9 research outputs found


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    Anak yang sehat menjadi investasi penting suatu negara sehingga kualitas seorang anak menjadi faktor yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan guna mendapatkan generasi sehat. Keadaan tersebut harus di dimulai dari diperhatikannya kondisi kesehatan anak terutama gizi anak yang dapat memastikan anak tumbuh secara optimal. Saat ini masalah gizi anak khususnya stunting (stunted dan severe stunted) masih cukup tinggi. Keadaan tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi prenatal yang dapat berdampak pada berat badan lahir anak sebagai momen awal kehidupan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan riwayat BBLR dengan kejadian stunting pada balita. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh balita umur 12-59 bulan di dua desa lokus stunting Kecamatan Ubud Gianyar Bali. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan mengambil sampel pada Desa Lodtunduh dan Singakerta dengan besar sampel sejumlah 92 orang. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer yaitu data berat badan anak diukur langsung menggunakan timbangan dan data tinggi badan anak diukur langsung menggunakan microtoice. Data tentang berat badan lahir anak diperoleh dari buku KIA. Analisa data menggunakan uji Fisher’s Exact. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan angka stunting sebesar 25%. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara riwayat BBLR dengan kejadian stunting (p=0,440).


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    Keterbatasan jumlah dan kelemahan alat peraga praktik pemasangan AKDR yang tersedia menjadi alasan pengembangan alat peraga dengan alat dan bahan yang mudah dan terjangkau. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur validitas alat peraga yang dikembangkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development/ R &D) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation). Dalam penelitian ini pengembangan hanya dilakukan sampai tahap development, dimana alat peraga yang dirancang dan dibuat diuji oleh ahli media dan materi melalui 2 tahap uji validitas. Penelitian dilakukan di Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar Jurusan Kebidanan pada bulan Maret 2020. Uji validitas ini dilakukan oleh dua orang dosen pengampu mata kuliah Pelayanan KB. Uji validitas menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan membandingkan skor rerata dengan tabel tingkat validitas perangkat eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rerata pada uji validitas tahap 2 didapatkan skor rerata antara 3-4 yang termasuk dalam kategoro valid dan sangat valid. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah alat peraga yang dikembangkan valid digunakan pada praktek pemasangan AKD

    Domestic Violence in Pregnant Women and Their Types. Case Study in Bali, Indonesia

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    The island of Bali, as part of the Republic of Indonesia, is predominantly Hindu and generally follows a patrilineal kinship system. There is a link between the patrilineal kinship system and incidents of violence against women. The purpose of this paper is to describe the incidence of domestic violence /DV that has been experienced by pregnant women in the last 12 months in Bali. The study design was a mixed method, namely quantitative-qualitative. The research samples were pregnant women in the third trimester in the Pedungan Traditional Village area in Denpasar City (31 people) and the Nongan Traditional Village in Karangasem Regency (33 people). Data collection was carried out in 2015 from June to August. Forms of domestic violence incidents experienced by pregnant women in the last 12 months were more pregnant women in Nongan Village experiencing sexual abuse (3 people / 9.09% vs. 2 people / 6.45%)), economic abuse incidents (8 people / 24.24% vs. 2 people / 6.45%) compared to pregnant women in Pedungan Village. History of DV in the form of physical violence, social violence and emotional violence. The negative impact felt by pregnant women who are victims of DV, especially psychosomatic complaints, even to the point where they intend to suicide, delayed in doing antenatal care and miscarriage. It is necessary to improve the role and competence of midwives in early detection of DV in pregnant women who have their antenatal care at a health facility and cross-sector cooperation

    The Effect of Massage Therapy Using Frangipani Aromatherapy Oil to Reduce the Childbirth Pain Intensity

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    Background: Pain during labor is one of the worst pains experienced by women. If the woman cannot adapt to it, it may lead to uncoordinated uterine contractions causing a long-complicated labor with the possibility of death of the mother and baby.Purpose: The aim of the study is to observe the ef-fect of massage treatment using frangipani aroma-therapy oil to reduce the childbirth pain intensity.Setting: Pembantu Dauh Puri Health Center Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Participants: Pregnant women in labor. Research Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used with pretreatment and posttreat-ment groups and a control. The respondents were 70 pregnant women in labor in Pembantu Dauh Puri Health Center Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Data were collected during scheduled observa-tion and were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney statistical test. Intervention: The participants in the treatment group were massaged with frangipani aromather-apy oil by rubbing and pressing the hand palms to the back region at thoracic vertebrae 10, 11, 12 and lumbar 1 levels. The women in the control group were massaged with virgin coconut oil in the same manner as that done to the treatment group.Main Outcome Measure: This study aimed to in-vestigate the potential of frangipani aromatherapy oil to be used as maternity care in helping pregnant women become more comfortable in the process of normal birthing, based on modified midwife examination form, which contain Numeric Rating Score (NRS), and interviews with the participants to measure the pain intensity.Result: Before the massage treatment, most of the respondents experienced severe pain. While receiv-ing massage without aromatherapy, respondents mostly still experienced severe pain. However, after a massage treatment using frangipani oil aroma-therapy, most respondents experienced reduced pain. There was a statistically significant effect of massage treatment using frangipani aromatherapy oil on the childbirth pain intensity (p < .001).Conclusion: In this study, massage treatment using frangipani oil aromatherapy decreased the childbirth pain intensity


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    Hepatitis B bisa menular dari ibu ke bayi sehingga diperlukan informasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu tentang Hepatitis B, penyuluhan tatap muka tidak bisa dilakukan saat pandemi Covid. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui peningkatan skor pengetahuan tentang hepatitis B pada ibu hamil setelah penyuluhan dengan media video melalui whatsapp group di Desa Sibang Kaja. Jenis penelitian eksperimen, metode pretest-posttest control design. Besar sampel 54 orang, dengan kelompok kontrol 27 responden diberikan video yang pernah dipakai di Puskesmas, kelompok eksperimen 27 responden diberikan video yang dikembangkan peneliti dengan materi lebih terfokus pada hepatitis pada kehamilan. Pengukuran pengetahuan dengan kuisioner dibuat pada zoho form. Hasil uji Wilcoxon signifikansi 0,000 < 005, terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan, perbedaan pengetahuan antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dengan uji Mann withney 0,004 < 0,04. Kesimpulan ada pengaruh penyuluhan hepatitis B dengan media video melalui whatsapp group terhadap peningkatan skor pengetahuan ibu hamil di Desa Sibangkaja. Petugas kesehatan, Puskesmas agar meningkatkan promosi kesehatan dengan pengembangan media yang menarik dan mudah dimengerti masyarakat

    Massage Using Frangipani Aromatherapy Oil to Speed up The Duration of Childbirth

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    Excessive anxiety during childbirth can cause changes in bodily functions. The impact is that the labor process takes longer, causing complications to both mother and baby. One of the non-pharmacological ways that can be done so that the labor process is gone naturally is by providing complementary massage therapy and frangipani aromatherapy. This research aims to determine the effect of back massage using frangipani aromatherapy oil in the first stage of labor on the duration of childbirth. The type of this research is Quasi-Experimental Design, posttest control group design. The sample is 80 people consisting of the control group of 40 people and the treatment group of 40 people. The sampling technique used is Consecutive Nonprobability Sampling. The data were recorded in the observation sheet. Also. The data analysis was done through univariate and bivariate "unpaired t-test". The results showed that the average duration of childbirth in the control group was 31.25 minutes, while the treatment group was 23.75 minutes. There is an effect of massage using frangipani aromatherapy oil in the first stage of labor on the duration of childbirth at a significance level of 0.01 (p &lt;0.05). In conclusion, there is the effect of massage using frangipani aromatherapy oil in the first stage of labor on the duration of childbirth. It is hoped that midwives will use complementary frangipani aromatherapy massage in providing midwifery care during the first stage of normal labor