262 research outputs found

    Osnovna unapređenja solarne dimnjačne elektrane

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    This paper deals with the numerical analysis procedure and results of flow simulation through solar chimney. Because of relatively low Reynolds numbers, some aerodynamic improvements could be obtained. The paper links input heat energy with geometry or air flow parameters. Basic solar chimney geometry is carried out and analyzed with CFD application in three dimensional domain. The main assumption is to reach the optimal fractional pressure drop across turbines and maximal electric energy production by solar chimney geometry adaptation. Results are numerically tested by known parameters and improvements are applied and tested. Various shapes of internal solar chimney geometry are applied and the best for given input parameters are extracted. Also, some external geometry shape solutions are investigated. Test includes comparison with the known measured air flow results in similar solar chimney (Manzanares, Spain). Results provided validate the assumptions and could be a base for further experimental investigations.U radu se opisuju numerički postupci i rezultati simulacije strujanja kroz solarnu dimnjačnu elektranu. Zbog relativno malih Reynoldsovih brojeva moguće je izvesti određena aerodinamička unapređenja. Rad povezuje vanjsku dovedenu toplinu s parametrima unutarnjeg strujanja. Osnovna geometrija solarnog dimnjaka izvedena je i analizirana pomoću CFD aplikacije u trodimenzijskoj domeni. Osnovna pretpostavka rada je povećanje efikasnosti postizanjem optimalnog pada tlaka kroz turbinu i najveće produkcije električne energije promjenom geometrije. Rezultati su numerički testirani i uspoređeni s poznatim parametrima uz primjenjena unapređenja. Izdvojeno je i analizirano više geometrijskih oblika unutrašnjosti solarnog dimnjaka. Isto tako mijenjani su i neki vanjski oblici. Testiranje dobivenog obavljeno je usporedbom s poznatim mjerenim vrijednostima sličnog izvedenog postrojenja (Manzanares, Španjolska). Usporedbe ukazuju na ostvarenje predviđenog poboljšanja efikasnosti i mogu biti baza za daljni eksperimentalni rad

    Termodinamički aspekt definicija »CAPE« i »TCAPE«

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    The paper analyses the thermodynamical aspect of the terms CAPE and TCAPE, defined in the standard way according to Brunt (1941) and in another way in Renno and Ingersol’s paper (1996). Based on this, in this paper it is pointed out that the thermodynamical foundations for the difference existing between the two definitions. The analyses itself is based on the presentation of all the relevant terms in thermodynamics diagrams and relations for in­ter­nal-equilibrium processes and processes with internal friction. The paper shows the internal friction which Renno and Ingersol take into consideration and make their definition of CAPE and TCAPE different from the standard one and not equivalent to it. In this connection, only ac­cording to the standard definition CAPE and TCAPE represent the maxi­mum work which is real in advance calculable measure of convective circulation intensity.U radu se analizira termodinamički aspekt pojmova CAPE i TCAPE, definiranih na standardni način i na način u radu Rennoa i Ingersola (1996). Svi procesi koji su po- služili za definiranje tih pojmova ilustriraju se u termodinamičkim dijagramima i opi- suju se točnim termodinamičkim relacijama. U prvom slučaju oni su po definiciji potpu- no ravnotežni tj. reverzibilni. Nadalje, u radu se pokazuje da unutarnje trenje, koje Renno i Ingersol uzimaju u obzir, čini njihovu definiciju CAPE i TCAPE različitom od standardne. Naime, CAPE i TCAPE po njihovoj definiciji predstavljaju rad disipacije pri konvekciji, a ne njen radni potencijal

    Home Visits in Croatian Family Practice: A Longitudinal Study: 1995–2012

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    Similar to other countries, home visits in Croatia are within the scope of family medicine (FM). The significant changes have been implemented within the FM with almost no scientific evaluation. The study was undertaken with the main aim to determine the overall trends in home visiting in Croatian FM between 1995 and 2012. A data sources were Croatian Health Service Yearbooks, 1995–2012. The numbers of family doctors, practice visits and home visits were collected. Results indicate that the annual number of home visits is relatively small, whether it is viewed per patient (0.1) or per doctor (160) with a decreased trend. The geographical variations are observed too. It seems that HC reforms did not have any influence on the observed trends. This should seriously be taken into the consideration in the future planning on the ways to keep growing hospital expenses under control


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    Moda je dio svakodnevnog života čovjeka. Definrana je stilom ili stilovima odjeće i dodataka odjeći koju nosi čovjek ili skupina ljudi u određenom trenutnku. Modna industrija je danas jedan veliki posao, a vrijednost modnog tržišta je vrlo velika. Sve proizvedene modne proizvode je potrebno i prodati, a navedeno se obavlja putem maloprodajnih trgovina. Pojedini proizvođači, kao što je TWINSET, modne proizvode prodaju putem svojih vlastitih maloprodajnih trgovina, dok se neke druge kompanije, kao što je „Fashion & Friends“ bave prodajom modnih proizvoda drugih proizvođača kroz svoje maloprodajne trgovine, a predmet i cilj ovog rada je analiza mode i modne industrije u trgovini na malo.Fashion is part of the everyday life of man. It is defined by the style or styles of clothing and accessories worn by a man or group of people at a particular moment. Fashion industry is a big business today, and the value of the fashion market is very large. All produced fashion goods are required to be sold, and these are done through retail stores. Some manufacturers such as TWINSET sell fashion products through their own retail stores, while some other companies, such as Fashion & Friends, are engaged in the sale of fashion goods of other manufacturers through their retail stores. The subject and purpose of this paper is an analysis of fashion and fashion industry in retail trade


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    Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi učestalost sinkope i presinkope kao razloga pregleda na Hitnom internom prijmu i hospitalizacije u Klinici za bolesti srca i krvnih žila KBC-a Split. Materijali i metode: Retrospektivna studija za koju su tijekom izrade analizirani podaci o bolesnicima zaprimljenim pod dijagnozom sinkope/presinkope na Hitni interni prijam (HIP) KBC-a Split u razdoblju od 1.1.2017. do 1.1.2018. godine. Iz protokola i povijesti bolesti prikupljeni su podaci o uzroku sinkope/presinkope u bolesnika hospitaliziranih u Klinici za bolesti srca i krvnih žila, duljini trajanja hospitalizacije te podaci o terapijskim postupcima provedenim u bolesnika s kardiogenom sinkopom. Rezultati: U jednogodišnjem periodu (2017.-2018.) na Hitnom internom prijmu pregledan je 24 281 bolesnik, a zbog prolazne krize svijesti njih 498 (2,05%). Sinkopa je definirana u 69,5%, a presinkopa u 30,5% ovih bolesnika. Srednja dob bolesnika pregledanih na HIP-u zbog sinkope/presinkope iznosila je 69 godina, muškarci su činili 60% populacije, a učestalost hospitalizacije bila je 39%. Od 194 hospitalizirana bolesnika, 155 (79,9%) je zaprimljeno u Kliniku za bolesti srca i krvnih žila, 23 (11,9%) u Kliniku za unutarnje bolesti te 16 (8,2%) bolesnika u Kliniku za neurologiju. Razlog hospitalizacije u Klinici za bolesti srca i krvnih žila bila je sumnja na kardiogenu sinkopu koja je potvrđena u 50% bolesnika. U 30% bolesnika uzrok nije definiran, a u 8,67% bolesnika je postavljena dijagnoza refleksne sinkope. Aritmije su bile uzrok 72% kardiogenih sinkopa, a ostalih 28% strukturne bolesti srca. Ugradnja trajnog elektrostimulatora srca te revaskularizacija su bili najčešći terapijski postupci u bolesnika s kardiogenom sinkopom. Prosječna duljina trajanja hospitalizacije u Klinici za bolesti srca i krvnih žila iznosila je 7,78 ± 5,1 dana. Većina bolesnika (83,3%) bila je starija od 60 godina. Zaključak: Učestalost sinkope i presinkope u bolesnika pregledanih na HIP-u tijekom jedne godine bila je 2,05%. Gotovo jedna trećina ovih bolesnika je hospitalizirana, najvećim dijelom u Kliniku za bolesti srca i krvnih žila (79,9%) zbog sumnje na kardiogenu sinkopu koja je potvrđena u 50% bolesnika. Unatoč učinjenim pretragama u 30% bolesnika uzrok sinkope nije bio definiran. Muškarci starije životne dobi (>60 godina) činili su većinu pregledanih kao i hospitaliziranih bolesnika zbog sinkope/presinkope.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of syncope and presyncope as a reason for examination at Emergency department and Department of Cardiology of University Hospital of Split. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study for which data on patients admitted under the diagnosis of syncope/presyncope at the Emergency department (ED) of University Hospital of Split in the period from 1st of January 2017 to 1st of January 2018 was analyzed. The data on the cause of syncope/presyncope in patients hospitalized at the Department of Cardiology, duration of hospitalization and terapeutic procedures perfomed in patients with cardiogenic syncope were collected from Department of Cardiology's archive of hospital records. Results: In the one year period (2017-2018) 24 281 patients were examined at the Emergency department, 498 (2.05%) of them for transient loss of consciousness. Syncope was defined in 69.5 percent and presyncope in 30.5 percent. The mean age of patients examined at the ED due to the syncope/presyncope was 69 years. 60 percent of the population were men. Hospitalization rate was 39 percent. Among 194 hospitalized patients, 155 (79.9%) were hospitalized at the Department of Cardiology, 23 (11.9%) at the Department of Internal medicine and 16 (8.2%) patients at the Department of Neurology. The reason for hospitalization in the Department of cardiology was a suspicion of cardiogenic syncope that was confirmed in 50 percent of patients. In 30 percent of patients the cause was not defined and in 8.67 percent of patients the diagnosis of reflex syncope was set. Arrhytmia was the cause of 72 percent of cardiogenic syncope, while the other 28 percent were structural heart diseases. The implantation of heart electrostimulator and revascularization were the most common therapeutic procedures in patients with cardiogenic syncope. Average duration of hospitalization in the Cardiology department was 7.78 ± 5.1 days. Most patients (83.3%) were older than 60 years. Conclusion: The incidence of syncope and presyncope in patients examined in the ED over one year period was 2,05 percent. Almost one-third of these patients were hospitalized, mostly in the Cardiology department (79.9%) for suspicion of cardiogenic syncope which was confirmed in 50 percent of patients. Despite the examinations made, in 30 percent of patients the cause of the syncope was not defined. Elderly men (>60 years) were the majority of the examined as well as hospitalized patients due to syncope/presyncope


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    Ahilova tetiva je najjača i najdeblja tetiva u ljudskom tijelu . Ahilova tetiva je prokrvljena preko dvije arterije, stražnje tibijalne i peronealne arterije, a inervirana je od strane senzornih živaca suralnog živca te živca cutaneusa. Kao mnoge druge tetive , Ahilova tetiva nema pravu tetivnu ovojnicu. Umjesto toga je okružena paratenonom sastavljenim od mekog tkiva. Opterećenje koje izazove istezanje veće od 8-10 % duljine Ahilove tetive prouzrokuje njenu kompletnu rupturu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je češća u muškaraca, s muško-ženskim omjerom 7:1 do 12:1. Ruptura Ahilove tetive na lijevoj strani je češća nego na desnoj vjerojatno zbog veće prevalencije individua kojima je desna strana dominantna te se opiru sa lijevim donjim dijelom, udom. Tipično, akutna ruptura Ahilove tetive se pojavljuje kod muškaraca koji su u dobi od 30 do 40 godina, koji se bave uredskim poslovima te se povremeno bave sportom. Istovremena bilateralna ruptura Ahilove tetive je veoma rijetka kod zdravih pojedinaca, dok se može pojaviti kod starijih ljudi koji pate od neke bolesti te već duže vrijeme primaju steroidne lijekove. Točni uzroci rupture Ahilove tetive su još nejasni , ali je literatura puna teorija, uključujući ponavljane mikrotraume, poremećaj inhibitora mehanizma, povezanost rupture sa krvnom grupom nula, hipoksiju, degeneraciju tetive, smanjenu perfuziju koja rezultira degenerativnim promjenama te sistemna ili lokalna upotreba steroida. Ahilova tetiva je veoma često zahvaćena sindromom prenaprezanja, a ovisno o lokalizaciji upalnih promjena, riječ je o miotendinitisu, tendinitisu, paratenonitisu ili entenzitisu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je karakteristična za zadnji stadij sindroma prenaprezanja. Klinički znakovi su :izrazito opipljiva udubina pri dorzalnoj fleksiji stopala odmah nakon ozljede, te tu udubinu vrlo brzo ispunjava oteklina i podljev krvi, hematom, jaka bol na pritisak, te pozitivan Thomsonov test. Većina tehnika i procedura koje su opisane kod liječenja akutne rupture Ahilove tetive mogu se podijeliti u 3 grupe : otvorena operacija, perkutana operacija i konzervativno liječenje. Osnovni zadatak rehabilitacije svakako je povratak pune fleksibilnosti, već tada zadebljane i krute tetive. Drugi je zadatak snaženje oslabljenih mišića potkoljenice, kao i povratak refleksnog odgovora tetive kroz proprioceptivne vježbe. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na gležanj i male zglobove stopala koji mogu biti uzrok boli nakon skidanja gipsa. Pomoć fizioterapeuta ubrzava proces rehabilitacije te sprječava mogućnost ponovnog ozljeđivanja davajući pravilne savjete.The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in human body. The Achilles tendon is vascularized through two arteries, tibial posterior and peroneal arteries, and innervated by the sensory nerves by the sural nerve and nerve cutaneus. Like many other tendons, Achilles tendon doesn't have real tendon sheath. Instead it is surrounded by paratenon composed of soft tissue. Load that cause stretching greater than 8-10% of the length of the Achilles tendon cause its complete rupture. Achilles tendon rupture is more common in males, with a male-female ratio of 7: 1 to 12:1. Achilles tendon Rupture of the n on the left side is more common than on the right side,probably due to the greater prevalence of individuals where the right side is dominant and resist with the left lower part,extremity. Typically, acute Achilles tendon rupture occurs in men who are 30 to 40 years old, dealing with office jobs and occasionally sports. Simultaneous bilateral rupture of the Achilles tendon is rare in healthy individuals, as can occur in older people who suffer from a disease that has long received steroid medication. The exact causes of Achilles tendon rupture are still unclear, but the literature is full of theories, including repetitive microtrauma, disorder inhibitor mechanism, the link rupture with blood group zero, hypoxia, tendon degeneration, reduced perfusion resulting in deterioration of the systemic or topical use of steroids. The Achilles tendon is often affected by overuse injuries, depending on the localization of inflammatory changes, it is a miotendinitis, tendinitis, paratenonitis or entenzitis. Rupture of the Achilles tendon is characteristic of the last stage of overuse injuries. Clinical signs include: a very tangible dent in the dorsal flexion of the foot immediately after the injury, and the hollow very quickly fills the swelling and bruise, hematoma, severe pain on pressure, and a positive Thompson test. Most of the techniques and procedures described in the treatment of acute rupture of the Achilles tendon can be divided into 3 groups: open surgery, percutaneous surgery and conservative treatment. The main task of rehabilitation certainly return full flexibility, but then thickened and stiff tendons. Another task is strengthening the weakened muscles of lower leg as well as the return of the tendon reflex responses through proprioceptive exercises. Particular attention should be given to the ankle and small joints of the foot, which may be the cause of pain after removal of plaster.Physiotherapist help accelerate the rehabilitation process and prevents the possibility of re-injury by giving proper advices

    Thermal management of silicon photovoltaic panels: a review

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    Photovoltaic (PV) technologies represent a key role in the ongoing energy transition towards the decarbonisation of convectional power systems and to reduce the harmful population impact to environment. Nowadays, the majority of market available photovoltaic PV technologies are silicon based with a usual energy conversion efficiency of less than 20 %. The major drawbacks of the widely used silicon PV technologies are related to performance degradation due to aging as well as performance drops that occur during periods of elevated operating temperatures. In order to improve performance, as well as the lifetime of the PV systems, various cooling techniques have been investigated in the last two decades. The main goal of the specific cooling approaches for PV panels is to ensure efficient thermal management, as well as economic suitability. In this review paper, different cooling strategies are categorized, discussed and thoroughly elaborated in order to provide deep insight related to an expected performance improvement and economic viability. The main results of this review indicate that the cooling approaches for PVs can ensure a performance improvement ranging from about 3 up to 30 %, depending if passive or active cooling approaches are applied. The main results also indicate that the economic viability as well as environmental suitability of the specific cooling approaches is not sufficiently discussed in the existing research literature

    Acquired Hemostasis Disorders in Oral Surgery

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    Hemostaza je složeni prirodni proces međusobno povezanih reakcija koje sudjeluju u zaustavljanju krvarenja. Svojim mehanizmom održava krv u tekućem stanju te sprječava prekomjeran gubitak krvi. Hemostazu čine 4 faze, a to su: faza krvnih žila, faza stvaranja trombocitnog čepa, faza zgrušavanja te faza fibrinolize. Kada je uravnoteženi proces hemostaze ugrožen, pojavljuje se sklonost prekomjernom krvarenju ili zgrušavanju krvi. Stečeni poremećaji hemostaze mogu zahvatiti bilo koju od 4 faze hemostaze, a njihove se kliničke slike razlikuju. Nastanku poremećaja pridonose metaboličke i upalne bolesti koje dovode do oštećenja stijenke krvnih žila. Nadalje, oštećenje koštane srži dovodi do neadekvatnog stvaranja trombocita, a povećana funkcija slezene do pojačanog razaranja i zadržavanja trombocita. Na fazu zgrušavanja utječu bolesti jetre, koja je važna u sintezi čimbenika zgrušavanja, te mnogobrojni lijekovi koji djeluju na proces zgrušavanja. Razna stanja mogu dovesti do komplikacija zbog ubrzane razgradnje ugruška te uzrokovati krvarenje, odnosno tromboemboliju pri izostanku fibrinolize.Hemostasis is a complex natural process of interrelated reactions which cause bleeding to stop. Its mechanism preserves blood liquidity and prevents excessive blood loss. Hemostasis consists of four steps: vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation and clot dissolution (lysis). When the balance of hemostasis process is disturbed, excessive bleeding or blood clotting may occur. Acquired hemostasis disorders can affect any of these four steps and can develop various clinical features. Different metabolic and inflammatory diseases may affect the vascular spasm. Furthermore, bone marrow damage disables platelets formation, while splenic hyperfunction leads to platelet destruction and preservation. Since coagulation factors synthesis occurs in the liver, various liver diseases, as well as medications which control the coagulation process, affect the coagulation process. Premature clot degradation can cause excessive bleeding, while the absence of clot degradation leads to thromboembolism


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    Ahilova tetiva je najjača i najdeblja tetiva u ljudskom tijelu . Ahilova tetiva je prokrvljena preko dvije arterije, stražnje tibijalne i peronealne arterije, a inervirana je od strane senzornih živaca suralnog živca te živca cutaneusa. Kao mnoge druge tetive , Ahilova tetiva nema pravu tetivnu ovojnicu. Umjesto toga je okružena paratenonom sastavljenim od mekog tkiva. Opterećenje koje izazove istezanje veće od 8-10 % duljine Ahilove tetive prouzrokuje njenu kompletnu rupturu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je češća u muškaraca, s muško-ženskim omjerom 7:1 do 12:1. Ruptura Ahilove tetive na lijevoj strani je češća nego na desnoj vjerojatno zbog veće prevalencije individua kojima je desna strana dominantna te se opiru sa lijevim donjim dijelom, udom. Tipično, akutna ruptura Ahilove tetive se pojavljuje kod muškaraca koji su u dobi od 30 do 40 godina, koji se bave uredskim poslovima te se povremeno bave sportom. Istovremena bilateralna ruptura Ahilove tetive je veoma rijetka kod zdravih pojedinaca, dok se može pojaviti kod starijih ljudi koji pate od neke bolesti te već duže vrijeme primaju steroidne lijekove. Točni uzroci rupture Ahilove tetive su još nejasni , ali je literatura puna teorija, uključujući ponavljane mikrotraume, poremećaj inhibitora mehanizma, povezanost rupture sa krvnom grupom nula, hipoksiju, degeneraciju tetive, smanjenu perfuziju koja rezultira degenerativnim promjenama te sistemna ili lokalna upotreba steroida. Ahilova tetiva je veoma često zahvaćena sindromom prenaprezanja, a ovisno o lokalizaciji upalnih promjena, riječ je o miotendinitisu, tendinitisu, paratenonitisu ili entenzitisu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je karakteristična za zadnji stadij sindroma prenaprezanja. Klinički znakovi su :izrazito opipljiva udubina pri dorzalnoj fleksiji stopala odmah nakon ozljede, te tu udubinu vrlo brzo ispunjava oteklina i podljev krvi, hematom, jaka bol na pritisak, te pozitivan Thomsonov test. Većina tehnika i procedura koje su opisane kod liječenja akutne rupture Ahilove tetive mogu se podijeliti u 3 grupe : otvorena operacija, perkutana operacija i konzervativno liječenje. Osnovni zadatak rehabilitacije svakako je povratak pune fleksibilnosti, već tada zadebljane i krute tetive. Drugi je zadatak snaženje oslabljenih mišića potkoljenice, kao i povratak refleksnog odgovora tetive kroz proprioceptivne vježbe. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na gležanj i male zglobove stopala koji mogu biti uzrok boli nakon skidanja gipsa. Pomoć fizioterapeuta ubrzava proces rehabilitacije te sprječava mogućnost ponovnog ozljeđivanja davajući pravilne savjete.The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in human body. The Achilles tendon is vascularized through two arteries, tibial posterior and peroneal arteries, and innervated by the sensory nerves by the sural nerve and nerve cutaneus. Like many other tendons, Achilles tendon doesn't have real tendon sheath. Instead it is surrounded by paratenon composed of soft tissue. Load that cause stretching greater than 8-10% of the length of the Achilles tendon cause its complete rupture. Achilles tendon rupture is more common in males, with a male-female ratio of 7: 1 to 12:1. Achilles tendon Rupture of the n on the left side is more common than on the right side,probably due to the greater prevalence of individuals where the right side is dominant and resist with the left lower part,extremity. Typically, acute Achilles tendon rupture occurs in men who are 30 to 40 years old, dealing with office jobs and occasionally sports. Simultaneous bilateral rupture of the Achilles tendon is rare in healthy individuals, as can occur in older people who suffer from a disease that has long received steroid medication. The exact causes of Achilles tendon rupture are still unclear, but the literature is full of theories, including repetitive microtrauma, disorder inhibitor mechanism, the link rupture with blood group zero, hypoxia, tendon degeneration, reduced perfusion resulting in deterioration of the systemic or topical use of steroids. The Achilles tendon is often affected by overuse injuries, depending on the localization of inflammatory changes, it is a miotendinitis, tendinitis, paratenonitis or entenzitis. Rupture of the Achilles tendon is characteristic of the last stage of overuse injuries. Clinical signs include: a very tangible dent in the dorsal flexion of the foot immediately after the injury, and the hollow very quickly fills the swelling and bruise, hematoma, severe pain on pressure, and a positive Thompson test. Most of the techniques and procedures described in the treatment of acute rupture of the Achilles tendon can be divided into 3 groups: open surgery, percutaneous surgery and conservative treatment. The main task of rehabilitation certainly return full flexibility, but then thickened and stiff tendons. Another task is strengthening the weakened muscles of lower leg as well as the return of the tendon reflex responses through proprioceptive exercises. Particular attention should be given to the ankle and small joints of the foot, which may be the cause of pain after removal of plaster.Physiotherapist help accelerate the rehabilitation process and prevents the possibility of re-injury by giving proper advices