16 research outputs found


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    Deteksi dini gejala dan tanda bahaya kehamilan dapat dilakukan dengan upaya memberikan pendidikan kesehatan melalui penyuluhan kepada ibu hamil, sehingga ibu hamil siap dan mengerti perubahan yang terjadi pada dirinya. Jika sejak dini ibu hamil diberikan bekal atau informasi tentang tanda – tanda bahaya kehamilan maka diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kewaspadaan ibu pada saat hamil. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Pre-eksperiment. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian One Group Design Pretest-Postest, yaitu suatu penelitian untuk melihat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan treatment. Adapaun tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas Penyuluhan Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan efektif Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Pada Ibu Hamil. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Pasirmulya Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat . Waktupenelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2015 – Januari 2016. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil di Desa Pasirmulya Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat yaitu 50 ibu hamil, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu hamil dengan uji Paired t-test. Dari hasil penenlitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh penyuluhan tanda bahaya kehamilan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan pada ibu hamil (p-value=0.00) Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan kepada para masyarakat khususnya ibu hamil agar selalu berperan aktif dan mengikuti penyuluhan dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan terhadapat tandatanda bahaya kehamilan

    Efektifitas Pijat Bayi Terhadap Durasi Menyusui Pada Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulan

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    Infant massage is a technical method in midwifery care for neonates, infants and toddlers that can increase the frequency and duration of breastfeeding so that baby will feel comfortable and calm while breastfeeding. The aim of study was to determine the effectiveness of infant massage on the quality of breastfeeding in infants aged 0-6 Month at the Mariat District Health Center Sorong Years 2022. Research Design One group pre test-post test design using 30 sampel of infant aged 0-6 Month at the Mariat Health Center, Sorong Regency. Given treatment in the form of baby massage for 2 weeks. The results showed that there was an effectiveness of infant massage against Quality of Breastfeeding in infants aged 0-6 month at the Mariat Health Center (p 0.000 < 0.05). It is better not to schedule the baby to breastfeed because if it is scheduled will affect the production and subsequent release of breast milk, give breast milk whenever the baby wants to breastfeed


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    Deteksi dini gejala dan tanda bahaya kehamilan dapat dilakukan dengan upaya memberikan pendidikan kesehatan melalui penyuluhan kepada ibu hamil, sehingga ibu hamil siap dan mengerti perubahan yang terjadi pada dirinya. Jika sejak dini ibu hamil diberikan bekal atau informasi tentang tanda – tanda bahaya kehamilan maka diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kewaspadaan ibu pada saat hamil. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Pre-eksperiment. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian One Group Design Pretest-Postest, yaitu suatu penelitian untuk melihat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan treatment. Adapaun tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas Penyuluhan Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan efektif Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Pada Ibu Hamil. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Pasirmulya Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat . Waktupenelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2015 – Januari 2016. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil di Desa Pasirmulya Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat yaitu 50 ibu hamil, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu hamil dengan uji Paired t-test. Dari hasil penenlitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh penyuluhan tanda bahaya kehamilan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan pada ibu hamil (p-value=0.00) Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan kepada para masyarakat khususnya ibu hamil agar selalu berperan aktif dan mengikuti penyuluhan dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan terhadapat tandatanda bahaya kehamilan


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    Exclusive breastfeeding for babies provides great benefits for the health status of babies and their mothers, but in reality the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is still low. The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding causes many problems such as stunted growth and development. The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is caused by the lack of knowledge of mothers about how to increase milk production. There are still breastfeeding mothers who are confused about how to breastfeed properly, how to increase milk production and how to deal with problems found during breastfeeding. Handling is needed in increasing this knowledge through peer counseling education. This research method is quasi-experimental with a one group pre-post test approach. The population in this study were third trimester pregnant women. The sampling technique was total sampling. All pregnant women who came to visit the LMT Siregar Clinic in September 2022 were used as research samples, namely 27 people. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of peer counseling education on increasing mother's knowledge in increasing milk production. The research location was at the Siregar LMT Clinic during August-November 2022. The results found that there was significant effectiveness in providing peer counseling education on mother's knowledge about increasing milk production at the Siregar LMT Clinic with a p-value of 0.023 (p-value <0.05). The recommendation in this study is that peers can be empowered in maternal and child health education methods in health services.Pemberian ASI ekslusif kepada bayi memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi derajat kesehatan bayi dan ibunya akan tetapi pada kenyataannya masih rendahnya cakupan pemberian ASI Ekslusif. Rendahnya cakupan ASI ekslusif menimbulkan banyak masalah seperti terhambatnya tumbuh kembang. Rendahnya cakupan ASI eksklusif disebabkan salah satunya masih rendahnya pengetahuan ibu tentang cara peningkatan produksi ASI. Masih ditemukan ibu menyusui yang bingung bagaimana cara menyusui yang benar, sara meningkatan produksi ASI dan cara menangani masalah-masalah yang ditemukan pada saat menyusui. Dibutuhkan penanganan dalam peningkatan pengetahuan tersebut melalui edukasi konseling teman sebaya (peer counseling). Metode penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pre-post test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III dengan teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling, seluruh ibu hamil yang datang berkunjung di Klinik LMT Siregar pada September 2022 dijadikan sampel penelitian yakni berjumlah 27 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk efektifitas edukasi konseling teman sebaya (peer counseling) terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan ibu dalam peningkatan produksi ASI. Lokasi penelitian di Klinik LMT Siregar dengan waktu Agustus-November 2022. Hasil penelitian didapati terdapat efektivitas yang signifikan pemberian edukasi konseling teman sebaya (peer counseling) terhadap pengetahuan ibu tentang tentang peningkatan produksi ASI  di Klinik LMT Siregar dengan p- value 0.023 (p-value<0.05). Rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini adalah teman sebaya dapat diberdayakan dalam metode edukasi kesehatan ibu dan anak di layanan kesehata

    The Administration Of Red Fruit Extract (Pandanus Conoideus Lamk.) To Reduce Menstrual Pain Among Adolescent Girls

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    Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is felt by many young women and this can hinder their activities, including learning tasks at school and at home. Therefore, alternatives to overcome pain are always being developed, one of which in this study is the red fruit extract which is known to contain vitamin E with tocopherol as a substance that can inhibit inflammation. Using a pre- and posttest design, this study was divided into two samples (respondents), namely the intervention group by giving red fruit extract for 3 menstrual cycles and the control group that was without treatment. This study used measuring instrument in form of the observation sheet and a numeric rating scale (NRS) 0-10 for pain scale. Processing and data analysis used the SPSS program through editing, coding, scoring, and tabulating activities. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with independent smaple t-test, Kolmogorov Smirnov and Mann-Whitney. The results obtained were that there was a change in the majority of respondents in the intervention group from the majority of pain in the moderate category to the mild category. These results were significantly different when looking at the results in the control group. Therefore, red fruit extract is recommended to be a useful alternative in reducing menstrual pain

    The Relationship between Adolescent Characteristics and The Level of Knowledge about Reproductive Health in RW 03 Tanah Tinggi Village of JoharBaru Sub-District

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    Some of the factors that influence adolescent reproductive health are, among others, knowledge, personality, attitude and environment. This study generally aimed to determine the relationship between adolescent characteristics and adolescent knowledge about reproductive health. This research was an analytical study with a cross-sectional study approach, using primary data obtained from a questionnaire, which was given to adolescents totaling 56 respondents aged 10-19 years. Data processing used the SPSS program 20. Data analysis in this study was univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square statistical tests. The results showed that there was a relationship between age and adolescent knowledge about reproductive health with a p value of 0.009 (p 0.05), and there was a relationship between sources of information and knowledge with a p value of 0.006 (p <0.05). From the results of this study, the researchers suggested that adolescents should continue to improve their knowledge regarding reproductive health, either face-to-face or mass medi

    The Effects of Gedi Leaf on the Labor Process in Women Who Have the Habit of Consuming Areca Nuts

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    Betel leaves and areca nut can form excessive connective or fibrous tissue in the submucosa. At the end of pregnancy, due to aging of the placenta, there is also a decrease in the estrogen which can affect the volume of cervical mucus which is used as an emulsifier for the delivery process to help the elasticity of the vagina and perineum. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the duration of labor in the first stage of labor in women with the habit of consuming areca nut with addition of gedi leaves and without gedi leaves. This was a preexperimental reserach in the form of intact group comparison. A sample of 28 people was divided into the experimental group (which was treated) and the control group (which was not treated). The study was carried out at the Melati Raya Health Center which is an auxiliary health center at the Remu Health Center, Sorong City, West Papua in August-November 2020. The results of the analysis used an independent T test showed a p value of 0.027 < 0.05, meaning Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It was therefore concluded that the consumption of gedi leaves can accelerate the process of labor in the active phase for those who consume betel leaves and areca nuts at the Remu Health Center, Sorong City

    The Influence of Counseling and Media Leaflets on Increasing Dysmenorrhea Knowledge

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    Dysmenorrhea is a symptom that arises due to abnormalities in the pelvic cavity and interferes with daily activities, especially in school-age adolescents. It was reported that between 30% and 60% of young women who had dysmenorrhea did not go to school. Treatment of dysmenorrhea can be carried out pharmacologically or non-pharmacologically, depending on the aspect of knowledge. Counselling is known to be effective in increasing knowledge, and leaflets and printed media also facilitate the teaching and learning process. This study aims to determine the effect of counselling and leaflet media on increasing knowledge. The study used a non-equivalent control group design. The research sample was taken by simple random sampling using a questionnaire to assess knowledge about dysmenorrhea. The analysis used a paired t-test to determine the effect of counselling and leaflet media and an independent t-test to determine the most influential media. The results showed that there was an effect of increasing knowledge by providing material through counselling and leaflets (p &lt;0.05). Leaflets are concluded to increase knowledge, compared to counselling.Dismenore merupakan gejala yang timbul akibat adanya kelainan dalam rongga panggul dan mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari terutama pada remaja usia sekolah. Dilaporkan dari 30% - 60% remaja wanita yang mengalami dismenore, didapatkan 7 % - 15% tidak pergi ke sekolah. Penanganan dismenore dapat dilakukan secara farmakologis dan non farmakologis yang bergantung pada aspek pengetahuan. Penyuluhan diketahui efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan leaflet sebagai media cetak juga mempermudah dalam proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dan media leaflet dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan non-equivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian diambil secara simple random sampling menggunakan kuesioner untuk menilai pengetahuan tentang dismenore. Analisis menggunakan uji paired t-test untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dan media leaflet, dan independen t-test untuk mengetahui media yang paling berpengaruh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh peningkatan pengetahuan dengan pemberian materi melalui penyuluhan dan leaflet (p&lt; 0,05). Leaflet disimpulkan lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan dibandingkan penyuluhan

    The Relationship Between Menstrual Length and Menstrual Cycle with Dysmenorrhea in High School Students

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    Menstruation can cause various problems including pain during menstruation or what is commonly known as dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can interfere with daily activities, including school activities for adolescents. Dysmenorrhea can occur 2-3 years after menarche. The average duration of menstruation is 3-6 days, followed by reduced blood loss from the 2nd day to the end. This causes women to feel pain on the 2nd day of their cycle due to the unmaximized detachment of the endometrium. Puberty is an important phase of life, followed by development and growth. Good knowledge will shape behavior that supports maximum growth and development. Dysmenorrhea is the number one reason why female students are absent from school. Absences lead to missing information and an impairment. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between menstrual length and menstrual cycle with dysmenorrhea in female students. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study consisted of 106 female students drawn by the total sampling method. Inclusion criteria were female students with menarche, and exclusion criteria were PCOS. Analysis using the Chi-Square test. The results showed that the prevalence of female students with dysmenorrhea was 71.1%. The results of the bivariate analysis test showed that there was no significant association between menstrual cycle (p value = 1.000) and menstrual length (p value = 0.852) with dysmenorrhea


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    Angka kematian ibu di ASEAN tergolong paling tinggi di dunia. WHO memperkirakan sementara total AKI dan AKB di ASEAN sekitar 170.000 dan 1,3 juta per tahun. Sebanyak 98% dari seluruh AKI danAKB di kawasan ini terjadi di Indonesia, Bangladesh, dan Myanmar. Data menurut Kementrian Kesehatan pada 2013 menunjukkan jumlah Ibu yang meninggal karena kehamilan dan persalinansebanyak 5019. Desain penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study yang dimaksud untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan ibu terhadap tanda – tanda bahaya kehamilan. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di Desa Pasirmulia kecamatan Banjaran Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan November 2015 – Februari 2016. Populasi yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil di Desa Pasirmulia kecamatan banjaran kabupaten Bandung selama penelitian berlangsung dan desain penelitian menggunakan total sampling berjumlah 48 orang. Analisis yang digunakan menggunakan uji Chi-Square test. Dari hasil penenlitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan ibu terhadap tanda – tanda bahaya kehamilan antara lain pendidikan (p-value= 0.00) dan dan pekerjaan (p-value=0.00) sedangkan faktor – faktor yang tidak mempengaruhi pengetahuan ibu hamil terhadap tanda – tanda bahaya kehamilan adalah dari aspek umur (p-value = 0.232) dan paritas (p-value=0.35). Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan kepada para masyarakat di Desa Pasir Mulya kecamatan Banjaran kabupaten bandung dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan terhadapat tanda- tanda bahaya kehamilan