangannya. Hal ini sangat berkaitan dengan topik seminar, yaitu keindahan musik kita yang terbalut oleh nilai estetika tinggi mampu bersaing dalam dunia global. Dan kenyataannya musik kita sudah mulai mengglobal. Di ranah visual art atau seni rupa dan desain dewasa ini terhembus wacana mengenai Global Art yang kembali mengambil dan meminjam ikon atau unsur lokal yang kemudian di visualkan secara kreatif dengan ide-ide ―gila‖, sehingga disetiap karya- karya yang diciptakan bernuansa lokal dengan penggayaan baru yang mampu eksis di dalam ranah seni rupa dunia. Hal ini dalam konsep postmodern disebut dengan pendekatan pastiche yaitu mengangkat dan meminjam kembali bentuk- bentuk teks atau bahasa estetik tradisi yang kemudian dikontruksi kembali dengan bahasa seni yang baru, kemudian menempatkannya ke dalam konteks semangat masa kini yang sering disebut dengan seni kontemporer tanpa meninggalkan dan merusak kesenian lokal


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    Globalisasi yang sedang diwacanakan ternyata melampaui batas-batas kata world. Globalisasi mengisyaratkan mengenai poin-poin lokal seni budaya yang tersebar di manapun dapat disebut aktivitas global. Jim Supangkat memberikan pandangannya mengenai global art bahwa upaya mengidentifikasi global contemporary art yang justru mempertanyakan tanda-tanda keseragaman. Sejarawan terkemuka Hans Belting memulainya dengan melihat global contemporary art sebagai “global art” yang harus dibedakan dari world art. Bagi Hans Belting, pengertian world art mencerminkan pemahaman modernisme yang hegemonik(1). Jadi secara struktur world art masih sebatas klaim bahwa pandangan dunia Barat merupakan pandangan yang mampu diaplikasikan ditiap pelosok kebudayaan dunia, padahal jika dibaca secara teliti hal ini sebatas hegemoni dari moderisme dengan jargon world art. Global art menurut Hans Belting sama sekali bukan tanda-tanda munculnya kenyataan yang diprediksi universalisme. Global Art muncul karena sebab sebab ekonomi. Perkembangannya di art market tidak peduli pada keseragaman pada universalisme. Bisnis membuat global contemporary art memedulikan kekuatan lokal demi kepentingan bisnis(2). Global art mampu merangkul tiap-tiap aspek lokal yang walaupun ada sebuah kepentingan namun keberpihakannya mengankat nilai- nilai lokal didalam percaturan medan sosial seni sudah selayaknya diapresiasi. Tidak ada batas antara Timur dan Barat, semua kebudayaan itu bersifat global. perlu juga diuraian mengenai batas-batas istilah “lokal” serta “global art” dalam kesempatan ini karena sering terjadi pemaknaan yang bias. Istilah “lokal” didalam seminar yang bertajuk “Lokalitas dalam Global Art” berada pada wilayah artefak-artefak kebudayaan lokal yang terdapat di Bali khususnya, ikon-ikon lokal yang mencirikan lokal jeniusnya. Sedangkan Global art berkutat kepada wacana seni yang diangkat dengan kekuatan lokal serta mampu diwacanakan diseluruh penjuru atau pelosok dunia. Note: (1) Lihat “Contemporaneity”: Biennale Indonesia Awards 2010. Pewacanaan Contemporaneity oleh Jim Supangkat. ( 2) Ibid