33 research outputs found

    Deteksi Protein Bovine Major Histocompatibility Complex Klas I dan Klas II pada Sapi Madura

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    A study to detect the presence of bovine major histocompatibility complex (Bo-MHC) in maduracattle has been carried out. Lymphocyte samples were collected from 25 cattle. The protein of lymphocytesamples was analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) andtransferred onto nitrocellulose membrane. Bo-MHC proteins on the membrane were detected by monoclonalantibodies (anti-Bo-MHC class I) and BAQ150A (anti-Bo-MHC class II). The proteins of 48 kDa and 11kDa were detected by MAb B5C which appeared to be the alpha and beta chain of Bo-MHC class I. MAbBAQ150A detected protein band of 26 KDa which was likely to be the beta chain of Bo-MHC class II. Bo-MHC class I dan class II were clearly detected in madura cattle by MAbs which provides a basis for furtherinvestigation on the role of the MHC in the susceptibility the animals to many diseases

    Suplementasi Mineral Pada Pakan Sapi Bali Terhadap Diferensial Leukosit Di Empat Tipe Lahan (MINERAL SUPPLEMENTATION ON BALINESE CATTLE TOWARD LEUCOCYTE DIFFERENTIAL IN FOUR TYPES OF LAND)

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    The aims of this research were to know the effect of mineral intake on Balinese cattle that has been fed on four different types of land (rice field, grassland, garden, and forest) towards theleukocytes differential.  The research design follows a completely randomized design (CRD) usinga nested pattern on 48 males from Balinese cattle.  The cattle were grouped according to four treatments of mineral intake, namely: controls, 2.5 grams, five grams, and 7.5 grams in each type ofland.  Furthermore, the blood was taken from the auricularis superficialis vein in the third month after treatment. A blood smear was prepared using the slide method and a sample was stained withGiemsa. The blood smear was examined by leukocytes differential using battlement method with 1000x magnification. Then, the collected data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Cochran test.  The research results show that the given treatment of minerals has no change theleukocytes differential.  In contrast, the percentage of lymphocytes in the type of garden land haslower than on the type of forest, rice land and grassland, but has no differences the percentage of neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes in the four types of land. The conclusion isgiving to a concentration of 7.5 gram does not change the differential leukocyte Bali cattle

    Pyometra servik terbuka pada anjing domestik dengan riwayat terapi progestin secara rutin

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    Pyometra servik terbuka merupakan akumulasi nanah pada lumen uterus yang ditandai dengan keluarnya leleran melalui vagina. Penggunaan progestin yang kurang tepat untuk tujuan kontrasepsi telah diketahui dapat menimbulkan terjadinya pyometra. Seekor anjing domestik berjenis kelamin betina, berumur 3 tahun dan memiliki bobot badan 8,64 kg datang ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Udayana (RSHP FKH UNUD) dengan keluhan anjing tidak mau makan, perut membesar dan keluar cairan putih bercampur darah dari vulva sejak sepuluh hari. Berdasarkan hasil anamnesis, anjing tidak pernah kawin dan rutin diberikan kontrasepsi berupa injeksi progestin saat kondisi loop (estrus). Hasil pemeriksaan fisik menunjukkan anjing mengalami distensi abdomen dan keluar nanah bercampur darah melalui vagina. Hasil pemeriksaan ultrasonografi teramati uterus bersekat – sekat, lumen uterus anekhoik (berisi cairan) dan dinding uterus hiperekhoik. Terapi yang dilakukan adalah ovariohysterectomy, terapi cairan, antibiotik, hemostatik serta antiradang. Anjing sudah mau makan sehari pascaoperasi dan diizinkan untuk rawat jalan. Anjing melakukan kontrol ke RSHP FKH UNUD setelah 7 hari operasi dan diketahui bahwa luka sudah tertutup dan kering sehingga dilakukan pelepasan jahitan


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    ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian identifikasi daging sapi bali dengan metode histologis yakni melakukan pengamatan terhadap struktur mikroskopis. Sampel daging sapi bali. berupa muskulus pectoralis profundus, diperoleh dari pasar swalayan di Denpasar. Sampel difiksasi, didehidrasi dan diembedding dalam parafin selanjutnya dilakukan pemotongan dengan mikrotom ketebalan 4 - 5 µ. Dibuat sediaan histologis dengan metode pewarnaan Harris-Haematoxilin-Eosin. Pengamatan terhadap struktur histologi dilakukan dengan mikroskop cahaya binokuler pembesaran 450x. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur histologi daging sapi bali terdiri atas serabut otot skelet longitudinal dan tranversal dengan multinuklleus. Nukleus terletak dipinggir sel. Ditemukan jaringan ikat padat dan jaringan lemak dengan pembuluh darah. Diameter serabut otot berukuran 8,40 ± 1,41 µm. Pada pengamatan histologis juga ditemukan : endomisium, perimisium dan epimisium IDENTIFICATION OF BALI CATTLE MEAT WITH HISTOLOGICAL METHODS ABSTRACT A study to identification the microscopic structure of bali cattle meat by histological methods, has been carried out. The meat bali cattle samples were collected from musculus pectoralis profundus has been taken from Denpasar supermarket. The tissue samples were fixed, dehydrated and embedded in paraffin and 4 - 5 µ. sections. Harris-Haematoxilin-Eosin staining method, using to identified of histological structure. Microscopic analysis was performed using a binocular light microscope (450X). The study showed that, histological structure of bali cattle beef was composed by longitudinally and transverselly skeletal muscle with a multinucleated. The nuclei in the periphery of the cell, there are dense connective tissue, fat, with small blood vessels. The skeletal myofibers diameter of muscle is 8.40 ± 1,41 µm. We observed for the presence of : endomysium , perimysium and epimysium


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    Sapi bali(Bos sondaicus) merupakan salah satu ternak unggulan sebagai penghasil daging di Indonesia yang harus terus dikembangkan dan ditingkatkan populasinya. Dari tahun ke tahun permintaan akan daging semakin meningkat, data Bappenas menunjukkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daging nasional,pada tahun 2002-2003 telah diimpor sapi bakalan dari Australia sebanyak 325.000 – 375.000, sedangkan impor daging pertahun setara dengan 100.000 ekor sapi (Apfindo 2005).Berdasarkan data tersebut sapi bali sangat berpeluangdikembangkan secara makimum untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daging di Indonesia Fenomena adanya dua bovine lentivirus pada sapi bali yakni Jembrana Disease Virus danBovine Immunodeficiency Virus, segera harus dibuktikan keberadaannya. Selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan penelitian yang bertujuan kearah produksi vaksin heterolog untuk mencegah penyakit jembrana, danakhirnya membantu peningkatan populasi sapi bali


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    A study to detect the microscopic structure of skin wound in mice (Mus musculus) aftertreatment with mengkudu leaves (Morinda citrifolia Linn.), by histological methods, hasbeen carried out. In this study were detected the level of wound healing every weeks. Thesamples were collected from skin with was given incision injury. The tissue samples werefixed, dehydrated and embedded in paraffin and 4 – 5 ?. sections. Harris-Haematoxilin-Eosin staining method, using to identified of histological structure.Microscopic analysiswas performed using a binocular light microscope (450X). The study showed that,histological structure of normaly skin we deteted in fourth weeks ware composed byepidermis, dermis and hipodermis tissue. We observed for the presence ofthe ephitelialsquomous complexs, hairfollicles, connective tissue with vein and arteriole and adiposetissue

    Profil Mineral Magnesium dan Tembaga Serum Darah Sapi Bali yang Dipelihara di Lahan Tegalan

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    This study aims to determine the mineral magnesium and copper profile in blood serum of bali cattle farmed on dry land. Samples blood serum was taken from 15 bali cattles that farmed on dry land at Kecamatan Tejakula, Buleleng-Bali. Serums was analyzed by using wet destruction was H2SO4 and HNO3. Samples are read using by Atomic Absorpsion Spectrophotometry (AAS). The result shows that magnesium mean of 22,364 mg/l + 0, 005 mg/l, and copper mean of 0,087 mg/l + 0.001 mg/l. If this result compared to other cattle around the world, magnesium level is still in the normal range, while copper level more lower than normal level

    Kadar Mineral Kalsium Dan Besi Pada Sapi Bali Yang Dipelihara Di Lahan Persawahan (LEVEL OF MINERAL CALCIUM AND IRON ON THE BALI CATTLE BEING FARMEDIN THE RICE FIELD)

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    This research aims were to know the levels of calcium and iron mineral in blood serum of balicattle rared on the rise fields. The sample used in this study were blood serums which were takenfrom 15 bali cattles  in District of Tabanan, Bali Province.  Serum samples were analysed by wetdestruction method, used H2SO4 and HNO3 and mineral concentration are read by AtomicAbsorpsion  Spectrofotometry (AAS). The result show that the level of bali cattle calcium mean of6,23±0,019 mg/l and iron  mean 8,387±0,002 mg/l. The conclusion of this research is the level ofcalcium was lower and iron level was higher, campared to the other cattle in the world

    Struktur Histologi Dan Histomorfometri Granulosit Pada Sapi Bali Pasca Pemberian Mineral

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur histologi dan histomorfometri granulosit pada sapi bali pasca pemberian mineral.  Sebanyak 24 sampel darah sapi bali terdiri dari tiga kelompok perlakuan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini.  Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan melalui vena jugularis.  Apusan darah dibuat dengan menggunakan metode slide kemudian diikuti oleh fiksasi dan pewarnaan Hematoxilin Eosin. Pengukuran granulosit dilakukan dengan menggunakan mikroskop perbesaran 100x, dan dianalisis dengan analisis varian. Struktur histologi analisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian mineral dalam pakan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap histomorfometri dari neutrofil, eosinofil, dan basofil.  Selain itu struktur histologi granulosit sapi bali juga tidak berbeda nyata diantara kelompok perlakuan